AgoraChatSDK 1.3.1
#import <IAgoraChatGroupManager.h>
@header IAgoraChatGroupManager.h @abstract This protocol defines the group operations.
required |
Accepts a group invitation.
This is an asynchronous method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aUsername | The user who initiates the invitation. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Accepts a group invitation.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aUsername | The user who initiates the invitation. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Accepts a group request.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aUsername | The user who sends the request for join the group. |
required |
Adds group admin.
This is an asynchronous method.
Only the group owner can call this method.
aAdmin | The admin to be added. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Adds group admin.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aAdmin | The admin to be added. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Adds delegate.
aDelegate | The delegate to be added. |
aQueue | (optional) The queue of calling delegate methods. Pass in nil to run on main thread. |
required |
Invites users to join a group.
aUsers | The users who are invited to join the group. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aMessage | The welcome message. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Invites users to join a group.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aOccupants | The users who are invited. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aWelcomeMessage | The welcome message. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Adds members to the allowlist.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
aMembers | The members to be added to the allowlist. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Adds members to the allowlist.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aMembers | The members to be added to the allowlist. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
The request to join a public group. The group style should be AgoraChatGroupStylePublicJoinNeedApproval.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The public group ID。 |
aMessage | The message in the request. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Approves a group request.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is an asynchronous method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aUsername | The user who sends the request for join the group. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Blocks group messages, so the server blocks the messages from the group.
The group owner can't block the group's messages.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Blocks group messages. The server will block the messages from the group.
The group owner can't block the group's messages.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Adds users to blocklist of the group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
aMembers | The users to be added to the blockList. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Adds users to blocklist of the group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aOccupants | The users to be added to the blockList. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Changes the group description.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aDescription | The new group description. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Changes the subject of the group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aSubject | The new subject of the group. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Clears the information of all groups in the local database.
required |
Creates a group.
This is an asynchronous method.
aSubject | The subject of the group. |
aDescription | The description of the group. |
aInvitees | The members of the group. Do not include the creator. |
aMessage | The invitation message. |
aSetting | The group options. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Creates a group.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aSubject | The subject of the group. |
aDescription | The description of the group. |
aInvitees | The members of the group. Do not include the creator. |
aMessage | The invitation message. |
aSetting | The group options. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Declines a group invitation.
This is an asynchronous method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aInviter | The user who send the invitation. |
aReason | The reason of declining. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Declines a group invitation.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aUsername | The user who initiates the invitation. |
aReason | The reason for declining. |
required |
Declines a group request.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aUsername | The user who sends the request for join the group. |
aReason | The reason of declining. |
required |
Declines a group request.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is an asynchronous method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aUsername | The user who sends the request for join the group. |
aReason | The reason for declining. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Destroys a group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
required |
Destroys a group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Downloads the share file of group.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aFilePath | The path of file. |
aSharedFileId | The shared file ID. |
aProgressBlock | The block of attachment upload progress |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets the mutelist of the group from the server.
Only the group owner or admin can call this method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aPageNum | The page number. |
aPageSize | The page size. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets all custom attributes of a group member.
groupId | The group ID. |
userId | The user ID of the group member whose all custom attributes are retrieved. |
completion | The completion block, which contains the map of all retrieved attributes and the error message (AgoraChatError) if the method call fails:
required |
Gets custom attributes of multiple group members by attribute key.
groupId | The group ID. |
userIds | The array of user IDs of group members whose custom attributes are retrieved.(limitation is ten.More than callback error. ) |
keys | The array of keys of custom attributes to be retrieved. |
completion | The completion block, which contains the map of retrieved attributes and the error message (AgoraChatError) if the method call fails.
required |
Gets the announcement of group from the server.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets the announcement of group from the server.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Gets the group's blocklist.
Only the group owner or admin can call this method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aPageNum | The page number. |
aPageSize | The page size. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets the blocklist of group from the server.
Only the group owner or admin can call this method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aPageNum | The page number. |
aPageSize | The page size. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Gets the share files of group from the server.
This is an asynchronous method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aPageNum | The page number. |
aPageSize | The page size. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets the share files of group from the server.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aPageNum | The page number. |
aPageSize | The page size. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Gets the list of group members from the server.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCursor | The cursor when joins the group. Sets the parameter as nil for the first time. |
aPageSize | The page size. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets the list of group members from the server.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCursor | The cursor when joins the group. Sets the parameter as nil for the first time. |
aPageSize | The expect entry number of the list. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Gets the mutelist of the group from the server.
Only the group owner or admin can call this method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aPageNum | The page number. |
aPageSize | The page size. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets the mutelist of the group from the server.
Only the group owner or admin can call this method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aPageNum | The page number. |
aPageSize | The page size. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Fetches the group specification, including: ID, name, description, setting, owner, admins.
This is an asynchronous method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Fetches the group information,including the group ID, name, description,setting, owner and admins.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Fetches the group specification, including: ID, name, description, setting, owner, admins.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
fetchMembers | Whether to fetch the group members. The default action fetches at most 200 members. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Fetches the group specification, including the group ID, name, description, setting, owner, admins.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
fetchMembers | Whether to fetch the group members. The default action fetches at most 200 members. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Gets the list of groups which have disabled Apple Push Notification Service.
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Gets the allowlist of group from the server.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets the allowlist of group from the server.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Gets the local information of all groups created and joined by the current user.
required |
Gets groups count of the current user joined from the server.
This is an asynchronous method.
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets the pagesize number group you joined from the server.
Deprecated, please use getJoinedGroupsFromServerWithPage:pageSize:needMemberCount:needRole:error:completion:
This is an asynchronous method.
aPageNum | The cursor when joins the group. Sets the parameter as nil for the first time. |
aPageSize | The number of results expected to be returned, if <0 then all results will be returned at once. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets pagesize number group you joined from the server.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aPageNum | Gets the cursor to join the group. Sets the parameter as nil for the first time. |
aPageSize | The number of results expected to be returned. If <0 then all results will be returned at once |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Uses the pagination to get the number group that you joined.
This method gets data from the server.
This is an asynchronous method.
aPageNum | The current page number, starting from 0. After this parameter is set, the SDK gets data from the specified position in the reverse chronological order of when the user joined groups. At the first method call, if you set this parameter as 0 , the SDK gets data starting from the latest group that the user joined. |
aPageSize | The number of groups that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,20]. |
aNeedMemberCount | need member count Whether the number of group members is required.
aNeedRole | need role Whether the role of the current user in the group is required.
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets public groups with the specified range from the server.
This is an asynchronous method.
aCursor | Gets the cursor to join the group. Sets the parameter as nil for the first time. |
aPageSize | The number of results expected to be returned. If the number is less than 0 then all results will be returned at once. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets the public groups with the specified range from the server.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aCursor | The cursor to join the group. Sets the parameter as nil for the first time. |
aPageSize | The number of results expected to be returned. If the number is less than 0 then all results will be returned at once. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Blocks/unblocks group message‘s push notification.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
Deprecated, please use IAgoraChatPushManager::updatePushServiceForGroups:disablePush:
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aIsIgnore | Whether to show or ignore the push notification. |
required |
Blocks/unblocks the group message‘s push notification.
Deprecated, please use IAgoraChatPushManager::updatePushServiceForGroups:disablePush:
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupIDs | The group ID list. |
aIsIgnore | Whether to show or ignore the push notification. |
required |
Checks whether the current user is on the mute list of a group.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets whether the member is on the allowlist.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Gets whether the member is on the allowlist.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Joins a public group. The group style should be AgoraChatGroupStylePublicOpenJoin.
aGroupId | The public group ID。 |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Joins a public group. The group style should be AgoraChatGroupStylePublicOpenJoin.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The public group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Leaves a group. The owner can't leave the group, can only destroy the group.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Leaves a group. The owner can't leave the group, can only destroy the group.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
mute all members.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is an asynchronous method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Mutes all members.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Mutes group members.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is an asynchronous method.
aMuteMembers | The list of mute, type is <NSString> |
aMuteMilliseconds | Muted time duration in millisecond |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Mutes group members.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aMuteMembers | The list of members to be muted. |
aMuteMilliseconds | The muted time duration in millisecond. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Removes the group admin.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is an asynchronous method.
aAdmin | The admin to be removed. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Removes a group admin.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aAdmin | The admin to be removed. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Removes delegate.
aDelegate | The delegate to be removed. |
required |
Removes the share file of group.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aSharedFileId | The share file ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Removes the share file of the group.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aSharedFileId | The share file ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Removes members from the group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
aUsers | The members to be removed from the group. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Removes members from the group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aOccupants | The users to be removed from the group. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Removes members from the allowlist.
This is an asynchronous method.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
aMembers | The members to be removed from the allowlist. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Removes members from the allowlist.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aMembers | The members to be removed from the allowlist. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Requests to join a public group. The group style should be AgoraChatGroupStylePublicJoinNeedApproval.
aGroupId | The public group ID. |
aMessage | The information in the request. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Searches public group with group ID.
aGroundId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Searches a public group with the group ID.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroundId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Sets custom attributes of a group member.
groupId | The group ID. |
userId | The user ID of the group member for whom the custom attributes are set. |
attributes | The map of custom attributes in key-value format. In a key-value pair, if the value is set to an empty string, the custom attribute will be deleted. |
completion | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method call fails. |
required |
Unblocks group messages.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Unblocks group messages.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Removes users out of the blocklist of the group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
aMembers | The users to be removed from the blockList. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Removes users from the blocklist of the group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aOccupants | The users to be removed from the blockList. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Unmutes all members.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is an asynchronous method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Unmutes all members.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Unmutes group members.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is an asynchronous method.
aMembers | The list of members to be unmuted. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Unmutes group members.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aMembers | The list of members to be unmuted. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Changes the group description.
Only the group owner can call this method.
aDescription | The new group‘s description. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Updates the announcement of group.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is an asynchronous method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aAnnouncement | The announcement of the group. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Updates the announcement of group.
Only the chatroom owner or admin can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aAnnouncement | The announcement of the group. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Updates the extended information of the group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aExt | The extended information of the group. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Updates the extended of the group.
Only the owner of the group can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aExt | The extended information of the group. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Changes the owner of the group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aNewOwner | The new group owner. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Changes the owner of the group.
Only the group owner can call this method.
This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aNewOwner | The new group owner. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |
required |
Changes the group subject.
Only the group owner can call this method.
aSubject | The new subject of the group. |
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Blocks/unblocks the group message‘s push notification.
Deprecated, please use IAgoraChatPushManager::updatePushServiceForGroups:disablePush:completion:
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aIsEnable | Whether to block or unblock the push notification. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Blocks/unblocks the group message‘s push notification.
Deprecated, please use IAgoraChatPushManager::updatePushServiceForGroups:disablePush:completion:
aGroupIDs | The group ID list. |
aIsEnable | Whether to enable group messages push. |
aCompletionBlock | The completion block, which contains the error message if the method fails. |
required |
Uploads the share file of group.
aGroupId | The group ID. |
aFilePath | The path of file. |
pError | The error information if the method fails: Error. |