The Agora React Native SDK wraps the Agora RTC SDKs for Android and iOS, with which you can quickly implement real-time communication functionality in Android and iOS apps developed using the React Native framework.
During API calls, the SDK may returns error codes and warning codes. See Error Codes and Warning Codes.
Method | Description |
create | Creates an RtcEngine instance. |
createWithContext | Creates an RtcEngine instance and sets the connection area and log file. |
instance | Gets a created RtcEngine instance. |
destroy | Destroys the RtcEngine instance. |
setChannelProfile | Sets the channel profile of the Agora RtcEngine. |
setClientRole | Sets the user role and level of the user (LiveBroadcasting profile only). |
joinChannel | Allows a user to join a channel. |
switchChannel | Switches to a different channel (LiveBroadcasting profile only). |
leaveChannel | Allows a user to leave a channel. |
renewToken | Renews the token. |
getConnectionState | Gets the connection state of the app. |
Event | Description |
ConnectionStateChanged | Occurs when the network connection state changes. |
JoinChannelSuccess | Occurs when a user joins a channel. |
RejoinChannelSuccess | Occurs when a user rejoins a channel. |
LeaveChannel | Occurs when a user leaves a channel. |
ClientRoleChanged | Occurs when the user role switches successfully in the interactive live streaming. |
ClientRoleChanged | Occurs when the user role switch fails in the interactive live streaming. |
UserJoined | Occurs when a remote user joins a channel. |
UserOffline | Occurs when a remote user leaves a channel or goes offline. |
NetworkTypeChanged | Occurs when the network type changes. |
ConnectionLost | Occurs when the SDK loses connection to the server. |
TokenPrivilegeWillExpire | Occurs when the token expires in 30 seconds. |
RequestToken | Occurs when the token expires. |
Method | Description |
enableAudio | Enables the audio module. |
disableAudio | Disables the audio module. |
setAudioProfile | Sets the audio parameters and application scenarios. |
adjustRecordingSignalVolume | Adjusts the recording volume. |
adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume | Adjusts the playback volume of a specified remote user. |
adjustPlaybackSignalVolume | Adjusts the playback volume of all remote users. |
enableLocalAudio | Enables/disables the local audio capture. |
muteLocalAudioStream | Stops/Resumes publishing the local audio stream. |
muteRemoteAudioStream | Stops/Resumes subscribing to the audio stream of a specified user. |
muteAllRemoteAudioStreams | Stops/Resumes subscribing to the audio streams of all remote users. |
Method | Description |
enableVideo | Enables the video module. |
disableVideo | Disables the video module. |
setVideoEncoderConfiguration | Sets the video encoder configuration. |
startPreview | Starts the local video preview. |
stopPreview | Stops the local video preview. |
enableLocalVideo | Enables/Disables the local video capture. |
muteLocalVideoStream | Stops/Resumes publishing the local video stream. |
muteRemoteVideoStream | Stops/Resumes subscribing to the video stream of a specified user. |
muteAllRemoteVideoStreams | Stops/Resumes subscribing to the video streams of all remote users. |
Event | Description |
LocalAudioStateChanged | Occurs when the local audio state changes. |
LocalVideoStateChanged | Occurs when the local video state changes. |
FirstLocalAudioFramePublished | Occurs when the first audio frame is published. |
FirstLocalVideoFramePublished | Occurs when the first video frame is published. |
FirstLocalVideoFrame | Occurs when the first local video frame is rendered. |
AudioPublishStateChanged | Occurs when the audio publishing state changes. |
VideoPublishStateChanged | Occurs when the video publishing state changes. |
Event | Description |
RemoteAudioStateChanged | Occurs when the remote audio state changes. |
RemoteVideoStateChanged | Occurs when the remote video state changes. |
FirstRemoteVideoFrame | Occurs when the first remote video frame is rendered. |
AudioSubscribeStateChanged | Occurs when the audio subscribing state changes. |
VideoSubscribeStateChanged | Occurs when the video subscribing state changes. |
UserMuteAudio | Occurs when a remote user stops/resumes sending the audio stream. |
UserMuteVideo | Occurs when a remote user stops/resumes sending the video stream. |
UserEnableLocalVideo | Occurs when a remote user enables/disables the local video capture function. |
UserEnableVideo | Occurs when a remote user enables/disables the video module. |
After joining a channel, SDK triggers this group of callbacks once every two seconds.
Event | Description |
RtcStats | Reports the statistics of RtcEngine. |
NetworkQuality | Reports the network quality of each user. |
LocalAudioStats | Reports the statistics of the local audio stream. |
LocalVideoStats | Reports the statistics of the uploading local video stream. |
RemoteAudioStats | Reports the statistics of the audio stream from each remote user/host. |
RemoteVideoStats | Reports the statistics of the video stream from each remote user/host. |
Method | Description |
setBeautyEffectOptions | Sets the image enhancement options. |
enableVirtualBackground | Enables/Disables the virtual background. (beta feature) |
enableRemoteSuperResolution | Enables/Disables the super resolution feature for a remote user's video. (beta feature) |
setVideoDenoiserOptions | Sets video noise reduction. |
setLowLightEnhanceOptions | Sets low-light enhancement. |
setColorEnhanceOptions | Sets color enhancement. |
Event | Description |
VirtualBackgroundSourceEnabled | Reports whether the virtual background is successfully enabled. (beta feature) |
UserSuperResolutionEnabled | Reports whether the super resolution feature is successfully enabled. (beta feature) |
Method | Description |
create | Initializes and gets an RtcChannel instance. To join multiple channels, create multiple RtcChannel objects. |
RtcChannel | Provides methods that enable real-time communications in a specified channel. |
RtcChannelEvents | Provides callbacks that report events and statistics in a specified channel. |
Method | Description |
startScreenCapture | Starts screen sharing. |
stopScreenCapture | Stops screen sharing. |
updateScreenCaptureParameters | Updates the screen sharing configuration. |
Method | Description |
startAudioMixing | Starts playing and mixing the music file. |
stopAudioMixing | Stops playing or mixing the music file. |
pauseAudioMixing | Pauses playing and mixing the music file. |
resumeAudioMixing | Resumes playing and mixing the music file. |
adjustAudioMixingVolume | Adjusts the volume of audio mixing. |
adjustAudioMixingPlayoutVolume | Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for local playback. |
adjustAudioMixingPublishVolume | Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for remote playback. |
setAudioMixingPitch | Sets the pitch of the local music file. |
getAudioMixingPlayoutVolume | Gets the volume of audio mixing for local playback. |
getAudioMixingPublishVolume | Gets the volume of audio mixing for remote playback. |
getAudioMixingDuration | Gets the duration (ms) of the music file. |
getAudioMixingCurrentPosition | Gets the playback position (ms) of the music file. |
setAudioMixingPosition | Sets the playback starting position (ms) of the music file. |
getAudioTrackCount | Gets the audio track index of the current music file. |
selectAudioTrack | Specifies the playback track of the current music file. |
setAudioMixingPlaybackSpeed | Sets the playback speed of the current music file. |
setAudioMixingDualMonoMode | Sets the channel mode of the current music file. |
Event | Description |
AudioMixingStateChanged | Occurs when the state of the local user's audio mixing file changes. |
Method | Description |
getEffectsVolume | Gets the volume of the audio effects. |
setEffectsVolume | Sets the volume of the audio effects. |
setVolumeOfEffect | Sets the volume of a specified audio effect. |
playEffect | Plays a specified audio effect. |
stopEffect | Stops playing a specified audio effect. |
stopAllEffects | Stops playing all audio effects. |
preloadEffect | Preloads a specified audio effect file into the memory. |
unloadEffect | Releases a specified preloaded audio effect from the memory. |
pauseEffect | Pauses a specified audio effect. |
pauseAllEffects | Pauses all audio effects. |
resumeEffect | Resumes playing a specified audio effect. |
resumeAllEffects | Resumes playing all audio effects. |
getEffectDuration | Gets the duration of the audio effect file. |
getEffectCurrentPosition | Gets the playback position of the audio effect file. |
setEffectPosition | Sets the playback position of an audio effect file. |
Event | Description |
AudioEffectFinished | Occurs when the audio effect file playback finishes. |
Method | Description |
getAudioFileInfo | Gets the information of a specified audio file. |
Event | Description |
RequestAudioFileInfo | Reports the information of an audio file. |
Method | Description |
startRhythmPlayer | Enables the virtual metronome. |
configRhythmPlayer | Configures the virtual metronome. |
stopRhythmPlayer | Disables the virtual metronome. |
Method | Description |
setAudioEffectPreset | Sets an SDK preset audio effect. |
setVoiceBeautifierPreset | Sets an SDK preset voice beautifier effect. |
setVoiceBeautifierParameters | Sets parameters for SDK preset voice beautifier effects. |
setAudioEffectParameters | Sets parameters for SDK preset audio effects. |
setLocalVoicePitch | Sets the voice pitch of the local speaker. |
enableLocalVoicePitchCallback | Enables reporting the voice pitch of the local user. |
setLocalVoiceEqualization | Sets the local voice equalization effect. |
setLocalVoiceReverb | Sets the local voice reverberation. |
setVoiceConversionPreset | Sets an SDK preset voice conversion effect. |
Event | Description |
LocalVoicePitchInHz | Reports the voice pitch of the local user. |
Method | Description |
enableSoundPositionIndication | Enables/Disables stereo panning for remote users. |
setRemoteVoicePosition | Sets the sound position and gain of a remote user. |
This group of methods apply to LiveBroadcasting
profile only.
Method | Description |
startRtmpStreamWithoutTranscoding | Starts pushing media streams to a CDN without transcoding. |
startRtmpStreamWithTranscoding | Starts pushing media streams to a CDN and sets the transcoding configuration. |
updateRtmpTranscoding | Updates the transcoding configuration. |
stopRtmpStream | Stops pushing media streams to a CDN. |
Event | Description |
RtmpStreamingStateChanged | Occurs when the state of the RTMP or RTMPS streaming changes. |
RtmpStreamingEvent | Reports events during the RTMP or RTMPS streaming. |
TranscodingUpdated | Occurs when the publisher's transcoding settings are updated. |
Method | Description |
startChannelMediaRelay | Starts to relay media streams across channels. |
updateChannelMediaRelay | Updates the channels for media stream relay. |
pauseAllChannelMediaRelay | Pauses the media stream relay to all destination channels. |
resumeAllChannelMediaRelay | Resumes the media stream relay to all destination channels. |
stopChannelMediaRelay | Stops the media stream relay. |
Event | Description |
ChannelMediaRelayStateChanged | Occurs when the state of the media stream relay changes. |
ChannelMediaRelayEvent | Reports events during the media stream relay. |
Method | Description |
enableAudioVolumeIndication | Enables the AudioVolumeIndication callback at a set time interval to report on which users are speaking and the speakers' volume. |
Event | Description |
AudioVolumeIndication | Reports which users are speaking and the speakers' volume, and whether the local user is speaking. |
ActiveSpeaker | Occurs when the most active remote speaker is detected. |
Method | Description |
enableFaceDetection | Enables/Disables face detection for the local user. |
Event | Description |
FacePositionChanged | Reports the face detection result of the local user. |
Method | Description |
setDefaultAudioRoutetoSpeakerphone | Sets the default audio playback route. |
setEnableSpeakerphone | Enables/Disables the audio playback route to the speakerphone. |
isSpeakerphoneEnabled | Checks whether the speakerphone is enabled. |
Event | Description |
AudioRouteChanged | Occurs when the local audio playback route changes. |
Method | Description |
enableInEarMonitoring | Enables in-ear monitoring. |
setInEarMonitoringVolume | Sets the volume of the in-ear monitor. |
Method | Description |
enableDualStreamMode | Enables/disables dual video stream mode. |
setRemoteVideoStreamType | Sets the video stream type of the remotely subscribed video stream. |
setRemoteDefaultVideoStreamType | Sets the default video stream type of the remotely subscribed video stream. |
Method | Description |
setLocalPublishFallbackOption | Sets the fallback option for the locally published video stream under unreliable network conditions. |
setRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption | Sets the fallback option for the remotely subscribed video stream under unreliable network conditions. |
setRemoteUserPriority | Sets the priority of a remote user's stream. |
Event | Description |
LocalPublishFallbackToAudioOnly | Occurs when the locally published video stream falls back to audio only due to poor network conditions or switches back to the video stream after the network conditions improve. |
RemoteSubscribeFallbackToAudioOnly | Occurs when the remotely subscribed video stream falls back to audio ly due to poor network conditions or switches back to the video stream after the network conditions improve. |
Method | Description |
startEchoTest | Starts an audio call test. |
stopEchoTest | Stops the audio call test. |
enableLastmileTest | Enables the network connection quality test. |
disableLastmileTest | Disables the network connection quality test. |
startLastmileProbeTest | Starts the last-mile probe test. |
stopLastmileProbeTest | Stops the last-mile probe test. |
Event | Description |
LastmileQuality | Reports the last-mile network quality of the local user before the user joins a channel. |
LastmileProbeResult | Reports the last-mile network probe result. |
This group of methods apply to LiveBroadcasting
profile only.
Method | Description |
registerMediaMetadataObserver | Registers a media metadata observer object. |
setMaxMetadataSize | Sets the maximum size of the metadata. |
sendMetadata | Sends the metadata. |
unregisterMediaMetadataObserver | Unregisters the metadata observer. |
This group of methods apply to LiveBroadcasting
profile only.
Method | Description |
addVideoWatermark | Adds a watermark image to the local video. |
clearVideoWatermarks | Removes the added watermark image from the video stream. |
Method | Description |
takeSnapshot | Takes a snapshot of a video stream. |
Event | Description |
SnapshotTaken | Reports the result of taking a video snapshot. |
Method | Description |
enableEncryption | Enables/Disables the built-in encryption. |
Method | Description |
startAudioRecordingWithConfig | Starts an audio recording on the client. |
stopAudioRecording | Stops the audio recording on the client. |
Method | Description |
startRecording | Starts recording the local audio and video. |
stopRecording | Stops recording the local audio and video. |
Event | Description |
RecorderStateChanged | Occurs when the recording state changes. |
RecorderInfoUpdated | Occurs when the recording information is updated. |
Method | Description |
switchCamera | Switches between front and rear cameras. |
isCameraZoomSupported | Checks whether the camera zoom function is supported. |
isCameraTorchSupported | Checks whether the camera flash function is supported. |
isCameraFocusSupported | Checks whether the camera manual focus function is supported. |
isCameraExposurePositionSupported | Checks whether the camera exposure function is supported. |
isCameraAutoFocusFaceModeSupported | Checks whether the camera face auto-focus function is supported. |
setCameraZoomFactor | Sets the camera zoom ratio. |
getCameraMaxZoomFactor | Gets the maximum zoom ratio of the camera. (For Android only) |
setCameraFocusPositionInPreview | Sets the camera manual focus position. |
setCameraExposurePosition | Sets the camera exposure position. |
setCameraTorchOn | Enables the camera flash function. |
setCameraAutoFocusFaceModeEnabled | Enables the camera auto-face focus function. |
Event | Description |
CameraFocusAreaChanged | Occurs when the camera focus area changes. |
CameraExposureAreaChanged | Occurs when the camera exposure area changes. |
Method | Description |
createDataStreamWithConfig | Creates a data stream. |
sendStreamMessage | Sends data stream messages. |
Event | Description |
StreamMessage | Occurs when the local user receives a remote data stream within five seconds. |
StreamMessageError | Occurs when the local user fails to receive the remote data stream. |
Method | Description |
setCameraCapturerConfiguration | Sets the camera capturer configuration. |
Method | Description |
setCloudProxy | Sets the Agora cloud proxy service. |
enableDeepLearningDenoise | Enables or disables deep-learning noise reduction. |
getCallId | Gets the current call ID. |
rate | Allows a user to rate a call after the call ends. |
complain | Allows a user to complain about the call quality after a call ends. |
getSdkVersion | Gets the SDK version number. |
getErrorDescription | Retrieves the description of a warning or error code. |
addListener | Adds the RtcEngineEvents class. |
removeListener | Removes the specified RtcEngineEvents object. |
removeAllListeners | Removes all the RtcEngineEvents objects. |
setAgoraLibPath | Sets the storage directory of `.so` files. |
Event | Description |
Warning | Occurs when a warning occurs. |
Error | Occurs when an error occurs. |
ApiCallExecuted | Occurs when an API method is executed. |
ProxyConnected | Reports the proxy connection state. |
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