AgoraChatSDK 1.3.1
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AgoraChatFetchServerMessagesOption Class Reference

#import <AgoraChatFetchServerMessagesOption.h>

Inheritance diagram for AgoraChatFetchServerMessagesOption:


NSString *_Nullable from
NSArray< NSNumber * > *_Nullable msgTypes
NSInteger startTime
NSInteger endTime
AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection direction
BOOL isSave

Detailed Description

The parameter configuration class for pulling historical messages from the server.

Property Documentation

◆ direction

- (AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection) direction

The message search direction. See AgoraChatConversation.AgoraChatMessageSearchDirection.

◆ endTime

- (NSInteger) endTime

The end time for message query. The time is a UNIX time stamp in milliseconds. The default value is -1, indicating that this parameter is ignored during message query. If the start time is set to a specific time spot and the end time uses the default value -1, the SDK returns messages that are sent and received in the period that is from the start time to the current time. If the start time uses the default value -1 and the end time is set to a specific time spot, the SDK returns messages that are sent and received in the period that is from the timestamp of the first message to the current time.

◆ from

- (NSString* _Nullable) from

The user ID of the message sender in the group conversation.

◆ isSave

- (BOOL) isSave

Whether to save the retrieved messages to the database: -YES: Yes; -NO:No.

◆ msgTypes

- (NSArray<NSNumber*>* _Nullable) msgTypes

The array of message types for query. The default value is null, indicating that all types of messages are retrieved.

◆ startTime

- (NSInteger) startTime

The start time for message query. The time is a UNIX time stamp in milliseconds. The default value is -1, indicating that this parameter is ignored during message query. If the start time is set to a specific time spot and the end time uses the default value -1, the SDK returns messages that are sent and received in the period that is from the start time to the current time. If the start time uses the default value -1 and the end time is set to a specific time spot, the SDK returns messages that are sent and received in the period that is from the timestamp of the first message to the current time.

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