Type definition
This page lists all the type definitions of the Flutter API.
The region for connection, which is the region where the server the SDK connects to is located.
- CN
- Mainland China.
- NA
- North America.
- EU
- Europe.
- AS
- Asia, excluding Mainland China.
- JP
- Japan.
- IN
- India.
- (Default) Global.
The latency level of an audience member in interactive live streaming. This enum takes effect only when the user role is set to Audience.
- LowLatency
- 1: Low latency.
- UltraLowLatency
- 2: (Default) Ultra low latency.
The information acquisition state. This enum is reported in requestAudioFileInfo.
- Ok
- 0: Successfully get the information of an audio file.
- Failure
- 1: Fail to get the information of an audio file.
Self-defined audio codec profile.
- 0: (Default) LC-AAC.
- 1: HE-AAC.
- 2: HE-AAC v2.
Preset voice effects.
For better voice effects, Agora recommends setting the profile parameter of setAudioProfile to MusicHighQuality or MusicHighQualityStereo before using the following presets:
- RoomAcousticsKTV
- RoomAcousticsVocalConcert
- RoomAcousticsStudio
- RoomAcousticsPhonograph
- RoomAcousticsSpacial
- RoomAcousticsEthereal
- VoiceChangerEffectUncle
- VoiceChangerEffectOldMan
- VoiceChangerEffectBoy
- VoiceChangerEffectSister
- VoiceChangerEffectGirl
- VoiceChangerEffectPigKing
- VoiceChangerEffectHulk
- PitchCorrection
- AudioEffectOff
- Turn off voice effects, that is, use the original voice.
- RoomAcousticsKTV
- The voice effect typical of a KTV venue.
- RoomAcousticsVocalConcert
- The voice effect typical of a concert hall.
- RoomAcousticsStudio
- The voice effect typical of a recording studio.
- RoomAcousticsPhonograph
- The voice effect typical of a vintage phonograph.
- RoomAcousticsVirtualStereo
The virtual stereo effect, which renders monophonic audio as stereo audio.
Attention: Before using this preset, set the profile parameter of setAudioProfile to MusicHighQuality or MusicHighQualityStereo; otherwise, the preset setting is invalid. - RoomAcousticsSpacial
- A more spatial voice effect.
- RoomAcousticsEthereal
- A more ethereal voice effect.
- RoomAcoustics3DVoice
A 3D voice effect that makes the voice appear to be moving around the user. The default movement cycle is 10 seconds. After setting this effect, you can call setAudioEffectParameters to modify the movement period.
Attention:- Before using this preset, set the profile parameter of setAudioProfile to MusicStandardStereo or MusicHighQualityStereo; otherwise, the preset setting is invalid.
- If the 3D voice effect is enabled, users need to use stereo audio playback devices to hear the anticipated voice effect.
- VoiceChangerEffectUncle
A middle-aged man's voice.
Attention: Agora recommends using this preset to process a male-sounding voice; otherwise, you may not hear the anticipated voice effect. - VoiceChangerEffectOldMan
A senior man's voice.
Attention: Agora recommends using this preset to process a male-sounding voice; otherwise, you may not hear the anticipated voice effect. - VoiceChangerEffectBoy
A boy's voice.
Attention: Agora recommends using this preset to process a male-sounding voice; otherwise, you may not hear the anticipated voice effect. - VoiceChangerEffectSister
A young woman's voice.
Attention: Agora recommends using this preset to process a female-sounding voice; otherwise, you may not hear the anticipated voice effect. - VoiceChangerEffectGirl
A girl's voice.
Attention: Agora recommends using this preset to process a female-sounding voice; otherwise, you may not hear the anticipated voice effect. - VoiceChangerEffectPigKing
- The voice of Pig King, a character in Journey to the West who has a voice like a growling bear.
- VoiceChangerEffectHulk
- The Hulk's voice.
- StyleTransformationRnB
The voice effect typical of R&B music.
Attention: Before using this preset, set the profile parameter of setAudioProfile to MusicHighQuality or MusicHighQualityStereo; otherwise, the preset setting is invalid. - StyleTransformationPopular
The voice effect typical of popular music.
Attention: Before using this preset, set the profile parameter of setAudioProfile to MusicHighQuality or MusicHighQualityStereo; otherwise, the preset setting is invalid. - PitchCorrection
- A pitch correction effect that corrects the user's pitch based on the pitch of the natural C major scale. After setting this voice effect, you can call setAudioEffectParameters to adjust the basic mode of tuning and the pitch of the main tone.
The midrange frequency for audio equalization.
- Band31
- 0: 31 Hz
- Band62
- 1: 62 Hz
- Band125
- 2: 125 Hz
- Band250
- 3: 250 Hz
- Band500
- 4: 500 Hz
- Band1K
- 5: 1 kHz
- Band2K
- 6: 2 kHz
- Band4K
- 7: 4 kHz
- Band8K
- 8: 8 kHz
- Band16K
- 9: 16 kHz
The channel mode. Set in setAudioMixingDualMonoMode.
- Auto
- 0: Original mode.
- L
- 1: Left channel mode. This mode replaces the audio of the right channel with the audio of the left channel, which means the user can only hear the audio of the left channel.
- R
- 2: Right channel mode. This mode replaces the audio of the left channel with the audio of the right channel, which means the user can only hear the audio of the right channel.
- 3: Mixed channel mode. This mode mixes the audio of the left channel and the right channel, which means the user can hear the audio of the left channel and the right channel at the same time.
Errors that might occur when playing a music file.
- Deprecated:
- Deprecated as of v3.4.0.
- CanNotOpen
- The SDK cannot open the music file.
- TooFrequentCall
- The SDK opens the music file too frequently.
- InterruptedEOF
- The playback of the music file is interrupted.
- OK
- The music file is playing.
The reason why the playback state of the music file changes. Reported in the audioMixingStateChanged callback.
- CanNotOpen
- 701: The SDK cannot open the music file. For example, the local music file does not exist, the SDK does not support the file format, or the SDK cannot access the music file URL.
- TooFrequentCall
- 702: The SDK opens the music file too frequently. If you need to call startAudioMixing multiple times, ensure that the call interval is more than 500 ms.
- InterruptedEOF
- 703: The music file playback is interrupted.
- StartedByUser
- 720: The method call of startAudioMixing to play music files succeeds.
- OneLoopCompleted
- 721: The music file completes a loop playback.
- StartNewLoop
- 722: The music file starts a new loop playback.
- AllLoopsCompleted
- 723: The music file completes all loop playbacks.
- StoppedByUser
- 724: The method call of stopAudioMixing to stop playing the music file succeeds.
- PausedByUser
- 725: The method call of pauseAudioMixing to pause playing the music file succeeds.
- ResumedByUser
- 726: The method call of resumeAudioMixing to resume playing the music file succeeds.
The playback state of the music file.
- Playing
710: The music file is playing.
The possible reasons include:- StartedByUser(710)
- OneLoopCompleted(720)
- StartNewLoop(722)
- ResumedByUser(726)
- Paused
711: The music file pauses playing.
This state is due toPausedByUser (725).
- Stopped
713: The music file stops playing.
The possible reasons include:- AllLoopsCompleted(723)
- StoppedByUser(724)
- Failed
714: An error occurs during the playback of the audio mixing file.
The possible reasons include:- CanNotOpen(701)
- TooFrequentCall(702)
- InterruptedEOF(703)
The audio profile.
- Default
0: The default audio profile.
- For the interactive streaming profile: A sample rate of 48 kHz, music encoding, mono, and a bitrate of up to 64 Kbps.
- For the communication profile:
- SpeechStandard
- 1: A sample rate of 32 kHz, audio encoding, mono, and a bitrate of up to 18 Kbps.
- MusicStandard
- 2: A sample rate of 48 kHz, music encoding, mono, and a bitrate of up to 64 Kbps.
- MusicStandardStereo
- 3: A sample rate of 48 kHz, music encoding, stereo, and a bitrate of up to 80 Kbps.
- MusicHighQuality
- 4: A sample rate of 48 kHz, music encoding, mono, and a bitrate of up to 96 Kbps.
- MusicHighQualityStereo
- 5: A sample rate of 48 kHz, music encoding, stereo, and a bitrate of up to 128 Kbps.
- Enumerator boundary.
Recording content. Set in startAudioRecordingWithConfig.
- PositionMixedRecordingAndPlayback
- 0: (Default) Records the mixed audio of the local and all remote users.
- PositionRecording
- 1: Only records the audio of the local user.
- PositionMixedPlayback
- 2: Only records the audio of all remote users.
Audio recording quality.
- Low
- 0: Low quality. The sample rate is 32 kHz, and the file size is around 1.2 MB after 10 minutes of recording.
- Medium
- 1: Medium quality. The sample rate is 32 kHz, and the file size is around 2 MB after 10 minutes of recording.
- High
- 2: High quality. The sample rate is 32 kHz, and the file size is around 3.75 MB after 10 minutes of recording.
- UltraHigh
- 3: Ultra high quality. The sample rate is 32 kHz, and the file size is around 7.5 MB after 10 minutes of recording.
Voice reverb presets.
- Off
- Turn off voice reverb, that is, to use the original voice.
- The reverb style typical of a KTV venue (enhanced).
- The reverb style typical of a concert hall (enhanced).
- A middle-aged man's voice.
- The reverb style typical of a young woman's voice.
- The reverb style typical of a recording studio (enhanced).
- The reverb style typical of popular music (enhanced).
- The reverb style typical of R&B music (enhanced).
- The voice effect typical of a vintage phonograph.
- Popular
- The voice effect typical of popular music.
- RnB
- The voice effect typical of R&B music.
- Rock
- The reverb style typical of rock music.
- HipHop
- The reverb style typical of hip-hop music.
- VocalConcert
- The voice effect typical of a concert hall.
- The voice effect typical of a KTV venue.
- Studio
- The voice effect typical of a recording studio.
- The reverberation of the virtual stereo. The virtual stereo is an effect that renders the monophonic audio as the stereo audio, so that all users in the channel can hear the stereo voice effect.
- A pitch correction effect that corrects the user's pitch based on the pitch of the natural C major scale.
- A 3D voice effect that makes the voice appear to be moving around the user.
Audio reverberation types.
- DryLevel
- 0: The level of the dry signal (dB). The value is between -20 and 10.
- WetLevel
- 1: The level of the early reflection signal (wet signal) (dB). The value is between -20 and 10.
- RoomSize
- 2: The room size of the reflection. The value is between 0 and 100.
- WetDelay
- 3: The length of the initial delay of the wet signal (ms). The value is between 0 and 200.
- Strength
- 4: The reverberation strength. The value is between 0 and 100.
The type of the audio route.
- Default
- -1: The default audio route.
- Headset
- 0: The headset.
- Earpiece
- 1: The earpiece.
- HeadsetNoMic
- 2: The headset with no microphone.
- Speakerphone
- 3: The built-in speaker on a mobile device.
- Loudspeaker
- 4: The external speaker.
- HeadsetBluetooth
- 5: The bluetooth headset.
- 6: The USB peripheral (macOS only).
- 7: The HDMI peripheral (macOS only).
- DisplayPort
- 8: The DisplayPort peripheral (macOS only).
- AirPlay
- 9: Apple AirPlay (macOS only).
The audio sampling rate of the stream to be pushed to the CDN.
- Type32000
- 32000: 32 kHz
- Type44100
- 44100: 44.1 kHz
- Type48000
- 48000: (Default) 48 kHz
Audio application scenarios.
- Default
- 0: The default audio scenario.
- ChatRoomEntertainment
- 1: Entertainment scenario where users need to frequently switch the user role.
- Education
- 2: Education scenario where users want smoothness and stability.
- GameStreaming
- 3: High-quality audio chatroom scenario where hosts mainly play music.
- ShowRoom
- 4: Showroom scenario where a single host wants high-quality audio.
- ChatRoomGaming
- 5: Gaming scenario for group chat that only contains the human voice.
- 6: IoT (Internet of Things) scenario where users use IoT devices with low power consumption.
8: Meeting scenario that mainly contains the human voice.
The operational permission of the SDK on the audio session.
- None
- No restriction, the SDK has full control of the audio session operations.
- SetCategory
- The SDK does not change the audio session category.
- ConfigureSession
- The SDK does not change any setting of the audio session (category, mode, categoryOptions).
- DeactivateSession
- The SDK keeps the audio session active when leaving a channel.
- All
- The SDK does not configure the audio session anymore.
The type of the custom background image.
- 1: (Default) The background image is a solid color.
- The background image is a file in PNG or JPG format.
- The background image is the blurred background.
The degree of blurring applied to the custom background image.
- Low
- 1: The degree of blurring applied to the custom background image is low. The user can almost see the background clearly.
- Medium
- The degree of blurring applied to the custom background image is medium. It is difficult for the user to recognize details in the background.
- High
- (Default) The degree of blurring applied to the custom background image is high. The user can barely see any distinguishing features in the background.
The camera direction.
- Rear
- The rear camera.
- Front
- The front camera.
The brightness level of the video image captured by the local camera.
- Invalid
- -1: The SDK does not detect the brightness level of the video image. Wait a few seconds to get the brightness level from captureBrightnessLevel in the next callback.
- Normal
- 0: The brightness level of the video image is normal.
- Bright
- 1: The brightness level of the video image is too bright.
- Dark
- 2: The brightness level of the video image is too dark.
Camera capture preference.
- Auto
- 0: (Default) Automatically adjust the camera capture preference. The SDK adjusts the camera output parameters according to the system performance and network conditions to balance CPU consumption and video preview quality.
- Performance
- 1: Prioritizes the system performance. The SDK chooses the dimension and frame rate of the local camera capture closest to those set by setVideoEncoderConfiguration. In this case, the local preview quality depends on the encoder.
- Preview
- 2: Prioritizes the local preview quality. The SDK chooses higher camera output parameters to improve the local video preview quality. This option requires extra CPU and RAM usage for video pre-processing.
- Manual
3: Allows you to customize the width and height of the video image captured by the local camera.
The error code of the channel media replay.
- None
- 0: No error.
- ServerErrorResponse
- 1: An error occurs in the server response.
- ServerNoResponse
2: No server response.
You can call leaveChannel to leave the channel.
This error can also occur if your project has not enabled co-host token authentication. You can mailto:support@agora.io to enable the co-host token authentication service before starting a channel media relay.
- NoResourceAvailable
- 3: The SDK fails to access the service, probably due to limited resources of the server.
- FailedJoinSourceChannel
- 4: Fails to send the relay request.
- FailedJoinDestinationChannel
- 5: Fails to accept the relay request.
- FailedPacketReceivedFromSource
- 6: The server fails to receive the media stream.
- FailedPacketSentToDestination
- 7: The server fails to send the media stream.
- ServerConnectionLost
- 8: The SDK disconnects from the server due to poor network connections. You can call the leaveChannel method to leave the channel.
- InternalError
- 9: An internal error occurs in the server.
- SourceTokenExpired
- 10: The token of the source channel has expired.
- DestinationTokenExpired
- 11: The token of the destination channel has expired.
The event code of channel media relay.
- Disconnect
- 0: The user disconnects from the server due to a poor network connection.
- Connected
- 1: The user is connected to the server.
- JoinedSourceChannel
- 2: The user joins the source channel.
- JoinedDestinationChannel
- 3: The user joins the destination channel.
- SentToDestinationChannel
- 4: The SDK starts relaying the media stream to the destination channel.
- ReceivedVideoPacketFromSource
- 5: The server receives the audio stream from the source channel.
- ReceivedAudioPacketFromSource
- 6: The server receives the audio stream from the source channel.
- UpdateDestinationChannel
- 7: The destination channel is updated.
- UpdateDestinationChannelRefused
- 8: The destination channel update fails due to internal reasons.
- UpdateDestinationChannelNotChange
- 9: The destination channel does not change, which means that the destination channel fails to be updated.
- UpdateDestinationChannelIsNil
10: The destination channel name is
. - VideoProfileUpdate
- 11: The video profile is sent to the server.
- PauseSendPacketToDestChannelSuccess
- 12: The SDK successfully pauses relaying the media stream to destination channels.
- PauseSendPacketToDestChannelFailed
- 13: The SDK fails to pause relaying the media stream to destination channels.
- ResumeSendPacketToDestChannelSuccess
- 14: The SDK successfully resumes relaying the media stream to destination channels.
- ResumeSendPacketToDestChannelFailed
- 15: The SDK fails to resume relaying the media stream to destination channels.
The state code of the channel media relay.
- Idle
- 0: The initial state. After you successfully stop the channel media relay by calling stopChannelMediaRelay, the channelMediaRelayStateChanged callback returns this state.
- Connecting
- 1: The SDK tries to relay the media stream to the destination channel.
- Running
- 2: The SDK successfully relays the media stream to the destination channel.
- Failure
- 3: An error occurs. See code in channelMediaRelayStateChanged for the error code.
The channel profile.
- Communication
- 0: (Default) The communication profile. This profile applies to scenarios such as an audio call or video call, where all users can publish and subscribe to streams.
- LiveBroadcasting
- 1: Live streaming. In this profile, you can set the role of users as the host or audience by calling setClientRole. A host both publishes and subscribes to streams, while an audience subscribes to streams only. This profile applies to scenarios such as a chat room or interactive video streaming.
- Game
- 2: Gaming. Agora does not recommend using this setting.
The user role in the interactive live streaming.
- Broadcaster
- 1: Host. A host can both send and receive streams.
- Audience
- 2: (Default) Audience. An audience member can only receive streams.
The cloud proxy type.
- None
- 0: The automatic mode. In this mode, the SDK attempts a direct connection to SD-RTN™ and automatically switches to TCP/TLS 443 if the attempt fails. As of v3.6.2, the SDK has this mode enabled by default.
- 1: The cloud proxy for the UDP protocol, that is, the Force UDP cloud proxy mode. In this mode, the SDK always transmits data over UDP.
- 2: The cloud proxy for the TCP (encryption) protocol, that is, the Force TCP cloud proxy mode. In this mode, the SDK always transmits data over TCP/TLS 443.
Reasons causing the change of the connection state.
- Connecting
- 0: The SDK is connecting to the Agora edge server.
- JoinSuccess
- 1: The SDK has joined the channel successfully.
- Interrupted
- 2: The connection between the SDK and the Agora edge server is interrupted.
- BannedByServer
- 3: The connection between the SDK and the Agora edge server is banned by the Agora edge server. This error occurs when the user is kicked out of the channel by the server.
- JoinFailed
- 4: The SDK fails to join the channel. When the SDK fails to join the channel for more than 20 minutes, this error occurs and the SDK stops reconnecting to the channel.
- LeaveChannel
- 5: The SDK has left the channel.
- InvalidAppId
- 6: The connection failed because the App ID is not valid. Please rejoin the channel with a valid App ID.
- InvalidChannelName
- 7: The connection failed since channel name is not valid. Please rejoin the channel with a valid channel name.
- InvalidToken
8: The connection failed because the token is not valid. Typical reasons include:
- The App Certificate for the project is enabled in Agora Console, but you do not use a token when joining the channel. If you enable the App Certificate, you must use a token to join the channel.
- The uid specified when calling joinChannel to join the channel is inconsistent with the uid passed in when generating the token.
- TokenExpired
- 9: The connection failed since token is expired.
- RejectedByServer
10: The connection is rejected by server. Typical reasons include:
- The user is already in the channel and still calls a method, for example, joinChannel, to join the channel. Stop calling this method to clear this error.
- The user tries to join the channel when conducting a pre-call test. The user needs to call the channel after the call test ends.
- SettingProxyServer
- 11: The connection state changed to reconnecting because the SDK has set a proxy server.
- RenewToken
- 12: The connection state changed because the token is renewed.
- ClientIpAddressChanged
- 13: The IP address of the client has changed, possibly because the network type, IP address, or port has been changed.
- KeepAliveTimeout
- 14: Timeout for the keep-alive of the connection between the SDK and the Agora edge server. The connection state changes to Reconnecting.
Connection states.
- Disconnected
1: The SDK is disconnected from the Agora edge server. The state indicates the SDK is in one of the following phases:
- The initial state before calling the joinChannel method.
- The app calls the leaveChannel method.
- Connecting
2: The SDK is connecting to the Agora edge server. This state indicates that the SDK is establishing a connection with the specified channel after the app calls joinChannel.
- If the SDK successfully joins the channel, it triggers the connectionStateChanged callback and the connection state switches to Connected.
- After the connection is established, the SDK also initializes the media and triggers joinChannelSuccess when everything is ready.
- Connected
- 3: The SDK is connected to the Agora edge server. This state also indicates that the user has joined a channel and can now publish or subscribe to a media stream in the channel. If the connection to the Agora edge server is lost because, for example, the network is down or switched, the SDK automatically tries to reconnect and triggers connectionStateChanged that indicates the connection state switches to Reconnecting.
- Reconnecting
4: The SDK keeps reconnecting to the Agora edge server. The SDK keeps rejoining the channel after being disconnected from a joined channel because of network issues.
- If the SDK cannot rejoin the channel within 10 seconds, it triggers connectionLost, stays in the Reconnecting state, and keeps rejoining the channel.
- If the SDK fails to rejoin the channel 20 minutes after being disconnected from the Agora edge server, the SDK triggers the connectionStateChanged callback, switches to the Failed state, and stops rejoining the channel.
- Failed
5: The SDK fails to connect to the Agora edge server or join the channel. This state indicates that the SDK stops trying to rejoin the channel. You must call leaveChannel to leave the channel.
- You can call joinChannel to rejoin the channel.
- If the SDK is banned from joining the channel by the Agora edge server through the RESTful API, the SDK triggers the connectionStateChanged callback.
Video degradation preferences when the bandwidth is a constraint.
- MaintainQuality
0: (Default) Prefers to reduce the video frame rate while maintaining video quality during video encoding under limited bandwidth. This degradation preference is suitable for scenarios where video quality is prioritized.
Attention: In the COMMUNICATION channel profile, the resolution of the video sent may change, so remote users need to handle this issue. See videoSizeChanged. - MaintainFramerate
- 1: Prefers to reduce the video quality while maintaining the video frame rate during video encoding under limited bandwidth. This degradation preference is suitable for scenarios where smoothness is prioritized and video quality is allowed to be reduced.
- MaintainBalanced
2: Reduces the video frame rate and video quality simultaneously during video encoding under limited bandwidth. MaintainBalanced has a lower reduction than MaintainQuality and MaintainFramerate, and this preference is suitable for scenarios where both smoothness and video quality are a priority.
Attention: The resolution of the video sent may change, so remote users need to handle this issue. See videoSizeChanged.
The configuration of the audio and video call loop test.
class EchoTestConfiguration { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? enableAudio; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? enableVideo; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) String? token; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) String? channelId; EchoTestConfiguration({ this.enableAudio, this.enableVideo, this.token, this.channelId, }); factory EchoTestConfiguration.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$EchoTestConfigurationFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$EchoTestConfigurationToJson(this); }
- view
- The view used to render the local user's video. This parameter is only applicable to scenarios testing video devices, that is, when the enableVideo member is set to true.
- enableAudio
Whether to enable the audio device for the call loop test:
- true: (Default) Enables the audio device. To test the audio device, set this parameter as true.
- false: Disables the audio device.
- enableVideo
Whether to enable the video device for the call loop test:
- true: (Default) Enables the video device. To test the video device, set this parameter as true.
- false: Disables the video device.
- token
The token used to secure the audio and video call loop test. If you do not enable App Certificate in Agora Console, you do not need to pass a value in this parameter; if you have enabled App Certificate in Agora Console, you must pass a token in this parameter. The uid used when you generate the token must be 0xFFFFFFFF, and the channel name used must be the channel name that identifies each audio and video call loop test. For server-side token generation, see https://docs.agora.io/en/Interactive%20Broadcast/token_server?platform=Windows.
- channelId
- The channel name that identifies each audio and video call loop. To ensure proper loop test functionality, the channel name passed in to identify each loop test cannot be the same when users of the same project (App ID) perform audio and video call loop tests on different devices.
The built-in encryption mode.
Agora recommends using AES128GCM2 or AES256GCM2 encrypted mode. These two modes support the use of salt for higher security.
- 1: (Default) 128-bit AES encryption, XTS mode.
- 2: 128-bit AES encryption, ECB mode.
- 3: 256-bit AES encryption, XTS mode.
- SM4128ECB
- 4: 128-bit SM4 encryption, ECB mode.
- 5: 128-bit AES encryption, GCM mode.
- 6: 256-bit AES encryption, GCM mode.
- AES128GCM2
7: 128-bit AES encryption, GCM mode. This encryption mode
requires the setting of salt (
). - AES256GCM2
8: 256-bit AES encryption, GCM mode. This encryption mode
requires the setting of salt (
The screen capture error type.
- ErrScreenCapturePermissionDenied
- 16: The user refuses to grant screen capture permission to the application.
- ErrScreenCaptureSystemNotSupported
- 2: Due to system limitations, screen capture is not available on systems earlier than Android 5 (that is, Android API level 21). The SDK reports this error code when you call startScreenCaptureMobile on systems earlier than Android 5.
- ErrScreenCaptureSystemAudioNotSupported
3: Due to system limitations, system audio cannot be
captured on systems earlier than Android 10 (that is, API
level 29). The SDK reports this error when you call
and set
on systems later than Android 5 (API level 21) and earlier than Android 10 (API level 29).
The error code of the window blocking during screen sharing.
- Fail
- -1: Fails to block the window during screen sharing. The user's graphics card does not support window blocking.
- None
- 0: Reserved.
Reasons why the QoE of the local user when receiving a remote audio stream is poor.
- None
- 0: No reason, indicating a good QoE of the local user.
- RemoteNetworkQualityPoor
- 1: The remote user's network quality is poor.
- LocalNetworkQualityPoor
- 2: The local user's network quality is poor.
- WirelessSignalPoor
- 4: The local user's Wi-Fi or mobile network signal is weak.
- WifiBluetoothCoexist
- 8: The local user enables both Wi-Fi and bluetooth, and their signals interfere with each other. As a result, audio transmission quality is undermined.
The Quality of Experience (QoE) of the local user when receiving a remote audio stream.
- Good
- 0: The QoE of the local user is good.
- Bad
- 1: The QoE of the local user is poor.
Video frame rate.
- Fps1
- 1: 1 fps
- Fps7
- 7: 7 fps
- Fps10
- 10: 10 fps
- Fps15
- 15: 15 fps
- Fps24
- 24: 24 fps
- Fps30
- 30: 30 fps
- Fps60
60: 60 fps
Attention: (For Windows and macOS only)
The status of the last-mile network tests.
- Complete
- 1: The last-mile network probe test is complete.
- IncompleteNoBwe
- 2: The last-mile network probe test is incomplete because the bandwidth estimation is not available due to limited test resources.
- Unavailable
- 3: The last-mile network probe test is not carried out, probably due to poor network conditions.
The contrast level.
- Low
- Low contrast level.
- Normal
- (Default) Normal contrast level.
- High
- High contrast level.
Local audio state error codes.
- Ok
- 0: The local audio is normal.
- Failure
- 1: No specified reason for the local audio failure.
- DeviceNoPermission
- 2: No permission to use the local audio device.
- DeviceBusy
- 3: The microphone is in use.
- RecordFailure
- 4: The local audio capturing fails. Check whether the capturing device is working properly.
- EncodeFailure
- 5: The local audio encoding fails.
- NoRecordingDevice
- 6: No audio recording device.
- NoPlayoutDevice
- 7: No audio playout device.
- RecordInvalidId
- 9: The ID of the local audio-capture device is invalid. Check the audio capture device ID.
- PlayoutInvalidId
- 10: The ID of the local audio-playback device is invalid. Check the audio playback device ID.
Local audio states.
- Stopped
- 0: The local audio is in the initial state.
- Recording
- 1: The capturing device starts successfully.
- Encoding
- 2: The first audio frame encodes successfully.
- Failed
- 3: The local audio fails to start.
Local video state error codes.
- OK
- 0: The local video is normal.
- Failure
- 1: No specified reason for the local video failure.
- DeviceNoPermission
- 2: No permission to use the local video capturing device.
- DeviceBusy
- 3: The local video capturing device is in use.
- CaptureFailure
- 4: The local video capture fails. Check whether the capturing device is working properly.
- EncodeFailure
- 5: The local video encoding fails.
- CaptureInBackground
- 6: The local video capturing device not available due to app did enter background.
- CaptureMultipleForegroundApps
- 7: The local video capturing device not available because the app is running in a multi-app layout (generally on the pad).
- DeviceNotFound
- Since
- v3.4.0
8: Fails to find a local video capture device.
- LocalVideoStreamErrorDeviceInvalidId
- 10: (macOS and Windows only) The SDK cannot find the video device in the video device list. Check whether the ID of the video device is valid.
- ScreenCaptureWindowMinmized
- 11: When calling startScreenCaptureByWindowId to share the window, the shared window is in a minimized state.
- ScreenCaptureWindowClosed
- Since
- v3.2.0
12: The error code indicates that a window shared by the window ID has been closed, or a full-screen window shared by the window ID has exited full-screen mode. After exiting full-screen mode, remote users cannot see the shared window. To prevent remote users from seeing a black screen, Agora recommends that you immediately stop screen sharing.
Common scenarios for reporting this error code:- When the local user closes the shared window, the SDK reports this error code.
- The local user shows some slides in full-screen mode first, and then shares the cpp of the slides. After the user exits full-screen mode, the SDK reports this error code.
- The local user watches web video or reads web document in full-screen mode first, and then shares the window of the web video or document. After the user exits full-screen mode, the SDK reports this error code.
Local video state types
- Stopped
- 0: The local video is in the initial state.
- Capturing
- 1: The local video capturing device starts successfully.
- Encoding
- 2: The first video frame is successfully encoded.
- Failed
- 3: Fails to start the local video.
The output log level of the SDK.
- Off
- 0: Do not output any log information.
- Debug
- 0x080f: Output all log information. Set your log filter as DEBUG if you want to get the most complete log file.
- Info
- 0x000f: Output CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, and INFO level log information. We recommend setting your log filter as this level.
- Warning
- 0x000e: Output CRITICAL, ERROR, and WARNING level log information.
- Error
- 0x000c: Output CRITICAL and ERROR level log information.
- Critical
- 0x0008: Output CRITICAL level log information.
The output log level of the SDK.
- None
- 0: Do not output any log information.
- Info
0x0001: (Default) Output
, andINFO
level log information. We recommend setting your log filter as this level. - Warn
0x0002: Output
, andWARN
level log information. - Error
0x0004: Output
level log information. - Fatal
0x0008: Output
level log information.
The low-light enhancement mode.
- Auto
- 0: (Default) Automatic mode. The SDK automatically enables or disables the low-light enhancement feature according to the ambient light to compensate for the lighting level or prevent overexposure, as necessary.
- Manual
- Manual mode. Users need to enable or disable the low-light enhancement feature manually.
The low-light enhancement level.
- HighQuality
- 0: (Default) Promotes video quality during low-light enhancement. It processes the brightness, details, and noise of the video image. The performance consumption is moderate, the processing speed is moderate, and the overall video quality is optimal.
- Fast
- Promotes performance during low-light enhancement. It processes the brightness and details of the video image. The processing speed is faster.
Media device states.
- MediaDeviceStateIdle
- 0: The device is ready for use.
- MediaDeviceStateActive
- 1: The device is in use.
- MediaDeviceStateDisabled
- 2: The device is disabled.
- MediaDeviceStateNotPresent
- 4: The device is not found.
- MediaDeviceStateUnplugged
- 8: The device is unplugged.
- MediaDeviceStateUnrecommended
- 16: The device is not recommended.
Media device types.
- UnknownAudioDevice
- -1: Unknown device type.
- AudioPlayoutDevice
- 0: Audio playback device.
- AudioRecordingDevice
- 1: Audio capturing device.
- VideoRenderDevice
- 2: Video renderer.
- VideoCaptureDevice
- 3: Video capturer.
- AudioApplicationPlayoutDevice
- 4: Application audio playback device.
Configurations for the local audio and video recording.
class MediaRecorderConfiguration { final String? storagePath; final MediaRecorderContainerFormat containerFormat; final MediaRecorderStreamType streamType; final int maxDurationMs; final int recorderInfoUpdateInterval; /// Constructs the [MediaRecorderConfiguration]. MediaRecorderConfiguration({ this.storagePath, this.containerFormat = MediaRecorderContainerFormat.MP4, this.streamType = MediaRecorderStreamType.Both, this.maxDurationMs = 120000, this.recorderInfoUpdateInterval = 0, }); factory MediaRecorderConfiguration.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MediaRecorderConfigurationFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$MediaRecorderConfigurationToJson(this); }
- storagePath
The absolute path (including the filename extensions) of the
recording file. For example,
on Windows,/App Sandbox/Library/Caches/example.mp4
on iOS,/Library/Logs/example.mp4
on macOS, and/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/<package name>/files/example.mp4
on Android. - containerFormat
- The format of the recording file. See MediaRecorderContainerFormat.
- streamType
- The recording content. See MediaRecorderStreamType.
- maxDurationMs
- The maximum recording duration, in milliseconds. The default value is 120,000.
- recorderInfoUpdateInterval
- The interval (ms) of updating the recording information. The value range is [1000,10000]. The SDK triggers the onRecorderInfoUpdated callback to report the updated recording information according to interval you set in this parameter.
Network type.
- Unknown
- -1: The network type is unknown.
- Disconnected
- 0: The SDK disconnects from the network.
- 1: The network type is LAN.
- 2: The network type is Wi-Fi (including hotspots).
- Mobile2G
- 3: The network type is mobile 2G.
- Mobile3G
- 4: The network type is mobile 3G.
- Mobile4G
- 5: The network type is mobile 4G.
- Mobile5G
- 6: The network type is mobile 5G.
Video output orientation modes.
- Adaptative
0: (Default) The output video always follows the orientation of the captured video. The receiver takes the rotational information passed on from the video encoder. This mode applies to scenarios where video orientation can be adjusted on the receiver.
- If the captured video is in landscape mode, the output video is in landscape mode.
- If the captured video is in portrait mode, the output video is in portrait mode.
- FixedLandscape
- 1: In this mode, the SDK always outputs videos in landscape (horizontal) mode. If the captured video is in portrait mode, the video encoder crops it to fit the output. Applies to situations where the receiving end cannot process the rotational information. For example, CDN live streaming.
- FixedPortrait
- 2: In this mode, the SDK always outputs video in portrait (portrait) mode. If the captured video is in landscape mode, the video encoder crops it to fit the output. Applies to situations where the receiving end cannot process the rotational information. For example, CDN live streaming.
The priority of the remote user.
- High
- The user's priority is high.
- Normal
- (Default) The user's priority is normal.
The proxy type.
- None
- 0: Reserved for future use.
- 1: The cloud proxy for the UDP protocol, that is, the Force UDP cloud proxy mode. In this mode, the SDK always transmits data over UDP.
- 2: The cloud proxy for the TCP (encryption) protocol, that is, the Force TCP cloud proxy mode. In this mode, the SDK always transmits data over TLS 443.
- Local
- 3: Reserved for future use.
- TCPProxyAutoFallbackType
- 4: The automatic mode. In this mode, the SDK attempts a direct connection to SD-RTN™ and automatically switches to TLS 443 if the attempt fails.
Quality change of the local video in terms of target frame rate and target bit rate since last count.
- AdaptNone
- 0: The local video quality stays the same.
- AdaptUpBandwidth
- 1: The local video quality improves because the network bandwidth increases.
- AdaptDownBandwidth
- 2: The local video quality deteriorates because the network bandwidth decreases.
Network quality types.
- Unknown
- 0: The network quality is unknown.
- Excellent
- 1: The network quality is excellent.
- Good
- 2: The network quality is quite good, but the bitrate may be slightly lower than excellent.
- Poor
- 3: Users can feel the communication slightly impaired.
- Bad
- 4: Users cannot communicate smoothly.
- VBad
- 5: The quality is so bad that users can barely communicate.
- Down
- 6: The network is down and users cannot communicate at all.
- Unsupported
- 7: Users cannot detect the network quality. (Not in use.)
- Detecting
- 8: Detecting the network quality.
The reason for the state change.
- None
- 0: No error occurs.
- WriteFailed
- 1: The SDK fails to write the recorded data to a file.
- NoStream
- 2: The SDK does not detect audio and video streams to be recorded, or audio and video streams are interrupted for more than five seconds during recording.
- OverMaxDuration
- 3: The recording duration exceeds the upper limit.
- ConfigChanged
- 4: The recording configuration changes.
- CustomStreamDetected
5: The SDK detects audio and video streams from users using
versions of the SDK earlier than v3.0.0 in the
channel profile.
The current recording state.
- Error
- -1: An error occurs during the recording. See RecorderErrorCode for the reason.
- Start
- 2: The audio and video recording starts.
- Stop
- 3: The audio and video recording stops.
The reason for the remote audio state change.
- Internal
- 0: The SDK reports this reason when the audio state changes.
- NetworkCongestion
- 1: Network congestion.
- NetworkRecovery
- 2: Network recovery.
- LocalMuted
- 3: The local user stops receiving the remote audio stream or disables the audio module.
- LocalUnmuted
- 4: The local user resumes receiving the remote audio stream or enables the audio module.
- RemoteMuted
- 5: The remote user stops sending the audio stream or disables the audio module.
- RemoteUnmuted
- 6: The remote user resumes sending the audio stream or enables the audio module.
- RemoteOffline
- 7: The remote user leaves the channel.
Remote audio states.
- Stopped
- 0: The local audio is in the initial state. The SDK reports this state in the case of LocalMuted, RemoteMuted or RemoteOffline.
- Starting
- 1: The first remote audio packet is received.
- Decoding
- 2: The remote audio stream is decoded and plays normally. The SDK reports this state in the case of NetworkRecovery, LocalUnmuted or RemoteUnmuted.
- Frozen
- 3: The remote audio is frozen. The SDK reports this state in the case of NetworkCongestion.
- Failed
- 4: The remote audio fails to start. The SDK reports this state in the case of Internal.
The reason for the remote video state change.
- Internal
- 0: The SDK reports this reason when the video state changes.
- NetworkCongestion
- 1: The remote user's network is congested. If the network conditions are persistently poor, display a pop-up box in the application that says "The remote user's network conditions are poor".
- NetworkRecovery
- 2: The remote user's network conditions are restored from congested to normal. You can display a pop-up box in the application that says "The remote user's network conditions have improved".
- LocalMuted
- 3: The local user stops receiving the remote video stream or disables the video module. You can close the window to render the remote user's video and display a pop-up box in the application that says "You have stopped receiving video from the remote user".
- LocalUnmuted
- 4: The local user resumes receiving the remote video stream or enables the video module. You can restore the window to render the remote user's video and display a pop-up box in the application that says "You have resumed receiving video from the remote user".
- RemoteMuted
- 5: The remote user stops sending the video stream or disables the video module. You can close the window to render the remote user's video, use an icon in the list of users in the application user interface to show that the remote user has stopped sending video, and display a pop-up box in the application that says "The remote user has disabled the camera".
- RemoteUnmuted
- 6: The remote user resumes sending the video stream or enables the video module. You can restore the window to render the remote user's video, use an icon in the list of users in the application user interface to show that the remote user has resumed sending video, and display a pop-up box in the application that says "The remote user has enabled the camera".
- RemoteOffline
- 7: The remote user leaves the channel. You can close the window to render the remote user's video and remove the remote user from the user list in the application user interface.
- AudioFallback
- 8: The remote audio-and-video stream falls back to the audio-only stream due to poor network conditions. You can close the window to render the remote user's video and display a pop-up box in the application that says "The remote user's network conditions are poor".
- AudioFallbackRecovery
- 9: The remote audio-only stream switches back to the audio-and-video stream after the network conditions improve. You can restore the window to render the remote user's video and display a pop-up box in the application that says "The remote user's network conditions are poor".
The state of the remote video.
- Stopped
- 0: The remote video is in the initial state. The SDK reports this state in the case of LocalMuted, RemoteMuted or RemoteOffline.
- Starting
- 1: The first remote video packet is received.
- Decoding
- 2: The remote video stream is decoded and plays normally. The SDK reports this state in the case of NetworkRecovery, LocalUnmuted,RemoteUnmuted, or AudioFallbackRecovery.
- Frozen
- 3: The remote video is frozen. The SDK reports this state in the case of NetworkCongestion or AudioFallback.
- Failed
- 4: The remote video fails to start. The SDK reports this state in the case of Internal.
The type of video streams.
- High
- 0: High-quality video stream.
- Low
- 1: Low-quality video stream.
Video display modes.
- Hidden
- 1: Uniformly scale the video until one of its dimension fits the boundary (zoomed to fit). Hidden mode. One dimension of the video may have clipped contents.
- Fit
- 2: Uniformly scale the video until one of its dimension fits the boundary (zoomed to fit). Fit mode. Areas that are not filled due to disparity in the aspect ratio are filled with black.
- Adaptive
- Deprecated:
- 3: This mode is deprecated.
- 4: The fill mode. In this mode, the SDK stretches or zooms the video to fill the display window.
Error codes of the RTMP or RTMPS streaming.
- OK
- 0: The RTMP or RTMPS streaming publishes successfully.
- InvalidParameters
- 1: Invalid argument used. Please check the parameter setting. For example, if you do not call setLiveTranscoding to set the transcoding parameters before calling addPublishStreamUrl, the SDK returns this error.
- EncryptedStreamNotAllowed
- 2: The RTMP or RTMPS streaming is encrypted and cannot be published.
- ConnectionTimeout
- 3: Timeout for the RTMP or RTMPS streaming. Call the addPublishStreamUrl method to publish the streaming again.
- InternalServerError
- 4: An error occurs in Agora's streaming server. Call the addPublishStreamUrl method to publish the streaming again.
- RtmpServerError
- 5: An error occurs in the CDN server.
- TooOften
- 6: The RTMP or RTMPS streaming publishes too frequently.
- ReachLimit
- 7: The host publishes more than 10 URLs. Delete the unnecessary URLs before adding new ones.
- NotAuthorized
- 8: The host manipulates other hosts' URLs. For example, the host updates or stops other hosts' streams. Check your app logic.
- StreamNotFound
- 9: Agora's server fails to find the RTMP or RTMPS streaming.
- FormatNotSupported
- 10: The format of the RTMP or RTMPS streaming URL is not supported. Check whether the URL format is correct.
- NotBroadcaster
- 11: The user role is not host, so the user cannot use the CDN live streaming function. Check your application code logic.
- TranscodingNoMixStream
- The updateRtmpTranscoding or setLiveTranscoding method is called to update the transcoding configuration in a scenario where there is streaming without transcoding. Check your application code logic.
- NetDown
- 14: Errors occurred in the host's network.
- InvalidAppid
- 15: Your App ID does not have permission to use the CDN live streaming function. Refer to Prerequisites to enable the CDN live streaming permission.
- UnPublishOK
- 100: The streaming has been stopped normally. After you call removePublishStreamUrl to stop streaming, the SDK returns this value.
States of the Media Push.
- Idle
- 0: The Media Push has not started or has ended. This state is also triggered after you remove a RTMP or RTMPS stream from the CDN by calling removePublishStreamUrl.
- Connecting
- 1: The SDK is connecting to Agora's streaming server and the CDN server. This state is triggered after you call the addPublishStreamUrlmethod.
- Running
- 2: The RTMP or RTMPS streaming publishes. The SDK successfully publishes the RTMP or RTMPS streaming and returns this state.
- Recovering
3: The RTMP or RTMPS streaming is recovering. When exceptions occur to the CDN, or the streaming is interrupted, the SDK tries to resume RTMP or RTMPS streaming and returns this state.
- If the SDK successfully resumes the streaming, Running(2) returns.
- If the streaming does not resume within 60 seconds or server errors occur, Failure(4) returns. You can also reconnect to the server by calling the removePublishStreamUrl and addPublishStreamUrl methods.
- Failure
- 4: The RTMP or RTMPS streaming fails. See the errCode parameter for the detailed error information. You can also call the addPublishStreamUrl method to publish the RTMP or RTMPS streaming again.
- Disconnecting
- 5: The SDK is disconnecting from the Agora streaming server and CDN. When you call removePublishStreamUrl or stopRtmpStream to stop the streaming normally, the SDK reports the streaming state as Disconnecting, Idle in sequence.
Events during the media push.
- FailedLoadImage
- 1: An error occurs when you add a background image or a watermark image in the media push.
- UrlAlreadyInUse
- 2: The streaming URL is already being used for CDN live streaming. If you want to start new streaming, use a new streaming URL.
- AdvancedFeatureNotSupport
- 3: The feature is not supported.
- RequestTooOften
- 4: Reserved.
Stream fallback options.
- Disabled
- 0: No fallback behavior for the local/remote video stream when the uplink/downlink network conditions are poor. The quality of the stream is not guaranteed.
- VideoStreamLow
- 1: Under poor downlink network conditions, the remote video stream, to which you subscribe, falls back to the low-quality (low resolution and low bitrate) video stream. This option is only valid for setRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption. This option is invalid for setLocalPublishFallbackOption method.
- AudioOnly
- 2: Under poor uplink network conditions, the published video stream falls back to audio-only. Under poor downlink network conditions, the remote video stream, to which you subscribe, first falls back to the low-quality (low resolution and low bitrate) video stream; and then to an audio-only stream if the network conditions worsen.
The publishing state.
- Idle
- 0: The initial publishing state after joining the channel.
- NoPublished
1: Fails to publish the local stream. Possible reasons:
The local user calls
) or muteLocalVideoStream(true
) to stop sending the local media stream. - The local user calls disableAudio or disableVideo to disable the local audio or video module.
The local user calls
) or enableLocalVideo(false
) to disable the local audio or video capture. - The role of the local user is audience.
The local user calls
- Publishing
- 2: Publishing.
- Published
- 3: Publishes successfully.
The subscribing state.
- Idle
- 0: The initial subscribing state after joining the channel.
- NoSubscribed
1: Fails to subscribe to the remote stream. Possible reasons:
The remote user:
) or muteLocalVideoStream(true
) to stop sending local media stream. - Calls disableAudio or disableVideo to disable the local audio or video module.
- Calls enableLocalAudio(false) or enableLocalVideo(false) to disable the local audio or video capture.
- The role of the remote user is audience.
The local user calls the following methods to stop
receiving remote streams:
- Calls muteRemoteAudioStream(true), muteAllRemoteAudioStreams(true) or setDefaultMuteAllRemoteAudioStreams(true) to stop receiving the remote audio streams.
- Calls muteRemoteVideoStream(true), muteAllRemoteVideoStreams(true) or setDefaultMuteAllRemoteVideoStreams(true) to stop receiving the remote video streams.
The remote user:
- Subscribing
- 2: Subscribing.
- Subscribed
- 3: Subscribes to and receives the remote stream successfully.
The reason why super resolution is not successfully enabled.
- Since
- v3.5.1
- Success
- 0: Super resolution is successfully enabled.
- StreamOverLimitation
- 1: The original resolution of the remote video is beyond the range where super resolution can be applied.
- UserCountOverLimitation
- 2: Super resolution is already being used to boost another remote user’s video.
- DeviceNotSupported
- 3: The device does not support using super resolution.
The reason for the upload failure.
- Success
- 0: Successfully upload the log files.
- NetError
- 1: Network error. Check the network connection and call uploadLogFile again to upload the log file.
- ServerError
- 2: An error occurs in the Agora server. Try uploading the log files later.
The options for SDK preset voice conversion effects.
- Off
- Turn off voice conversion effects and use the original voice.
- Neutral
- A gender-neutral voice. To avoid audio distortion, ensure that you use this enumerator to process a female-sounding voice.
- Sweet
- A sweet voice. To avoid audio distortion, ensure that you use this enumerator to process a female-sounding voice.
- Solid
- A steady voice. To avoid audio distortion, ensure that you use this enumerator to process a male-sounding voice.
- Bass
- A deep voice. To avoid audio distortion, ensure that you use this enumerator to process a male-sounding voice.
Reasons for a user being offline.
- Quit
- 0: The user quits the call.
- Dropped
1: The SDK times out and the user drops offline because no data packet is received within a certain period of time.
Attention: If the user quits the call and the message is not passed to the SDK (due to an unreliable channel), the SDK assumes the user dropped offline. - BecomeAudience
- 2: The user switches the client role from the host to the audience.
Video codec profile types.
- BaseLine
- 66: Baseline video codec profile. Generally used for video calls on mobile phones.
- Main
- 77: Main video codec profile. Generally used in mainstream electronics such as MP4 players, portable video players, PSP, and iPads.
- High
- 100: (Default) High video codec profile. Generally used in high-resolution live streaming or television.
Video codec types.
- VP8
- Standard VP8.
- H264
- Standard H.264.
- Enhanced VP8.
- E264
- Enhanced H.264.
The codec type of the output video.
- H264
- 1: (Default) H.264.
- H265
- 2: H.265.
The content hint for screen sharing.
- None
- (Default) No content hint.
- Motion
- Motion-intensive content. Choose this option if you prefer smoothness or when you are sharing a video clip, movie, or video game.
- Details
- Motionless content. Choose this option if you prefer sharpness or when you are sharing a picture, PowerPoint slides, or texts.
Video mirror mode.
- Auto
- 0: (Default) The SDK determines the mirror mode.
- Enabled
- 1: Enable mirror mode.
- Disabled
- 2: Disable mirror mode.
Video noise reduction mode.
- Auto
- 0: (Default) Automatic mode. The SDK automatically enables or disables the video noise reduction feature according to the ambient light.
- Manual
- Manual mode. Users need to enable or disable the video noise reduction feature manually.
The video noise reduction level.
- HighQuality
- 0: (Default) Promotes video quality during video noise reduction. HighQuality balances performance consumption and video noise reduction quality. The performance consumption is moderate, the video noise reduction speed is moderate, and the overall video quality is optimal.
- Fast
- Promotes reducing performance consumption during video noise reduction. Fast prioritizes reducing performance consumption over video noise reduction quality. The performance consumption is lower, and the video noise reduction speed is faster. To avoid a noticeable shadowing effect (shadows trailing behind moving objects) in the processed video, Agora recommends that you use Fast when the camera is fixed.
- Strength
- Enhanced video noise reduction. Strength prioritizes video noise reduction quality over reducing performance consumption. The performance consumption is higher, the video noise reduction speed is slower, and the video noise reduction quality is better. If Strength is not enough for your video noise reduction needs, you can use Strength.
The options for SDK preset voice beautifier effects.
- VoiceBeautifierOff
- Turn off voice beautifier effects and use the original voice.
- ChatBeautifierMagnetic
A more magnetic voice.
Attention: Agora recommends using this enumerator to process a male-sounding voice; otherwise, you may experience vocal distortion. - ChatBeautifierFresh
A fresher voice.
Attention: Agora recommends using this enumerator to process a female-sounding voice; otherwise, you may experience vocal distortion. - ChatBeautifierVitality
A more vital voice.
Attention: Agora recommends using this enumerator to process a female-sounding voice; otherwise, you may experience vocal distortion. - SingingBeautifier
Singing beautifier effect.
- If you call setVoiceBeautifierPreset(SingingBeautifier), you can beautify a male-sounding voice and add a reverberation effect that sounds like singing in a small room. Agora recommends using this enumerator to process a male-sounding voice; otherwise, you might experience vocal distortion.
- If you call setVoiceBeautifierParameters(SingingBeautifier, param1, param2), you can beautify a male- or female-sounding voice and add a reverberation effect.
- TimbreTransformationVigorous
- A more vigorous voice.
- TimbreTransformationDeep
- A deep voice.
- TimbreTransformationMellow
- A mellower voice.
- TimbreTransformationFalsetto
- Falsetto.
- TimbreTransformationFull
- A fuller voice.
- TimbreTransformationClear
- A clearer voice.
- TimbreTransformationResounding
- A more resounding voice.
- TimbreTransformationRinging
- A more ringing voice.
Local voice changer options.
- Deprecated
- Deprecated as of v3.2.0.
- Off
- The original voice (no local voice change).
- OldMan
- The voice of an old man.
- BabyBoy
- The voice of a little boy.
- BabyGirl
- The voice of a little girl.
- ZhuBaJie
- The voice of Zhu Bajie, a character in Journey to the West who has a voice like that of a growling bear.
- Ethereal
- The ethereal voice.
- Hulk
- The voice of Hulk.
- A more vigorous voice.
- A deeper voice.
- A mellower voice.
- Falsetto.
- A fuller voice.
- A clearer voice.
- A more resounding voice.
- A more ringing voice.
- A more spatially resonant voice.
- (For male only) A more magnetic voice. Do not use it when the speaker is a female; otherwise, voice distortion occurs.
- (For female only) A fresher voice. Do not use it when the speaker is a male; otherwise, voice distortion occurs.
- (For female only) A more vital voice. Do not use it when the speaker is a male; otherwise, voice distortion occurs.
The information of an audio file. This struct is reported in requestAudioFileInfo.
class AudioFileInfo { @JsonKey() String filePath; @JsonKey() int durationMs; AudioFileInfo({ required this.filePath, required this.durationMs, }); factory AudioFileInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$AudioFileInfoFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$AudioFileInfoToJson(this); }
- filePath
- The file path.
- durationMs
- The file duration (ms).
The volume information of users.
class AudioVolumeInfo { int uid; int volume; int vad; String channelId; AudioVolumeInfo( this.uid, this.volume, this.vad, this.channelId, ); factory AudioVolumeInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$AudioVolumeInfoFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$AudioVolumeInfoToJson(this); }
- uid
The user ID.
- In the local user's callback, uid = 0.
- In the remote users' callback, uid is the user ID of a remote user whose instantaneous volume is one of the three highest.
- volume
- The volume of the user. The value ranges between 0 (lowest volume) and 255 (highest volume). If the user calls startAudioMixing, the value of volume is the volume after audio mixing.
- vad
The voice activity status of the local user.
- 0: The local user is not speaking.
- 1: The local user is speaking.
Attention:- The vad parameter does not report the voice activity status of remote users. In the remote users' callback, the value of vad is always 0.
To use this parameter, you must set to
when calling enableAudioVolumeIndication.
- channelId
- The name of the channel that the user is in.
Image enhancement options.
class BeautyOptions { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) LighteningContrastLevel? lighteningContrastLevel; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) double? lighteningLevel; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) double? smoothnessLevel; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) double? rednessLevel; BeautyOptions({ this.lighteningContrastLevel, this.lighteningLevel, this.smoothnessLevel, this.rednessLevel, }); factory BeautyOptions.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$BeautyOptionsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$BeautyOptionsToJson(this); }
- lighteningContrastLevel
contrast, often with
. The larger the value, the greater the contrast between light and dark. For more details, see LighteningContrastLevel. - lighteningLevel
- The brightness level. The value ranges from 0.0 (original) to 1.0. The default is > . The greater the value, the greater the degree of whitening.
- smoothnessLevel
- The value ranges from 0.0 (original) to 1.0. The default value is 0.5. The greater the value, the greater the degree of skin grinding.
- rednessLevel
- The value ranges from 0.0 (original) to 1.0. The default value is 0.1. The larger the value, the greater the rosy degree.
The information of the detected human face.
class FacePositionInfo { int x; int y; int width; int height; int distance; FacePositionInfo( this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, this.distance, ); factory FacePositionInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$FacePositionInfoFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$FacePositionInfoToJson(this); }
- x
The x-coordinate (px) of the human face in the local video. The horizontal position relative to the origin, where the upper left corner of the captured video is the origin, and the x-coordinate is the upper left corner of the watermark.
- y
The y-coordinate (px) of the human face in the local video. Taking the top left corner of the captured video as the origin, the y coordinate represents the relative longitudinal displacement of the top left corner of the human face to the origin.
- width
The width (px) of the human face in the captured video.
- height
The height (px) of the human face in the captured video.
- distance
The distance between the human face and the device screen (cm).
The camera capturer preference.
class CameraCapturerConfiguration { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) CameraCaptureOutputPreference? preference; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? captureWidth; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? captureHeight; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) CameraDirection? cameraDirection; CameraCapturerConfiguration({ this.preference, this.captureWidth, this.captureHeight, this.cameraDirection, }); factory CameraCapturerConfiguration.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$CameraCapturerConfigurationFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$CameraCapturerConfigurationToJson(this); }
- preference
- The camera capture preference. For details, see CameraCaptureOutputPreference.
- captureWidth
The width (px) of the video image captured by the local camera. To customize the width of the video image, set preference as Manual(3) first, and then use captureWidth to set the video width.
- captureHeight
The height (px) of the video image captured by the local camera. To customize the height of the video image, set preference as Manual(3) first, and then use captureHeight.
- cameraDirection
The camera direction. For details, see CameraDirection.
The definition of ChannelMediaInfo.
class ChannelMediaInfo { String channelName; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) String? token; int uid; ChannelMediaInfo( this.channelName, this.uid, { this.token, }); factory ChannelMediaInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ChannelMediaInfoFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ChannelMediaInfoToJson(this); }
- channelName
- The name of the channel.
- token
- The token that enables the user to join the channel.
- uid
- User ID.
The channel media options.
class ChannelMediaOptions { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? autoSubscribeAudio; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? autoSubscribeVideo; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? publishLocalAudio; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? publishLocalVideo; ChannelMediaOptions({ this.autoSubscribeAudio, this.autoSubscribeVideo, this.publishLocalAudio, this.publishLocalVideo, }); factory ChannelMediaOptions.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ChannelMediaOptionsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ChannelMediaOptionsToJson(this); }
- autoSubscribeAudio
Whether to automatically subscribe to all remote audio
streams when the user joins a channel:
: (Default) Subscribe. -
: Do not subscribe.
- autoSubscribeVideo
Whether to subscribe to video streams when the user joins
the channel:
: (Default) Subscribe. -
: Do not subscribe.
- publishLocalAudio
whether to publish the local audio stream when the user
joins a channel.
- true: (Default) Publish the local audio.
- false: Do not publish the local audio.
This member serves a similar function to the muteLocalAudioStream method. After the user joins the channel, you can call the muteLocalAudioStream method to set whether to publish the local audio stream in the channel.
- publishLocalVideo
whether to publish the local video stream when the user
joins a channel.
- true: (Default) Publish the local video.
- false: Do not publish the local video.
This member serves a similar function to the muteLocalVideoStream method. After the user joins the channel, you can call the muteLocalVideoStream method to set whether to publish the local audio stream in the channel.
The definition of ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration.
class ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration { ChannelMediaInfo srcInfo; List<ChannelMediaInfo> destInfos; ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration( this.srcInfo, this.destInfos, ); factory ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ChannelMediaRelayConfigurationFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ChannelMediaRelayConfigurationToJson(this); }
- srcInfo
The information of the source channel ChannelMediaInfo. It contains the following members:
channelName: The name of the source channel. The
default value is , which means the SDK applies the
name of the current channel.
: The unique ID to identify the relay stream in the source channel. The default value is 0, which means the SDK generates a randomUID
. You must set it as 0. -
: The token for joining the source channel. It is generated with the
you set insrcInfo
If you have not enabled the App Certificate, set
this parameter as the default value
, which means the SDK applies the App ID. -
If you have enabled the App Certificate, you must
use the
generated with thechannelName
, and theuid
must be set as 0.
If you have not enabled the App Certificate, set
this parameter as the default value
channelName: The name of the source channel. The
default value is , which means the SDK applies the
name of the current channel.
- destInfos
The information of the destination channel ChannelMediaInfo. It contains the following members:
: The name of the destination channel. -
: The unique ID to identify the relay stream in the destination channel. The value ranges from 0 to (232-1). To avoid UID conflicts, this `UID` must be different from any other `UID` in the destination channel. The default value is 0, which means the SDK generates a random `UID`. Do not set this parameter as the `UID` of the host in the destination channel, and ensure that this `UID` is different from any other `UID` in the channel. -
: Thetoken
for joining the destination channel. It is generated with thechannelName
you set indestInfos
If you have not enabled the App Certificate, set
this parameter as the default value
, which means the SDK applies the App ID. -
If you have enabled the App Certificate, you must
use the
generated with thechannelName
If you have not enabled the App Certificate, set
this parameter as the default value
The detailed options of a user.
class ClientRoleOptions { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) AudienceLatencyLevelType? audienceLatencyLevel; ClientRoleOptions({ this.audienceLatencyLevel, }); factory ClientRoleOptions.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ClientRoleOptionsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ClientRoleOptionsToJson(this); }
- audienceLatencyLevel
- The latency level of an audience member in interactive live streaming.
The color enhancement options.
class ColorEnhanceOptions { final double strengthLevel; final double skinProtectLevel; const ColorEnhanceOptions( {this.strengthLevel = 0.0, this.skinProtectLevel = 1.0}); factory ColorEnhanceOptions.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ColorEnhanceOptionsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ColorEnhanceOptionsToJson(this); }
- strengthLevel
The level of color enhancement. The value range is [0.0,
is the default value, which means no color enhancement is applied to the video. The higher the value, the higher the level of color enhancement. - skinProtectLevel
The level of skin tone protection. The value range is [0.0,
means no skin tone protection. The higher the value, the higher the level of skin tone protection. The default value is 100.The default value is1.0
. When the level of color enhancement is higher, the portrait skin tone can be significantly distorted, so you need to set the level of skin tone protection; when the level of skin tone protection is higher, the color enhancement effect can be slightly reduced. Therefore, to get the best color enhancement effect, Agora recommends that you adjust strengthLevel and skinProtectLevel to get the most appropriate values.
The configurations for the data stream.
class DataStreamConfig { bool syncWithAudio; bool ordered; DataStreamConfig( this.syncWithAudio, this.ordered, ); factory DataStreamConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$DataStreamConfigFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$DataStreamConfigToJson(this); }
The following table shows the SDK behaviors under different parameter settings:
SDK behaviors |
The SDK triggers the streamMessage callback immediately after the receiver receives a data packet. |
If the data packet delay is within the audio delay, the SDK triggers the streamMessage callback when the synchronized audio packet is played out. If the data packet delay exceeds the audio delay, the SDK triggers the streamMessage callback as soon as the data packet is received. |
If the delay of a data packet is less than five seconds, the SDK corrects the order of the data packet. If the delay of a data packet exceeds five seconds, the SDK discards the data packet. |
If the delay of the data packet is within the range of the audio delay, the SDK corrects the order of the data packet. If the delay of a data packet exceeds the audio delay, the SDK discards this data packet. |
- syncWithAudio
Whether to synchronize the data packet with the published audio packet.
: Synchronize the data packet with the audio packet. -
: Do not synchronize the data packet with the audio packet.
- ordered
Whether the SDK guarantees that the receiver receives the data in the sent order.
: Guarantee that the receiver receives the data in the sent order. -
: Do not guarantee that the receiver receives the data in the sent order.
if you need the receiver to receive the data packet immediately. -
Built-in encryption configurations.
class EncryptionConfig { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) EncryptionMode? encryptionMode; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) String? encryptionKey; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) List<int>? encryptionKdfSalt; EncryptionConfig({ this.encryptionMode, this.encryptionKey, this.encryptionKdfSalt, }); factory EncryptionConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$EncryptionConfigFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$EncryptionConfigToJson(this); }
- encryptionMode
The built-in encryption mode. See EncryptionMode. Agora recommends using
encrypted mode. These two modes support the use of salt for higher security. - encryptionKey
Encryption key in string type.
Attention: If you do not set an encryption key or set it asnull
, you cannot use the built-in encryption, and the SDK returns-2
. - encryptionKdfSalt
- Since
- v3.4.5
Salt, 32 bytes in length. Agora recommends that you use OpenSSL to generate salt on the server side. See Media Stream Encryption for details.
Attention: This parameter takes effect only inAES128GCM2
encrypted mode. In this case, ensure that this parameter is not0
Configurations of the last-mile network test.
class LastmileProbeConfig { bool probeUplink; bool probeDownlink; int expectedUplinkBitrate; int expectedDownlinkBitrate; LastmileProbeConfig( this.probeUplink, this.probeDownlink, this.expectedUplinkBitrate, this.expectedDownlinkBitrate, ); factory LastmileProbeConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$LastmileProbeConfigFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$LastmileProbeConfigToJson(this); }
- probeUplink
Sets whether to test the uplink network. Some users, for example, the audience members in a LIVE_BROADCASTING channel, do not need such a test.
: Test. -
: Not test.
- probeDownlink
Sets whether to test the downlink network:
: Test. -
: Not test.
- expectedUplinkBitrate
- The expected maximum uplink bitrate (bps) of the local user. The value range is [100000, 5000000]. Agora recommends referring to setVideoEncoderConfiguration to set the value.
- expectedDownlinkBitrate
- The expected maximum downlink bitrate (bps) of the local user. The value range is [100000,5000000].
Results of the uplink or downlink last-mile network test.
class LastmileProbeOneWayResult { int packetLossRate; int jitter; int availableBandwidth; LastmileProbeOneWayResult( this.packetLossRate, this.jitter, this.availableBandwidth, ); factory LastmileProbeOneWayResult.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$LastmileProbeOneWayResultFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$LastmileProbeOneWayResultToJson(this); }
- packetLossRate
- The packet loss rate (%).
- jitter
- The network jitter (ms).
- availableBandwidth
- The estimated available bandwidth (bps).
Results of the uplink and downlink last-mile network tests.
class LastmileProbeResult { LastmileProbeResultState state; int rtt; LastmileProbeOneWayResult uplinkReport; LastmileProbeOneWayResult downlinkReport; LastmileProbeResult( this.state, this.rtt, this.uplinkReport, this.downlinkReport, ); factory LastmileProbeResult.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$LastmileProbeResultFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$LastmileProbeResultToJson(this); }
- state
- uplinkReport
- Results of the uplink last-mile network test. For details, see LastmileProbeOneWayResult.
- downlinkReport
- Results of the downlink last-mile network test. For details, see LastmileProbeOneWayResult.
- rtt
- The round-trip time (ms).
Transcoding configurations for Media Push.
class LiveTranscoding { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? width; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? height; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? videoBitrate; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) VideoFrameRate? videoFramerate; @Deprecated( 'This attribute is deprecated since v2.8.0, and Agora does not recommend it.') @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? lowLatency; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? videoGop; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) List<AgoraImage>? watermark; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) List<AgoraImage>? backgroundImage; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) AudioSampleRateType? audioSampleRate; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? audioBitrate; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) AudioChannel? audioChannels; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) AudioCodecProfileType? audioCodecProfile; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) VideoCodecProfileType? videoCodecProfile; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? backgroundColor; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) VideoCodecTypeForStream? videoCodecType; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) String? userConfigExtraInfo; List<TranscodingUser> transcodingUsers; LiveTranscoding( this.transcodingUsers, { this.width, this.height, this.videoBitrate, this.videoFramerate, this.lowLatency, this.videoGop, this.watermark, this.backgroundImage, this.audioSampleRate, this.audioBitrate, this.audioChannels, this.audioCodecProfile, this.videoCodecProfile, this.backgroundColor, this.videoCodecType, this.userConfigExtraInfo, }); factory LiveTranscoding.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$LiveTranscodingFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$LiveTranscodingToJson(this); }
- width
The width of the video in pixels. The default value is 360.
When pushing video streams to the CDN, the value range
is [64,1920]. If the value is less than 64, Agora server automatically adjusts it to 64; if the value is greater than 1920, Agora server automatically adjusts it to 1920. -
When pushing audio streams to the CDN, set
as 0.
When pushing video streams to the CDN, the value range
- height
The height of the video in pixels. The default value is 640.
When pushing video streams to the CDN, the value range
is [64,1080]. If the value is less than 64, Agora server automatically adjusts it to 64; if the value is greater than 1080, Agora server automatically adjusts it to 1080. -
When pushing audio streams to the CDN, set
as 0.
When pushing video streams to the CDN, the value range
- videoFramerate
Frame rate (in fps) of the output video stream set for Media Push. The default value is 15 , and the value range is (0,30].
Attention: The Agora server adjusts any value over 30 to 30. - lowLatency
- Deprecated
- This parameter is deprecated.
Latency mode:
: Low latency with unassured quality. -
: (Default) High latency with assured quality.
- videoGop
- GOP (Group of Pictures) in fps of the video frames for Media Push. The default value is 30.
- videoCodecProfile
Video codec profile type for Media Push. Set it as 66, 77, or 100 (default). See VideoCodecProfileType for details.
Attention: If you set this parameter to any other value, Agora adjusts it to the default value. - videoCodecType
- Video codec profile types for Media Push. See VideoCodecTypeForStream for details.
- transcodingUsers
Manages the user layout configuration in the CDN live streaming. Agora supports a maximum of 17 transcoding users in a Media Push channel. See TranscodingUser for details.
- transcodingExtraInfo
Reserved property. Extra user-defined information to send SEI for the H.264/H.265 video stream to the CDN live client. Maximum length: 4096 bytes. For more information on SEI, see SEI-related questions.
- backgroundColor
The background color in RGB hex value. Value only. Do not include a preceeding #. For example, 0xFFB6C1 (light pink). The default value is 0x000000 (black).
- backgroundImage
- watermark
- Deprecated
The watermark on the live video. Watermark images must be in the PNG format. See AgoraImage for details.
- watermark
The watermark on the live video. Watermark images must be in the PNG format. See AgoraImage for details.
You can add one watermark, or add multiple watermarks using an array. This parameter is used with watermarkCount.
- audioSampleRate
Self-defined audio sample rate. See AudioSampleRateType for details.
- audioBitrate
Bitrate (Kbps) of the audio output stream for Media Push. The default value is 48, and the highest value is 128.
- audioChannels
The number of audio channels for Media Push. Agora recommends choosing 1 (mono), or 2 (stereo) audio channels. Special players are required if you choose 3, 4, or 5.
- 1: (Default) Mono
- 2: Stereo.
- 3: Three audio channels.
- 4: Four audio channels.
- 5: Five audio channels.
- audioCodecProfile
Audio codec profile type for Media Push. See AudioCodecProfileType for details.
- userConfigExtraInfo
- Reserved for future use. Extra user-defined information to send the Supplemental Enhancement Information (SEI) for the H.264/H.265 video stream to the CDN live client. Maximum length: 4096 Bytes.
- userConfigExtraInfo
- Reserved property. Extra user-defined information to send the Supplemental Enhancement Information (SEI) for the H.264/H.265 video stream to the CDN live client. Maximum length: 4096 Bytes.
Local audio statistics.
class LocalAudioStats { int numChannels; int sentSampleRate; int sentBitrate; int txPacketLossRate; LocalAudioStats( this.numChannels, this.sentSampleRate, this.sentBitrate, this.txPacketLossRate, ); factory LocalAudioStats.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$LocalAudioStatsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$LocalAudioStatsToJson(this); }
- numChannels
- The number of audio channels.
- sentSampleRate
- The sampling rate (Hz) of sending the local user's audio stream.
- sentBitrate
- The average bitrate (Kbps) of sending the local user's audio stream.
- txPacketLossRate
- The packet loss rate (%) from the local client to the Agora server before applying the anti-packet loss strategies.
The statistics of the local video stream.
class LocalVideoStats { int sentBitrate; int sentFrameRate; int encoderOutputFrameRate; int rendererOutputFrameRate; int targetBitrate; int targetFrameRate; VideoQualityAdaptIndication qualityAdaptIndication; int encodedBitrate; int encodedFrameWidth; int encodedFrameHeight; int encodedFrameCount; VideoCodecType codecType; int txPacketLossRate; int captureFrameRate; CaptureBrightnessLevelType captureBrightnessLevel; LocalVideoStats( this.sentBitrate, this.sentFrameRate, this.encoderOutputFrameRate, this.rendererOutputFrameRate, this.targetBitrate, this.targetFrameRate, this.qualityAdaptIndication, this.encodedBitrate, this.encodedFrameWidth, this.encodedFrameHeight, this.encodedFrameCount, this.codecType, this.txPacketLossRate, this.captureFrameRate, this.captureBrightnessLevel, ); factory LocalVideoStats.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$LocalVideoStatsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$LocalVideoStatsToJson(this); }
- sentBitrate
The actual bitrate (Kbps) while sending the local video stream.Attention: This value does not include the bitrate for resending the video after packet loss.
- sentFrameRate
The actual frame rate (fps) while sending the local video
Attention: This value does not include the frame rate for resending the video after packet loss.
- encoderOutputFrameRate
- The output frame rate (fps) of the local video encoder.
- rendererOutputFrameRate
- The output frame rate (fps) of the local video renderer.
- targetBitrate
- The target bitrate (Kbps) of the current encoder. This is an estimate made by the SDK based on the current network conditions.
- targetFrameRate
- The target frame rate (fps) of the current encoder.
- qualityAdaptIndication
- Quality adaption of the local video stream in the reported interval (based on the target frame rate and target bitrate).
- encodedBitrate
The bitrate (Kbps) while encoding the local video stream.Attention: This value does not include the bitrate for resending the video after packet loss.
- encodedFrameWidth
- The width of the encoded video (px).
- encodedFrameHeight
- The height of the encoded video (px).
- encodedFrameCount
- The number of the sent video frames, represented by an aggregate value.
- codecType
- The codec type of the local video.
- txPacketLossRate
- The video packet loss rate (%) from the local client to the Agora server before applying the anti-packet loss strategies.
- captureFrameRate
- The frame rate (fps) for capturing the local video stream.
The configuration of the SDK log files.
class LogConfig { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) String? filePath; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? fileSize; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) LogLevel? level; LogConfig({ this.filePath, this.fileSize, this.level, }); factory LogConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$LogConfigFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$LogConfigToJson(this); }
- filePath
The absolute or relative path of the log file, which ends with \ or /. Ensure that the path for the log file exists and is writable. You can use this parameter to rename the log files.
- fileSize
- The size (KB) of a log file. The default value is 2014 KB. If you set fileSize to 1024 KB, the maximum aggregate size of the log files output by the SDK is 5 MB. If you set fileSize to less than 1024 KB, the setting is invalid, and the maximum size of a log file is still 1024 KB.
- level
- The output level of the SDK log file. See LogLevel.
The low-light enhancement options.
class LowLightEnhanceOptions { final LowLightEnhanceMode mode; final LowLightEnhanceLevel level; const LowLightEnhanceOptions( {this.mode = LowLightEnhanceMode.Auto, this.level = LowLightEnhanceLevel.HighQuality}); factory LowLightEnhanceOptions.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$LowLightEnhanceOptionsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$LowLightEnhanceOptionsToJson(this); }
- level
The low-light enhancement level. For details, see LowLightEnhanceLevel.
- mode
The low-light enhancement mode. For details, see LowLightEnhanceMode.
Media metadata
class Metadata { int uid; @JsonKey(ignore: true) Uint8List? buffer; int timeStampMs; Metadata(this.uid, this.timeStampMs); factory Metadata.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MetadataFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$MetadataToJson(this); }
- uid
User ID.
- For the receiver: The user ID of the user who sent the Metadata.
- For the sender: Ignore this value.
- buffer
- The buffer address of the sent or received Metadata.
- timeStampMs
- The timestamp (ms) of the Metadata.
The MediaDeviceInfo class, which contains the device ID and device name.
class MediaDeviceInfo { String deviceId; String deviceName; MediaDeviceInfo( this.deviceId, this.deviceName, ); factory MediaDeviceInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MediaDeviceInfoFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$MediaDeviceInfoToJson(this); }
- deviceId
- The device ID.
- deviceName
- The device name.
Configurations for the local audio and video recording.
class MediaRecorderConfiguration { final String? storagePath; final MediaRecorderContainerFormat containerFormat; final MediaRecorderStreamType streamType; final int maxDurationMs; final int recorderInfoUpdateInterval; /// Constructs the [MediaRecorderConfiguration]. MediaRecorderConfiguration({ this.storagePath, this.containerFormat = MediaRecorderContainerFormat.MP4, this.streamType = MediaRecorderStreamType.Both, this.maxDurationMs = 120000, this.recorderInfoUpdateInterval = 0, }); factory MediaRecorderConfiguration.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$MediaRecorderConfigurationFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$MediaRecorderConfigurationToJson(this); }
- storagePath
The absolute path (including the filename extensions) of the
recording file. For example,
on Windows,/App Sandbox/Library/Caches/example.mp4
on iOS,/Library/Logs/example.mp4
on macOS, and/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/<package name>/files/example.mp4
on Android. - containerFormat
- The format of the recording file. See MediaRecorderContainerFormat.
- streamType
- The recording content. See MediaRecorderStreamType.
- maxDurationMs
- The maximum recording duration, in milliseconds. The default value is 120,000.
- recorderInfoUpdateInterval
- The interval (ms) of updating the recording information. The value range is [1000,10000]. The SDK triggers the onRecorderInfoUpdated callback to report the updated recording information according to interval you set in this parameter.
Information for the recording file.
class RecorderInfo { final String fileName; final int durationMs; final int fileSize; RecorderInfo(this.fileName, this.durationMs, this.fileSize); factory RecorderInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$RecorderInfoFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$RecorderInfoToJson(this); }
- fileName
- The absolute path of the recording file.
- durationMs
- The recording duration, in milliseconds.
- fileSize
- The size of the recording file, in bytes.
The screen sharing region.
class Rect { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) @Deprecated('This property is deprecated, pls use x instead.') int? left; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) @Deprecated('This property is deprecated, pls use y instead.') int? top; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) @Deprecated('This property is deprecated, pls use x + width instead.') int? right; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) @Deprecated('This property is deprecated, pls use y + height instead.') int? bottom; int x; int y; int width; int height; Rect({ this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, }); factory Rect.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$RectFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$RectToJson(this); }
- Deprecated:
- This class is deprecated. Please use the updateScreenCaptureRegion method to update the shared area.
- top
- The coordinate of the top side of the shared area on the vertical axis.
- left
- The coordinate of the left side of the shared area on the horizontal axis.
- bottom
- The coordinate of the bottom side of the shared area on the vertical axis.
- right
- The coordinate of the right side of the shared area on the horizontal axis.
- x
- The horizontal offset from the top-left corner.
- y
- The vertical offset from the top-left corner.
- width
- The width of the target area.
- height
- The height of the target area.
The location of the target area relative to the screen or window. If you do not set this parameter, the SDK selects the whole screen or window.
class Rectangle { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? x; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? y; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? width; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? height; Rectangle({ this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, }); factory Rectangle.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$RectangleFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$RectangleToJson(this); }
- x
- The horizontal offset from the top-left corner.
- y
- The vertical offset from the top-left corner.
- width
- The width of the target area.
- height
- The height of the target area.
Audio statistics of the remote user.
class RemoteAudioStats { int uid; NetworkQuality quality; int networkTransportDelay; int jitterBufferDelay; int audioLossRate; int numChannels; int receivedSampleRate; int receivedBitrate; int totalFrozenTime; int frozenRate; int totalActiveTime; int publishDuration; ExperienceQualityType qoeQuality; ExperiencePoorReason qualityChangedReason; int mosValue; RemoteAudioStats( this.uid, this.quality, this.networkTransportDelay, this.jitterBufferDelay, this.audioLossRate, this.numChannels, this.receivedSampleRate, this.receivedBitrate, this.totalFrozenTime, this.frozenRate, this.totalActiveTime, this.publishDuration, this.qoeQuality, this.qualityChangedReason, this.mosValue, ); factory RemoteAudioStats.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$RemoteAudioStatsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$RemoteAudioStatsToJson(this); }
- uid
- The user ID of the remote user.
- quality
- The quality of the audio stream sent by the user. See NetworkQuality.
- networkTransportDelay
- The network delay (ms) from the sender to the receiver.
- jitterBufferDelay
The network delay (ms) from the receiver to the jitter buffer.Attention: This parameter does not take effect if the receiver is an audience member and audienceLatencyLevel of ClientRoleOptions is 1.
- audioLossRate
- The frame loss rate (%) of the remote audio stream in the reported interval.
- numChannels
- The number of audio channels.
- receivedSampleRate
- The sampling rate of the received audio stream in the reported interval.
- receivedBitrate
- The average bitrate (Kbps) of the received audio stream in the reported interval.
- totalFrozenTime
- The total freeze time (ms) of the remote audio stream after the remote user joins the channel. In a session, audio freeze occurs when the audio frame loss rate reaches 4%.
- frozenRate
- The total audio freeze time as a percentage (%) of the total time when the audio is available. The audio is considered available when the remote user neither stops sending the audio stream nor disables the audio module after joining the channel.
- totalActiveTime
The total active time (ms) between the start of the audio call and the callback of the remote user.
The active time refers to the total duration of the remote user without the mute state.
- publishDuration
The total duration (ms) of the remote audio stream.
- qoeQuality
Quality of experience (QoE) of the local user when receiving the remote audio stream. See ExperienceQualityType.
- qualityChangedReason
The reason for poor QoE of the local user when receiving the remote audio stream. See ExperiencePoorReason.
- mosValue
The quality of the remote audio stream in the reported interval. The quality is determined by the Agora real-time audio MOS (Mean Opinion Score) measurement method. The return value range is [0, 500]. Dividing the return value by 100 gets the MOS score, which ranges from 0 to 5. The higher the score, the better the audio quality.
The subjective perception of audio quality corresponding to the Agora real-time audio MOS scores is as follows:MOS score Perception of audio quality Greater than 4 Excellent. The audio sounds clear and smooth. From 3.5 to 4 Good. The audio has some perceptible impairment but still sounds clear. From 3 to 3.5 Fair. The audio freezes occasionally and requires attentive listening. From 2.5 to 3 Poor. The audio sounds choppy and requires considerable effort to understand. From 2 to 2.5 Bad. The audio has occasional noise. Consecutive audio dropouts occur, resulting in some information loss. The users can communicate only with difficulty. Less than 2 Very bad. The audio has persistent noise. Consecutive audio dropouts are frequent, resulting in severe information loss. Communication is nearly impossible.
Statistics of the remote video stream.
class RemoteVideoStats { int uid; @Deprecated( 'In scenarios where audio and video are synchronized, you can get the video delay data from networkTransportDelay and jitterBufferDelay in RemoteAudioStats.') int delay; int width; int height; int receivedBitrate; int decoderOutputFrameRate; int rendererOutputFrameRate; int packetLossRate; VideoStreamType rxStreamType; int totalFrozenTime; int frozenRate; int totalActiveTime; int publishDuration; RemoteVideoStats( this.uid, this.delay, this.width, this.height, this.receivedBitrate, this.decoderOutputFrameRate, this.rendererOutputFrameRate, this.packetLossRate, this.rxStreamType, this.totalFrozenTime, this.frozenRate, this.totalActiveTime, this.publishDuration, ); factory RemoteVideoStats.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$RemoteVideoStatsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$RemoteVideoStatsToJson(this); }
- uid
- The user ID of the remote user sending the video stream.
- delay
- Deprecated:
- In scenarios where audio and video are synchronized, you can get the video delay data from networkTransportDelay and jitterBufferDelay in RemoteAudioStats.
The video delay (ms).
- width
- The width (pixels) of the video.
- height
- The height (pixels) of the video.
- receivedBitrate
- The bitrate (Kbps) of the remote video received since the last count.
- decoderOutputFrameRate
- The frame rate (fps) of decoding the remote video.
- rendererOutputFrameRate
- The frame rate (fps) of rendering the remote video.
- packetLossRate
- The packet loss rate (%) of the remote video after using the anti-packet-loss technology.
- rxStreamType
- The type of the video stream.
- totalFrozenTime
- The total freeze time (ms) of the remote video stream after the remote user joins the channel. In a video session where the frame rate is set to 5 fps or higher, video freezing occurs when the time interval between two adjacent video frames is more than 500 ms.
- frozenRate
- The total video freeze time as a percentage (%) of the total time the video is available. The video is considered available as long as that the remote user neither stops sending the video stream nor disables the video module after joining the channel.
- totalActiveTime
- Since
- v3.0.1
The total active time (ms) of the video.
As long as the remote user/host neither stops sending the video stream nor disables the video module after joining the channel, the video is available.
- publishDuration
- Since
- v3.1.0
The total duration (ms) of the remote video stream.
Configurations of initializing the SDK.
class RtcEngineContext { String appId; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false, toJson: _$AreaCodeListToJson) List<AreaCode>? areaCode; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) LogConfig? logConfig; RtcEngineContext( this.appId, { this.areaCode, this.logConfig, }); factory RtcEngineContext.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$RtcEngineContextFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$RtcEngineContextToJson(this); static int? _$AreaCodeListToJson(List<AreaCode>? instance) { if (instance == null) return null; var areaCode = 0; for (var element in instance) { areaCode |= AreaCodeConverter(element).value(); } return areaCode; } }
- appId
The App ID issued by Agora for your app development project. Only users who use the same App ID can join the same channel and communicate with each other.
- areaCode
The region for connection. This is an advanced feature and applies to scenarios that have regional restrictions. For details on supported regions, see AreaCode.
After specifying the region, the SDK connects to the Agora servers within that region.
- logConfig
The configuration of the log files. See LogConfig.
By default, the SDK outputs five log files:
, andagorasdk_4.log
.Each log file has a default size of 512 KB and is encoded in UTF-8 format. The SDK writes the latest log in
. Whenagorasdk.log
is full, the SDK deletes the log file with the earliest modification time among the other four, renamesagorasdk.log
to the name of the deleted log file, and create a new agorasdk.log to record the latest log.
Image properties.
class AgoraImage { String url; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? x; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? y; int? width; int? height; AgoraImage( this.url, { this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, }); factory AgoraImage.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$AgoraImageFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$AgoraImageToJson(this); }
This class sets the properties of the watermark and background images in the live video.
- url
- The HTTP/HTTPS URL address of the image in the live video. The maximum length of this parameter is 1024 bytes.
- x
- The x coordinate (pixel) of the image on the video frame (taking the upper left corner of the video frame as the origin).
- y
- The y coordinate (pixel) of the image on the video frame (taking the upper left corner of the video frame as the origin).
- width
- The width (pixel) of the image on the video frame.
- height
- The height (pixel) of the image on the video frame.
Statistics of a call session.
class RtcStats { int duration; int txBytes; int rxBytes; int txAudioBytes; int txVideoBytes; int rxAudioBytes; int rxVideoBytes; int txKBitRate; int rxKBitRate; int txAudioKBitRate; int rxAudioKBitRate; int txVideoKBitRate; int rxVideoKBitRate; int userCount; int lastmileDelay; int txPacketLossRate; int rxPacketLossRate; double cpuTotalUsage; double cpuAppUsage; int gatewayRtt; double memoryAppUsageRatio; double memoryTotalUsageRatio; int memoryAppUsageInKbytes; RtcStats( this.duration, this.txBytes, this.rxBytes, this.txAudioBytes, this.txVideoBytes, this.rxAudioBytes, this.rxVideoBytes, this.txKBitRate, this.rxKBitRate, this.txAudioKBitRate, this.rxAudioKBitRate, this.txVideoKBitRate, this.rxVideoKBitRate, this.userCount, this.lastmileDelay, this.txPacketLossRate, this.rxPacketLossRate, this.cpuTotalUsage, this.cpuAppUsage, this.gatewayRtt, this.memoryAppUsageRatio, this.memoryTotalUsageRatio, this.memoryAppUsageInKbytes, ); factory RtcStats.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$RtcStatsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$RtcStatsToJson(this); }
- duration
- Call duration of the local user in seconds, represented by an aggregate value.
- txBytes
- The number of bytes sent.
- rxBytes
- The number of bytes received.
- txAudioBytes
- The total number of audio bytes sent, represented by an aggregate value.
- txVideoBytes
- The total number of video bytes sent, represented by an aggregate value.
- rxAudioBytes
- The total number of audio bytes received, represented by an aggregate value.
- rxVideoBytes
- The total number of video bytes received, represented by an aggregate value.
- txKBitRate
- Video transmission bitrate (Kbps), represented by an instantaneous value.
- rxKBitRate
- The receiving bitrate (Kbps), represented by an instantaneous value.
- rxAudioKBitRate
- Audio receive bitrate (Kbps), represented by an instantaneous value.
- txAudioKBitRate
- The bitrate (Kbps) of sending the audio packet.
- rxVideoKBitRate
- Video receive bitrate (Kbps), represented by an instantaneous value.
- txVideoKBitRate
- The bitrate (Kbps) of sending the video.
- lastmileDelay
- The client-to-server delay (milliseconds).
- txPacketLossRate
- The packet loss rate (%) from the client to the Agora server before applying the anti-packet-loss algorithm.
- rxPacketLossRate
- The packet loss rate (%) from the Agora server to the client before using the anti-packet-loss method.
- userCount
- The number of users in the channel.
- cpuAppUsage
- The CPU usage (%) of the app.
- cpuTotalUsage
The system CPU usage (%).
Attention: The value of cpuTotalUsage is always reported as 0 in the leaveChannel callback. - gatewayRtt
- The round-trip time delay (ms) from the client to the local router.
- memoryAppUsageRatio
The memory ratio occupied by the app (%).
Attention: This value is for reference only. Due to system limitations, you may not get this value. - memoryTotalUsageRatio
The memory occupied by the system (%).
Attention: This value is for reference only. Due to system limitations, you may not get this value. - memoryAppUsageInKbytes
The memory size occupied by the app (KB).
Attention: This value is for reference only. Due to system limitations, you may not get this value.
The audio configuration for the shared screen stream.
class ScreenAudioParameters { final int? captureSignalVolume; const ScreenAudioParameters(this.captureSignalVolume); factory ScreenAudioParameters.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ScreenAudioParametersFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ScreenAudioParametersToJson(this); }
- captureSignalVolume
The volume of the captured system audio. The value range is [0,100]. The default value is 100.
Screen sharing configurations.
class ScreenCaptureParameters { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) VideoDimensions? dimensions; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? frameRate; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? bitrate; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? captureMouseCursor; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? windowFocus; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) List<int>? excludeWindowList; ScreenCaptureParameters({ this.dimensions, this.frameRate, this.bitrate, this.captureMouseCursor, this.windowFocus, this.excludeWindowList, }); factory ScreenCaptureParameters.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ScreenCaptureParametersFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ScreenCaptureParametersToJson(this); }
- dimensions
The maximum dimensions of encoding the shared region. The default value is 1,920 × 1,080, that is, 2,073,600 pixels. Agora uses the value of this parameter to calculate the charges.
If the screen dimensions are different from the value of this parameter, Agora applies the following strategies for encoding. Supposedimensions
are set to 1,920 x 1,080:-
If the value of the screen dimensions is lower than
that of
, for example, 1,000 x 1,000 pixels, the SDK uses 1,000 x 1,000 pixels for encoding. -
If the value of the screen dimensions is larger than
that of
, for example, 2,000 × 1,500, the SDK uses the maximum value next to 1,920 × 1,080 with the aspect ratio of the screen dimension (4:3) for encoding, that is, 1,440 × 1,080.
If the value of the screen dimensions is lower than
that of
- frameRate
- The frame rate (fps) of the shared region. The default value is 5. Agora does not recommend setting it to a value greater than 15.
- bitrate
- The bitrate (Kbps) of the shared region. The default value is 0, which represents that the SDK works out a bitrate according to the dimensions of the current screen.
- captureMouseCursor
- Since
- v2.4.1
Whether to capture the mouse in screen sharing:
: (Default) Capture the mouse. -
: Do not capture the mouse.
- windowFocus
- Since
- v3.1.0
Whether to bring the window to the front when calling the startScreenCaptureByWindowId method to share it:-
:Bring the window to the front. -
: (Default) Do not bring the window to the front.
- excludeWindowList
The ID list of the cpp to be blocked. When calling startScreenCaptureByScreenRect to start screen sharing, you can use this parameter to block a specified window. When calling updateScreenCaptureParameters to update screen sharing configurations, you can use this parameter to dynamically block a specified window.
Screen sharing configurations.
class ScreenCaptureParameters2 { final bool? captureAudio; final ScreenAudioParameters? audioParams; final bool? captureVideo; final ScreenVideoParameters? videoParams; const ScreenCaptureParameters2({ this.captureAudio, this.audioParams, this.captureVideo, this.videoParams, }); factory ScreenCaptureParameters2.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ScreenCaptureParameters2FromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ScreenCaptureParameters2ToJson(this); }
- captureAudio
Determines whether to capture system audio during screen sharing:
: Capture. -
: (Default) Do not capture.
Attention: On Android, due to system limitations, capturing system audio is only available for Android API level 29 and later (that is, Android 10 and later). -
- audioParams
The audio configuration for the shared screen stream. See ScreenAudioParameters.Attention: This parameter is only available for scenarios where captureAudio is
. - captureVideo
Determines whether to capture system video during screen sharing:
: Capture. -
: (Default) Do not capture.
Attention: On Android, due to system limitations, screen capture is only available for Android API level 21 and later (that is, Android 5 and later). -
- videoParams
The video configuration for the shared screen stream. See ScreenVideoParameters.Attention: This parameter is only available for scenarios where captureVideo is
Screen sharing information.
class ScreenCaptureInfo { final String graphicsCardType; final ExcludeWindowError errCode; const ScreenCaptureInfo(this.graphicsCardType, this.errCode); factory ScreenCaptureInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ScreenCaptureInfoFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ScreenCaptureInfoToJson(this); }
- graphicsCardType
Graphics card type, including model information for the graphics card.
- errCode
Error code that blocks the window when sharing the screen. See ExcludeWindowError.
The screen sharing scenario. Set in setScreenCaptureScenario.
- ScreenScenarioDocument
- 1: (Default) Document. This scenario prioritizes the video quality of screen sharing and reduces the latency of the shared video for the receiver. If you share documents, slides, and tables, you can set this scenario.
- ScreenScenarioGaming
- 2: Game. This scenario prioritizes the smoothness of screen sharing. If you share games, you can set this scenario.
- ScreenScenarioVideo
- 3: Video. This scenario prioritizes the smoothness of screen sharing. If you share movies or live videos, you can set this scenario.
- ScreenScenarioRdc
- 4: Remote control. This scenario prioritizes the video quality of screen sharing and reduces the latency of the shared video for the receiver. If you share the device desktop being remotely controlled, you can set this scenario.
The video configuration for the shared screen stream.
class ScreenVideoParameters { final VideoDimensions? dimensions; final int? frameRate; final int? bitrate; final VideoContentHint? contentHint; const ScreenVideoParameters( {this.dimensions, this.frameRate, this.bitrate, this.contentHint}); factory ScreenVideoParameters.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ScreenVideoParametersFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$ScreenVideoParametersToJson(this); }
- dimensions
The video encoding resolution. The default value is 1280 × 720. For recommended values, see Recommended video profiles.
If the aspect ratio is different betweendimensions
and the screen, the SDK adjusts the video encoding resolution according to the following rules (using an example value fordimensions
of 1280 × 720):-
When the width and height of the screen are both lower
than those of
, the SDK uses the resolution of the screen for video encoding. For example, if the screen is 640 × 360, the SDK uses 640 × 360 for video encoding. -
When either the width or height of the screen is
higher than that of
, the SDK uses the maximum values that do not exceed those of dimensions while maintaining the aspect ratio of the screen for video encoding. For example, if the screen is 2000 × 1500, the SDK uses 960 × 720 for video encoding.
The billing of the screen sharing stream is based on
the value of
. When you do not pass in a value, Agora bills you at 1280 × 720; when you pass a value in, Agora bills you at that value. For details, see Pricing for Real-time Communication. - This value does not indicate the orientation mode of the output ratio. For how to set the video orientation, see VideoOutputOrientationMode.
- Whether the SDK can support a resolution at 720P depends on the performance of the device. If you set 720P but the device cannot support it, the video frame rate can be lower.
When the width and height of the screen are both lower
than those of
- frameRate
The video encoding frame rate (fps). The default value is 15. For recommended values, see Recommended video profiles.
- bitrate
The video encoding bitrate (Kbps). For recommended values, see Recommended video profiles.
- contentHint
The content hint of the screen sharing. See VideoContentHint.
Transcoding configurations of each host.
class TranscodingUser { int uid; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? x; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? y; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? width; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? height; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? zOrder; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) double? alpha; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) AudioChannel? audioChannel; TranscodingUser( this.uid, { this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, this.zOrder, this.alpha, this.audioChannel, }); factory TranscodingUser.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$TranscodingUserFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$TranscodingUserToJson(this); }
- uid
The user ID of the host.
- x
The x coordinate (pixel) of the host's video on the output video frame (taking the upper left corner of the video frame as the origin). The value range is [0, width], where width is the LiveTranscoding
set in . - y
The y coordinate (pixel) of the host's video on the output
video frame (taking the upper left corner of the video frame
as the origin). The value range is [0, height], where height
is the
set in . - width
- The width (pixel) of the host's video.
- height
The height (pixel) of the host's video.
- zOrder
The layer index number of the host's video. The value range is [0, 100].
- 0: (Default) The host's video is the bottom layer.
- 100: The host's video is the top layer.
If the value is beyond this range, the SDK reports the
error code
. - As of v2.3, the SDK supports setting zOrder to 0.
- alpha
The transparency of the host's video. The value range is [0.0, 1.0].
- 0.0: Completely transparent.
- 1.0: (Default) Opaque.
- audioChannel
The audio channel used by the host's audio in the output audio. The default value is 0, and the value range is [0, 5].
: (Recommended) The defaut setting, which supports dual channels at most and depends on the upstream of the host. -
: The host's audio uses the FL audio channel. If the host's upstream uses multiple audio channels, the Agora server mixes them into mono first. -
: The host's audio uses the FC audio channel. If the host's upstream uses multiple audio channels, the Agora server mixes them into mono first. -
: The host's audio uses the FR audio channel. If the host's upstream uses multiple audio channels, the Agora server mixes them into mono first. -
: The host's audio uses the BL audio channel. If the host's upstream uses multiple audio channels, the Agora server mixes them into mono first. -
: The host's audio uses the BR audio channel. If the host's upstream uses multiple audio channels, the Agora server mixes them into mono first. -
or a value greater than5
: The host's audio is muted, and the Agora server removes the host's audio.
Attention: If the value is not0
, a special player is required. -
The information of the user.
class UserInfo { int uid; String userAccount; UserInfo( this.uid, this.userAccount, ); factory UserInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$UserInfoFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$UserInfoToJson(this); }
- uid
- User ID
- userAccount
- The user account.
Video dimensions.
class VideoDimensions { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? width; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? height; VideoDimensions({ this.width, this.height, }); factory VideoDimensions.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$VideoDimensionsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$VideoDimensionsToJson(this); }
- width
The width (pixels) of the video.
- height
- The height (pixels) of the video.
Video encoder configurations.
class VideoEncoderConfiguration { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) VideoDimensions? dimensions; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) VideoFrameRate? frameRate; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) VideoFrameRate? minFrameRate; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? bitrate; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? minBitrate; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) VideoOutputOrientationMode? orientationMode; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) DegradationPreference? degradationPrefer; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) VideoMirrorMode? mirrorMode; VideoEncoderConfiguration({ this.dimensions, this.frameRate, this.minFrameRate, this.bitrate, this.minBitrate, this.orientationMode, this.degradationPrefer, this.mirrorMode, }); factory VideoEncoderConfiguration.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$VideoEncoderConfigurationFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$VideoEncoderConfigurationToJson(this); }
- dimensions
- frameRate
The frame rate (fps) of the encoding video frame. The default value is 15. See VideoFrameRate.
- minFrameRate
- The minimum encoding frame rate of the video. The default value is -1.
- bitrate
The encoding bitrate (Kbps) of the video.
You can refer to the table below to set the bitrate according to your app scenario. If the bitrate you set is beyond the reasonable range, the SDK sets it within a reasonable range. You can also choose from the following options:
- Standard : (Recommended) Standard bitrate mode. In this mode, the video bitrate of the interactive streaming profile is twice that of the communication profile.
- Compatible: Adaptive bitrate mode. In this mode, the bitrate differs between the interactive streaming and communication profiles. If you choose this mode in the interactive streaming profile, the video frame rate may be lower than the set value.
Agora uses different video codecs for different profiles to optimize user experience. The communication profile prioritizes smoothness while the interactive streaming profile prioritizes video quality (a higher bitrate). Therefore, Agora recommends setting this parameter as Standard . You can also set the bitrate value of the Live-broadcasting profile to twice the bitrate value of the communication profile.
Dimensions Frame rate (fps) Bitrate (Kbps) for the communication profile Bitrate (Kbps) for the interactive streaming profile 160 × 120 15 65 130 120 × 120 15 50 100 320 × 180 15 140 280 180 × 180 15 100 200 240 × 180 15 120 240 320 × 240 15 200 400 240 × 240 15 140 280 424 × 240 15 220 440 640 × 360 15 400 800 360 × 360 15 260 520 640 × 360 30 600 1200 360 × 360 30 400 800 480 × 360 15 320 640 480 × 360 30 490 980 640 × 480 15 500 1000 480 × 480 15 400 800 640 × 480 30 750 1500 480 × 480 30 600 1200 848 × 480 15 610 1220 848 × 480 30 930 1860 640 × 480 10 400 800 1280 × 720 15 1130 2260 1280 × 720 30 1710 3420 960 × 720 15 910 1820 960 × 720 30 1380 2760 1920 × 1080 15 2080 4160 1920 × 1080 30 3150 6300 1920 × 1080 60 4780 6500 - minBitrate
The minimum encoding bitrate (Kbps) of the video.
The SDK automatically adjusts the encoding bitrate to adapt to the network conditions. Using a value greater than the default value forces the video encoder to output high-quality images but may cause more packet loss and sacrifice the smoothness of the video transmission. Unless you have special requirements for image quality, Agora does not recommend changing this value.
Attention: This parameter only applies to the interactive streaming profile. - orientationMode
- The orientation mode of the encoded video. See VideoOutputOrientationMode.
- degradationPreference
- degradationPrefer
- Video degradation preference under limited bandwidth. See DegradationPreference.
- mirrorMode
Attention: By default, the video is not mirrored.
Video noise reduction options.
class VideoDenoiserOptions { final VideoDenoiserMode mode; final VideoDenoiserLevel level; const VideoDenoiserOptions( {this.mode = VideoDenoiserMode.Auto, this.level = VideoDenoiserLevel.HighQuality}); factory VideoDenoiserOptions.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$VideoDenoiserOptionsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$VideoDenoiserOptionsToJson(this); }
- level
- Video noise reduction level. For details, see VideoDenoiserLevel.
- mode
- Video noise reduction mode. For details, see VideoDenoiserMode.
The custom background image.
class VirtualBackgroundSource { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) VirtualBackgroundSourceType? backgroundSourceType; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? color; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) String? source; @JsonKey(name: 'blur_degree') VirtualBackgroundBlurDegree blurDegree; VirtualBackgroundSource({ this.backgroundSourceType, this.color, this.source, this.blurDegree = VirtualBackgroundBlurDegree.High, }); factory VirtualBackgroundSource.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$VirtualBackgroundSourceFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$VirtualBackgroundSourceToJson(this); }
- backgroundSourceType
- The type of the custom background image. See BACKGROUND_SOURCE_TYPE.
- color
The type of the custom background image. The color of the
custom background image. The format is a hexadecimal integer
defined by RGB, without the # sign, such as 0xFFB6C1 for
light pink. The default value is 0xFFFFFF, which signifies
white. The value range is [0x000000, 0xffffff]. If the value
is invalid, the SDK replaces the original background image
with a white background image.
Attention: This parameter takes effect only when the type of the custom background image is BACKGROUND_COLOR.
- source
The local absolute path of the custom background image. PNG
and JPG formats are supported. If the path is invalid, the
SDK replaces the original background image with a white
background image.
Attention: This parameter takes effect only when the type of the custom background image is BACKGROUND_IMG.
- blurDegree
The degree of blurring applied to the custom background
image. See
Attention: This parameter takes effect only when the type of the custom background image is BACKGROUND_BLUR.
Configurations of the watermark image.
class WatermarkOptions { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? visibleInPreview; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) Rectangle? positionInLandscapeMode; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) Rectangle? positionInPortraitMode; WatermarkOptions({ this.visibleInPreview, this.positionInLandscapeMode, this.positionInPortraitMode, }); factory WatermarkOptions.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$WatermarkOptionsFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$WatermarkOptionsToJson(this); }
- visibleInPreview
Whether the watermark image is visible in the local video preview:
: (Default) The watermark image is visible in the local preview. -
: The watermark image is not visible in the local preview.
- positionInLandscapeMode
The area to display the watermark image in landscape mode.
- positionInPortraitMode
The area to display the watermark image in portrait mode.
The metronome configuration.
class RhythmPlayerConfig { @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? beatsPerMeasure; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) int? beatsPerMinute; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) bool? publish; RhythmPlayerConfig({ this.beatsPerMeasure, this.beatsPerMinute, this.publish, }); factory RhythmPlayerConfig.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$RhythmPlayerConfigFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$RhythmPlayerConfigToJson(this); }
- beatsPerMeasure
- The number of beats per measure, which ranges from 1 to 9. The default value is 4, which means that each measure contains one downbeat and three upbeats.
- beatsPerMinute
- The beat speed (beats/minute), which ranges from 60 to 360. The default value is 60, which means that the metronome plays 60 beats in one minute.
- publish
Whether to publish the sound of the metronome to remote
: (Default) Publish the sound of the metronome. Both the local user and remote users can hear the metronome. -
: Do not publish the sound of the metronome. Only the local user can hear the metronome.
The configuration of audio recording on the app client.
class AudioRecordingConfiguration { String filePath; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) AudioRecordingQuality? recordingQuality; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) AudioRecordingPosition? recordingPosition; @JsonKey(includeIfNull: false) AudioSampleRateType? recordingSampleRate; AudioRecordingConfiguration( this.filePath, { this.recordingQuality, this.recordingPosition, this.recordingSampleRate, }); factory AudioRecordingConfiguration.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$AudioRecordingConfigurationFromJson(json); Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$AudioRecordingConfigurationToJson(this); }
- filePath
The absolute path (including the filename extensions) of the recording file. For example:
.Attention: Ensure that the directory for the log files exists and is writable. - recordingChannel
The recorded audio channel. The following values are
- 1: (Default) Mono channel.
- Dual channel.
Attention: The actual recorded audio channel is related to the audio channel that you capture. If the captured audio is mono and recordingChannel is 2, the recorded audio is the dual-channel data that is copied from mono data, not stereo. If the captured audio is dual channel and recordingChannel is 1, the recorded audio is the mono data that is mixed by dual-channel data. The integration scheme also affects the final recorded audio channel. Therefore, to record in stereo, contact technical support for assistance. - recordingQuality
Recording quality. For details, see AudioRecordingQuality .
Attention: Note: This parameter applies to AAC files only. - recordingPosition
- The recording content. For details, see AudioRecordingPosition .
- recordingSampleRate
Recording sample rate (Hz).
- 16000
- (Default) 32000
- 44100
- 48000
Attention: If you set this parameter as 44100 or 48000, Agora recommends recording WAV files or AAV files whose recordingQuality is Medium or High for better recording quality.