#import <IAgoraChatPushManager.h>
@header IAgoraChatPushManager.h @abstract The push related management protocol class.
- Author
- Hyphenate
- Version
- 3.00
◆ clearRemindTypeForConversation:conversationType:completion:
- (void) clearRemindTypeForConversation: |
(NSString *_Nonnull) |
aConversationId |
conversationType: |
(AgoraChatConversationType) |
aConversationType |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatSilentModeResult *_Nullable aResult, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
Clear conversation remind type for push messages.
- Parameters
aConversationId | The conversation Id. |
aConversationType | The conversation type. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ disableOfflinePushStart:end:
Turns off the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForAll:completion: instead.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
- Parameters
aStartHour | The begin time. |
aEndHour | The end time. |
- Returns
- The error information if the method fails: Error.
- (3_7_3, 3_9_1, "Use -)setSilentModeForAll: |
Turns on the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForAll:completion: instead.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
- Returns
- The error information if the method fails: Error.
Gets the list of groups which have blocked the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -getSilentModeForConversations:completion: instead.
Gets the list of user ID which have blocked the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -getSilentModeForConversations:completion: instead.
◆ getPreferredNotificationLanguageCompletion:
- (void) getPreferredNotificationLanguageCompletion: |
(void(^)(NSString *_Nullable aLaguangeCode, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
Get the translation language for push messages.
- Parameters
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ getPushNotificationOptionsFromServerWithCompletion:
Gets the push options from the server.
This is an asynchronous method.
- Parameters
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ getPushOptionsFromServerWithError:
Gets the push options from the server.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
- Parameters
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
- Returns
- The push options. See AgoraChatPushOptions.
◆ getPushTemplate:
- (void) getPushTemplate: |
(void(^)(NSString *_Nullable aPushTemplateName, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
Gets the offline push template for Settings.
- Parameters
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ getSilentModeForAllWithCompletion:
Get global silent mode message data.
- Parameters
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ getSilentModeForConversation:conversationType:completion:
- (void) getSilentModeForConversation: |
(NSString *_Nonnull) |
aConversationId |
conversationType: |
(AgoraChatConversationType) |
aConversationType |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatSilentModeResult *_Nullable aResult, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
Get conversation silent mode message data.
- Parameters
aConversationId | The conversation Id. |
aConversationType | The conversation type. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ getSilentModeForConversations:completion:
Gets the silent mode data setting for multiple sessions. Notice:A maximum of 20 pieces of data at a time.If it is not set or set to expire , it will not be returned in the result dictionary
- Parameters
aConversationArray | The conversations array。 |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ setPreferredNotificationLanguage:completion:
- (void) setPreferredNotificationLanguage: |
(NSString *_Nullable) |
aLaguangeCode |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
Set the translation language for push messages.
- Parameters
aLaguangeCode | Translation language code. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ setPushTemplate:completion:
- (void) setPushTemplate: |
(NSString *_Nullable) |
aPushTemplateName |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
Set the push template for offline push.
- Parameters
aPushTemplateName | push template name. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ setSilentModeForAll:completion:
Set global silent mode message data.
- Parameters
aParam | Silent mode data parameter model ,See AgoraChatSilentModeParam. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType:params:completion:
Set conversation silent mode message data.
- Parameters
aConversationId | The conversation Id. |
aConversationType | The conversation type. |
aParam | Silent mode data parameter model ,See AgoraChatSilentModeParam. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ syncSilentModeConversationsFromServerCompletion:
- (void) syncSilentModeConversationsFromServerCompletion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable error)) |
completionBlock |
Get all conversations mute info from server.
- Parameters
completionBlock | The method completes the callback called. If the method call fails, the reason for the failure will be included. If the callback AgoraChatError is empty, you can call the IAgoraChatManager#getAllConversations method to re-obtain the session list and refresh the UI.. |
◆ updatePushDisplayName:
- (AgoraChatError *_Nullable) updatePushDisplayName: |
(NSString *_Nonnull) |
aDisplayName |
Sets the display name of the push notification.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
- Parameters
aNickname | The display name of the push notification. |
- Returns
- The error information if the method fails: Error.
◆ updatePushDisplayName:completion:
Sets the display name of the push notification.
This is an asynchronous method.
- Parameters
aDisplayName | The display name of the push notification. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ updatePushDisplayStyle:
- (AgoraChatError *) updatePushDisplayStyle: |
(AgoraChatPushDisplayStyle) |
pushDisplayStyle |
Sets the display style for the push notification.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
- Parameters
pushDisplayStyle | The display style of the push notification. |
- Returns
- The error information if the method fails: Error.
◆ updatePushDisplayStyle:completion:
Sets the display style for the push notification.
This is an asynchronous method.
- Parameters
pushDisplayStyle | The display style of the push notification. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ updatePushServiceForGroups:disablePush:
Sets wether to turn on or turn off the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
- Parameters
aGroupIds | The group IDs. |
disable | Turn off. |
- Returns
- The error information if the method fails: Error.
◆ updatePushServiceForGroups:disablePush:completion:
- (void) updatePushServiceForGroups: |
(NSArray *) |
aGroupIds |
disablePush: |
(BOOL) |
disable |
completion: |
(3_7_4) |
(3_9_1) |
("Use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead") |
| |
Sets the display style for the push notification. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead.
This is an asynchronous method.
- Parameters
aGroupIds | The group IDs. |
disable | Turn off. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails.. |
◆ updatePushServiceForUsers:disablePush:
- (AgoraChatError *) updatePushServiceForUsers: |
(NSArray *) |
aUIds |
disablePush: |
(3_8_4) |
(3_9_1) |
("Use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead") |
| |
Sets whether to receive push notification of the specific contacts. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
- Parameters
aUIds | The user IDs of the contacts. |
disable | Whether to receive the push notification.// to do |
- Returns
- The error information if the method fails: Error.
◆ updatePushServiceForUsers:disablePush:completion:
- (void) updatePushServiceForUsers: |
(NSArray *) |
aUIds |
disablePush: |
(BOOL) |
disable |
completion: |
(3_8_4) |
(3_9_1) |
("Use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead") |
| |
Sets whether to receive the push notification of the contacts. Deprecated. Please use -setSilentModeForConversation:conversationType: params:completion: instead.
This is an asynchronous method.
- Parameters
aUIds | The user IDs of the contacts. |
disable | Whether to receive the push notification. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
◆ pushOptions
The message push configuration options.
The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: