AgoraChatSDK 1.3.1
#import <AgoraChatManagerDelegate.h>
Instance Methods | |
(void) | - conversationListDidUpdate: |
(void) | - messagesDidReceive: |
(void) | - cmdMessagesDidReceive: |
(void) | - messagesDidRead: |
(void) | - groupMessageDidRead:groupAcks: |
(void) | - groupMessageAckHasChanged |
(void) | - onConversationRead:to: |
(void) | - messagesDidDeliver: |
(void) | - messagesInfoDidRecall: |
(void) | - messageStatusDidChange:error: |
(void) | - messageAttachmentStatusDidChange:error: |
(void) | - onMessageContentChanged:operatorId:operationTime: |
(void) | - onMessagePinChanged:conversationId:operation:pinInfo: |
(void) | - messagesDidRecall: |
(void) | - messageReactionDidChange: |
The chat related callbacks.
optional |
Occurs when receiving command messages.
aCmdMessages | The command message NSArray. |
optional |
Occurs when the conversation list changes.
aConversationList | The conversation NSArray. <AgoraChatConversation> |
optional |
Occurs when the current group read messages count changed.
optional |
Occurs when the SDK receives read receipts for group messages.
aMessage | The acknowledged message. |
aGroupAcks | The read acks of the message. |
optional |
Occurs when the message attachment status changed.
aMessage | The message whose attachment status has changed. |
aError | The error information. |
optional |
Occurs when the Reaction data changes.
changes | The Reaction which is changed. |
optional |
Occurs when receiving delivered acknowledgement in message list.
aMessages | The acknowledged message NSArray. |
optional |
Occurs when receiving read acknowledgement in message list.
aMessages | The read messages. |
optional |
Occurs when a received message is recalled.
aMessages | The list of recalled messages. |
Deprecated. Please use messagesInfoDidRecall:
optional |
Occurs when the SDK receives new messages.
aMessages | The received messages. An NSArray of the <AgoraChatMessage> objects. |
optional |
Occurs when a message is recalled. If the recalled message is offline, the AgoraChatRecallMessageInfo
object will be an empty object.
aRecallMessagesInfo | The list of recalled messages. |
optional |
Occurs when message status has changed. You need to set the parameter as nil.
aMessage | The message whose status has changed. |
aError | The error information. |
optional |
Occurs when a conversation read receipt is received.
from | The username who send channel_ack. |
to | The username who receive channel_ack. |
If the conversaion readack is from the current login ID's multiple devices: The value of the "FROM" parameter is current login ID, and the value of the "to" parameter is the conversation ID. All the messages sent by the conversation are set to read: "isRead" is set to YES. If the send conversation readack is from the conversation ID's device: The value of the "FROM" parameter is the conversation ID, and the value of the "to" parameter is current login ID. The "isReaAck" of messages sent by login ID in this session will all be set to YES. Note: This conversation is the conversation represented by the conversation ID.
optional |
Occurs when the message content is modified.
message | The modified message object, where the message body contains the information such as the number of message modifications, the operator of the last modification, and the last modification time.Also, you can get the operator of the last message modification and the last modification time via the onMessageContentChanged method. |
operatorId | The user ID of the operator that modified the message last time. |
operationTime | The last message modification time. It is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds. |
optional |
Occurs when the message pinning status changed.
messageId | The ID of the message with the changed pinning status. |
conversationId | The ID of the conversation that contains the message. |
pinOperation | The message pinning or unpinning operation. |
pinInfo | The information about message pinning or unpinning, including the operation time and the user ID of the operater. |