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Class ColorEnhanceOptions

The color enhancement options.




  • ColorEnhanceOptions



Optional skinProtectLevel

skinProtectLevel: undefined | number

The level of skin tone protection. The value range is [0.0,1.0]. 0.0 means no skin tone protection. The higher the value, the higher the level of skin tone protection. The default value is 1.0. When the level of color enhancement is higher, the portrait skin tone can be significantly distorted, so you need to set the level of skin tone protection; when the level of skin tone protection is higher, the color enhancement effect can be slightly reduced. Therefore, to get the best color enhancement effect, Agora recommends that you adjust strengthLevel and skinProtectLevel to get the most appropriate values.

Optional strengthLevel

strengthLevel: undefined | number

The level of color enhancement. The value range is [0.0,1.0]. 0.0 means no color enhancement is applied to the video. The higher the value, the higher the level of color enhancement. The default value is 0.5 on Android and 0.0 on iOS.

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