ChatMessage.createLocationSendMessage constructor
~english Creates a location message for sending.
Param targetId
The ID of the message recipient.
- For a one-to-one chat, it is the username of the peer user.
- For a group chat, it is the group ID.
- For a chat room, it is the chat room ID.
Param latitude
The latitude.
Param longitude
The longitude.
Param address
The address.
Param buildingName
The building name.
Param chatType
The chat type, default is single chat, if it is group chat or chat room, see ChatType.
Return The message instance. ~end
~chinese 创建一条待发送的位置信息。
Param targetId
- 用户:用户 ID;
- 群组:群组 ID;
- 聊天室:聊天室 ID。
Param latitude
Param longitude
Param address
Param buildingName
Param chatType
聊天类型, 默认为单聊,如果是群聊或者聊天室,可以参考ChatType。
Return 消息体实例。 ~end
required String targetId,
required double latitude,
required double longitude,
String? address,
String? buildingName,
ChatType chatType = ChatType.Chat,
}) : this.createSendMessage(
chatType: chatType,
to: targetId,
body: ChatLocationMessageBody(
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude,
address: address,
buildingName: buildingName,