AgoraChatSDK 1.3.1
Instance Methods | Class Methods | Properties | List of all members
AgoraChatOptions Class Reference

#import <AgoraChatOptions.h>

Inheritance diagram for AgoraChatOptions:

Instance Methods

(BOOL isDeleteMessagesWhenExitGroup) - __deprecated_msg
(BOOL isDeleteMessagesWhenExitChatRoom) - __deprecated_msg
(BOOL isChatroomOwnerLeaveAllowed) - __deprecated_msg
(BOOL isAutoAcceptGroupInvitation) - __deprecated_msg
(BOOL isAutoAcceptFriendInvitation) - __deprecated_msg
(BOOL isAutoDownloadThumbnail) - __deprecated_msg

Class Methods

(instancetype _Nonnull) + optionsWithAppkey:


NSString * appkey
BOOL enableConsoleLog
AgoraChatLogLevel logLevel
BOOL usingHttpsOnly
BOOL isAutoLogin
BOOL deleteMessagesOnLeaveGroup
BOOL deleteMessagesOnLeaveChatroom
BOOL canChatroomOwnerLeave
BOOL autoAcceptGroupInvitation
BOOL autoAcceptFriendInvitation
BOOL autoDownloadThumbnail
BOOL enableRequireReadAck
BOOL enableDeliveryAck
BOOL sortMessageByServerTime
BOOL isAutoTransferMessageAttachments
NSString * apnsCertName
NSString * pushKitCertName
AreaCode area
BOOL enableStatistics
BOOL loadEmptyConversations
NSInteger customOSType
NSString * customDeviceName
BOOL useReplacedMessageContents
BOOL includeSendMessageInMessageListener
BOOL regardImportMessagesAsRead
BOOL autoLoadConversations
NSString * loginExtensionInfo
BOOL workPathCopiable
BOOL enableDnsConfig
int chatPort
NSString * chatServer
NSString * restServer
BOOL enableTLSConnection
NSString * dnsURL

Detailed Description

The SDK options.

Method Documentation

◆ __deprecated_msg [1/6]

- (BOOL isAutoAcceptFriendInvitation) __deprecated_msg ("Use autoAcceptFriendInvitation instead") 

Whether to automatically accept friend requests.

  • YES: Yes.
  • (Default) NO: No.

◆ __deprecated_msg [2/6]

- (BOOL isAutoAcceptGroupInvitation) __deprecated_msg ("Use autoAcceptGroupInvitation instead") 

Whether to automatically accept group invitations.

  • (Default)YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ __deprecated_msg [3/6]

- (BOOL isAutoDownloadThumbnail) __deprecated_msg ("Use autoDownloadThumbnail instead") 

Whether to automatically download thumbnails of images and videos and voice messages.

  • (Default) YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ __deprecated_msg [4/6]

- (BOOL isChatroomOwnerLeaveAllowed) __deprecated_msg ("Use canChatroomOwnerLeave instead") 

Whether to allow the chat room owner to leave the chat room.

  • (Default)YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ __deprecated_msg [5/6]

- (BOOL isDeleteMessagesWhenExitChatRoom) __deprecated_msg ("Use deleteMessagesOnLeaveChatroom instead") 

Whether to delete all the chat room messages when leaving the chat room.

  • (Default)YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ __deprecated_msg [6/6]

- (BOOL isDeleteMessagesWhenExitGroup) __deprecated_msg ("Use deleteMessagesOnLeaveGroup instead") 

Whether to delete all the group messages when leaving the group.

  • (Default)YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

Provided by category AgoraChatOptions(PrivateDeploy).

◆ optionsWithAppkey:

+ (instancetype _Nonnull) optionsWithAppkey: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aAppkey

Gets an SDK options instance.

aAppkeyThe App Key.
The SDK options instance.

Property Documentation

◆ apnsCertName

- (NSString*) apnsCertName

The certificate name of Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).

This attribute is specific to APNs.

This attribute can be set only when you call initializeSDKWithOptions. The attribute setting cannot be changed during app runtime.

◆ appkey

- (NSString*) appkey

The app key, which is the unique identifier of the project.

◆ area

- (AreaCode) area

The area code.

This attribute is used to restrict the scope of accessible edge nodes. The default value is AreaCodeGLOB.

This attribute can be set only when you call initializeSDKWithOptions. The attribute setting cannot be changed during the app runtime.

◆ autoAcceptFriendInvitation

- (BOOL) autoAcceptFriendInvitation

Whether to automatically accept friend requests.

  • (Default) YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ autoAcceptGroupInvitation

- (BOOL) autoAcceptGroupInvitation

Whether to automatically accept group invitations.

  • (Default) YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ autoDownloadThumbnail

- (BOOL) autoDownloadThumbnail

Whether to automatically download thumbnails of images and videos and voice messages.

  • (Default) YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ autoLoadConversations

- (BOOL) autoLoadConversations

Whether to automatically load the conversation list:

  • YES:Automatically load.
  • (Default) YES:Automatically load.

◆ canChatroomOwnerLeave

- (BOOL) canChatroomOwnerLeave

Whether to allow the chat room owner to leave the room.

  • (Default) YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ chatPort

- (int) chatPort

The chat server port.

This property is effective only when enableDnsConfig is NO. Can only be set when initializing the SDK with initializeSDKWithOptions: , cannot be altered in runtime.

Provided by category AgoraChatOptions(PrivateDeploy).

◆ chatServer

- (NSString*) chatServer

The chat server.

This property is effective only when enableDnsConfig is NO. Can only be set when initializing the SDK with initializeSDKWithOptions: , cannot be altered in runtime.

Provided by category AgoraChatOptions(PrivateDeploy).

◆ customDeviceName

- (NSString*) customDeviceName

The custom device name.

This attribute can be set only when you call the initializeSDKWithOptions method. The attribute setting cannot be changed during the app runtime.

◆ customOSType

- (NSInteger) customOSType

The custom system type.

This attribute can be set only when you call the initializeSDKWithOptions method. The attribute setting cannot be changed during app runtime.

◆ deleteMessagesOnLeaveChatroom

- (BOOL) deleteMessagesOnLeaveChatroom

Whether to delete all the chat room messages when leaving the chat room.

  • (Default) YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ deleteMessagesOnLeaveGroup

- (BOOL) deleteMessagesOnLeaveGroup

Whether to delete all the group messages when leaving the group.

  • (Default) YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ dnsURL

- (NSString*) dnsURL

The DNS url.

This property is effective only when enableDnsConfig is YES. Can only be set when initializing the SDK with initializeSDKWithOptions: , cannot be altered in runtime.

Provided by category AgoraChatOptions(PrivateDeploy).

◆ enableConsoleLog

- (BOOL) enableConsoleLog

Whether to print logs on the Console.

  • YES: Yes.
  • (Default) NO: No.

◆ enableDeliveryAck

- (BOOL) enableDeliveryAck

Whether to send the message delivery receipt.

  • YES: Upon the reception of a one-to-one message, the SDK automatically sends a delivery receipt.
  • NO: No.

◆ enableDnsConfig

- (BOOL) enableDnsConfig

Whether to allow using DNS. The default value is YES.

Can only be set when initializing the SDK initializeSDKWithOptions: , cannot be altered in runtime.

Provided by category AgoraChatOptions(PrivateDeploy).

◆ enableRequireReadAck

- (BOOL) enableRequireReadAck

Whether to receive the message read receipt.

  • (Default) YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ enableStatistics

- (BOOL) enableStatistics

Whether to enable message statistics.

  • YES: Yes.
  • (Default) NO: No.

This attribute can be set only when you call initializeSDKWithOptions. The attribute setting cannot be changed during the app runtime.

◆ enableTLSConnection

- (BOOL) enableTLSConnection

Whether to enable TLS encryption when connecting to chatServer.The default value is NO.

This property is effective only when enableDnsConfig is NO. Can only be set when initializing the SDK with initializeSDKWithOptions: , cannot be altered in runtime

Provided by category AgoraChatOptions(PrivateDeploy).

◆ includeSendMessageInMessageListener

- (BOOL) includeSendMessageInMessageListener

Whether the sent message is included in ChatManagerDelegate#messagesDidReceive.

  • YES:Yes. Besides the received message, the sent message is also included in ChatManagerDelegate#messagesDidReceive.
  • (Default) NO:No. Only the received message is included in ChatManagerDelegate#messagesDidReceive.

◆ isAutoLogin

- (BOOL) isAutoLogin

Whether to enable automatic login. The default value is YES.

  • (Default) YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

You need to set this parameter before the SDK is initialized; otherwise, the setting does not take effect.

◆ isAutoTransferMessageAttachments

- (BOOL) isAutoTransferMessageAttachments

Whether to automatically upload or download the attachment in the message.

  • (Default) YES: Yes.
  • NO: No.

◆ loadEmptyConversations

- (BOOL) loadEmptyConversations

Whether to include empty conversations when the SDK loads conversations

  • YES: Empty conversations are included.

(Default) NO: Empty conversations are excluded.

This attribute can be set only when you call the initializeSDKWithOptions method. The attribute setting cannot be changed during app runtime.

◆ loginExtensionInfo

- (NSString*) loginExtensionInfo

The extended information carried during login can be a JSON string. The current string length is limited to 1024 characters.

◆ logLevel

- (AgoraChatLogLevel) logLevel

The log level.

  • AgoraChatLogLevelDebug: All logs;
  • AgoraChatLogLevelWarning: Warnings and errors.
  • AgoraChatLogLevelError: Errors.

◆ pushKitCertName

- (NSString*) pushKitCertName

The certificate name of Apple PushKit Service.

This attribute is specific to Apple PushKit Service.

This attribute can be set only when you call initializeSDKWithOptions. The attribute setting cannot be changed during app runtime.

◆ regardImportMessagesAsRead

- (BOOL) regardImportMessagesAsRead

Whether to set messages from the server side as read:

  • YES:Read. After the messages are imported, the number of unread messages specified with AgoraChatConversation#unreadMessagesCount remains unchanged.
  • (Default) NO:Unread. After the messages are imported, the value of AgoraChatConversation#unreadMessagesCount is increased.

◆ restServer

- (NSString*) restServer

The REST server.

This property is effective only when enableDnsConfig is NO. Can only be set when initializing the SDK with initializeSDKWithOptions: , cannot be altered in runtime

Provided by category AgoraChatOptions(PrivateDeploy).

◆ sortMessageByServerTime

- (BOOL) sortMessageByServerTime

Whether to sort messages by the server's reception time when loading messages from the database.

  • (Default) YES: Yes. Messages are sorted by the time when the server receives them.
  • NO: No.

◆ useReplacedMessageContents

- (BOOL) useReplacedMessageContents

Whether the server returns the sender the text message with the content replaced during text moderation:

  • YES:Return the adjusted message to the sender.
  • (Default) NO:Return the original message to the sender.

This attribute can be set only with the initializeSDKWithOptions method. The attribute setting cannot be changed during the app runtime.

◆ usingHttpsOnly

- (BOOL) usingHttpsOnly

Whether to only use the HTTPS protocol.

  • YES: Yes.
  • (Default) NO: No.

◆ workPathCopiable

- (BOOL) workPathCopiable

Whether the SDK work path is copiable.

  • YES:Copiable.
  • (Default)NO:Uncopiable.

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