AgoraChatSDK 1.3.1
Instance Methods | Properties | List of all members
<IAgoraChatPushManager> Protocol Reference

#import <IAgoraChatPushManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for <IAgoraChatPushManager>:

Instance Methods

(NSArray *noPushGroups) - EM_DEPRECATED_IOS
(3_7_3, 3_9_1, "Use -setSilentModeForAll:completion: instead") - EM_DEPRECATED_IOS
(AgoraChatError *) - disableOfflinePushStart:end:
(AgoraChatError *) - updatePushServiceForGroups:disablePush:
(void) - updatePushServiceForGroups:disablePush:completion:
(AgoraChatError *) - updatePushServiceForUsers:disablePush:
(void) - updatePushServiceForUsers:disablePush:completion:
(AgoraChatError *) - updatePushDisplayStyle:
(void) - updatePushDisplayStyle:completion:
(AgoraChatError *_Nullable) - updatePushDisplayName:
(void) - updatePushDisplayName:completion:
(AgoraChatPushOptions *_Nullable) - getPushOptionsFromServerWithError:
(void) - getPushNotificationOptionsFromServerWithCompletion:
(void) - setSilentModeForAll:completion:
(void) - getSilentModeForAllWithCompletion:
(void) - syncSilentModeConversationsFromServerCompletion:
(void) - setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType:params:completion:
(void) - getSilentModeForConversation:conversationType:completion:
(void) - clearRemindTypeForConversation:conversationType:completion:
(void) - getSilentModeForConversations:completion:
(void) - setPreferredNotificationLanguage:completion:
(void) - getPreferredNotificationLanguageCompletion:
(void) - setPushTemplate:completion:
(void) - getPushTemplate:


AgoraChatPushOptions *_Nullable pushOptions

Detailed Description

@header IAgoraChatPushManager.h @abstract The push related management protocol class.


Method Documentation

◆ clearRemindTypeForConversation:conversationType:completion:

- (void) clearRemindTypeForConversation: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
conversationType: (AgoraChatConversationType)  aConversationType
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatSilentModeResult *_Nullable aResult, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Clear conversation remind type for push messages.

aConversationIdThe conversation Id.
aConversationTypeThe conversation type.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ disableOfflinePushStart:end:

- (AgoraChatError *) disableOfflinePushStart: (int)  aStartHour
end: (3_7_3) 
("Use -setSilentModeForAll:completion: instead")  EM_DEPRECATED_IOS 

Turns off the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForAll:completion: instead.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

aStartHourThe begin time.
aEndHourThe end time.
The error information if the method fails: Error.


- (3_7_3, 3_9_1, "Use -)setSilentModeForAll:

Turns on the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForAll:completion: instead.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

The error information if the method fails: Error.


- (NSArray *noPushGroups) EM_DEPRECATED_IOS (3_7_4) 
("Use -getSilentModeForConversations:completion: instead")   

Gets the list of groups which have blocked the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -getSilentModeForConversations:completion: instead.


- (NSArray *noPushUIds) EM_DEPRECATED_IOS (3_8_4) 
("Use -getSilentModeForConversations:completion: instead")   

Gets the list of user ID which have blocked the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -getSilentModeForConversations:completion: instead.

◆ getPreferredNotificationLanguageCompletion:

- (void) getPreferredNotificationLanguageCompletion: (void(^)(NSString *_Nullable aLaguangeCode, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock

Get the translation language for push messages.

aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ getPushNotificationOptionsFromServerWithCompletion:

- (void) getPushNotificationOptionsFromServerWithCompletion: (void(^)(AgoraChatPushOptions *_Nullable aOptions, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock

Gets the push options from the server.

This is an asynchronous method.

aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ getPushOptionsFromServerWithError:

- (AgoraChatPushOptions *_Nullable) getPushOptionsFromServerWithError: (AgoraChatError *_Nullable *_Nullable)  pError

Gets the push options from the server.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

pErrorThe error information if the method fails: Error.
The push options. See AgoraChatPushOptions.

◆ getPushTemplate:

- (void) getPushTemplate: (void(^)(NSString *_Nullable aPushTemplateName, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock

Gets the offline push template for Settings.

aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ getSilentModeForAllWithCompletion:

- (void) getSilentModeForAllWithCompletion: (void(^)(AgoraChatSilentModeResult *_Nullable aResult, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock

Get global silent mode message data.

aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ getSilentModeForConversation:conversationType:completion:

- (void) getSilentModeForConversation: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
conversationType: (AgoraChatConversationType)  aConversationType
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatSilentModeResult *_Nullable aResult, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Get conversation silent mode message data.

aConversationIdThe conversation Id.
aConversationTypeThe conversation type.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ getSilentModeForConversations:completion:

- (void) getSilentModeForConversations: (NSArray< AgoraChatConversation * > *_Nonnull)  aConversationArray
completion: (void(^)(NSDictionary< NSString *, AgoraChatSilentModeResult * > *_Nullable aResult, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Gets the silent mode data setting for multiple sessions. Notice:A maximum of 20 pieces of data at a time.If it is not set or set to expire , it will not be returned in the result dictionary

aConversationArrayThe conversations array。
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ setPreferredNotificationLanguage:completion:

- (void) setPreferredNotificationLanguage: (NSString *_Nullable)  aLaguangeCode
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Set the translation language for push messages.

aLaguangeCodeTranslation language code.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ setPushTemplate:completion:

- (void) setPushTemplate: (NSString *_Nullable)  aPushTemplateName
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Set the push template for offline push.

aPushTemplateNamepush template name.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ setSilentModeForAll:completion:

- (void) setSilentModeForAll: (AgoraChatSilentModeParam *_Nullable)  aParam
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatSilentModeResult *_Nullable aResult, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Set global silent mode message data.

aParamSilent mode data parameter model ,See AgoraChatSilentModeParam.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType:params:completion:

- (void) setSilentModeForConversation: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aConversationId
conversationType: (AgoraChatConversationType)  aConversationType
params: (AgoraChatSilentModeParam *_Nullable)  aParam
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatSilentModeResult *_Nullable aResult, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Set conversation silent mode message data.

aConversationIdThe conversation Id.
aConversationTypeThe conversation type.
aParamSilent mode data parameter model ,See AgoraChatSilentModeParam.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ syncSilentModeConversationsFromServerCompletion:

- (void) syncSilentModeConversationsFromServerCompletion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable error))  completionBlock

Get all conversations mute info from server.

completionBlockThe method completes the callback called. If the method call fails, the reason for the failure will be included. If the callback AgoraChatError is empty, you can call the IAgoraChatManager#getAllConversations method to re-obtain the session list and refresh the UI..

◆ updatePushDisplayName:

- (AgoraChatError *_Nullable) updatePushDisplayName: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aDisplayName

Sets the display name of the push notification.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

aNicknameThe display name of the push notification.
The error information if the method fails: Error.

◆ updatePushDisplayName:completion:

- (void) updatePushDisplayName: (NSString *_Nonnull)  aDisplayName
completion: (void(^)(NSString *_Nullable aDisplayName, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Sets the display name of the push notification.

This is an asynchronous method.

aDisplayNameThe display name of the push notification.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ updatePushDisplayStyle:

- (AgoraChatError *) updatePushDisplayStyle: (AgoraChatPushDisplayStyle)  pushDisplayStyle

Sets the display style for the push notification.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

pushDisplayStyleThe display style of the push notification.
The error information if the method fails: Error.

◆ updatePushDisplayStyle:completion:

- (void) updatePushDisplayStyle: (AgoraChatPushDisplayStyle)  pushDisplayStyle
completion: (void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError))  aCompletionBlock 

Sets the display style for the push notification.

This is an asynchronous method.

pushDisplayStyleThe display style of the push notification.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

◆ updatePushServiceForGroups:disablePush:

- (AgoraChatError *) updatePushServiceForGroups: (NSArray *)  aGroupIds
disablePush: (3_7_4) 
("Use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType:params:completion: instead")  EM_DEPRECATED_IOS 

Sets wether to turn on or turn off the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

aGroupIdsThe group IDs.
disableTurn off.
The error information if the method fails: Error.

◆ updatePushServiceForGroups:disablePush:completion:

- (void) updatePushServiceForGroups: (NSArray *)  aGroupIds
disablePush: (BOOL)  disable
completion: (3_7_4) 
("Use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead")  EM_DEPRECATED_IOS 

Sets the display style for the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead.

This is an asynchronous method.

aGroupIdsThe group IDs.
disableTurn off.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails..

◆ updatePushServiceForUsers:disablePush:

- (AgoraChatError *) updatePushServiceForUsers: (NSArray *)  aUIds
disablePush: (3_8_4) 
("Use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead")  EM_DEPRECATED_IOS 

Sets whether to receive push notification of the specific contacts. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

aUIdsThe user IDs of the contacts.
disableWhether to receive the push notification.// to do
The error information if the method fails: Error.

◆ updatePushServiceForUsers:disablePush:completion:

- (void) updatePushServiceForUsers: (NSArray *)  aUIds
disablePush: (BOOL)  disable
completion: (3_8_4) 
("Use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead")  EM_DEPRECATED_IOS 

Sets whether to receive the push notification of the contacts. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead.

This is an asynchronous method.

aUIdsThe user IDs of the contacts.
disableWhether to receive the push notification.
aCompletionBlockThe completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.

Property Documentation

◆ pushOptions

- (AgoraChatPushOptions* _Nullable) pushOptions

The message push configuration options.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: