Message sender.
The ID of a group.
The member count.
The name of a group.
The type of operation.
create: Occurs when the current user created a group on another device.
destroy: Occurs when the group was destroyed.
requestToJoin: Occurs when someone applied to join the group. Only the group owner and administrator will receive this event.
acceptRequest: Occurs when your group adding application is approved. Only the person who applies for group will receive this event.
joinPublicGroupDeclined: Occurs when your group adding application is refused. Only the person who applies for group will receive this event.
inviteToJoin: Occurs when you receive an invitation to join a group.
acceptInvite: Occurs when someone accepted your invitation to join the group.
rejectInvite: Occurs when someone refused your invitation to join the group.
removeMember: Occurs when you are removed from a group or added to block list. Only the removed person receives this event.
unblockMember: Occurs when being removed from the block list. Only the removed person receives this event.
updateInfo: Occurs when modifying group.
memberPresence: Occurs when someone joined the group.
memberAbsence: Occurs when someone leaved the group.
directJoined: Occurs when you are directly pulled into the group and no consent is required.
changeOwner: Occurs when transferring group. Only new and old group owners can receive this event.
setAdmin: Occurs when being set as administrator. Only the person who is set to administrator can receive this event.
removeAdmin: Occurs when you are removed as an administrator. Only the removed person can receive this event.
muteMember: Occurs when you are muted. Only the person who is muted can receive this event.
unmuteMember: Occurs when you are unmuted. Only the person who is unmuted can receive this event.
updateAnnouncement: Occurs when the group announcement was updated.
deleteAnnouncement: Occurs when the group announcement was deleted.
uploadFile: Occurs when a shared file is uploaded.
deleteFile: Occurs when a shared file is deleted.
addUserToAllowlist: Occurs when being added to the allow list.
removeAllowlistMember: Occurs when being removed from the allow list.
muteAllMembers: Occurs when the group was set with a ban for all members.
unmuteAllMembers: Occurs when the group lifted the ban.
memberAttributesUpdate: Occurs when a custom attributes of a group member is updated.
The reason for the event.
The userId of a group event.
Generated using TypeDoc
The modified group info.