AgoraChatSDK 1.3.1
Instance Methods | List of all members
<IAgoraChatManager> Protocol Reference

#import <IAgoraChatManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for <IAgoraChatManager>:

Instance Methods

(void) - addDelegate:delegateQueue:
(void) - removeDelegate:
(NSArray< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable) - getAllConversations
(NSArray< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable) - filterConversationsFromDB:filter:
(void) - cleanConversationsMemoryCache
(NSArray< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable) - getAllConversations:
(void) - getConversationsFromServer:
(void) - getConversationsFromServerByPage:pageSize:completion:
(void) - getConversationsFromServerWithCursor:pageSize:completion:
(void) - getPinnedConversationsFromServerWithCursor:pageSize:completion:
(void) - pinConversation:isPinned:completionBlock:
(AgoraChatConversation *_Nullable) - getConversationWithConvId:
(AgoraChatConversation *_Nullable) - getConversation:type:createIfNotExist:
(AgoraChatConversation *_Nullable) - getConversation:type:createIfNotExist:isThread:
(void) - deleteConversation:isDeleteMessages:completion:
(void) - deleteServerConversation:conversationType:isDeleteServerMessages:completion:
(void) - deleteConversations:isDeleteMessages:completion:
(void) - importConversations:completion:
(AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable) - getMessageWithMessageId:
(NSString *_Nullable) - getMessageAttachmentPath:
(void) - importMessages:completion:
(void) - updateMessage:completion:
(void) - modifyMessage:body:completion:
(void) - sendMessageReadAck:toUser:completion:
(void) - sendGroupMessageReadAck:toGroup:content:completion:
(void) - ackConversationRead:completion:
(void) - recallMessageWithMessageId:completion:
(void) - recallMessageWithMessageId:ext:completion:
(void) - sendMessage:progress:completion:
(void) - resendMessage:progress:completion:
(void) - downloadMessageThumbnail:progress:completion:
(void) - downloadMessageAttachment:progress:completion:
(void) - downloadAndParseCombineMessage:completion:
(AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable) - fetchHistoryMessagesFromServer:conversationType:startMessageId:fetchDirection:pageSize:error:
(AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable) - fetchHistoryMessagesFromServer:conversationType:startMessageId:pageSize:error:
(void) - asyncFetchHistoryMessagesFromServer:conversationType:startMessageId:pageSize:completion:
(void) - asyncFetchHistoryMessagesFromServer:conversationType:startMessageId:fetchDirection:pageSize:completion:
(void) - asyncFetchGroupMessageAcksFromServer:groupId:startGroupAckId:pageSize:completion:
(void) - reportMessageWithId:tag:reason:completion:
(void) - deleteMessagesBefore:completion:
(void) - removeMessagesFromServerWithConversation:messageIds:completion:
(void) - removeMessagesFromServerWithConversation:timeStamp:completion:
(void) - translateMessage:targetLanguages:completion:
(void) - fetchSupportedLanguages:
(NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable) - loadMessagesWithType:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:
(void) - loadMessagesWithType:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:completion:
(void) - searchMessagesWithTypes:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:completion:
(NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *) - loadMessagesWithKeyword:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:
(void) - loadMessagesWithKeyword:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:completion:
(void) - loadMessagesWithKeyword:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:scope:completion:
(void) - addReaction:toMessage:completion:
(void) - removeReaction:fromMessage:completion:
(void) - getReactionList:groupId:chatType:completion:
(void) - getReactionDetail:reaction:cursor:pageSize:completion:
(void) - fetchMessagesFromServerBy:conversationType:cursor:pageSize:option:completion:
(void) - addConversationMark:mark:completion:
(void) - removeConversationMark:mark:completion:
(void) - getConversationsFromServerWithCursor:filter:completion:
(void) - deleteAllMessagesAndConversations:completion:
(void) - pinMessage:completion:
(void) - unpinMessage:completion:
(void) - getPinnedMessagesFromServer:completion:
(AgoraChatError *) - markAllConversationsAsRead
(void) - getMessageCountWithCompletion:

Detailed Description

This protocol that defines the operations of chat.

Messages are loaded from the local database, not from the server.

Method Documentation

◆ ackConversationRead:completion:

- (void) ackConversationRead: (NSString *_Nonnull)  conversationId
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Sends the conversation read receipt to the server.

This method applies to one-to-one chats only.

This method call notifies the server to set the number of unread messages of the specified conversation as 0, and triggers the onConversationRead callback on the recipient's client.

To reduce the number of method calls, we recommend that you call this method when the user enters a conversation with many unread messages, and call sendMessageReadAck during a conversation to send the message read receipts.

This is an asynchronous method.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ addConversationMark:mark:completion:

- (void) addConversationMark: (NSArray< NSString * > *_Nonnull)  conversationIds
mark: (AgoraChatMarkType)  mark
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  completion 

Marks conversations.

This method marks conversations both locally and on the server.

conversationIdsThe list of conversation IDs.
markThe mark to add for the conversations.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ addDelegate:delegateQueue:

- (void) addDelegate: (id< AgoraChatManagerDelegate > _Nullable)  aDelegate
delegateQueue: (dispatch_queue_t _Nullable)  aQueue 

Adds a delegate.

aDelegateThe object that implements the protocol.
aQueue(optional) The queue of calling delegate methods. If you want to run the app on the main thread, set this parameter as nil.

◆ addReaction:toMessage:completion:

- (void) addReaction: (NSString *)  reaction
toMessage: (NSString *)  messageId
completion: (nullable void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable))  completion 

Adds a Reaction.

reactionThe Reaction content.
messageIdThe message ID.
completionThe completion block which contains the error code and error information if the method fails.

◆ asyncFetchGroupMessageAcksFromServer:groupId:startGroupAckId:pageSize:completion:

- (void) asyncFetchGroupMessageAcksFromServer: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aMessageId
groupId: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aGroupId
startGroupAckId: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aGroupAckId
pageSize: (int)  aPageSize
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatGroupMessageAck * > *_Nullable aResult, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error, int totalCount))  aCompletionBlock 

Gets the read receipts of a specified group message from the server.

By getting the read receipts of a group message, you can see how many group members have read this message.

This is an asynchronous method.

aMessageIdThe message ID.
aGroupIdThe group ID.
aGroupAckIdThe ID of the read receipt to get from the server.
aPageSizeThe number of read receipts that you expect to get on each page.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ asyncFetchHistoryMessagesFromServer:conversationType:startMessageId:fetchDirection:pageSize:completion:

- (void) asyncFetchHistoryMessagesFromServer: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
conversationType: (AgoraChatConversationType)  aConversationType
startMessageId: (NSString *_Nullable)  aStartMessageId
fetchDirection: (AgoraChatMessageFetchHistoryDirection)  direction
pageSize: (int)  aPageSize
completion: ("Use -fetchMessagesFromServerBy:conversationType:cursor:pageSize:option:completion: instead")  __deprecated_msg 

Fetches conversation messages from server.

This is an asynchronous method.

aConversationIdThe conversation ID.
aConversationTypeThe conversation type.
aStartMessageIdThe starting message ID for query. If you set this parameter as nil or "", the SDK gets messages from the latest one.
directionThe message search direction. See AgoraChatMessageFetchHistoryDirection.
aPageSizeThe number of messages that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
aCompletionBlockThe callback block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ asyncFetchHistoryMessagesFromServer:conversationType:startMessageId:pageSize:completion:

- (void) asyncFetchHistoryMessagesFromServer: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
conversationType: (AgoraChatConversationType)  aConversationType
startMessageId: (NSString *_Nullable)  aStartMessageId
pageSize: (int)  aPageSize
completion: ("Use -fetchMessagesFromServerBy:conversationType:cursor:pageSize:option:completion: instead")  __deprecated_msg 

Gets messages in a conversation from the server.

This is an asynchronous method.

aConversationIdThe conversation ID.
aConversationTypeThe conversation type.
aStartMessageIdThe starting message ID for query. If you set this parameter as nil or "", the SDK gets messages from the latest one.
aPageSizeThe number of messages that you expect to get on each page.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ cleanConversationsMemoryCache

- (void) cleanConversationsMemoryCache

Clear all conversations in memory to release memory.

◆ deleteAllMessagesAndConversations:completion:

- (void) deleteAllMessagesAndConversations: (BOOL)  clearServerData
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Clears all conversations and all messages in them.

This is an asynchronous method.

clearSeverDataWhether to clear all conversations and all messages in them on the server.
  • YES:Yes. All conversations and all messages in them will be cleared on the server side. The current user cannot retrieve messages and conversations from the server, while this has no impact on other users.
  • (Default) NO:No. All local conversations and all messages in them will be cleared, while those on the server remain.
aCompletionBlockThe completion callback, which contains the description of the cause to the failure.

◆ deleteConversation:isDeleteMessages:completion:

- (void) deleteConversation: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
isDeleteMessages: (BOOL)  aIsDeleteMessages
completion: (void(^)(NSString *_Nullable aConversationId, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Deletes a conversation from the local database.

aConversationIdThe conversation ID.
aIsDeleteMessagesWhether to delete the messages in the conversation.
  • YES: Yes;
  • NO: No.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method call fails.

◆ deleteConversations:isDeleteMessages:completion:

- (void) deleteConversations: (NSArray< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable)  aConversations
isDeleteMessages: (BOOL)  aIsDeleteMessages
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Deletes multiple conversations.

aConversationsThe conversation list.
aIsDeleteMessagesWhether to delete the messages with the conversations.
  • YES: Yes;
  • NO: No.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ deleteMessagesBefore:completion:

- (void) deleteMessagesBefore: (NSUInteger)  aTimestamp
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *error))  aCompletion 

Deletes local historical messages with a Unix timestamp before a specified one.After setting the autoLoadConversations attribute in AgoraChatOptions to false, the filtered session pull messages will not be read accurately.

aTimestampThe specified Unix timestamp in miliseconds. Messages with a Unix timestamp before the specified one will be deleted.
aCompletionThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ deleteServerConversation:conversationType:isDeleteServerMessages:completion:

- (void) deleteServerConversation: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
conversationType: (AgoraChatConversationType)  aConversationType
isDeleteServerMessages: (BOOL)  aIsDeleteServerMessages
completion: (void(^)(NSString *_Nullable aConversationId, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Deletes a conversation from the server.

aConversationIdThe conversation ID.
aConversationTypeThe conversation type.
aIsDeleteMessagesWhether to delete the related messages with the conversation.
  • YES: Yes;
  • NO: No.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method call fails.

◆ downloadAndParseCombineMessage:completion:

- (void) downloadAndParseCombineMessage: (AgoraChatMessage *_Nonnull)  aMessage
completion: (void(^)(NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable messages, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  aCompletionBlock 

Download and parse the attachment in a combined message.

This is an asynchronous method.

aMessageThe combined message object.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ downloadMessageAttachment:progress:completion:

- (void) downloadMessageAttachment: (AgoraChatMessage *_Nonnull)  aMessage
progress: (void(^)(int progress))  aProgressBlock
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable message, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  aCompletionBlock 

Downloads message attachment (voice, video, image or file).

The SDK automatically downloads voice messages. If the automatic download fails, you can call this method to download voice messages manually.

This is an asynchronous method.

aMessageThe message object.
aProgressBlockThe callback block of attachment download progress. The progress value range is [0,100].
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ downloadMessageThumbnail:progress:completion:

- (void) downloadMessageThumbnail: (AgoraChatMessage *_Nonnull)  aMessage
progress: (void(^)(int progress))  aProgressBlock
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable message, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  aCompletionBlock 

Downloads the message thumbnail (the thumbnail of an image or the first frame of a video).

The SDK automatically downloads the thumbnail. If the auto-download fails, you can call this method to manually download the thumbnail.

aMessageThe message object.
aProgressBlockThe callback block of attachment download progress. The progress value range is [0,100].
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ fetchHistoryMessagesFromServer:conversationType:startMessageId:fetchDirection:pageSize:error:

- (AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable) fetchHistoryMessagesFromServer: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
conversationType: (AgoraChatConversationType)  aConversationType
startMessageId: (NSString *_Nullable)  aStartMessageId
fetchDirection: (AgoraChatMessageFetchHistoryDirection)  direction
pageSize: (int)  aPageSize
error: ("Use -fetchMessagesFromServerBy:conversationType:cursor:pageSize:option:completion: instead")  __deprecated_msg 

Gets messages in a conversation from the server.

aConversationIdThe conversation ID.
aConversationTypeThe conversation type.
aStartMessageIdThe starting message ID for query. If you set this parameter as nil or "", the SDK gets messages from the latest one.
directionThe message search direction. See AgoraChatMessageFetchHistoryDirection.
aPageSizeThe number of messages that you expect to get on each page.
pErrorThe error information if the method fails: Error.
The list of retrieved messages.

◆ fetchHistoryMessagesFromServer:conversationType:startMessageId:pageSize:error:

- (AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable) fetchHistoryMessagesFromServer: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
conversationType: (AgoraChatConversationType)  aConversationType
startMessageId: (NSString *_Nullable)  aStartMessageId
pageSize: (int)  aPageSize
error: ("Use -fetchMessagesFromServerBy:conversationType:cursor:pageSize:option:completion: instead")  __deprecated_msg 

Gets messages in a conversation from the server.

aConversationIdThe conversation ID.
aConversationTypeThe conversation type.
aStartMessageIdThe starting message ID for query. If you set this parameter as nil or "", the SDK gets messages from the latest one.
aPageSizeThe number of messages that you expect to get on each page.
pErrorThe error information if the method fails: Error.
The list of retrieved messages.

◆ fetchMessagesFromServerBy:conversationType:cursor:pageSize:option:completion:

- (void) fetchMessagesFromServerBy: (NSString *)  conversationId
conversationType: (AgoraChatConversationType)  type
cursor: (NSString *_Nullable)  cursor
pageSize: (NSUInteger)  pageSize
option: (AgoraChatFetchServerMessagesOption *_Nullable)  option
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable result, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Get the historical messages of the specified session from the server page according to the message pull parameter configuration interface (AgoraChatFetchServerMessagesOption). When the number of returned messages is less than the expected number of messages, it means that the server has no more historical messages.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
  • One-to-one chat: The ID of the peer user;
  • Group chat: The group ID;
  • Chat room: The chat room ID.
typeThe conversation type.
cursorThe cursor position from which to start querying data.
pageSizeThe number of messages that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
optionThe parameter configuration class for pulling historical messages from the server. See AgoraChatFetchServerMessagesOption.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ fetchSupportedLanguages:

- (void) fetchSupportedLanguages: (void(^)(NSArray< AgoraChatTranslateLanguage * > *_Nullable languages, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  aCompletionBlock

Gets all languages supported by the translation service.

aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ filterConversationsFromDB:filter:

- (NSArray< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable) filterConversationsFromDB: (BOOL)  cleanMemoryCache
filter: (filterConversationsFromDB(cleanMemoryCache:filter:))  NS_SWIFT_NAME 

Gets local conversations by filter.

The SDK loads conversations from the local database by the specified filter conditions.

Ensure that you call this method upon login success.

cleanMemoryCacheWhether to clear cached conversations in memory.
filterThe filter. The return value YES indicates that the conversation is returned and false indicates that the conversation is not returned.
The conversation list of the NSArray<AgoraChatConversation *> * type.

◆ getAllConversations

- (NSArray< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable) getAllConversations

Gets all local conversations.

The SDK loads the conversations from the memory first. If no conversation is found in the memory, the SDK loads from the local database.

The conversation list of the NSArray<AgoraChatConversation *> * type.

◆ getAllConversations:

- (NSArray< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable) getAllConversations: (BOOL)  isSort

Gets all local conversations.

The SDK loads the conversations from the memory first. If there is no conversation is in the memory, the SDK loads from the local database.

isSortWhether to sort the conversations.
  • YES: Yes. The SDK returns conversations in the descending order of the timestamp of the latest message in them, with the pinned ones at the top of the list and followed by the unpinned ones.
  • NO: No.
The conversation list of the NSArray<AgoraChatConversation *> * type.

◆ getConversation:type:createIfNotExist:

- (AgoraChatConversation *_Nullable) getConversation: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
type: (AgoraChatConversationType)  aType
createIfNotExist: (BOOL)  aIfCreate 

Gets a conversation from the local database.

aConversationIdThe conversation ID.
aTypeThe conversation type.
aIfCreateWhether to create the conversation if it does not exist:
  • YES: Yes;
  • NO: No.
The conversation object.

◆ getConversation:type:createIfNotExist:isThread:

- (AgoraChatConversation *_Nullable) getConversation: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
type: (AgoraChatConversationType)  aType
createIfNotExist: (BOOL)  aIfCreate
isThread: (BOOL)  isThread 

Gets a conversation from the local database.

aConversationIdThe conversation ID.
aTypeThe conversation type.
aIfCreateWhether to create the conversation if it does not exist.
  • YES: Yes;
  • NO: No.
isThreadWhether it is thread conversation. That is, whether the conversation is of the threadChat type.
  • YES: Yes;
  • NO: No.
The conversation object.

◆ getConversationsFromServer:

- (void) getConversationsFromServer: (4_0_0) 
("Use -IAgoraChatManager getConversationsFromServerWithCursor:pageSize:completion")  EM_DEPRECATED_IOS 

Gets all conversations from the server.

aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ getConversationsFromServerByPage:pageSize:completion:

- (void) getConversationsFromServerByPage: (NSUInteger)  pageNumber
pageSize: (NSUInteger)  pageSize
completion: (4_0_0) 
("Use -IAgoraChatManager getConversationsFromServerWithCursor:pageSize:completion")  EM_DEPRECATED_IOS 

Gets conversations from the server with pagination.

pageNumberThe current page number, starting from 1.
pageSizeThe number of conversations that you expect to get on each page.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ getConversationsFromServerWithCursor:filter:completion:

- (void) getConversationsFromServerWithCursor: (NSString *_Nullable)  cursor
filter: (AgoraChatConversationFilter *_Nonnull)  filter
completion: (nonnull void(^)(AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable result, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  completionBlock 

Gets the conversations from the server with pagination according to the conversation filter class.

cursorThe position from which to start getting data. If you pass in nil or @"", the SDK retrieves conversations from the latest marked one.
filterThe conversation filter options: conversation mark and the number of conversations to retrieve on each page.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the conversation list and the cursor for the next query. When the cursor is empty, all data is already retrieved.

◆ getConversationsFromServerWithCursor:pageSize:completion:

- (void) getConversationsFromServerWithCursor: (nullable NSString *)  cursor
pageSize: (UInt8)  pageSize
completion: (nonnull void(^)(AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable result, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  completionBlock 

Get the list of conversations from the server with pagination.

The SDK retrieves the list of conversations in the reverse chronological order of their active time (the timestamp of the last message).

If there is no message in the conversation, the SDK retrieves the list of conversations in the reverse chronological order of their creation time.

cursorThe position from which to start getting data. If you pass in nil or @"", the SDK retrieves conversations from the latest active one.
pageSizeThe number of conversations that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ getConversationWithConvId:

- (AgoraChatConversation *_Nullable) getConversationWithConvId: (NSString *_Nullable)  aConversationId

Gets a conversation from the local database.

aConversationIdThe conversation ID.
The conversation object.

◆ getMessageAttachmentPath:

- (NSString *_Nullable) getMessageAttachmentPath: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId

Gets the local path of message attachments in a conversation.

When a conversation is deleted, the message attachments in the conversation will also be deleted.

aConversationIdThe conversation ID.
The attachment path.

◆ getMessageCountWithCompletion:

- (void) getMessageCountWithCompletion: (void(^)(NSInteger count, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  completion

Get the message count from db.

completionThe completion block, which contains the number of message count in db.

◆ getMessageWithMessageId:

- (AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable) getMessageWithMessageId: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aMessageId

Gets the specified message.

aMessageIdThe message ID.
AgoraChatMessage The message content.

◆ getPinnedConversationsFromServerWithCursor:pageSize:completion:

- (void) getPinnedConversationsFromServerWithCursor: (nullable NSString *)  cursor
pageSize: (UInt8)  limit
completion: (nonnull void(^)(AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable result, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  completionBlock 

Gets the list of pinned conversations from the server with pagination.

The SDK returns the pinned conversations in the reverse chronological order of their pinning.

cursorThe position from which to start getting data. If you pass in nil or @"", the SDK retrieves conversations from the latest pinned one.
pageSizeThe number of conversations that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
completionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ getPinnedMessagesFromServer:completion:

- (void) getPinnedMessagesFromServer: (NSString *_Nonnull)  conversationId
completion: (void(^)(NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable messages, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Gets the list of pinned messages in a conversation.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the list of pinned messages if the call succeeds, or contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ getReactionDetail:reaction:cursor:pageSize:completion:

- (void) getReactionDetail: (NSString *)  messageId
reaction: (NSString *)  reaction
cursor: (nullable NSString *)  cursor
pageSize: (uint64_t)  pageSize
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatMessageReaction *, NSString *_Nullable cursor, AgoraChatError *_Nullable))  completion 

Uses the pagination to get the Reaction detail list of a chat group message.

messageIdThe message ID.
reactionThe Reaction content.
cursorThe position from which to start getting data. If it is set to nil or @"" at the first call, the SDK retrieves Reactions in the chronological order of their creation time.
pageSizeThe number of Reactions that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,100].
completionThe completion block, which contains the Reaction list and the cursor for the next query. When the cursor is nil, all data is already fetched.

◆ getReactionList:groupId:chatType:completion:

- (void) getReactionList: (NSArray< NSString * > *)  messageIds
groupId: (nullable NSString *)  groupId
chatType: (AgoraChatType)  chatType
completion: (void(^)(NSDictionary< NSString *, NSArray< AgoraChatMessageReaction * > * > *, AgoraChatError *_Nullable))  completion 

Gets the Reaction list.

messageIdThe message ID.
groupIdThe group ID. This parameter is invalid only for group chat.
chatTypeThe chat type. Only one-to-one chat (AgoraChatTypeChat and group chat (AgoraChatTypeGroupChat) are allowed.
completionThe completion block which contains the error code and error information if the method fails.

◆ importConversations:completion:

- (void) importConversations: (NSArray< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nullable)  aConversations
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Imports multiple conversations to the local database.

aConversationsThe conversation list.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ importMessages:completion:

- (void) importMessages: (NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nonnull)  aMessages
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Imports multiple messages to the local database.

aMessagesThe message list.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ loadMessagesWithKeyword:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:

- (NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *) loadMessagesWithKeyword: (NSString *)  aKeywords
timestamp: (long long)  aTimestamp
count: (int)  aCount
fromUser: (NSString *)  aSender
searchDirection: (AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection)  aDirection 

Loads messages with the specified keyword from the local database.

This method returns messages in chronological order.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

aKeywordThe keyword for message search. If you set this parameter as nil, the SDK ignores this parameter when retrieving messages.
aTimestampThe message timestamp threshold for loading. If you set this parameter as a negative value, the SDK loads messages from the latest.
aCountThe number of messages to load. If you set this parameter less than 1, the SDK gets one message from the local database.
aSenderThe message sender. If you set this parameter as nil, the SDK ignores this parameter when retrieving messages.
aDirectionThe message search direction. See AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection.
  • UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN:The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
The list of retrieved messages. The message list is of the array type. For elements in the array, see AgoraChatMessage.

◆ loadMessagesWithKeyword:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:completion:

- (void) loadMessagesWithKeyword: (NSString *)  aKeywords
timestamp: (long long)  aTimestamp
count: (int)  aCount
fromUser: (NSString *)  aSender
searchDirection: (AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection)  aDirection
completion: (void(^)(NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *aMessages, AgoraChatError *aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Loads messages with the specified keyword from the local database.

This method returns messages in chronological order.

aKeywordThe keyword for message search. If you set this parameter as nil, the SDK ignores this parameter when retrieving messages.
aTimestampThe message timestamp threshold for loading. If you set this parameter as a negative value, the SDK loads messages from the latest.
aCountThe number of messages to load. If you set this parameter less than 1, the SDK gets one message from the local database.
aSenderThe sender of the message. If you set this parameter as nil, the SDK ignores this parameter when retrieving messages.
aDirectionThe message search direction. See AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection.
  • UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN:The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block which contains the error code and error information if the method fails.

◆ loadMessagesWithKeyword:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:scope:completion:

- (void) loadMessagesWithKeyword: (NSString *)  aKeywords
timestamp: (long long)  aTimestamp
count: (int)  aCount
fromUser: (NSString *)  aSender
searchDirection: (AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection)  aDirection
scope: (AgoraChatMessageSearchScope)  aScope
completion: (void(^)(NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *aMessages, AgoraChatError *aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Loads messages with the specified keyword from the local database.

The SDK returns messages in the chronological order.

aKeywordThe keyword for message search. If you set this parameter as nil, the SDK ignores this parameter when retrieving messages.
aTimestampThe Unix timestamp threshold for message search. The unit is millisecond. If you set this parameter as a negative value, the SDK loads messages from the latest one.
aCountThe number of messages to load. If you set this parameter to 0 or less, the SDK gets one message from the local database.
aSenderThe sender of the message. If you set this parameter as nil, the SDK ignores this parameter when retrieving messages.
aDirectionThe message search direction. See AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection.
  • UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN:The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
aScopeThe message search scope. See AgoraChatMessageSearchScope.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block which contains the error code and error information if the method fails.

◆ loadMessagesWithType:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:

- (NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable) loadMessagesWithType: (AgoraChatMessageBodyType)  aType
timestamp: (long long)  aTimestamp
count: (int)  aCount
fromUser: (NSString *_Nullable)  aUsername
searchDirection: (AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection)  aDirection 

Loads messages with the specified keyword from the local database.

This method returns messages in chronological order.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

aTypeThe message type to load.
aTimestampThe message timestamp threshold for loading. If you set this parameter as a negative value, the SDK loads messages from the latest one.
aCountThe number of messages to load. If you set this parameter to a value less than 1, the SDK gets one message from the local database.
aUsernameThe message sender. It is optional. If you set this parameter as nil, the SDK gets messages while ignoring this parameter.
aDirectionThe message search direction. See AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection.
  • UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN:The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
The list of retrieved messages. The message list is of the array type. For elements in the array, see AgoraChatMessage.

◆ loadMessagesWithType:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:completion:

- (void) loadMessagesWithType: (AgoraChatMessageBodyType)  aType
timestamp: (long long)  aTimestamp
count: (int)  aCount
fromUser: (NSString *)  aUsername
searchDirection: (AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection)  aDirection
completion: (void(^)(NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *aMessages, AgoraChatError *aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Loads messages with the specified keyword from the local database.

This method returns messages in chronological order.

aTypeThe message type to load.
aTimestampThe message timestamp threshold for loading. If you set this parameter as a negative value, the SDK loads messages from the latest one.
aCountThe number of messages to load. If you set this parameter to a value less than 1, the SDK gets one message from the local database.
aUsernameThe message sender. It is optional. If you set this parameter as nil, the SDK ignores this parameter when retrieving messages.
aDirectionThe message search direction. See AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection.
  • UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN:The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ markAllConversationsAsRead

- (AgoraChatError *) markAllConversationsAsRead

Marks all conversations as read.

This method works only for local conversations.

◆ modifyMessage:body:completion:

- (void) modifyMessage: (NSString *_Nonnull)  messageId
body: (AgoraChatMessageBody *_Nonnull)  body
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable error, AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable message))  completionBlock 

Modifies a local message or a message at the server side.

You can call this method to only modify a text message in one-to-one chats or group chats, but not in chat rooms.

messageThe ID of the message to modify.
bodyThe modified message body(AgoraChatTextMessageBody).
completionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ pinConversation:isPinned:completionBlock:

- (void) pinConversation: (nonnull NSString *)  conversationId
isPinned: (BOOL)  isPinned
completionBlock: (nullable void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  completionBlock 

Sets whether to pin a conversation.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
isPinnedWhether to pin a conversation:
  • true:Yes.
    • false: No. The conversation is unpinned.
completionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ pinMessage:completion:

- (void) pinMessage: (NSString *_Nonnull)  messageId
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable message, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Pins a message.

messageIdThe ID of the message to be pinned.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the pinned message object if the call succeeds, or contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ recallMessageWithMessageId:completion:

- (void) recallMessageWithMessageId: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aMessageId
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Recalls a message.

This is an asynchronous method.

aMessageIdThe message ID
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ recallMessageWithMessageId:ext:completion:

- (void) recallMessageWithMessageId: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aMessageId
ext: (NSString *_Nullable)  ext
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable))  aCompletionBlock 

Recalls a message.

This is an asynchronous method.

aMessageIdThe ID of the message to recall.
extThe information to be transparently transmitted during message recall. The information can be a string or a JSONString.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ removeConversationMark:mark:completion:

- (void) removeConversationMark: (NSArray< NSString * > *_Nonnull)  conversationIds
mark: (AgoraChatMarkType)  mark
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  completion 

Unmarks conversations.

This method unmarks conversations both locally and on the server.

conversationIdsThe list of conversation IDs.
markThe conversation mark to remove.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ removeDelegate:

- (void) removeDelegate: (id< AgoraChatManagerDelegate > _Nonnull)  aDelegate

Removes a delegate.

aDelegateThe delegate to be removed.

◆ removeMessagesFromServerWithConversation:messageIds:completion:

- (void) removeMessagesFromServerWithConversation: (AgoraChatConversation *_Nonnull)  conversation
messageIds: (NSArray< __kindof NSString * > *_Nonnull)  messageIds
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Removes messages in a conversation (from both local storage and the server).

conversationThe AgoraChatConversation object.
messageIdsA string array of message IDs to delete.
completionThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ removeMessagesFromServerWithConversation:timeStamp:completion:

- (void) removeMessagesFromServerWithConversation: (AgoraChatConversation *_Nonnull)  conversation
timeStamp: (NSTimeInterval)  beforeTimeStamp
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Removes messages in a conversation (from both local storage and the server).

conversationThe AgoraChatConversation object.
beforeTimeStampThe specified Unix timestamp in miliseconds. Messages with a timestamp before the specified one will be removed from the conversation.
completionThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ removeReaction:fromMessage:completion:

- (void) removeReaction: (NSString *)  reaction
fromMessage: (NSString *)  messageId
completion: (nullable void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable))  completion 

Removes a Reaction.

reactionThe Reaction content.
messageIdThe message ID.
completionThe completion block which contains the error code and error information if the method fails.

◆ reportMessageWithId:tag:reason:completion:

- (void) reportMessageWithId: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aMessageId
tag: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aTag
reason: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aReason
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  aCompletion 

Reports an inappropriate message.

This is an asynchronous method.

aMessageIdThe ID of the inappropriate message.
aTagThe tag of the illegal message. You need to type a custom tag, like porn or ad. This parameter corresponds to the "Label" field on the message reporting history page of the console.
aReasonhe reporting reason. You need to type a specific reason. This parameter corresponds to the "Reason" field on the message reporting history page of the console.
aCompletionThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ resendMessage:progress:completion:

- (void) resendMessage: (AgoraChatMessage *_Nonnull)  aMessage
progress: (void(^)(int progress))  aProgressBlock
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable message, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  aCompletionBlock 

Resends a message.

aMessageThe message object.
aProgressBlockThe callback block of attachment upload progress. The progress value range is [0,100].
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ searchMessagesWithTypes:timestamp:count:fromUser:searchDirection:completion:

- (void) searchMessagesWithTypes: (NSArray< NSNumber * > *_Nonnull)  aTypes
timestamp: (long long)  aTimestamp
count: (int)  aCount
fromUser: (NSString *_Nullable)  aUsername
searchDirection: (AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection)  aDirection
completion: (void(^)(NSArray< AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable aMessages, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Loads messages with the specified keyword from the local database.

This method returns messages in chronological order.

aTypesThe message types to load. Types include txt (text message), img (image message), loc (location message), audio (audio message), video (video message), file (file message), and cmd (command message). AgoraChatMessageBodyType
aTimestampThe message timestamp threshold for loading. If you set this parameter as a negative value, the SDK loads messages from the latest one.
aCountThe number of messages to load. If you set this parameter to a value less than 1, the SDK gets one message from the local database.
aUsernameThe message sender. It is optional. If you set this parameter as nil, the SDK ignores this parameter when retrieving messages.
aDirectionThe message search direction. See AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection.
  • UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN:The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ sendGroupMessageReadAck:toGroup:content:completion:

- (void) sendGroupMessageReadAck: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aMessageId
toGroup: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aGroupId
content: (NSString *_Nullable)  aContent
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Sends the read receipt for a group message.

This is an asynchronous method.

aMessageIdThe message ID.
aGroupIdThe group ID.
aContentThe message content.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ sendMessage:progress:completion:

- (void) sendMessage: (AgoraChatMessage *_Nonnull)  aMessage
progress: (void(^)(int progress))  aProgressBlock
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable message, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  aCompletionBlock 

Sends a message.

This is an asynchronous method.

aMessageThe message instance.
aProgressBlockThe callback block of attachment upload progress. The progress value range is [0,100].
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ sendMessageReadAck:toUser:completion:

- (void) sendMessageReadAck: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aMessageId
toUser: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aUsername
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Sends the read receipt for a message.

This is an asynchronous method.

aMessageIdThe message ID.
aUsernameThe user ID of the recipient of the read receipt.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ translateMessage:targetLanguages:completion:

- (void) translateMessage: (AgoraChatMessage *_Nonnull)  aMessage
targetLanguages: (NSArray< NSString * > *_Nonnull)  aLanguages
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable message, AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  aCompletionBlock 

Translates a message.

aMessageThe message object.
aLanguagesThe list of target language codes.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ unpinMessage:completion:

- (void) unpinMessage: (NSString *_Nonnull)  messageId
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable message, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Unpins a message.

messageIdThe ID of the message to be unpinned.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the unpinned message object if the call succeeds, or contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ updateMessage:completion:

- (void) updateMessage: (AgoraChatMessage *_Nonnull)  aMessage
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatMessage *_Nullable aMessage, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Updates a message in the local database.

This method updates the message in both the memory and the local database at the same time.

The message ID cannot be updated.

aMessageThe message instance.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

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