ChatMessage class

The message class.

The sample code for constructing a text message to send is as follows.

  ChatMessage msg = ChatMessage.createTxtSendMessage(
     username: "user1",
     content: "hello",


ChatMessage.createCmdSendMessage({required String targetId, required dynamic action, bool deliverOnlineOnly = false, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates a command message for sending.
ChatMessage.createCombineSendMessage({required String targetId, String? title, String? summary, String? compatibleText, required List<String> msgIds, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates a combined message for sending.
ChatMessage.createCustomSendMessage({required String targetId, required dynamic event, Map<String, String>? params, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates a custom message for sending.
ChatMessage.createFileSendMessage({required String targetId, required String filePath, String? displayName, int? fileSize, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates a file message for sending.
ChatMessage.createImageSendMessage({required String targetId, required String filePath, String? displayName, String? thumbnailLocalPath, bool sendOriginalImage = false, int? fileSize, double? width, double? height, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates an image message for sending.
ChatMessage.createLocationSendMessage({required String targetId, required double latitude, required double longitude, String? address, String? buildingName, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates a location message for sending.
ChatMessage.createReceiveMessage({required ChatMessageBody body, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates a received message instance.
ChatMessage.createSendMessage({required ChatMessageBody body, String? to, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates a message instance for sending.
ChatMessage.createTxtSendMessage({required String targetId, required String content, List<String>? targetLanguages, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates a text message for sending.
ChatMessage.createVideoSendMessage({required String targetId, required String filePath, String? displayName, int duration = 0, int? fileSize, String? thumbnailLocalPath, double? width, double? height, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates a video message instance for sending.
ChatMessage.createVoiceSendMessage({required String targetId, required String filePath, int duration = 0, int? fileSize, String? displayName, ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat})
Creates a voice message for sending.


attributes Map?
Message's extension attribute.
read / write
body ↔ ChatMessageBody
Message body. We recommend you use ChatMessageBody.
read / write
chatroomMessagePriority ChatRoomMessagePriority
Sets the priority of chat room messages. param priority The priority of chat room messages. The default value is Normal, indicating the normal priority. For details, seeChatRoomMessagePriority.
chatType ChatType
The enumeration of the chat type.
read / write
conversationId String?
The conversation ID.
read / write
deliverOnlineOnly bool
Whether the message is delivered only when the recipient(s) is/are online:
read / write
direction MessageDirection
The message direction. see MessageDirection.
read / write
from String?
The ID of the message sender.
read / write
hasDeliverAck bool
The delivery receipt, which is to check whether the other party has received the message.
read / write
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
hasRead bool
Whether the message is read.
read / write
hasReadAck bool
Whether the recipient has read the message.
read / write
isChatThreadMessage bool
Is it a message sent within a thread
read / write
localTime int
The local timestamp when the message is created on the local device, in milliseconds.
read / write
msgId String
Gets the message ID.
needGroupAck bool
Whether read receipts are required for group messages.
read / write
onlineState bool
Message Online Status
receiverList List<String>?
The recipient list of a targeted message.
read / write
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
serverTime int
The timestamp when the message is received by the server.
read / write
status MessageStatus
Gets the message sending/reception status. see MessageStatus.
read / write
to String?
The ID of the message recipient.
read / write


chatThread() Future<ChatThread?>
Get an overview of the thread in the message (currently only supported by group messages)
dispose() → void
groupAckCount() Future<int>
Gets the number of members that have read the group message.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reactionList() Future<List<ChatMessageReaction>>
Gets the Reaction list.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.