Chat SDK for Android v1.3.1
agora java chat SDK
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void sendMessage (final ChatMessage msg)
void ackConversationRead (String conversationId) throws ChatException
void ackMessageRead (String to, String messageId) throws ChatException
void ackGroupMessageRead (String to, String messageId, String ext) throws ChatException
void recallMessage (ChatMessage message) throws ChatException
void asyncRecallMessage (final ChatMessage message, final CallBack callback)
void recallMessage (ChatMessage message, String ext) throws ChatException
void asyncRecallMessage (final ChatMessage message, String ext, final CallBack callback)
ChatMessage getMessage (String messageId)
Conversation getConversation (String id)
Conversation getConversation (String id, ConversationType type)
Conversation getConversation (String username, ConversationType type, boolean createIfNotExists)
Conversation getConversation (String username, ConversationType type, boolean createIfNotExists, boolean isChatThread)
boolean markAllConversationsAsRead ()
int getUnreadMessageCount ()
void saveMessage (ChatMessage message)
boolean updateMessage (ChatMessage message)
void asyncModifyMessage (String messageId, MessageBody messageBodyModified, final ValueCallBack< ChatMessage > callBack)
void downloadAttachment (final ChatMessage msg)
void downloadThumbnail (final ChatMessage msg)
void downloadAndParseCombineMessage (ChatMessage message, ValueCallBack< List< ChatMessage > > callback)
synchronized void importMessages (List< ChatMessage > msgs)
List< ConversationgetConversationsByType (ConversationType type)
Map< String, ConversationgetAllConversations ()
List< ConversationgetAllConversationsBySort ()
void asyncFilterConversationsFromDB (EMCustomConversationFilter filter, boolean cleanConversationsCache, ValueCallBack< List< Conversation > > callBack)
void cleanConversationsMemoryCache ()
Map< String, ConversationfetchConversationsFromServer () throws ChatException
void asyncFetchConversationsFromServer (final ValueCallBack< Map< String, Conversation > > callBack)
void asyncFetchConversationsFromServer (int pageNum, int pageSize, final ValueCallBack< Map< String, Conversation > > callBack)
void asyncFetchPinnedConversationsFromServer (final int limit, final String cursor, final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< Conversation > > callback)
void asyncFetchConversationsFromServer (final int limit, final String cursor, final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< Conversation > > callback)
void asyncPinConversation (final String conversationId, boolean isPinned, final CallBack callback)
void loadAllConversations ()
boolean deleteConversation (String username, boolean deleteMessages)
void deleteConversationFromServer (String username, ConversationType type, boolean isDeleteServerMessages, CallBack deleteCallBack)
void addMessageListener (MessageListener listener)
void removeMessageListener (MessageListener listener)
void addConversationListener (ConversationListener listener)
void removeConversationListener (ConversationListener listener)
void setVoiceMessageListened (ChatMessage message)
boolean updateParticipant (String from, String changeTo)
CursorResult< GroupReadAckfetchGroupReadAcks (String msgId, int pageSize, String startAckId) throws ChatException
void asyncFetchGroupReadAcks (final String msgId, final int pageSize, final String startAckId, final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< GroupReadAck > > callBack)
CursorResult< ChatMessagefetchHistoryMessages (String conversationId, ConversationType type, int pageSize, String startMsgId) throws ChatException
CursorResult< ChatMessagefetchHistoryMessages (String conversationId, ConversationType type, int pageSize, String startMsgId, Conversation.SearchDirection direction) throws ChatException
void asyncFetchHistoryMessage (final String conversationId, final ConversationType type, final int pageSize, final String startMsgId, final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< ChatMessage > > callBack)
void asyncFetchHistoryMessage (final String conversationId, final ConversationType type, final int pageSize, final String startMsgId, final Conversation.SearchDirection direction, final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< ChatMessage > > callBack)
void asyncFetchHistoryMessages (String conversationId, ConversationType type, int pageSize, String cursor, FetchMessageOption option, final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< ChatMessage > > callBack)
List< ChatMessagesearchMsgFromDB (@NonNull Type type, long timeStamp, int maxCount, String from, Conversation.SearchDirection direction)
List< ChatMessagesearchMsgFromDB (Set< Type > types, long timeStamp, int maxCount, String from, Conversation.SearchDirection direction)
List< ChatMessagesearchMsgFromDB (String keywords, long timeStamp, int maxCount, String from, Conversation.SearchDirection direction)
List< ChatMessagesearchMsgFromDB (String keywords, long timeStamp, int maxCount, String from, Conversation.SearchDirection direction, Conversation.ChatMessageSearchScope searchScope)
void deleteMessagesBeforeTimestamp (long timeStamp, CallBack callback)
void asyncReportMessage (String msgId, String tag, String reportReason, CallBack callback)
void reportMessage (String msgId, String tag, String reportReason) throws ChatException
void fetchSupportLanguages (ValueCallBack< List< Language > > callback)
void translateMessage (ChatMessage message, List< String > languages, ValueCallBack< ChatMessage > callback)
void addReaction (final String messageId, final String reaction) throws ChatException
void asyncAddReaction (final String messageId, final String reaction, final CallBack callback)
void removeReaction (final String messageId, final String reaction) throws ChatException
void asyncRemoveReaction (final String messageId, final String reaction, final CallBack callback)
Map< String, List< MessageReaction > > getReactionList (final List< String > messageIdList, final ChatMessage.ChatType chatType, final String groupId) throws ChatException
void asyncGetReactionList (final List< String > messageIdList, final ChatMessage.ChatType chatType, final String groupId, final ValueCallBack< Map< String, List< MessageReaction > > > callback)
CursorResult< MessageReactiongetReactionDetail (final String messageId, final String reaction, final String cursor, final int pageSize) throws ChatException
void asyncGetReactionDetail (final String messageId, final String reaction, final String cursor, final int pageSize, final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< MessageReaction > > callback)
void asyncAddConversationMark (@NonNull List< String > conversationIds, @NonNull EMMarkType mark, CallBack callback)
void asyncRemoveConversationMark (@NonNull List< String > conversationIds, @NonNull EMMarkType mark, CallBack callback)
void asyncGetConversationsFromServerWithCursor (@NonNull String cursor, @NonNull ConversationFilter filter, ValueCallBack< CursorResult< Conversation > > callback)
void asyncDeleteAllMsgsAndConversations (boolean clearSeverData, CallBack deleteCallBack)
void asyncPinMessage (@NonNull String messageId, CallBack callBack)
void asyncUnPinMessage (@NonNull String messageId, CallBack callBack)
void asyncGetPinnedMessagesFromServer (@NonNull String conversationId, ValueCallBack< List< ChatMessage > > callBack)
void asyncGetMessageCount (ValueCallBack< Integer > callBack)

Protected Member Functions

void removeMessagesFromServer (String conversationId, ConversationType type, List< String > msgIdList, CallBack callBack)
void removeMessagesFromServer (String conversationId, ConversationType type, long beforeTimeStamp, CallBack callBack)

Detailed Description

The chat manager class, responsible for sending and receiving messages, managing conversations (including loading and deleting conversations), and downloading attachments.

The sample code for sending a text message is as follows:

ChatMessage message = ChatMessage.createTxtSendMessage(content, toChatUsername);

Member Function Documentation

◆ ackConversationRead()

void ( String  conversationId) throws ChatException

Sends the conversation read receipt to the server.

This method is only for one-to-one chat conversations.

This method will inform the sever to set the unread message count of the conversation to 0. The message sender will receive the ConversationListener#onConversationRead(String, String) callback. The message recipient that has logged in to multiple devices, will also receive the callback.

If you want to send a read receipt for a group message, call ackGroupMessageRead(String, String, String).

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
ChatExceptionThe possible exceptions are as follows: Error#USER_NOT_LOGIN, Error#SERVER_NOT_REACHABLE, and Error#MESSAGE_INVALID. See Error.

◆ ackGroupMessageRead()

void ( String  to,
String  messageId,
String  ext 
) throws ChatException

Sends the read receipt for a group message to the server.


You can only call this method after setting ChatOptions#setRequireAck(boolean) and ChatMessage#setIsNeedGroupAck(boolean) to true.

To send the read recipient for a one-to-one chat message to the server, call ackMessageRead(String, String).

To send the conversation read receipt to the server, call ackConversationRead(String).

toThe conversation ID.
messageIdThe message ID.
extThe extension information, which is a custom keyword that specifies a custom action or command.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception, see Error.

◆ ackMessageRead()

void ( String  to,
String  messageId 
) throws ChatException

Sends the read receipt for a message to the server.


This method applies to one-to-one chats only.

This method only takes effect if you set ChatOptions#setRequireAck(boolean) as true.

To send the read receipt for a group message, call ackGroupMessageRead(String, String, String).

We recommend that you call ackConversationRead(String) when opening the chat page, and call this method in other cases to reduce the number of method calls.

toThe recipient of the read receipt.
messageIdThe message ID.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception, see Error.

◆ addConversationListener()

void ( ConversationListener  listener)

Adds the conversation listener.

After a conversation listener is added, you can listen for conversation changes and conversation read receipts.

You can call the removeConversationListener(ConversationListener) method to remove the conversation listener when it is not required.

listenerThe conversation listener to add. See ConversationListener.

◆ addMessageListener()

void ( MessageListener  listener)

Adds the message listener.

After a message listener is added, you can listen for new messages when they arrive.

You can call removeMessageListener(MessageListener) to remove the message listener when it is not required.

listenerThe message listener to add. See MessageListener.

◆ addReaction()

void ( final String  messageId,
final String  reaction 
) throws ChatException

Adds a Reaction.

This is a synchronous method.

messageIdThe message ID.
reactionThe Reaction content.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception. See Error.

◆ asyncAddConversationMark()

void ( @NonNull List< String >  conversationIds,
@NonNull EMMarkType  mark,
CallBack  callback 

Marks conversations.

This method marks conversations both locally and on the server.

conversationIdsThe list of conversation IDs.
markThe mark to add for the conversations.
callbackThe completion callback, which contains the description of the cause to the failure.

◆ asyncAddReaction()

void ( final String  messageId,
final String  reaction,
final CallBack  callback 

Adds a Reaction.

This is an asynchronous method.

messageIdThe message ID.
reactionThe message Reaction to add.
callbackThe result callback which contains the error information if the method fails. See CallBack.

◆ asyncDeleteAllMsgsAndConversations()

void ( boolean  clearSeverData,
CallBack  deleteCallBack 

Clears all conversations and all messages in them.

This is an asynchronous method.

clearSeverDataWhether to clear all conversations and all messages in them on the server.
  • true:Yes. All conversations and all messages in them will be cleared on the server side. The current user cannot retrieve messages and conversations from the server, while this has no impact on other users.
  • (Default) false:No. All local conversations and all messages in them will be cleared, while those on the server remain.
deleteCallBackThe completion callback, which contains the description of the cause to the failure.

◆ asyncFetchConversationsFromServer() [1/3]

void ( final int  limit,
final String  cursor,
final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< Conversation > >  callback 

Gets the list of conversations from the server with pagination.

The SDK retrieves the list of conversations in the reverse chronological order of their active time (generally the timestamp of the last message).

If there is no message in the conversation, the SDK retrieves the list of conversations in the reverse chronological order of their creation time.

limitThe number of conversations that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
cursorThe position from which to start to get data. If you pass in null or an empty string (""), the SDK retrieves conversations from the latest active one.
callbackThe query result CursorResult, including the cursor for getting data next time and the conversation list. For the last page, the return value of cursor is an empty string.

◆ asyncFetchConversationsFromServer() [2/3]

void ( final ValueCallBack< Map< String, Conversation > >  callBack)

Gets the conversation list from the server.

This is an asynchronous method.

The conversation list of the current user.
Deprecated. Use asyncFetchConversationsFromServer(int, String, ValueCallBack) instead.

◆ asyncFetchConversationsFromServer() [3/3]

void ( int  pageNum,
int  pageSize,
final ValueCallBack< Map< String, Conversation > >  callBack 

Gets the conversation list from the server with pagination.

This is an asynchronous method.

pageNumThe current page number, starting from 1.
pageSizeThe number of conversations to get on each page. The value range is [1,20].
The conversation list of the current user.
Deprecated. Use asyncFetchConversationsFromServer(int, String, ValueCallBack) instead.

◆ asyncFetchGroupReadAcks()

void ( final String  msgId,
final int  pageSize,
final String  startAckId,
final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< GroupReadAck > >  callBack 

Uses the pagination to get read receipts for the group message from the server.

To send a read receipt for a group message, you can call ackGroupMessageRead(String, String, String).

This is an asynchronous method.

msgIdThe message ID.
pageSizeThe number of read receipts for the group message that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
startAckIdThe starting read receipt ID for query. After this parameter is set, the SDK retrieves read receipts, from the specified one, in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them. If this parameter is set as null or an empty string, the SDK retrieves read receipts, from the latest one, in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them.
callBackThe result callback:

◆ asyncFetchHistoryMessage() [1/2]

void ( final String  conversationId,
final ConversationType  type,
final int  pageSize,
final String  startMsgId,
final Conversation.SearchDirection  direction,
final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< ChatMessage > >  callBack 

Uses the pagination to get the messages of all types in the conversation from the server according to the message search direction.

This is an asynchronous method.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
  • One-to-one chat: The ID of the peer user;
  • Group chat: The group ID.
typeThe conversation type. See ConversationType.
pageSizeThe number of messages that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
startMsgIdThe starting message ID for query. After this parameter is set, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the specified one, according to the message search direction. If this parameter is set as "null" or an empty string, the SDK retrieves messages according to the message search direction while ignoring this parameter.
  • If direction is set as UP, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the latest one, in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them.
  • If direction is set as DOWN, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the oldest one, in the chronological order of when the server receives them.
directionThe message search direction. See Conversation.SearchDirection.
  • (Default) UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN: The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
callBackThe result callback:
Deprecated. Use asyncFetchHistoryMessages(String, ConversationType, int, String, FetchMessageOption, ValueCallBack) instead.

◆ asyncFetchHistoryMessage() [2/2]

void ( final String  conversationId,
final ConversationType  type,
final int  pageSize,
final String  startMsgId,
final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< ChatMessage > >  callBack 

Uses the pagination to get the messages of all types in the conversation from the server.

This is an asynchronous method.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
  • One-to-one chat: The ID of the peer user;
  • Group chat: The group ID.
typeThe conversation type. See ConversationType.
pageSizeThe number of messages that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
startMsgIdThe starting message ID for query. After this parameter is set, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the specified one, in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them. If this parameter is set as "null" or an empty string, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the latest one, in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them.
callBackThe result callback:
Deprecated. Use asyncFetchHistoryMessages(String, ConversationType, int, String, FetchMessageOption, ValueCallBack) instead.

◆ asyncFetchHistoryMessages()

void ( String  conversationId,
ConversationType  type,
int  pageSize,
String  cursor,
FetchMessageOption  option,
final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< ChatMessage > >  callBack 

Uses the pagination to get the messages in the conversation from the server according to the message pulling parameter configuration class (FetchMessageOption).

This is an asynchronous method.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
  • One-to-one chat: The ID of the peer user.
  • Group chat: The group ID.
  • Chat room: The chat room ID.
typeThe conversation type. See ConversationType.
pageSizeThe number of messages you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
cursorThe cursor position from which to start querying data.
optionThe parameter configuration class for querying historical messages. See FetchMessageOption.
The list of retrieved messages and the cursor for the next query.
callBackThe result callback:

◆ asyncFetchPinnedConversationsFromServer()

void ( final int  limit,
final String  cursor,
final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< Conversation > >  callback 

Get the list of pinned conversations from the server with pagination.

The SDK returns pinned conversations in the reverse chronological order of their pinning.

limitThe number of conversations that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
cursorThe position from which to start getting data. If you pass in null or an empty string (""), the SDK retrieves the pinned conversations from the latest pinned one.
callbackThe query result CursorResult, including the cursor for getting data next time and the list of pinned conversations. For the last page, the return value of cursor is an empty string.

◆ asyncFilterConversationsFromDB()

void ( EMCustomConversationFilter  filter,
boolean  cleanConversationsCache,
ValueCallBack< List< Conversation > >  callBack 

Gets local conversations by the custom conversation filter.

The SDK loads conversations from the local database by the specified filter conditions.

This is an asynchronous method.

filterThe filter. See EMCustomConversationFilter. If you want to get all conversations, pass in null.
cleanConversationsCacheWhether to clear the cached conversations in memory:
  • true: Yes.
  • false: No.
callBackThe completion callback. If this call succeeds, calls ValueCallBack#onSuccess(Object) and returns the list of filtered conversation.

◆ asyncGetConversationsFromServerWithCursor()

void ( @NonNull String  cursor,
@NonNull ConversationFilter  filter,
ValueCallBack< CursorResult< Conversation > >  callback 

Gets the conversations from the server with pagination according to the conversation filter class.

cursorThe position from which to start getting data. If you pass in an empty string, the SDK retrieves conversations from the latest marked one.
filterThe conversation filter options: conversation mark and the number of conversations to retrieve on each page.
callbackThe completion callback, which contains the conversation list and the cursor for the next query. When the cursor is empty, all data is already retrieved.

◆ asyncGetMessageCount()

void ( ValueCallBack< Integer >  callBack)

Gets the total count of messages in the local database.

This is an asynchronous method.

callBackThe completion callback. If the call succeeds, the total count of messages in the local database is returned. If the call fails, the cause of the failure is returned.

◆ asyncGetPinnedMessagesFromServer()

void ( @NonNull String  conversationId,
ValueCallBack< List< ChatMessage > >  callBack 

Gets the list of pinned messages from the server.

This is an asynchronous method.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
callBackThe completion callback. If the call succeeds, the list of pinned messages in the conversation are returned. If the call fails, the cause of the failure is returned.

◆ asyncGetReactionDetail()

void ( final String  messageId,
final String  reaction,
final String  cursor,
final int  pageSize,
final ValueCallBack< CursorResult< MessageReaction > >  callback 

Gets the Reaction details.

This is an asynchronous method.

messageIdThe message ID.
reactionThe Reaction content.
cursorThe cursor position from which to start querying data.
pageSizeThe number of Reactions you expect to get on each page.
callbackThe query result CursorResult, which contains the cursor for the next query and MessageReaction list (only the first data entry is used).

◆ asyncGetReactionList()

void ( final List< String >  messageIdList,
final ChatMessage.ChatType  chatType,
final String  groupId,
final ValueCallBack< Map< String, List< MessageReaction > > >  callback 

Gets the list of Reactions.

This is an asynchronous method.

messageIdListThe message ID.
chatTypeThe conversation type. Only one-to-one chats (ChatMessage.ChatType#Chat and group chats (ChatMessage.ChatType#GroupChat) are allowed.
groupIdThe group ID, which is valid only for group chats.
callbackThe Reaction list under the specified message ID. The UserList of MessageReaction indicates the summary data, which only contains the information of the first three users.

◆ asyncModifyMessage()

void ( String  messageId,
MessageBody  messageBodyModified,
final ValueCallBack< ChatMessage callBack 

Modifies a message.

After this method is called to modify a message, both the local message and the message on the server are modified.

This method can only modify a text message in one-to-one chats or group chats, but not in chat rooms.

Upon a message modification, the callback MessageListener#onMessageContentChanged(ChatMessage, String, long) will be received by the message recipient(s) and in multi-device login scenarios.

messageIdThe ID of the message to modify.
messageBodyModifiedThe modified message body.
callBackThe message modification callback. A object of the ValueCallBack class. See ValueCallBack,contains the message modified.

◆ asyncPinConversation()

void ( final String  conversationId,
boolean  isPinned,
final CallBack  callback 

Sets whether to pin a conversation.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
isPinnedWhether to pin the conversation:
  • true:Yes.
  • false: No. The conversation is unpinned.
callbackThe callback for setting whether to pin the conversation.

◆ asyncPinMessage()

void ( @NonNull String  messageId,
CallBack  callBack 

Pins a message.

This is an asynchronous method.

messageIdThe ID of the message to be pinned.
callBackThe completion callback, which contains the description of the cause to the failure.

◆ asyncRecallMessage() [1/2]

void ( final ChatMessage  message,
final CallBack  callback 

Recalls the sent message.

This is an asynchronous method.

messageThe message object.
callbackA object of the CallBack class. See CallBack.

◆ asyncRecallMessage() [2/2]

void ( final ChatMessage  message,
String  ext,
final CallBack  callback 

Recalls the sent message.

This is an asynchronous method.

messageThe message object.
extThe extended information.
callbackA object of the CallBack class. See CallBack.

◆ asyncRemoveConversationMark()

void ( @NonNull List< String >  conversationIds,
@NonNull EMMarkType  mark,
CallBack  callback 

Unmarks conversations.

This method unmarks conversations both locally and on the server.

conversationIdsThe list of conversation IDs.
markThe conversation mark to remove.
callbackThe completion callback, which contains the description of the cause to the failure.

◆ asyncRemoveReaction()

void ( final String  messageId,
final String  reaction,
final CallBack  callback 

Deletes a Reaction.

This is an asynchronous method.

messageIdThe message ID.
reactionThe Reaction to delete.
callbackThe result callback which contains the error information if the method fails. See CallBack.

◆ asyncReportMessage()

void ( String  msgId,
String  tag,
String  reportReason,
CallBack  callback 

Reports an inappropriate message.

This is an asynchronous method.

msgIdThe ID of the message to report.
tagThe tag of the inappropriate message. You need to type a custom tag, like porn or ad.
reportReasonThe reporting reason. You need to type a specific reason.
callbackThe result callback. See CallBack.

◆ asyncUnPinMessage()

void ( @NonNull String  messageId,
CallBack  callBack 

Unpins a message.

This is an asynchronous method.

messageIdThe ID of the message to be unpinned.
callBackThe completion callback, which contains the description of the cause to the failure.

◆ cleanConversationsMemoryCache()

void ( )

Clears all conversations in memory to release the memory.

Note: After releasing the memory, you cannot get any conversations by calling getAllConversations() or getAllConversationsBySort(). Also, if you call getUnreadMessageCount() in this case, the returned number of unread messages is 0.

If you want to retrieve all conversations and the number of unread messages, you need to call loadAllConversations() or asyncFilterConversationsFromDB(EMCustomConversationFilter, boolean, ValueCallBack) to reload the conversations from the database into memory first.

◆ deleteConversation()

boolean ( String  username,
boolean  deleteMessages 

Deletes a conversation and its local messages from the local database.

usernameThe conversation ID.
deleteMessagesWhether to delete the historical messages with the conversation.
  • true: Yes.
  • false: No.
Whether the conversation is successfully deleted.
  • true: Yes.
  • false: No.

◆ deleteConversationFromServer()

void ( String  username,
ConversationType  type,
boolean  isDeleteServerMessages,
CallBack  deleteCallBack 

Deletes the specified conversation and its historical messages from the server.

This is an asynchronous method.

usernameThe conversation ID.
typeThe conversation type. See ConversationType.
isDeleteServerMessagesWhether to delete the historical messages with the conversation.
  • true: Yes
  • false: No
deleteCallBackThe callback for the deletion of the conversation and its historical messages.
  • true: Success;
  • false: Failure.

◆ deleteMessagesBeforeTimestamp()

void ( long  timeStamp,
CallBack  callback 

Deletes local historical messages with a Unix timestamp before a specified one.

timeStampThe starting Unix timestamp in the message for query. This unit is millisecond.
callbackThe result callback. See CallBack.

◆ downloadAndParseCombineMessage()

void ( ChatMessage  message,
ValueCallBack< List< ChatMessage > >  callback 

Downloads and parses the attachment of the combined message.

For a combined message, this method downloads and parses the attachment and returns the message list at the first call; for subsequent calls, there are two cases: 1.If the attachment already exits, this method directly parses it and returns the message list. 2.If the attachment does not exist, this method downloads it before parsing it and returning the message list.

messageThe combined message to download and parse.
callbackThe completion callback. If this call succeeds, calls ValueCallBack#onSuccess(Object) and returns the parsed message list; If this call fails, calls ValueCallBack#onError(int, String).

◆ downloadAttachment()

void ( final ChatMessage  msg)

Downloads the message attachment.

You can also call this method if the attachment fails to be downloaded automatically.

msgThe ID of the message with the attachment to be downloaded.

◆ downloadThumbnail()

void ( final ChatMessage  msg)

Downloads the message thumbnail.

msgThe message with the thumbnail to be downloaded. Only the image messages and video messages have a thumbnail.

◆ fetchConversationsFromServer()

Map< String, Conversation > ( ) throws ChatException

Gets the conversation list from the server.

You can pull 10 conversations within 7 days by default (each conversation contains the latest historical message).

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

The conversation list of the current user.
Deprecated. Use asyncFetchConversationsFromServer(int, String, ValueCallBack) instead.

◆ fetchGroupReadAcks()

CursorResult< GroupReadAck > ( String  msgId,
int  pageSize,
String  startAckId 
) throws ChatException

Uses the pagination to get read receipts for a group message from the server.

To send a read receipt for a group message, you can call ackGroupMessageRead(String, String, String).

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

msgIdThe message ID.
pageSizeThe number of read receipts for the group message that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
startAckIdThe starting read receipt ID for query. After this parameter is set, the SDK retrieves read receipts, from the specified one, in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them. If this parameter is set as null or an empty string, the SDK retrieves read receipts, from the latest one, in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them.
The list of retrieved read receipts (excluding the one with the starting ID) and the cursor for the next query.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception. See Error.

◆ fetchHistoryMessages() [1/2]

CursorResult< ChatMessage > ( String  conversationId,
ConversationType  type,
int  pageSize,
String  startMsgId 
) throws ChatException

Uses the pagination to get the messages of all types in the conversation from the server.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
  • One-to-one chat: The ID of the peer user;
  • Group chat: The group ID.
typeThe conversation type. See ConversationType.
pageSizeThe number of messages that you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
startMsgIdThe starting message ID for query. After this parameter is set, the SDK retrieves messages, from the specified one, in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them. If this parameter is set as null or an empty string, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the latest one, in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them.
The list of retrieved messages (excluding the one with the starting message ID) and the cursor for the next query.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception. See Error.
Deprecated. Use asyncFetchHistoryMessages(String, ConversationType, int, String, FetchMessageOption, ValueCallBack) instead.

◆ fetchHistoryMessages() [2/2]

CursorResult< ChatMessage > ( String  conversationId,
ConversationType  type,
int  pageSize,
String  startMsgId,
Conversation.SearchDirection  direction 
) throws ChatException

Uses the pagination to get the messages of all types in the conversation from the server according to the message search direction.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
  • One-to-one chat: The ID of the peer user;
  • Group chat: The group ID.
typeThe conversation type. See ConversationType.
pageSizeThe number of messages you expect to get on each page. The value range is [1,50].
startMsgIdThe starting message ID for query. After this parameter is set, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the specified one, according to the message search direction. If this parameter is set as "null" or an empty string, the SDK retrieves messages according to the message search direction while ignoring this parameter.
  • If direction is set as UP, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the latest one, in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them.
  • If direction is set as DOWN, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the oldest one, in the chronological order of the time the server receives them.
directionThe message search direction. See Conversation.SearchDirection.
  • (Default) UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the reverse chronological order of when the server receives them.
  • DOWN: The SDK retrieves messages in the chronological order of the time the server receives them.
The list of retrieved messages (excluding the one with the starting message ID) and the cursor for the next query.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception. See Error.
Deprecated. Use asyncFetchHistoryMessages(String, ConversationType, int, String, FetchMessageOption, ValueCallBack) instead.

◆ fetchSupportLanguages()

void ( ValueCallBack< List< Language > >  callback)

Gets all languages supported by the translation service.

callbackThe result callback. See CallBack.

◆ getAllConversations()

Map< String, Conversation > ( )

Gets all local conversations.

Conversations will be first retrieved from the memory. If no conversation is found, the SDK retrieves from the local database.

The retrieved conversations.

◆ getAllConversationsBySort()

List< Conversation > ( )

Gets all local conversations.

Pinned conversations are listed at the top of the list and followed by unpinned conversations.

The SDK returns conversations in the descending order of the timestamp of the latest message in them, with the pinned ones at the top of the list and followed by the unpinned ones.

Conversations will be first retrieved from the memory. If no conversation is found, the SDK retrieves from the local database.

The sorted conversation list.

◆ getConversation() [1/4]

Conversation ( String  id)

Gets the conversation object by conversation ID.

The SDK will return null if the conversation is not found.

idThe conversation ID.
The conversation with the specified ID. The SDK returns null if the conversation is not found.

◆ getConversation() [2/4]

Conversation ( String  id,
ConversationType  type 

Gets the conversation by conversation ID and type.

The SDK will return null if the conversation is not found.

idThe conversation ID:
  • One-to-one chat: The ID of the peer user;
  • Group chat: The group ID;
  • Chat room chat: The chat room ID;
  • Message thread: The message thread ID.
typeThe conversation type. See ConversationType
The conversation object found by ID and type. The SDK returns null if the conversation is not found.

◆ getConversation() [3/4]

Conversation ( String  username,
ConversationType  type,
boolean  createIfNotExists 

Gets the conversation object by user ID or group ID and conversation type.

usernameThe conversation ID:
  • One-to-one chat: The ID of the peer user;
  • Group chat: The group ID;
  • Chat room chat: The chat room ID;
  • Message thread: The message thread ID.
typeThe conversation type. See ConversationType.
createIfNotExistsWhether to create a conversation if the specified conversation is not found:
  • true: Yes;
  • false: No.
The retrieved conversation object. The SDK returns null if the conversation is not found.

◆ getConversation() [4/4]

Conversation ( String  username,
ConversationType  type,
boolean  createIfNotExists,
boolean  isChatThread 

Get conversation object by conversation id and conversation type.

If the conversation is not found, you can create a new object based on the value of CreateIFNotExists or an empty object.

usernameThe conversation ID.
  • One-to-one chat: The ID of the peer user;
  • Group chat: The group ID;
  • Chat room chat: The chat room ID;
  • Message thread: The message thread ID.
typeThe conversation type. See ConversationType.
createIfNotExistsWhether to create a conversation if the specified conversation is not found:
  • true: Yes;
  • false: No.
isChatThreadWhether to search for the chat thread conversation.
  • true: Yes;
  • false: No.
The retrieved conversation object. The SDK returns null if the conversation is not found.

◆ getConversationsByType()

List< Conversation > ( ConversationType  type)

Gets the list of conversations by conversation type.

typeThe conversation type. See ConversationType.
The list of conversations of the specified type.

◆ getMessage()

ChatMessage ( String  messageId)

Gets the message by message ID.

messageIdThe message ID.
The message object with the specified ID. The SDK returns null if the message does not exist.

◆ getReactionDetail()

CursorResult< MessageReaction > ( final String  messageId,
final String  reaction,
final String  cursor,
final int  pageSize 
) throws ChatException

Gets the Reaction details.

This is a synchronous method.

messageIdThe message ID.
reactionThe Reaction content.
cursorThe cursor position from which to start querying data.
pageSizeThe number of Reactions you expect to get on each page.
The query result CursorResult, which contains the list of obtained Reactions and the cursor for the next query. If the cursor is null, all data is obtained.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception, see Error.

◆ getReactionList()

Map< String, List< MessageReaction > > ( final List< String >  messageIdList,
final ChatMessage.ChatType  chatType,
final String  groupId 
) throws ChatException

Gets the list of Reactions.

This is a synchronous method.

messageIdListThe message ID.
chatTypeThe conversation type. Only the one-to-one chats (ChatMessage.ChatType#Chat and group chats (ChatMessage.ChatType#GroupChat) are allowed.
groupIdThe group ID, which is invalid only for group chats.
map The Reaction list under the specified message ID. The UserList of MessageReaction indicates the summary data, which only contains the information of the first three users.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception. See Error.

◆ getUnreadMessageCount()

int ( )

Gets the unread message count.

The count of unread messages.

◆ importMessages()

synchronized void ( List< ChatMessage msgs)

Imports messages to the local database.

You can only import messages that you sent or received.

It is recommended that you import at most 1,000 messages each time.

msgsThe messages to import.

◆ loadAllConversations()

void ( )

Loads all conversations from the local database into the memory.

Generally, this method is called upon successful login to speed up the loading of the conversation list.

◆ markAllConversationsAsRead()

boolean ( )

Marks all conversations as read.

This method works only for the local conversations.

Whether all conversations are marked as read.

◆ recallMessage() [1/2]

void ( ChatMessage  message) throws ChatException

Recalls the sent message.

If the recipient is offline when the message is delivered and recalled, the recipient only receives the callback MessageListener#onMessageRecalled instead of the message.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

messageThe message instance.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception. See Error.

◆ recallMessage() [2/2]

void ( ChatMessage  message,
String  ext 
) throws ChatException

Recalls the sent message.

If the recipient is offline when the message is delivered and recalled, the recipient only receives the callback MessageListener#onMessageRecalled instead of the message.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

messageThe message instance.
extExtended Information
ChatExceptionA description of the exception. See Error.

◆ removeConversationListener()

void ( ConversationListener  listener)

Removes the conversation listener.

After adding a conversation listener with addConversationListener(ConversationListener), you can call this method to remove it when it is not required.

listenerThe conversation listener to remove.

◆ removeMessageListener()

void ( MessageListener  listener)

Removes the message listener.

After adding a message listener with addMessageListener(MessageListener), you can call this method to remove it when it is not required.

listenerThe message listener to remove.

◆ removeMessagesFromServer() [1/2]

void ( String  conversationId,
ConversationType  type,
List< String >  msgIdList,
CallBack  callBack 

Unidirectionally removes historical message by message ID from the server.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
typeThe conversation type.
msgIdListThe list of IDs of messages to be removed.
callBackThe result callback which contains the error information if the method fails. See CallBack.

◆ removeMessagesFromServer() [2/2]

void ( String  conversationId,
ConversationType  type,
long  beforeTimeStamp,
CallBack  callBack 

Unidirectionally removes historical message by timestamp from the server.

conversationIdThe conversation ID.
typeThe conversation type.
beforeTimeStampThe UNIX timestamp in millisecond. Messages with a timestamp smaller than the specified one will be removed.
callBackThe result callback which contains the error information if the method fails. See CallBack.

◆ removeReaction()

void ( final String  messageId,
final String  reaction 
) throws ChatException

Deletes a Reaction.

This is a synchronous method.

messageIdThe message ID.
reactionThe Reaction content to delete.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception. See Error.

◆ reportMessage()

void ( String  msgId,
String  tag,
String  reportReason 
) throws ChatException

Reports an inappropriate message.

This is a synchronous method and blocks the current thread.

msgIdThe ID of the inappropriate message.
tagThe tag of the inappropriate message. You need to type a custom tag, like porn or ad.
reportReasonThe reporting reason. You need to type a specific reason.
ChatExceptionA description of the exception. See Error.

◆ saveMessage()

void ( ChatMessage  message)

Saves the message to the memory and local database.

The command messages (type: Type#CMD, message body: CmdMessageBody) are not saved locally.

messageThe message to store.

◆ searchMsgFromDB() [1/4]

List< ChatMessage > ( @NonNull Type  type,
long  timeStamp,
int  maxCount,
String  from,
Conversation.SearchDirection  direction 

Retrieves messages of a certain type from the local database.

typeThe message type. See Type.
timeStampThe starting Unix timestamp in the message for query. The unit is millisecond. After this parameter is set, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the specified one, according to the message search direction. If you set this parameter as a negative value, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the current time, in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
maxCountThe maximum number of messages to retrieve each time. The value range is [1,400].
fromThe user ID of the message sender. If this parameter is set to null or an empty string, there is no restriction on the message sender during message search.
directionThe message search direction. See Conversation.SearchDirection.
  • (Default) UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN: The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
The list of retrieved messages (excluding the one with the starting timestamp). If no message is obtained, an empty list is returned.

◆ searchMsgFromDB() [2/4]

List< ChatMessage > ( Set< Type types,
long  timeStamp,
int  maxCount,
String  from,
Conversation.SearchDirection  direction 

Retrieves messages of multiple types in the conversation from the local database.

typesThe message types. See Type.
timeStampThe starting Unix timestamp in the message for query. The unit is millisecond. After this parameter is set, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the specified one, according to the message search direction. If you set this parameter as a negative value, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the current time, in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
maxCountThe maximum number of messages to retrieve each time. The value range is [1,400].
fromThe user ID of the message sender. If this parameter is set to null or an empty string, there is no restriction on the message sender during message search.
directionThe message search direction. See Conversation.SearchDirection.
  • (Default) UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN: The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
The list of retrieved messages (excluding the one with the starting timestamp). If no message is obtained, an empty list is returned.

◆ searchMsgFromDB() [3/4]

List< ChatMessage > ( String  keywords,
long  timeStamp,
int  maxCount,
String  from,
Conversation.SearchDirection  direction 

Retrieves messages with keywords in the local database.

keywordsThe keywords for query.
timeStampThe starting Unix timestamp in the message for query. The unit is millisecond. After this parameter is set, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the specified one, according to the message search direction. If you set this parameter as a negative value, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the current time, in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
maxCountThe maximum number of messages to retrieve each time. The value range is [1,400].
fromThe user ID of the message sender. If this parameter is set to null or an empty string, there is no restriction on the message sender during message search.
directionThe message search direction. See Conversation.SearchDirection.
  • (Default) UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN: The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
The list of retrieved messages (excluding the one with the starting timestamp). If no message is obtained, an empty list is returned.

◆ searchMsgFromDB() [4/4]

List< ChatMessage > ( String  keywords,
long  timeStamp,
int  maxCount,
String  from,
Conversation.SearchDirection  direction,
Conversation.ChatMessageSearchScope  searchScope 

Retrieves messages with keywords from the local database.

keywordsThe keywords for query.
timeStampThe starting Unix timestamp in the message for query. The unit is millisecond. After this parameter is set, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the specified one, according to the message search direction. If you set this parameter as a negative value, the SDK retrieves messages, starting from the current time, in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
maxCountThe maximum number of messages to retrieve each time. The value range is [1,400]. If you set this parameter to 0 or less, the SDK gets one message from the local database.
fromThe user ID of the message sender. If this parameter is set to null or an empty string, there is no restriction on the message sender during message search.
directionThe message search direction. See Conversation.SearchDirection.
  • (Default) UP: The SDK retrieves messages in the descending order of the timestamp included in them.
  • DOWN: The SDK retrieves messages in the ascending order of the timestamp included in them.
searchScopeThe message search scope. See Conversation.ChatMessageSearchScope.
The list of retrieved messages (excluding the one with the starting timestamp). If no message is obtained, an empty list is returned.

◆ sendMessage()

void ( final ChatMessage  msg)

Sends a message。

For a voice or image message or a message with an attachment, the SDK will automatically upload the attachment.

You can determine whether to upload the attachment to the chat sever by setting ChatOptions#setAutoTransferMessageAttachments(boolean).

To listen for the message sending status, call ChatMessage#setMessageStatusCallback(CallBack).

msgThe message object to be sent. Make sure to set the param.

◆ setVoiceMessageListened()

void ( ChatMessage  message)

Marks a voice message as listened.

messageThe message object.

◆ translateMessage()

void ( ChatMessage  message,
List< String >  languages,
ValueCallBack< ChatMessage callback 

Translates a text message.

messageThe message object for translation.
languagesThe list of target language codes.
callbackThe result callback. See CallBack.

◆ updateMessage()

boolean ( ChatMessage  message)

Updates the local message.

This method updates the message in both the memory and the local database at the same time.

messageThe message object to update.

◆ updateParticipant()

boolean ( String  from,
String  changeTo 

Changes the data of one contact in the local database to those of the other contact.

  • This method brings changes to data such as the message list, the conversation list, contact list, the block list in the database.
  • This method does not update the data stored in the memory.
fromThe user ID of the original contact.
changeToThe user ID of the new contact.
The operation result.
  • true: Success.
  • false: Failure.

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