AgoraChatSDK 1.3.1
Agora Chat is a highly reliable global communication platform where your users can chat one-to-one, in groups or in chat rooms. Users communicate with text messages, share images, audios, videos, files, emojis, and locations. Agora Chat supplies typing indicators out-of-the-box.
Method | Description |
initializeSDKWithOptions: | Initializes the SDK. |
loginWithUsername:token:completion: | Logs in to the chat server with the user ID and token. |
renewToken: | Renews the token. |
logout:completion: | Logs out of the chat server. |
currentUsername | Gets the user ID of the current logged-in user. |
isConnected | Checks whether the SDK is connected to the chat server. |
isLoggedIn | Checks whether the user has logged in to the Chat app. |
addDelegate: | Adds a delegate. |
addLogDelegate:delegateQueue: | Adds the log callback delegate of SDK. |
groupManager | Gets the GroupManager class. |
pushManager | Gets the PushManager class. |
roomManager | Gets the RoomManager class. |
chatManager | Gets the ChatManager class. |
userInfoManager | Gets the UserInfoManager class. |
contactManager | Gets the ContactManager class. |
presenceManager | Gets the presenceManager class. |
threadManager | Gets the ChatThreadManager class. |
Event | Description |
connectionStateDidChange: | Occurs when the SDK connect status changed. |
tokenDidExpire: | Occurs when the token has expired. |
tokenWillExpire: | Occurs when the token is about to expire. |
autoLoginDidCompleteWithError: | Occurs when the SDK auto login success or failed. |
logDidOutput: | Occurs when the log creates. |
Method | Description |
sendMessage:progress:completion: | Sends a message. |
ackConversationRead:completion: | Sends the conversation read receipt to the server. |
sendMessageReadAck:toUser:completion: | Sends the read receipt for a message to the server. |
sendGroupMessageReadAck:toGroup:content:completion: | Sends the read receipt for a group message to the server. |
getConversation:type:createIfNotExist: | Gets the conversation object by conversation ID. |
importMessages:completion: | Import messages to the memory and local database. |
updateMessage:completion: | Updates the local message. |
downloadMessageAttachment:progress:completion: | Downloads the message attachment. |
downloadMessageThumbnail:progress:completion: | Downloads the message thumbnail. |
getAllConversations | Gets all local conversations. |
getConversationsFromServer: | Gets the conversation list from the server. |
getConversationsFromServerByPage | Gets the conversation list from server by page. |
deleteConversations:isDeleteMessages:completion: | Deletes a conversation and its local messages from the local database. |
deleteServerConversation | Deletes the specified conversation and its historical messages from the server. |
fetchGroupReadAcks | Uses the pagination to get read receipts for a group message from the server. |
loadMessages | Retrieves messages of a certain type in the conversation from the local database. |
deleteMessagesBeforeTimestamp | Deletes local historical messages with a Unix timestamp before a specified one. |
reportMessageWithId:tag:reason:completion: | Reports an inappropriate message. |
fetchSupportedLanguages: | Gets all languages supported by the translation service. |
translateMessage:targetLanguages:completion: | Translates a text message. |
addReaction:toMessage:completion: | Adds a Reaction. |
removeReaction:fromMessage:completion: | Deletes a Reaction. |
getReactionList | Gets the list of Reactions. |
getReactionDetail | Gets the Reaction details. |
fetchMessagesFromServer | Retrieves messages of a certain type in the conversation from server. |
pinMessage | Pins a message. |
unpinMessage | Unpins a message. |
addDelegate | Adds the message listener. |
Event | Description |
messagesDidReceive: | Occurs when a message is received. |
cmdMessagesDidReceive: | Occurs when a command message is received. |
messagesDidRead: | Occurs when a read receipt is received for a message. |
groupMessageDidRead:groupAcks: | Occurs when a read receipt is received for a group message. |
groupMessageAckHasChanged | Occurs when the update for the group message read status is received. |
messagesDidDeliver: | Occurs when a delivery receipt is received. |
messagesInfoDidRecall: | Occurs when a received message is recalled. |
messageStatusDidChange | Occurs when a message change notification is received, including the message ID change. |
messageReactionDidChange: | Occurs when a message Reaction changed. |
conversationListDidUpdate: | Occurs when the conversation is updated. |
onConversationRead:to: | Occurs when the conversation read receipt is received. |
onMessageContentChanged | Occurs when the message content is modified. |
onMessagePinChanged | Occurs when the message pinning status changed. |
Method | Description |
conversationId | The conversation ID, which depends on the conversation type. |
unreadMessagesCount | Gets the number of unread messages in the conversation. |
markAllMessagesAsRead: | Marks all unread messages as read. |
messagesCount | Gets the number of all unread messages in the conversation in the local database. |
isChatThread | Checks whether the current conversation is a thread conversation. |
loadMoreMsgFromDB | Loads the messages from the local database, starting from a specific message ID. |
markMessageAsRead | Marks a message as read. |
deleteMessageWithId:error: | Deletes a message in the local database. |
latestMessage | Gets the latest message in the conversation. |
lastReceivedMessage | Gets the latest received message in the conversation. |
deleteAllMessages: | Deletes all the messages in the conversation. |
ext | The extension field of the conversation. |
insertMessage | Inserts a message to the conversation in the local database。. |
appendMessage | Inserts a message to the end of the conversation in the local database. |
updateMessage | Updates a message in the local database. |
status | The message sending or reception status. |
chatType | Gets the chat message type. |
body | The message body. |
timestamp | The Unix timestamp when the server receives the message. |
localTime | The local timestamp of the message. |
isChatThreadMessage | Whether the message is a threaded message. |
chatThread | Gets the overview of the message thread. |
from | Gets the user ID of the message sender. |
to | The user ID of the message recipient. |
messageId | The message ID. |
ext | The Message extension attribute of the String type. |
isRead | Whether the message is read. |
isDeliverAcked | Whether the message is successfully delivered. |
isListened | Whether the voice message is listened. |
direction | The message direction. |
conversationId | Gets the conversation ID. |
reactionList | Gets the list of Reactions. |
onlineState | Whether the message gets delivered to an online user. | |
pinnedInfo | The pinned info of message. |
Method | Description |
getContactsFromServerWithCompletion: | Gets all contacts from the server. |
addUserToBlackList | Adds a user to block list. |
removeUserFromBlackList | Removes the contact from the block list. |
getBlackList | Gets the local block list. |
getBlackListFromServerWithCompletion: | Gets the block list from the server. |
approveFriendRequestFromUser | Accept a friend invitation. |
declineFriendRequestFromUser | Declines a friend invitation. |
getContacts | Gets the contact list from the local database. |
getSelfIdsOnOtherPlatformWithCompletion: | Gets the unique self-ID list of the current user on the other devices. |
addDelegate | Registers a new contact delegate. |
Event | Description |
friendshipDidAddByUser: | Occurs when user is added as a contact by another user. |
friendshipDidRemoveByUser: | Occurs when a user is removed from the contact list by another user. |
friendRequestDidReceiveFromUser:message: | Occurs when a user receives a friend request. |
friendRequestDidApproveByUser: | Occurs when a friend request is approved. |
onFriendRequestDeclined | Occurs when a friend request is declined. |
Method | Description |
createGroup | Creates a group instance. |
destroyGroup | Destroys the group instance. |
leaveGroup | Leaves a group. |
joinPublicGroup | Joins a public group. |
addMembers | Adds users to the group. |
removeMembersFromGroup | Removes members from the group. |
getGroupSpecificationFromServerWithId | Gets group information from the server. |
getJoinedGroupsFromServerWithPage | Gets all groups of the current user from the server with pagination. |
getPublicGroupsFromServer | Gets public groups from the server with pagination. |
updateGroupSubject | Changes the group name. |
updateDescription | Changes the group description. |
acceptInvitationFromGroup | Accepts a group invitation. |
declineGroupInvitation | Declines a group invitation. |
acceptJoinApplication | Approves a group request. |
declineJoinGroupRequest | Declines a group request. |
requestToJoinPublicGroup | Requests to join a group. |
blockGroup | Blocks group messages. |
unblockGroup | Unblocks group messages. |
blockMembers | Adds the user to the group block list. |
unblockMembers | Removes users from the group block list. |
getGroupBlacklistFromServer | Gets the group block list with pagination. |
getGroupMemberListFromServer | Gets the member list of a group with pagination. |
updateGroupOwner | Transfers the group ownership. |
addAdmin | Adds a group admin. |
removeAdmin | Removes a group admin. |
muteMembers | Mutes group members. |
unmuteMembers | Unmutes group members. |
getGroupMuteListFromServer | Gets the mute list of the group from the server. |
getGroupBlacklistFromServer | Gets the block list of group from the server with pagination. |
addWhiteListMembers | Adds members to the allow list. |
removeWhiteListMembers | Removes members from the allow list. |
getGroupWhiteListFromServer | Gets the allow list of group from the server. |
updateGroupAnnouncement | Updates the group announcement. |
asyncFetchGroupAnnouncement | Gets the group announcement from the server. |
uploadGroupSharedFileWithId | Uploads the shared file to the group. |
getGroupFileList | Gets the shared file list from the server. |
removeGroupSharedFile | Removes the shared file of the group. |
downloadGroupSharedFile | Downloads the shared file of the group. |
getJoinedGroups | Gets all groups of the current user (from the cache). |
addDelegate | Registers a group change listener. |
Event | Description |
groupInvitationDidReceive | Occurs when the user receives a group invitation. |
joinGroupRequestDidReceive | Occurs when the group owner or administrator receives a group request from a user. |
joinGroupRequestDidApprove | Occurs when a group request is accepted. |
joinGroupRequestDidDecline | Occurs when a group request is declined. |
groupInvitationDidAccept | Occurs when a group invitation is accepted. |
groupInvitationDidDecline | Occurs when a group invitation is declined. |
didJoinGroup:inviter:message: | Occurs when the group invitation is accepted automatically. |
didLeaveGroup | Occurs when the current user is removed from the group by the group admin. |
groupMuteListDidUpdate:addedMutedMembers:muteExpire: | Occurs when one or more group members are muted. |
groupMuteListDidUpdate | Occurs when one or more group members are unmuted. |
groupWhiteListDidUpdate:addedWhiteListMembers: | Occurs when one or more group members are added to the allowlist. |
groupWhiteListDidUpdate:removedWhiteListMembers: | Occurs when one or more members are removed from the allowlist. |
groupAllMemberMuteChanged | Occurs when all group members are muted or unmuted. |
groupAdminListDidUpdate:addedAdmin: | Occurs when a member is set as an admin. |
groupAdminListDidUpdate:removedAdmin: | Occurs when a member's admin privileges are removed. |
groupOwnerDidUpdate | Occurs when the group ownership is transferred. |
userDidJoinGroup | Occurs when a member joins a group. |
userDidLeaveGroup | Occurs when a member proactively leaves the group. |
groupAnnouncementDidUpdate | Occurs when the announcement is updated. |
onSharedFileAdded | Occurs when a shared file is added to a group. |
onSharedFileDeleted | Occurs when a shared file is removed from a group. |
groupSpecificationDidUpdate | Occurs when the group detail information is updated. |
groupStateChanged | Occurs when the group is enabled or disabled. |
Method | Description |
createChatRoom | Creates a chat room. |
destroyChatroom | Destroys a chat room. |
joinChatRoom | Joins a chat room. |
leaveChatroom | Exits a chat room. |
getChatroomsFromServer | Gets chat room data from the server with pagination. |
getChatroomSpecificationFromServer | Gets details of a chat room from the server. |
asyncChangeChatRoomSubject | Changes the chat room name. |
updateSubject | Modifies the chat room description. |
getChatroomMemberListFromServer | Gets the chat room member list. |
muteMembers | Mutes members in a chat room. |
unmuteMembers | Unmutes members in a chat room. |
addAdmin | Adds a chat room admin. |
removeAdmin | Removes the administrative privilege of a chat room admin. |
getChatroomMuteListFromServer | Gets the list of muted chat room members from the server. |
removeMembers | Removes members from a chat room. |
blockMembers | Adds members to the block list of the chat room. |
unblockMembers | Removes members from the block list of the chat room. |
getChatroomBlacklistFromServer | Gets the chat room block list with pagination. |
addWhiteListMembers | Adds members to the allow list of the chat room. |
removeWhiteListMembers | Removes members from the chat room block list. |
getChatroomWhiteListFromServer | Gets the chat room allow list from the server. |
muteAllMembers | Mutes all members. |
unmuteAllMembers | Unmutes all members. |
updateChatroomAnnouncement | Updates the chat room announcement. |
getChatroomAnnouncement | Gets the chat room announcement from the server. |
setChatroomAttributes | Adds custom chat room attributes. |
setChatroomAttribute | Sets a custom chat room attribute. |
setChatroomAttributesForced | Sets custom chat room attributes forcibly. |
setChatroomAttributeForced | Sets a custom chat room attribute forcibly. |
fetchChatroomAttributes | Gets the list of custom chat room attributes based on the attribute key list. |
fetchChatroomAllAttributes | Gets all the custom attributes of a chat room. |
removeChatroomAttributes | Removes custom chat room attributes by the attribute key list. |
removeChatroomAttribute | Removes a custom chat room attribute. |
removeChatroomAttributesForced | Removes custom chat room attributes forcibly. |
removeChatroomAttributeForced | Removes a custom chat room attribute forcibly. |
addDelegate | Adds a chat room event listener. |
Event | Description |
didDismissFromChatroom | Occurs when the current use is removed from a chat room. |
userDidJoinChatroom | Occurs when a member joins the chat room. |
userDidLeaveChatroom | Occurs when a member exits the chat room. |
onMuteListAdded | Occurs when the chat room member(s) is/are added to the mute list. |
onMuteListRemoved | Occurs when the chat room member(s) is/are removed from the mute list. |
onWhiteListAdded | Occurs when the chat room member(s) is/are added to the allow list. |
onWhiteListRemoved | Occurs when the chat room member(s) is/are removed from the allow list. |
chatroomAllMemberMuteChanged | Occurs when all members in the chat room are muted or unmuted. |
onAdminAdded | Occurs when a chat room member is set as an admin. |
onAdminRemoved | Occurs when the chat room member(s) is/are removed from the admin list. |
chatroomOwnerDidUpdate | Occurs when the chat room owner is changed. |
chatroomAnnouncementDidUpdate | Occurs when the chat room announcement changes. |
chatroomSpecificationDidUpdate: | Occurs when the chat room specifications changes. |
chatroomAttributesDidUpdated | Occurs when the custom chat room attribute(s) is/are updated. |
chatroomAttributesDidRemoved | Occurs when the custom chat room attribute(s) is/are removed. |
Method | Description |
publishPresence | Publishes a custom presence state. |
subscribePresences | Subscribes to a user's presence states. |
unsubscribePresences | Unsubscribes from a user's presence states. |
fetchSubscribedMembers | Uses pagination to get a list of users whose presence states you have subscribed to. |
fetchPresenceStatus | Gets the current presence state of users. |
addDelegate | Adds a listener. |
Event | Description |
presenceStatusDidChanged: | Occurs when the presence state of the user subscribed is updated. |
Method | Description |
createChatThread | Creates a message thread. |
joinChatThread | Joins a message thread. |
destroyChatThread | Destroys the message thread. |
leaveChatThread | Leaves a message thread. |
getChatThreadFromServer | Gets the details of the message thread from the server. |
updateChatThreadName | Changes the name of the message thread. |
removeMemberFromChatThread | Removes a member from the message thread. |
getChatThreadMembers | Gets a list of members in the message thread with pagination. |
getJoinedChatThreadsFromServer | Uses the pagination to get the list of message threads that the current user has joined. |
getJoinedChatThreadsFromServer | Uses the pagination to get the list of message threads that the current user has joined in the specified group. |
getChatThreadsFromServer | Uses the pagination to get the list of message threads in the specified group. |
getChatThreadLatestMessage | Gets the last reply in the specified message threads from the server. |
addChatThreadChangeListener | Adds the message thread event listener, which listens for message thread changes, such as the message thread creation and destruction. |
Event | Description |
onChatThreadCreated | Occurs when a message thread is created. |
onChatThreadUpdated | Occurs when a message thread is updated. |
onChatThreadDestroyed | Occurs when a message thread is destroyed. |
onChatThreadUserRemoved | Occurs when the current user is removed from the message thread by the group owner or a group admin to which the message thread belongs. |
Method | Description |
getPushConfigsFromServer | Gets the push configs from the server. |
updatePushDisplayName | Updates the push display nickname of the current user. |
setSilentModeForConversation | Sets the DND of the conversation. |
clearRemindTypeForConversation | Clears the setting of offline push notification type for the conversation. |
getSilentModeForConversation | Gets the DND setting of the conversation. |
setSilentModeForAll | Sets the DND Settings for the current login user. |
getSilentModeForAll | Gets the DND Settings of the current login user. |
getSilentModeForConversations | Obtains the DND Settings of specified conversations in batches. |
bindDeviceToken | Bind apns device token |
registerPushKitToken | Bind voip device token |
Method | Description |
updateOwnInfo | Modifies the current user's information. |
updateOwnInfoByAttribute | Modifies the current user's attributes. |
fetchUserInfoByUserId | Gets user information with user ID. |
fetchUserInfoByAttribute | Gets user information with user ID and user properties. |