The chatroom is not found.
The user being operated is not in the chatroom.
The current conversation not exist .
The current user is already in the group.
The number of members in the group reaches the limit.
The maximum number of group members exceeds the limit during group creation.
Failed to set the custom attributes of a group member.
The group is not found.
The user being operated is not in the group.
The upper limit is reached.
Group chat ID current limiting.
The message was blocked.
The message content contains illegal or sensitive words.
The message is blocked by the Moderation service.
The message is not found.
The message parameter is invalid.
The message recall has exceeded the time limit.
You have exceeded the maximum allowed size of a message body.
The network is disconnected, causing message sending failure.
The message modification failed.
The format of the modified messaged is incorrect.
The message to modify does not exist.
Unauthorized operation.
An operation that is not allowed.
Unsupported Operation.
Parse file failed.
Permission denied.
The parameter length exceeds the limit when posting custom presence status.
The Reaction already exists.
A Reaction is being created by multiple users at the same time.
The user does not have the permission for the Reaction operation. For example, the user who does not add the reaction attempts to delete it, or the user that is neither the sender nor recipient of the one-to-one message attempts to add the Reaction.
The request is canceled.
The parameter is invalid.
No error.
The server response times out.
A general error.
Invalid token or App Key.
Websocket error.
The server is busy.
Unknown error.
The message fails to be delivered because the user is not on the allow list.
The current user is muted.
The service is not enabled.
Chat thread already exists.
The chatThread is not found.
Failed to obtain the translation service.
Invalid language code.
The translated text is too long.
Global muted.
User does not found.
The user is not on your contact list, and you cannot send messages to him or her. Note: You can send messages to strangers by default. This error occurs only when you enable the function of allowing to send messages only to your contacts.
A general error.
The App Key is invalid.
The user authentication fails. The reasons are as follows. The SDK is not initiated. The user is not login.
The callback inner error code while the message is successfully sent.
The current user is offline.
Websocket is disconnected
Fails to get the token.
Login failed.
The token is invalid.
The password is renewed.
The user was kicked off from another device.
The user is logged in on another device.
The user was removed.
The user is not logged in.
The user authentication fails.
File-downloading failed.
Internal error.
The uploading of the file failed.
The current user is not logged in when uploading the file.
Generated using TypeDoc
The number of chatroom members reaches the limit.