◆ addDelegate:delegateQueue:
Add delegate
- Parameters
aDelegate | Delegate is kindof protocol AgoraChatThreadManagerDelegate |
aQueue | (optional) The queue of calling delegate methods. Pass in nil to run on main thread. |
◆ createChatThread:messageId:parentId:completion:
- (void) createChatThread: |
(NSString *) |
threadName |
messageId: |
(NSString *) |
messageId |
parentId: |
(NSString *) |
parentId |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatThread *_Nullable thread, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
Create a subsection
- Parameters
threadName | The id of the subarea to get(limit 64 character) |
messageId | The message id of the operation to create the sub-area |
parentId | The session id where the message of the operation creates the sub-area is also the to of that message |
completion | Returns the callback, containing an AgoraChatThread object and an AgoraChatError error object |
◆ destroyChatThread:completion:
- (void) destroyChatThread: |
(NSString *) |
athreadId |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
destroy a subsection
- Parameters
threadId | The id of the subzone to destroy |
aCompletionBlock | return callback, success or failure |
◆ getChatThreadFromSever:completion:
- (void) getChatThreadFromSever: |
(NSString *) |
threadId |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatThread *_Nullable thread, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
Get the thread detail
- Parameters
threadId | The id of the subarea to get |
aCompletionBlock | Returns the callback, containing an AgoraChatThread object and an AgoraChatError error object |
◆ getChatThreadMemberListFromServerWithId:cursor:pageSize:completion:
- (void) getChatThreadMemberListFromServerWithId: |
(NSString *) |
threadId |
cursor: |
(NSString *) |
aCursor |
pageSize: |
(NSInteger) |
pageSize |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatCursorResult< NSString * > *_Nullable aResult, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
Get a list of members in a subsection
- Parameters
threadId | The id of the subarea to get members |
aCursor | cursor The position cursor of the last fetch |
pageSize | Number of single requests limit 50 |
aCompletionBlock | Returns the callback, containing an AgoraChatCursorResult object and an AgoraChatError error object |
◆ getChatThreadsFromServerWithParentId:cursor:pageSize:completion:
- (void) getChatThreadsFromServerWithParentId: |
(NSString *) |
parentId |
cursor: |
(NSString *) |
aCursor |
pageSize: |
(NSInteger) |
aPageSize |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatThread * > *_Nullable result, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
Get the subareas under a group from the server
- Parameters
parentId | The session id of the upper level of the sub-area |
aCursor | The position cursor of the last fetch |
pageSize | Number of single requests limit 50 |
aCompletionBlock | Returns the callback, containing an AgoraChatCursorResult object and an AgoraChatError error object |
◆ getJoinedChatThreadsFromServerWithCursor:pageSize:completion:
Get the subzones the user has joined from the server
- Parameters
aCursor | cursor The position cursor of the last fetch |
pageSize | Number of single requests limit 50 |
aCompletionBlock | Returns the callback, containing an AgoraChatCursorResult object and an AgoraChatError error object |
◆ getJoinedChatThreadsFromServerWithParentId:cursor:pageSize:completion:
- (void) getJoinedChatThreadsFromServerWithParentId: |
(NSString *) |
parentId |
cursor: |
(NSString *) |
aCursor |
pageSize: |
(NSInteger) |
aPageSize |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatCursorResult< AgoraChatThread * > *_Nullable result, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
Get the mine subareas under a group from the server
- Parameters
parentId | The session id of the upper level of the sub-area |
aCursor | The position cursor of the last fetch |
pageSize | Number of single requests limit 50 |
aCompletionBlock | Returns the callback, containing an AgoraChatCursorResult object and an AgoraChatError error object |
◆ getLastMessageFromSeverWithChatThreads:completion:
- (void) getLastMessageFromSeverWithChatThreads: |
(NSArray< NSString * > *) |
threadIds |
completion: |
(void(^)(NSDictionary< NSString *, AgoraChatMessage * > *_Nullable messageMap, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
Get the thread detail
- Parameters
threadIds | The ids of the subarea to get(No more than 20 ids for a single request) |
aCompletionBlock | Return the callback, including a dictionary key is the sub-area id, value is the AgoraChatMessage object |
◆ joinChatThread:completion:
- (void) joinChatThread: |
(NSString *) |
threadId |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatThread *_Nullable thread, AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
join a subsection
- Parameters
threadId | The id of the subzone to join |
aCompletionBlock | return callback, success or failure |
◆ leaveChatThread:completion:
- (void) leaveChatThread: |
(NSString *) |
athreadId |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
leave a subsection
- Parameters
threadId | The id of the subzone to leave |
aCompletionBlock | return callback, success or failure |
◆ removeDelegate:
Remove delegate
- Parameters
◆ removeMemberFromChatThread:threadId:completion:
- (void) removeMemberFromChatThread: |
(NSString *) |
aUser |
threadId: |
(NSString *) |
athreadId |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
Remove sub-zone members (only available for group management)
- Parameters
aUser | To remove the user's ease id |
threadId | subarea id to operate |
aCompletionBlock | return callback, success or failure |
◆ updateChatThreadName:threadId:completion:
- (void) updateChatThreadName: |
(NSString *) |
name |
threadId: |
(NSString *) |
athreadId |
completion: |
(void(^)(AgoraChatError *_Nullable aError)) |
aCompletionBlock |
| |
required |
Update subzone name (only available for group managers or creators)
- Parameters
name | the name you want to change(limit 64 character) |
threadId | subarea id to operate |
aCompletionBlock | return callback, success or failure |
The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: