
The RTC device manager class, which manages the audio and video devices in the system.


Enumerates the audio playback devices.

Future<List<MediaDeviceInfo>> enumerateAudioPlaybackDevices()


  • Success: Returns a MediaDeviceInfo list that contains the device ID and device name of all the audio playback devices.
  • Failure: null.


Enumerates the audio capture devices.

Future<List<MediaDeviceInfo>> enumerateAudioRecordingDevices()


  • Success: Returns a MediaDeviceInfo list that contains the device ID and device name of all the audio recording devices.
  • Failure: null.


Sets the audio playback device.

Future<void> setAudioPlaybackDevice(String deviceId)



The ID of the audio playback device. You can get the device ID by calling enumerateAudioPlaybackDevices. Plugging or unplugging the audio device does not change the device ID.


Sets the audio capture device.

Future<void> setAudioRecordingDevice(String deviceId)



The ID of the audio capture device. You can get the device ID by calling enumerateAudioRecordingDevices. Plugging or unplugging the audio device does not change the device ID.


Starts the audio playback device test.

Future<void> startAudioPlaybackDeviceTest(String testAudioFilePath)

This method tests whether the audio playback device works properly. Once a user starts the test, the SDK plays an audio file specified by the user. If the user can hear the audio, the playback device works properly.

As of v3.6.2, you can call this method either before or after joining a channel. Depending on the call sequence, the SDK triggers the following callbacks every 100 ms to report the volume of the audio playback device:
  • audioVolumeIndication and audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication when you call this method before joining the channel, with the following values:
    • uid = 1 and volume in audioVolumeIndication.
    • volumeType = AudioTestPlaybackVolume(1) and volume in audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication.
    The two callbacks report the same volume information. Agora recommends using audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication.
  • audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication when you call this method after joining a channel, which reports volumeType = AudioTestPlaybackVolume(1) and volume.
  • Calling this method after joining a channel tests the audio capturing device that the SDK is using.
  • After calling startRecordingDeviceTest, you must call stopAudioPlaybackDeviceTest to stop the test.



The path of the audio file for the audio playback device test in UTF-8.


Stops the audio playback device test.

Future<void> stopAudioPlaybackDeviceTest()

This method stops the audio playback device test. You must call this method to stop the test after calling the startAudioPlaybackDeviceTest method.

Attention: Ensure that you call this method before joining a channel.


Starts the audio capture device test.

Future<void> startAudioRecordingDeviceTest(int indicationInterval)

This method tests whether the audio capturing device works properly.

As of v3.6.2, you can call this method either before or after joining a channel. Depending on the call sequence, the SDK triggers the following callbacks at the set time interval to report the volume of the audio capturing device:
  • audioVolumeIndication and audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication when you call this method before joining the channel, with the following values:
    • uid = 0 and volume in audioVolumeIndication.
    • volumeType = AudioTestRecordingVolume(0) and volume in audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication.
    The two callbacks report the same volume information. Agora recommends using audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication.
  • audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication when you call this method after joining a channel, which reports volumeType = AudioTestRecordingVolume(0) and volume.
  • When you call this method after joining a channel, ensure the audio capturing device is on ( enableLocalAudio is set as true); otherwise, the method call fails, and the SDK triggers the error callback with ERR_ADM_START_RECORDING(1012).
  • Calling this method after joining a channel tests the audio capturing device that the SDK is using.
  • After calling startRecordingDeviceTest, you must call stopAudioRecordingDeviceTest to stop the test.


The time interval (ms) at which the SDK triggers the audioVolumeIndication or audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication callback. Agora recommends a setting greater than 200 ms. This value must not be less than 10 ms; otherwise, you can not receive the audioVolumeIndication or audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication callback.


Stops the audio capture device test.

Future<void> stopAudioRecordingDeviceTest()

This method stops the audio capture device test. You must call this method to stop the test after calling the startAudioRecordingDeviceTest method.

Attention: Ensure that you call this method before joining a channel.


Retrieves the audio playback device associated with the device ID.

Future<String?> getAudioPlaybackDevice()


The current audio playback device.


Retrieves the audio playback device information associated with the device ID and device name.

Future<MediaDeviceInfo?> getAudioPlaybackDeviceInfo()


A MediaDeviceInfo class, which includes the device ID and the device name.


Gets the current audio recording device.

Future<String?> getAudioRecordingDevice()


The current audio recording device.


Retrieves the audio capture device information associated with the device ID and device name.

Future<MediaDeviceInfo?> getAudioRecordingDeviceInfo()


A MediaDeviceInfo class that contains the device ID and device name of all the audio recording devices.


Starts an audio device loopback test.

Future<void> startAudioDeviceLoopbackTest(int indicationInterval)

This method tests whether the local audio capturing device and playback device work properly. After calling this method, the audio capturing device samples the local audio, and then the audio playback device plays the sampled audio.

As of v3.6.2, you can call this method either before or after joining a channel. Depending on the call sequence, the SDK triggers the following callbacks at the set time interval to report the volume of the audio capturing and playback devices:
  • Two audioVolumeIndication callbacks and two audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication callbacks when you call this method before joining the channel, with the following values:
    • uid = 0 and volume in one audioVolumeIndication callback; uid = 1 and volume in the other audioVolumeIndication callback.
    • volumeType = AudioTestRecordingVolume(0) and volume in one audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication callback; volumeType = AudioTestPlaybackVolume(1) and volume in the other audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication callback.
    The audioVolumeIndication and audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication callbacks report the same volume information. Agora recommends using audioVolumeIndication.
  • Two audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication callbacks when you call this method after joining a channel, with the following values:
    • volumeType = AudioTestRecordingVolume(0) and volume in one callback;
    • volumeType = AudioTestPlaybackVolume(1) and volume in the other one.
  • When you call this method after joining a channel, ensure the audio capturing device is on ( enableLocalAudio is set as true); otherwise, the method call fails, and the SDK triggers the error callback with ERR_ADM_START_RECORDING(1012).
  • Calling this method after joining a channel tests the audio capturing device that the SDK is using.
  • This method tests local audio devices and does not report the network conditions.
  • After calling startRecordingDeviceTest, you must call stopAudioDeviceLoopbackTest to stop the test.



The time interval (ms) at which the SDK triggers the audioVolumeIndication or audioDeviceTestVolumeIndication callback. Agora recommends a setting greater than 200 ms. This value must not be less than 10 ms; otherwise, you can not receive these callbacks.


Stops the audio device loopback test.

Future<void> stopAudioDeviceLoopbackTest()
  • Ensure that you call this method before joining a channel.
  • Ensure that you call this method to stop the loopback test after calling the startAudioDeviceLoopbackTest method.


Sets the volume of the audio playback device.

Future<void> setAudioPlaybackDeviceVolume(int volume)


The volume of the audio playback device. The value ranges between 0 (lowest volume) and 255 (highest volume).


Retrieves the volume of the audio playback device.

Future<int?> getAudioPlaybackDeviceVolume()


The volume of the audio playback device. The value ranges between 0 (lowest volume) and 255 (highest volume).


Sets the volume of the audio capture device.

Future<void> setAudioRecordingDeviceVolume(int volume)


The volume of the audio recording device. The value ranges between 0 (lowest volume) and 255 (highest volume).


Retrieves the volume of the audio recording device.

Future<int?> getAudioRecordingDeviceVolume()


The volume of the audio recording device. The value ranges between 0 (lowest volume) and 255 (highest volume).


Mutes the audio playback device.

Future<void> setAudioPlaybackDeviceMute(bool mute)


Whether to mute the audio playback device:
  • true: Mute the audio playback device.
  • false: Unmute the audio playback device.


Retrieves whether the audio playback device is muted.

Future<bool?> getAudioPlaybackDeviceMute()


  • true: The audio playback device is muted.
  • false: The audio playback device is unmuted.


Sets the mute status of the audio capture device.

Future<void> setAudioRecordingDeviceMute(bool mute)


Whether to mute the audio capture device:
  • true: Mute the audio capture device.
  • false: Unmute the audio capture device.


Gets the microphone's mute status.

Future<bool?> getAudioRecordingDeviceMute()


  • true: The microphone is muted.
  • false: The microphone is unmuted.


Enumerates the video devices.

Future<List<MediaDeviceInfo>> enumerateVideoDevices()


  • Success: Returns a MediaDeviceInfo that contains all the video devices.
  • Failure: null.


Sets the audio playback device used by the SDK to follow the system default audio playback device.

Future<void> followSystemPlaybackDevice(bool enable);

Return values

Whether to follow the system default audio playback device:
  • true: Follow. The SDK immediately switches the audio playback device when the system default audio playback device changes.
  • false: Do not follow. The SDK switches the audio playback device to the system default audio playback device only when the currently used audio playback device is disconnected.


Sets the audio recording device used by the SDK to follow the system default audio recording device.

Future<void> followSystemRecordingDevice(bool enable);
Return values
Whether to follow the system default audio recording device:
  • true: Follow. The SDK immediately switches the audio recording device when the system default audio recording device changes.
  • false: Do not follow. The SDK switches the audio recording device to the system default audio recording device only when the currently used audio recording device is disconnected.


Specifies the video capture device with the device ID.

Future<void> setVideoDevice(String deviceId)
Attention: Plugging or unplugging a device does not change its device ID.



The device ID. You can get the device ID by calling enumerateVideoDevices.


Retrieves the current video capture device.

Future<String?> getVideoDevice()


The video capture device.