
The basic interface of the Agora SDK that implements the core functions of real-time communication.

IRtcEngine provides the main methods that your app can call.

Before calling other APIs, you must call createAgoraRtcEngine to create an IRtcEngine object.


Adds one IRtcEngineEvent listener.

addListener?<EventType extends keyof IRtcEngineEvent>(
      eventType: EventType,
      listener: IRtcEngineEvent[EventType]
    ): void;


After calling this method, you can listen for the corresponding events in the IRtcEngine object and obtain data through IRtcEngineEvent. Depending on your project needs, you can add multiple listeners for the same event.


The name of the target event to listen for. See IRtcEngineEvent.
The callback function for eventType. Take adding a listener for onJoinChannelSuccess as an example:
const onJoinChannelSuccess = (connection: RtcConnection, elapsed: number) => {};
engine.addListener('onJoinChannelSuccess', onJoinChannelSuccess);


Adds a watermark image to the local video.

abstract addVideoWatermark(
    watermarkUrl: string,
    options: WatermarkOptions
  ): number;


This method adds a PNG watermark image to the local video in the live streaming. Once the watermark image is added, all the audience in the channel (CDN audience included), and the capturing device can see and capture it. The Agora SDK supports adding only one watermark image onto a local video or CDN live stream. The newly added watermark image replaces the previous one.

The watermark coordinates are dependent on the settings in the setVideoEncoderConfiguration method:
  • If the orientation mode of the encoding video (OrientationMode) is fixed landscape mode or the adaptive landscape mode, the watermark uses the landscape orientation.
  • If the orientation mode of the encoding video (OrientationMode) is fixed portrait mode or the adaptive portrait mode, the watermark uses the portrait orientation.
  • When setting the watermark position, the region must be less than the dimensions set in the setVideoEncoderConfiguration method; otherwise, the watermark image will be cropped.
  • Ensure that calling this method after enableVideo.
  • If you only want to add a watermark to the media push, you can call this method or the method.
  • This method supports adding a watermark image in the PNG file format only. Supported pixel formats of the PNG image are RGBA, RGB, Palette, Gray, and Alpha_gray.
  • If the dimensions of the PNG image differ from your settings in this method, the image will be cropped or zoomed to conform to your settings.
  • If you have enabled the mirror mode for the local video, the watermark on the local video is also mirrored. To avoid mirroring the watermark, Agora recommends that you do not use the mirror and watermark functions for the local video at the same time. You can implement the watermark function in your application layer.


The local file path of the watermark image to be added. This method supports adding a watermark image from the local absolute or relative file path.
The options of the watermark image to be added. See WatermarkOptions.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for local playback.

abstract adjustAudioMixingPlayoutVolume(volume: number): number;


Attention: Call this method after calling startAudioMixing and receiving the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStatePlaying) callback.


The volume of audio mixing for local playback. The value ranges between 0 and 100 (default). 100 represents the original volume.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for publishing.

abstract adjustAudioMixingPublishVolume(volume: number): number;


This method adjusts the volume of audio mixing for publishing (sending to other users).


Call this method after calling startAudioMixing and receiving the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStatePlaying) callback.


The volume of audio mixing for local playback. The value ranges between 0 and 100 (default). 100 represents the original volume.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Adjusts the volume during audio mixing.

abstract adjustAudioMixingVolume(volume: number): number;


This method adjusts the audio mixing volume on both the local client and remote clients.



Audio mixing volume. The value ranges between 0 and 100. The default value is 100, which means the original volume.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Adjusts the volume of the custom audio track played locally.

abstract adjustCustomAudioPlayoutVolume(
    trackId: number,
    volume: number
  ): number;


Attention: Ensure you have called the createCustomAudioTrack method to create a custom audio track before calling this method.

If you want to change the volume of the audio to be played locally, you need to call this method again.


The audio track ID. Set this parameter to the custom audio track ID returned in createCustomAudioTrack.
The volume of the audio source. The value can range from 0 to 100. 0 means mute; 100 means the original volume.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Adjusts the volume of the custom audio track played remotely.

abstract adjustCustomAudioPublishVolume(
    trackId: number,
    volume: number
  ): number;


Attention: Ensure you have called the createCustomAudioTrack method to create a custom audio track before calling this method.

If you want to change the volume of the audio played remotely, you need to call this method again.


The audio track ID. Set this parameter to the custom audio track ID returned in createCustomAudioTrack.
The volume of the audio source. The value can range from 0 to 100. 0 means mute; 100 means the original volume.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Adjusts the playback signal volume of all remote users.

abstract adjustPlaybackSignalVolume(volume: number): number;


  • This method adjusts the playback volume that is the mixed volume of all remote users.
  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


The volume of the user. The value range is [0,400].
  • 0: Mute.
    Note: If you only need to mute the audio signal, Agora recommends that you use muteRecordingSignal instead.
  • 100: (Default) The original volume.
  • 400: Four times the original volume (amplifying the audio signals by four times).


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Adjusts the volume of the signal captured by the sound card.

abstract adjustLoopbackSignalVolume(volume: number): number;


After calling enableLoopbackRecording to enable loopback audio capturing, you can call this method to adjust the volume of the signal captured by the sound card.


Audio mixing volume. The value ranges between 0 and 100. The default value is 100, which means the original volume.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Adjusts the capturing signal volume.

abstract adjustRecordingSignalVolume(volume: number): number;



You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


The volume of the user. The value range is [0,400].
  • 0: Mute.
    Note: If you only need to mute the audio signal, Agora recommends that you use muteRecordingSignal instead.
  • 100: (Default) The original volume.
  • 400: Four times the original volume (amplifying the audio signals by four times).


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Adjusts the playback signal volume of a specified remote user.

abstract adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume(uid: number, volume: number): number;


You can call this method to adjust the playback volume of a specified remote user. To adjust the playback volume of different remote users, call the method as many times, once for each remote user.

  • Call this method after joining a channel.
  • The playback volume here refers to the mixed volume of a specified remote user.


The user ID of the remote user.
Audio mixing volume. The value ranges between 0 and 100. The default value is 100, which means the original volume.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Removes the watermark image from the video stream.

abstract clearVideoWatermarks(): number;


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Allows a user to complain about the call quality after a call ends.

abstract complain(callId: string, description: string): number;


This method allows users to complain about the quality of the call. Call this method after the user leaves the channel.


The current call ID. You can get the call ID by calling getCallId.
A description of the call. The string length should be less than 800 bytes.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • - 3: The SDK is not ready. Possible reasons include the following:
      • The initialization of IRtcEngine fails. Reinitialize the IRtcEngine.
      • No user has joined the channel when the method is called. Please check your code logic.
      • The user has not left the channel when the rate or complain method is called. Please check your code logic.
      • The audio module is disabled. The program is not complete.


Creates and initializes IRtcEngine.

abstract initialize(context: RtcEngineContext): number;


All called methods provided by the IRtcEngine class are executed asynchronously. Agora recommends calling these methods in the same thread.

  • Before calling other APIs, you must call createAgoraRtcEngine and initialize to create and initialize the IRtcEngine object.
  • The SDK supports creating only one IRtcEngine instance for an app.



Configurations for the IRtcEngine instance. See RtcEngineContext.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -1: A general error occurs (no specified reason).
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -7: The SDK is not initialized.
    • -22: The resource request failed. The SDK fails to allocate resources because your app consumes too much system resource or the system resources are insufficient.
    • -101: The App ID is invalid.


Creates one IRtcEngineEx object.

export function createAgoraRtcEngine(): IRtcEngineEx {
  return instance;


Currently, the Agora RTC SDK v4.x supports creating only one IRtcEngineEx object for each app.


One IRtcEngineEx object.


Creates a data stream.

abstract createDataStream(config: DataStreamConfig): number;


Creates a data stream. Each user can create up to five data streams in a single channel.


The configurations for the data stream. See DataStreamConfig.


  • ID of the created data stream, if the method call succeeds.
  • < 0: Failure.


Creates a media player instance.

abstract createMediaPlayer(): IMediaPlayer;


  • The IMediaPlayer instance, if the method call succeeds.
  • An empty pointer, if the method call fails.


Creates a custom audio track.

abstract createCustomAudioTrack(
    trackType: AudioTrackType,
    config: AudioTrackConfig
  ): number;


Attention: Ensure that you call this method before joining a channel.
To publish a custom audio source, see the following steps:
  1. Call this method to create a custom audio track and get the audio track ID.
  2. Call joinChannel to join the channel. In ChannelMediaOptions, set publishCustomAduioTrackId to the audio track ID that you want to publish, and set publishCustomAudioTrack to true.
  3. Call pushAudioFrame and specify trackId as the audio track ID set in step 2. You can then publish the corresponding custom audio source in the channel.


The type of the custom audio track. See AudioTrackType.
Attention: If AudioTrackDirect is specified for this parameter, you must set publishMicrophoneTrack to false in ChannelMediaOptions when calling joinChannel to join the channel; otherwise, joining the channel fails and returns the error code -2.
The configuration of the custom audio track. See AudioTrackConfig.


  • If the method call is successful, the audio track ID is returned as the unique identifier of the audio track.
  • If the method call fails, a negative value is returned.


Creates a custom video track.

abstract createCustomVideoTrack(): number;


To publish a custom video source, see the following steps:
  1. Call this method to create a video track and get the video track ID.
  2. Call joinChannel to join the channel. In ChannelMediaOptions, set customVideoTrackId to the video track ID that you want to publish, and set publishCustomVideoTrack to true.
  3. Call pushVideoFrame and specify videoTrackId as the video track ID set in step 2. You can then publish the corresponding custom video source in the channel.


  • If the method call is successful, the video track ID is returned as the unique identifier of the video track.
  • If the method call fails, a negative value is returned.


Destroys the specified audio track.

abstract destroyCustomAudioTrack(trackId: number): number;



The custom audio track ID returned in createCustomAudioTrack.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Destroys the specified video track.

abstract destroyCustomVideoTrack(videoTrackId: number): number;


The video track ID returned by calling the createCustomVideoTrack method.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Destroys the media player instance.

abstract destroyMediaPlayer(mediaPlayer: IMediaPlayer): number;



One IMediaPlayer object.


  • ≥ 0: Success. Returns the ID of media player instance.
  • < 0: Failure.


Destroys multiple video renderer objects at one time.

abstract destroyRendererByConfig(sourceType: VideoSourceType, channelId?: string, uid?: number): void;



The type of the video source. See VideoSourceType.
The channel name. This parameter signifies the channel in which users engage in real-time audio and video interaction. Under the premise of the same App ID, users who fill in the same channel ID enter the same channel for audio and video interaction. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. Supported characters:
  • All lowercase English letters: a to z.
  • All uppercase English letters: A to Z.
  • All numeric characters: 0 to 9.
  • Space
  • "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", "{", "}", "|", "~", ","
The user ID of the remote user.


Destroys a video renderer object.

abstract destroyRendererByView(view: any): void;



The HTMLElement object to be destroyed.


Disables the audio module.

abstract disableAudio(): number;


  • This method disables the internal engine and can be called anytime after initialization. It is still valid after one leaves channel.
  • This method resets the internal engine and takes some time to take effect. Agora recommends using the following API methods to control the audio modules separately:


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Disables audio spectrum monitoring.

abstract disableAudioSpectrumMonitor(): number;


After calling enableAudioSpectrumMonitor, if you want to disable audio spectrum monitoring, you can call this method.


You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Disables the video module.

abstract disableVideo(): number;


This method can be called before joining a channel or during a call to disable the video module. If it is called before joining a channel, an audio call starts when you join the channel; if called during a call, a video call switches to an audio call. Call enableVideo to enable the video module.

A successful call of this method triggers the onUserEnableVideo (false) callback on the remote client.

  • This method affects the internal engine and can be called after leaving the channel.
  • This method resets the internal engine and thus might takes some time to take effect. Agora recommends using the following APIs to control the video modules separately:


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables the audio module.

abstract enableAudio(): number;


The audio mode is enabled by default.

  • This method enables the internal engine and can be called anytime after initialization. It is still valid after one leaves channel.
  • Calling this method will reset the entire engine, resulting in a slow response time. Instead of callling this method, you can independently control a specific audio module based on your actual needs using the following methods:
  • A successful call of this method resets enableLocalAudio, muteRemoteAudioStream, and muteAllRemoteAudioStreams. Proceed it with caution.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Turns on audio spectrum monitoring.

abstract enableAudioSpectrumMonitor(intervalInMS?: number): number;


If you want to obtain the audio spectrum data of local or remote users, you can register the audio spectrum observer and enable audio spectrum monitoring.


You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.



The interval (in milliseconds) at which the SDK triggers the onLocalAudioSpectrum and onRemoteAudioSpectrum callbacks. The default value is 100. Do not set this parameter to a value less than 10, otherwise calling this method would fail.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: Invalid parameters.


Enables the reporting of users' volume indication.

abstract enableAudioVolumeIndication(
    interval: number,
    smooth: number,
    reportVad: boolean
  ): number;


This method enables the SDK to regularly report the volume information to the app of the local user who sends a stream and remote users (three users at most) whose instantaneous volumes are the highest. Once you call this method and users send streams in the channel, the SDK triggers the onAudioVolumeIndication callback at the time interval set in this method.

Attention: You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


Sets the time interval between two consecutive volume indications:
  • ≤ 0: Disables the volume indication.
  • > 0: Time interval (ms) between two consecutive volume indications. Ensure this parameter is set to a value greater than 10, otherwise you will not receive the onAudioVolumeIndication callback. Agora recommends that this value is set as greater than 100.
The smoothing factor that sets the sensitivity of the audio volume indicator. The value ranges between 0 and 10. The recommended value is 3. The greater the value, the more sensitive the indicator.
  • true: Enables the voice activity detection of the local user. Once it is enabled, the vad parameter of the onAudioVolumeIndication callback reports the voice activity status of the local user.
  • false: (Default) Disables the voice activity detection of the local user. Once it is disabled, the vad parameter of the onAudioVolumeIndication callback does not report the voice activity status of the local user, except for the scenario where the engine automatically detects the voice activity of the local user.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables or disables video screenshot and upload.

abstract enableContentInspect(
    enabled: boolean,
    config: ContentInspectConfig
  ): number;


When video screenshot and upload function is enabled, the SDK takes screenshots and uploads videos sent by local users based on the type and frequency of the module you set in ContentInspectConfig. After video screenshot and upload, the Agora server sends the callback notification to your app server in HTTPS requests and sends all screenshots to the third-party cloud storage service.

Note: Before calling this method, ensure that you have contacted technical support to activate the video screenshot upload service.


Whether to enable video screenshot and upload:
  • true: Enables video screenshot and upload.
  • false: Disables video screenshot and upload.
Configuration of video screenshot and upload. See ContentInspectConfig.
Note: When the video moderation module is set to video moderation via Agora self-developed extension(ContentInspectSupervision), the video screenshot and upload dynamic library libagora_content_inspect_extension.dll is required. Deleting this library disables the screenshot and upload feature.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets whether to enable the local playback of external audio source.

abstract enableCustomAudioLocalPlayback(
    trackId: number,
    enabled: boolean
  ): number;


Attention: Ensure you have called the createCustomAudioTrack method to create a custom audio track before calling this method.

After calling this method to enable the local playback of external audio source, if you need to stop local playback, you can call this method again and set enabled to false.

You can call adjustCustomAudioPlayoutVolume to adjust the local playback volume of the custom audio track.


The audio track ID. Set this parameter to the custom audio track ID returned in createCustomAudioTrack.
Whether to play the external audio source:
  • true: Play the external audio source.
  • false: (Default) Do not play the external source.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the dual-stream mode on the sender side and the low-quality video stream.

abstract enableDualStreamMode(
    enabled: boolean,
    streamConfig?: SimulcastStreamConfig
  ): number;


This method is deprecated as of v4.2.0. Use setDualStreamMode instead.
You can call this method to enable or disable the dual-stream mode on the publisher side. Dual streams are a pairing of a high-quality video stream and a low-quality video stream:
  • High-quality video stream: High bitrate, high resolution.
  • Low-quality video stream: Low bitrate, low resolution.

After you enable dual-stream mode, you can call setRemoteVideoStreamType to choose to receive either the high-quality video stream or the low-quality video stream on the subscriber side.

  • This method is applicable to all types of streams from the sender, including but not limited to video streams collected from cameras, screen sharing streams, and custom-collected video streams.
  • If you need to enable dual video streams in a multi-channel scenario, you can call the enableDualStreamModeEx method.
  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


Whether to enable dual-stream mode:
  • true: Enable dual-stream mode.
  • false: (Default) Disable dual-stream mode.
The configuration of the low-quality video stream. See SimulcastStreamConfig.
Note: When setting mode to DisableSimulcastStream, setting streamConfig will not take effect.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables or disables the built-in encryption.

abstract enableEncryption(enabled: boolean, config: EncryptionConfig): number;


In scenarios requiring high security, Agora recommends calling this method to enable the built-in encryption before joining a channel.

All users in the same channel must use the same encryption mode and encryption key. After the user leaves the channel, the SDK automatically disables the built-in encryption. To enable the built-in encryption, call this method before the user joins the channel again.

Attention: If you enable the built-in encryption, you cannot use the Media Push function.


Whether to enable built-in encryption:
  • true: Enable the built-in encryption.
  • false: Disable the built-in encryption.
Built-in encryption configurations. See EncryptionConfig.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: An invalid parameter is used. Set the parameter with a valid value.
    • -4: The built-in encryption mode is incorrect or the SDK fails to load the external encryption library. Check the enumeration or reload the external encryption library.
    • -7: The SDK is not initialized. Initialize the IRtcEngine instance before calling this method.


Enables or disables extensions.

abstract enableExtension(
    provider: string,
    extension: string,
    enable?: boolean,
    type?: MediaSourceType
  ): number;


To call this method, call it immediately after initializing the IRtcEngine object.

  • If you want to enable multiple extensions, you need to call this method multiple times.
  • The data processing order of different extensions in the SDK is determined by the order in which the extensions are enabled. That is, the extension that is enabled first will process the data first.


The name of the extension provider.
The name of the extension.
Whether to enable the extension:
  • true: Enable the extension.
  • false: Disable the extension.
Source type of the extension. See MediaSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -3: The extension library is not loaded. Agora recommends that you check the storage location or the name of the dynamic library.


Enables in-ear monitoring.

abstract enableInEarMonitoring(
    enabled: boolean,
    includeAudioFilters: EarMonitoringFilterType
  ): number;


This method enables or disables in-ear monitoring.

  • Users must use earphones (wired or Bluetooth) to hear the in-ear monitoring effect.
  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


Enables or disables in-ear monitoring.
  • true: Enables in-ear monitoring.
  • false: (Default) Disables in-ear monitoring.
The audio filter of in-ear monitoring: See EarMonitoringFilterType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • - 8: Make sure the current audio routing is Bluetooth or headset.


Enables or disables the local audio capture.

abstract enableLocalAudio(enabled: boolean): number;


The audio function is enabled by default when users joining a channel. This method disables or re-enables the local audio function to stop or restart local audio capturing.

This method does not affect receiving the remote audio streams, and enableLocalAudio(false) is applicable to scenarios where the user wants to receive remote audio streams without sending any audio stream to other users in the channel.

Once the local audio function is disabled or re-enabled, the SDK triggers the onLocalAudioStateChanged callback, which reports LocalAudioStreamStateStopped(0) or LocalAudioStreamStateRecording(1).
  • The difference between this method and muteLocalAudioStream are as follow:
    • enableLocalAudio: Disables or re-enables the local audio capturing and processing. If you disable or re-enable local audio capturing using the enableLocalAudio method, the local user might hear a pause in the remote audio playback.
    • muteLocalAudioStream: Sends or stops sending the local audio streams.
  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel. Calling it before joining a channel only sets the device state, and it takes effect immediately after you join the channel.


  • true: (Default) Re-enable the local audio function, that is, to start the local audio capturing device (for example, the microphone).
  • false: Disable the local audio function, that is, to stop local audio capturing.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables/Disables the local video capture.

abstract enableLocalVideo(enabled: boolean): number;


This method disables or re-enables the local video capture, and does not affect receiving the remote video stream.

After calling enableVideo, the local video capture is enabled by default.

If you call enableLocalVideo(false) to disable local video capture within the channel, it also simultaneously stops publishing the video stream within the channel. If you want to restart video catpure, you can call enableLocalVideo(true) and then call updateChannelMediaOptions to set the options parameter to publish the locally captured video stream in the channel.

After the local video capturer is successfully disabled or re-enabled, the SDK triggers the onRemoteVideoStateChanged callback on the remote client.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • This method enables the internal engine and is valid after leaving the channel.



Whether to enable the local video capture.

  • true: (Default) Enable the local video capture.
  • false: Disable the local video capture. Once the local video is disabled, the remote users cannot receive the video stream of the local user, while the local user can still receive the video streams of remote users. When set to false, this method does not require a local camera.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables loopback audio capturing.

abstract enableLoopbackRecording(
    enabled: boolean,
    deviceName?: string
  ): number;


If you enable loopback audio capturing, the output of the sound card is mixed into the audio stream sent to the other end.

  • macOS does not support loopback audio capture of the default sound card. If you need to use this function, use a virtual sound card and pass its name to the deviceName parameter. Agora recommends using AgoraALD as the virtual sound card for audio capturing.
  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • If you call the disableAudio method to disable the audio module, audio capturing will be disabled as well. If you need to enable audio capturing, call the enableAudio method to enable the audio module and then call the enableLoopbackRecording method.


Sets whether to enable loopback audio capturing.
  • true: Enable loopback audio capturing.
  • false: (Default) Disable loopback audio capturing.
  • macOS: The device name of the virtual sound card. The default value is set to NULL, which means using AgoraALD for loopback audio capturing.
  • Windows: The device name of the sound card. The default is set to NULL, which means the SDK uses the sound card of your device for loopback audio capturing.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables or disables the spatial audio effect.

abstract enableSpatialAudio(enabled: boolean): number;


After enabling the spatial audio effect, you can call setRemoteUserSpatialAudioParams to set the spatial audio effect parameters of the remote user.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • This method relies on the spatial audio dynamic library libagora_spatial_audio_extension.dll. If the dynamic library is deleted, the function cannot be enabled normally.


Whether to enable the spatial audio effect:
  • true: Enable the spatial audio effect.
  • false: Disable the spatial audio effect.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables or disables stereo panning for remote users.

abstract enableSoundPositionIndication(enabled: boolean): number;


Ensure that you call this method before joining a channel to enable stereo panning for remote users so that the local user can track the position of a remote user by calling setRemoteVoicePosition.


Whether to enable stereo panning for remote users:
  • true: Enable stereo panning.
  • false: Disable stereo panning.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables the video module.

abstract enableVideo(): number;


Call this method either before joining a channel or during a call. If this method is called before joining a channel, the call starts in the video mode; if called during a call, the audio call switches to a video call. Call disableVideo to disable the video mode.

A successful call of this method triggers the onRemoteVideoStateChanged callback on the remote client.

  • This method enables the internal engine and is valid after leaving the channel.
  • Calling this method will reset the entire engine, resulting in a slow response time. Instead of callling this method, you can independently control a specific video module based on your actual needs using the following methods:
  • A successful call of this method resets enableLocalVideo, muteRemoteVideoStream, and muteAllRemoteVideoStreams. Proceed it with caution.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets whether to replace the current video feeds with images when publishing video streams.

abstract enableVideoImageSource(
    enable: boolean,
    options: ImageTrackOptions
  ): number;


Attention: Agora recommends that you call this method after joining a channel.

When publishing video streams, you can call this method to replace the current video feeds with custom images.

Once you enable this function, you can select images to replace the video feeds through the ImageTrackOptions parameter. If you disable this function, the remote users see the video feeds that you publish.


Whether to replace the current video feeds with custom images:
  • true: Replace the current video feeds with custom images.
  • false: (Default) Do not replace the current video feeds with custom images.
Image configurations. See ImageTrackOptions.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables/Disables the virtual background.

abstract enableVirtualBackground(
    enabled: boolean,
    backgroundSource: VirtualBackgroundSource,
    segproperty: SegmentationProperty,
    type?: MediaSourceType
  ): number;


The virtual background feature enables the local user to replace their original background with a static image, dynamic video, blurred background, or portrait-background segmentation to achieve picture-in-picture effect. Once the virtual background feature is enabled, all users in the channel can see the custom background.

Call this method before calling enableVideo or startPreview.

  • This feature has high requirements on device performance. When calling this method, the SDK automatically checks the capabilities of the current device. Agora recommends you use virtual background on devices with the following processors:
    • Devices with an i5 CPU and better
  • Agora recommends that you use this feature in scenarios that meet the following conditions:
    • A high-definition camera device is used, and the environment is uniformly lit.
    • There are few objects in the captured video. Portraits are half-length and unobstructed. Ensure that the background is a solid color that is different from the color of the user's clothing.
  • This method relies on the virtual background dynamic library libagora_segmentation_extension.dll. If the dynamic library is deleted, the function cannot be enabled normally.


Whether to enable virtual background:
  • true: Enable virtual background.
  • false: Disable virtual background.
The custom background. See VirtualBackgroundSource. To adapt the resolution of the custom background image to that of the video captured by the SDK, the SDK scales and crops the custom background image while ensuring that the content of the custom background image is not distorted.
Processing properties for background images. See SegmentationProperty.
The type of the video source. See MediaSourceType.
Attention: In this method, this parameter supports only the following two settings:
  • The default value is PrimaryCameraSource.
  • If you want to use the second camera to capture video, set this parameter to SecondaryCameraSource.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -4: The device capabilities do not meet the requirements for the virtual background feature. Agora recommends you try it on devices with higher performance.


Enables interoperability with the Agora Web SDK (applicable only in the live streaming scenarios).

abstract enableWebSdkInteroperability(enabled: boolean): number;


The SDK automatically enables interoperability with the Web SDK, so you no longer need to call this method.

You can call this method to enable or disable interoperability with the Agora Web SDK. If a channel has Web SDK users, ensure that you call this method, or the video of the Native user will be a black screen for the Web user.

This method is only applicable in live streaming scenarios, and interoperability is enabled by default in communication scenarios.


Whether to enable interoperability:
  • true: Enable interoperability.
  • false: (Default) Disable interoperability.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Gets the audio device information.

abstract getAudioDeviceInfo(): DeviceInfo;


After calling this method, you can get whether the audio device supports ultra-low-latency capture and playback.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


The DeviceInfo object that identifies the audio device information.
  • Not null: Success.
  • Null: Failure.


Retrieves the playback position (ms) of the music file.

abstract getAudioMixingCurrentPosition(): number;


Retrieves the playback position (ms) of the audio.

  • You need to call this method after calling startAudioMixing and receiving the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStatePlaying) callback.
  • If you need to call getAudioMixingCurrentPosition multiple times, ensure that the time interval between calling this method is more than 500 ms.


  • ≥ 0: The current playback position (ms) of the audio mixing, if this method call succeeds. 0 represents that the current music file does not start playing.
  • < 0: Failure.


Retrieves the duration (ms) of the music file.

abstract getAudioMixingDuration(): number;


Retrieves the total duration (ms) of the audio.


You need to call this method after calling startAudioMixing and receiving the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStatePlaying) callback.


  • ≥ 0: The audio mixing duration, if this method call succeeds.
  • < 0: Failure.


Retrieves the audio mixing volume for local playback.

abstract getAudioMixingPlayoutVolume(): number;


This method helps troubleshoot audio volume‑related issues.


You need to call this method after calling startAudioMixing and receiving the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStatePlaying) callback.


  • ≥ 0: The audio mixing volume, if this method call succeeds. The value range is [0,100].
  • < 0: Failure.


Retrieves the audio mixing volume for publishing.

abstract getAudioMixingPublishVolume(): number;


This method helps troubleshoot audio volume‑related issues.

Attention: You need to call this method after calling startAudioMixing and receiving the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStatePlaying) callback.


  • ≥ 0: The audio mixing volume, if this method call succeeds. The value range is [0,100].
  • < 0: Failure.


Gets the index of audio tracks of the current music file.

abstract getAudioTrackCount(): number;


  • You need to call this method after calling startAudioMixing and receiving the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStatePlaying) callback.


  • The SDK returns the index of the audio tracks if the method call succeeds.
  • < 0: Failure.


Retrieves the call ID.

abstract getCallId(): string;


When a user joins a channel on a client, a callId is generated to identify the call from the client. Some methods, such as rate and complain, must be called after the call ends to submit feedback to the SDK. These methods require the callId parameter.

Attention: Call this method after joining a channel.


  • The current call ID, if the method succeeds.
  • An empty string, if the method call fails.


Gets the current connection state of the SDK.

abstract getConnectionState(): ConnectionStateType;


You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


The current connection state. See ConnectionStateType.


Gets the current Monotonic Time of the SDK.

abstract getCurrentMonotonicTimeInMs(): number;


Monotonic Time refers to a monotonically increasing time series whose value increases over time. The unit is milliseconds.

In custom video capture and custom audio capture scenarios, in order to ensure audio and video synchronization, Agora recommends that you call this method to obtain the current Monotonic Time of the SDK, and then pass this value into the timestamp parameter in the captured video frame (VideoFrame) and audio frame (AudioFrame).


  • ≥0: The method call is successful, and returns the current Monotonic Time of the SDK (in milliseconds).
  • < 0: Failure.


Retrieves the playback position of the audio effect file.

abstract getEffectCurrentPosition(soundId: number): number;


Attention: Call this method after playEffect.


The audio effect ID. The ID of each audio effect file is unique.


  • The playback position (ms) of the specified audio effect file, if the method call succeeds.
  • < 0: Failure.


Retrieves the duration of the audio effect file.

abstract getEffectDuration(filePath: string): number;


Attention: Call this method after joining a channel.


File path:
  • Windows: The absolute path or URL address (including the suffixes of the filename) of the audio effect file. For example: C:\music\audio.mp4.
  • macOS: The absolute path or URL address (including the suffixes of the filename) of the audio effect file. For example: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/audio.mp4.


  • The total duration (ms) of the specified audio effect file, if the method call succeeds.
  • < 0: Failure.


Retrieves the volume of the audio effects.

abstract getEffectsVolume(): number;


The volume is an integer ranging from 0 to 100. The default value is 100, which means the original volume.

Attention: Call this method after playEffect.


  • Volume of the audio effects, if this method call succeeds.
  • < 0: Failure.


Gets the warning or error description.

abstract getErrorDescription(code: number): string;


The error code or warning code reported by the SDK.


The specific error or warning description.


Gets detailed information on the extensions.

abstract getExtensionProperty(
    provider: string,
    extension: string,
    key: string,
    bufLen: number,
    type?: MediaSourceType
  ): string;



The name of the extension provider.
The name of the extension.
The key of the extension.
Source type of the extension. See MediaSourceType.
Maximum length of the JSON string indicating the extension property. The maximum value is 512 bytes.


  • The extension information, if the method call succeeds.
  • An empty string, if the method call fails.


Gets the C++ handle of the Native SDK.

abstract getNativeHandle(): number;


This method retrieves the C++ handle of the SDK, which is used for registering the audio and video frame observer.


The native handle of the SDK.


Gets the type of the local network connection.

abstract getNetworkType(): number;


You can use this method to get the type of network in use at any stage.

Note: You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


  • ≥ 0: The method call is successful, and the local network connection type is returned.
    • 0: The SDK disconnects from the network.
    • 1: The network type is LAN.
    • 2: The network type is Wi-Fi (including hotspots).
    • 3: The network type is mobile 2G.
    • 4: The network type is mobile 3G.
    • 5: The network type is mobile 4G.
    • 6: The network type is mobile 5G.
  • < 0: The method call failed with an error code.
    • -1: The network type is unknown.


Gets the current NTP (Network Time Protocol) time.

abstract getNtpWallTimeInMs(): number;


In the real-time chorus scenario, especially when the downlink connections are inconsistent due to network issues among multiple receiving ends, you can call this method to obtain the current NTP time as the reference time, in order to align the lyrics and music of multiple receiving ends and achieve chorus synchronization.


The Unix timestamp (ms) of the current NTP time.


Gets a list of shareable screens and windows.

abstract getScreenCaptureSources(
    thumbSize: Size,
    iconSize: Size,
    includeScreen: boolean
  ): ScreenCaptureSourceInfo[];


You can call this method before sharing a screen or window to get a list of shareable screens and windows, which enables a user to use thumbnails in the list to easily choose a particular screen or window to share. This list also contains important information such as window ID and screen ID, with which you can call startScreenCaptureByWindowId or startScreenCaptureByDisplayId to start the sharing.


The target size of the screen or window thumbnail (the width and height are in pixels). The SDK scales the original image to make the length of the longest side of the image the same as that of the target size without distorting the original image. For example, if the original image is 400 Ă— 300 and thumbSize is 100 Ă— 100, the actual size of the thumbnail is 100 Ă— 75. If the target size is larger than the original size, the thumbnail is the original image and the SDK does not scale it.
The target size of the icon corresponding to the application program (the width and height are in pixels). The SDK scales the original image to make the length of the longest side of the image the same as that of the target size without distorting the original image. For example, if the original image is 400 Ă— 300 and iconSize is 100 Ă— 100, the actual size of the icon is 100 Ă— 75. If the target size is larger than the original size, the icon is the original image and the SDK does not scale it.
Whether the SDK returns the screen information in addition to the window information:
  • true: The SDK returns screen and window information.
  • false: The SDK returns window information only.


The ScreenCaptureSourceInfo array.


Gets the volume of a specified audio effect file.

abstract getVolumeOfEffect(soundId: number): number;


The ID of the audio effect file.


  • ≥ 0: Returns the volume of the specified audio effect, if the method call is successful. The value ranges between 0 and 100. 100 represents the original volume.
  • < 0: Failure.


Gets the SDK version.

abstract getVersion(): SDKBuildInfo;



One SDKBuildInfo object.


Gets the user information by passing in the user ID.

abstract getUserInfoByUid(uid: number): UserInfo;


After a remote user joins the channel, the SDK gets the user ID and account of the remote user, caches them in a mapping table object, and triggers the onUserInfoUpdated callback on the local client. After receiving the callback, you can call this method to get the user account of the remote user from the UserInfo object by passing in the user ID.


The user ID.


  • A pointer to the UserInfo instance, if the method call succeeds.
  • If the call fails, returns null.


Gets the user information by passing in the user account.

abstract getUserInfoByUserAccount(userAccount: string): UserInfo;


After a remote user joins the channel, the SDK gets the user ID and account of the remote user, caches them in a mapping table object, and triggers the onUserInfoUpdated callback on the local client. After receiving the callback, you can call this method to get the user account of the remote user from the UserInfo object by passing in the user ID.


The user account.


  • A pointer to the UserInfo instance, if the method call succeeds.
  • If the call fails, returns null.


Checks whether the device supports the specified advanced feature.

abstract isFeatureAvailableOnDevice(type: FeatureType): boolean;


Checks whether the capabilities of the current device meet the requirements for advanced features such as virtual background and image enhancement.

Applicable scenarios

Before using advanced features, you can check whether the current device supports these features based on the call result. This helps to avoid performance degradation or unavailable features when enabling advanced features on low-end devices. Based on the return value of this method, you can decide whether to display or enable the corresponding feature button, or notify the user when the device's capabilities are insufficient.


The type of the advanced feature, see FeatureType.


  • true: The current device supports the specified feature.
  • false: The current device does not support the specified feature.


Joins a channel with media options.

abstract joinChannel(
    token: string,
    channelId: string,
    uid: number,
    options: ChannelMediaOptions
  ): number;


This method enables users to join a channel. Users in the same channel can talk to each other, and multiple users in the same channel can start a group chat. Users with different App IDs cannot call each other.

A successful call of this method triggers the following callbacks:

When the connection between the client and Agora's server is interrupted due to poor network conditions, the SDK tries reconnecting to the server. When the local client successfully rejoins the channel, the SDK triggers the onRejoinChannelSuccess callback on the local client.

  • This method allows users to join only one channel at a time.
  • Ensure that the app ID you use to generate the token is the same app ID that you pass in the initialize method; otherwise, you may fail to join the channel by token.


The token generated on your server for authentication. See .
Note: If you need to join different channels at the same time or switch between channels, Agora recommends using a wildcard token so that you don't need to apply for a new token every time joining a channel. See Secure authentication with tokens.
The channel name. This parameter signifies the channel in which users engage in real-time audio and video interaction. Under the premise of the same App ID, users who fill in the same channel ID enter the same channel for audio and video interaction. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. Supported characters:
  • All lowercase English letters: a to z.
  • All uppercase English letters: A to Z.
  • All numeric characters: 0 to 9.
  • Space
  • "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", "{", "}", "|", "~", ","
The user ID. This parameter is used to identify the user in the channel for real-time audio and video interaction. You need to set and manage user IDs yourself, and ensure that each user ID in the same channel is unique. This parameter is a 32-bit unsigned integer. The value range is 1 to 232-1. If the user ID is not assigned (or set to 0), the SDK assigns a random user ID and returns it in the onJoinChannelSuccess callback. Your app must record and maintain the returned user ID, because the SDK does not do so.
The channel media options. See ChannelMediaOptions.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid. For example, the token is invalid, the uid parameter is not set to an integer, or the value of a member in ChannelMediaOptions is invalid. You need to pass in a valid parameter and join the channel again.
    • -3: Failes to initialize the IRtcEngine object. You need to reinitialize the IRtcEngine object.
    • -7: The IRtcEngine object has not been initialized. You need to initialize the IRtcEngine object before calling this method.
    • -8: The internal state of the IRtcEngine object is wrong. The typical cause is that you call this method to join the channel without calling startEchoTest to stop the test after calling stopEchoTest to start a call loop test. You need to call stopEchoTest before calling this method.
    • -17: The request to join the channel is rejected. The typical cause is that the user is in the channel. Agora recommends that you use the onConnectionStateChanged callback to determine whether the user exists in the channel. Do not call this method to join the channel unless you receive the ConnectionStateDisconnected(1) state.
    • -102: The channel name is invalid. You need to pass in a valid channelname in channelId to rejoin the channel.
    • -121: The user ID is invalid. You need to pass in a valid user ID in uid to rejoin the channel.


Joins the channel with a user account, and configures whether to automatically subscribe to audio or video streams after joining the channel.

abstract joinChannelWithUserAccount(
    token: string,
    channelId: string,
    userAccount: string,
    options?: ChannelMediaOptions
  ): number;


This method allows a user to join the channel with the user account. After the user successfully joins the channel, the SDK triggers the following callbacks:

Once a user joins the channel, the user subscribes to the audio and video streams of all the other users in the channel by default, giving rise to usage and billing calculation. To stop subscribing to a specified stream or all remote streams, call the corresponding mute methods.

Attention: To ensure smooth communication, use the same parameter type to identify the user. For example, if a user joins the channel with a user ID, then ensure all the other users use the user ID too. The same applies to the user account. If a user joins the channel with the Agora Web SDK, ensure that the ID of the user is set to the same parameter type.


The token generated on your server for authentication. See .
Note: If you need to join different channels at the same time or switch between channels, Agora recommends using a wildcard token so that you don't need to apply for a new token every time joining a channel. See Secure authentication with tokens.
The channel name. This parameter signifies the channel in which users engage in real-time audio and video interaction. Under the premise of the same App ID, users who fill in the same channel ID enter the same channel for audio and video interaction. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. Supported characters:
  • All lowercase English letters: a to z.
  • All uppercase English letters: A to Z.
  • All numeric characters: 0 to 9.
  • Space
  • "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", "{", "}", "|", "~", ","
The user account. This parameter is used to identify the user in the channel for real-time audio and video engagement. You need to set and manage user accounts yourself and ensure that each user account in the same channel is unique. The maximum length of this parameter is 255 bytes. Ensure that you set this parameter and do not set it as null. Supported characters are (89 in total):
  • The 26 lowercase English letters: a to z.
  • The 26 uppercase English letters: A to Z.
  • All numeric characters: 0 to 9.
  • Space
  • "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", "{", "}", "|", "~", ","
The channel media options. See ChannelMediaOptions.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid. For example, the token is invalid, the uid parameter is not set to an integer, or the value of a member in ChannelMediaOptions is invalid. You need to pass in a valid parameter and join the channel again.
    • -3: Failes to initialize the IRtcEngine object. You need to reinitialize the IRtcEngine object.
    • -7: The IRtcEngine object has not been initialized. You need to initialize the IRtcEngine object before calling this method.
    • -8: The internal state of the IRtcEngine object is wrong. The typical cause is that you call this method to join the channel without calling startEchoTest to stop the test after calling stopEchoTest to start a call loop test. You need to call stopEchoTest before calling this method.
    • -17: The request to join the channel is rejected. The typical cause is that the user is in the channel. Agora recommends that you use the onConnectionStateChanged callback to determine whether the user exists in the channel. Do not call this method to join the channel unless you receive the ConnectionStateDisconnected(1) state.
    • -102: The channel name is invalid. You need to pass in a valid channelname in channelId to rejoin the channel.
    • -121: The user ID is invalid. You need to pass in a valid user ID in uid to rejoin the channel.


Sets channel options and leaves the channel.

abstract leaveChannel(options?: LeaveChannelOptions): number;


This method will release all resources related to the session, leave the channel, that is, hang up or exit the call. This method can be called whether or not a call is currently in progress.

After joining the channel, you must call this method or to end the call, otherwise, the next call cannot be started.

This method call is asynchronous. When this method returns, it does not necessarily mean that the user has left the channel. After actually leaving the channel, the local user triggers the onLeaveChannel callback; after the user in the communication scenario and the host in the live streaming scenario leave the channel, the remote user triggers the onUserOffline callback.

  • If you call release immediately after calling this method, the SDK does not trigger the onLeaveChannel callback.
  • If you have called joinChannelEx to join multiple channels, calling this method will leave the channels when calling joinChannel and joinChannelEx at the same time.


The options for leaving the channel. See LeaveChannelOptions.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Adds an extension to the SDK.

abstract loadExtensionProvider(
    path: string,
    unloadAfterUse?: boolean
  ): number;


Attention: This method applies to Windows only.


The extension library path and name. For example: /library/libagora_segmentation_extension.dll.
Whether to uninstall the current extension when you no longer using it:
  • true: Uninstall the extension when the IRtcEngine is destroyed.
  • false: (Rcommended) Do not uninstall the extension until the process terminates.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops or resumes subscribing to the audio streams of all remote users.

abstract muteAllRemoteAudioStreams(mute: boolean): number;


After successfully calling this method, the local user stops or resumes subscribing to the audio streams of all remote users, including all subsequent users.

  • Call this method after joining a channel.
  • If you do not want to subscribe the audio streams of remote users before joining a channel, you can set autoSubscribeAudio as false when calling joinChannel.


Whether to stop subscribing to the audio streams of all remote users:
  • true: Stops subscribing to the audio streams of all remote users.
  • false: (Default) Subscribes to the audio streams of all remote users by default.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops or resumes subscribing to the video streams of all remote users.

abstract muteAllRemoteVideoStreams(mute: boolean): number;


After successfully calling this method, the local user stops or resumes subscribing to the audio streams of all remote users, including all subsequent users.

  • Call this method after joining a channel.
  • If you do not want to subscribe the video streams of remote users before joining a channel, you can call joinChannel and set autoSubscribeVideo as false.


Whether to stop subscribing to the video streams of all remote users.
  • true: Stop subscribing to the video streams of all remote users.
  • false: (Default) Subscribe to the audio streams of all remote users by default.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops or resumes publishing the local audio stream.

abstract muteLocalAudioStream(mute: boolean): number;


Attention: This method does not affect any ongoing audio recording, because it does not disable the audio capture device.

A successful call of this method triggers the onUserMuteAudio and onRemoteAudioStateChanged callbacks on the remote client.


Whether to stop publishing the local audio stream:
  • true: Stops publishing the local audio stream.
  • false: (Default) Resumes publishing the local audio stream.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops or resumes publishing the local video stream.

abstract muteLocalVideoStream(mute: boolean): number;


A successful call of this method triggers the onUserMuteVideo callback on the remote client.

  • This method executes faster than the enableLocalVideo(false) method, which controls the sending of the local video stream.
  • This method does not affect any ongoing video recording, because it does not disable the camera.


Whether to stop publishing the local video stream.
  • true: Stop publishing the local video stream.
  • false: (Default) Publish the local video stream.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Whether to mute the recording signal.

abstract muteRecordingSignal(mute: boolean): number;


  • true: The media file is muted.
  • false: (Default) Do not mute the recording signal.
Note: If you have already called adjustRecordingSignalVolume to adjust the volume, then when you call this method and set it to true, the SDK will record the current volume and mute it. To restore the previous volume, call this method again and set it to false.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops or resumes subscribing to the audio stream of a specified user.

abstract muteRemoteAudioStream(uid: number, mute: boolean): number;


  • Call this method after joining a channel.


The user ID of the specified user.
Whether to subscribe to the specified remote user's audio stream.
  • true: Stop subscribing to the audio stream of the specified user.
  • false: (Default) Subscribe to the audio stream of the specified user.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops or resumes subscribing to the video stream of a specified user.

abstract muteRemoteVideoStream(uid: number, mute: boolean): number;


  • Call this method after joining a channel.


The user ID of the specified user.
Whether to subscribe to the specified remote user's video stream.
  • true: Stop subscribing to the video streams of the specified user.
  • false: (Default) Subscribe to the video stream of the specified user.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Pauses the media stream relay to all target channels.

abstract pauseAllChannelMediaRelay(): number;


After the cross-channel media stream relay starts, you can call this method to pause relaying media streams to all target channels; after the pause, if you want to resume the relay, call resumeAllChannelMediaRelay.

Attention: Call this method after startOrUpdateChannelMediaRelay.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Pauses all audio effects.

abstract pauseAllEffects(): number;


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Pauses playing and mixing the music file.

abstract pauseAudioMixing(): number;


Call this method after joining a channel.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Pauses a specified audio effect file.

abstract pauseEffect(soundId: number): number;


The audio effect ID. The ID of each audio effect file is unique.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Plays all audio effect files.

abstract playAllEffects(
    loopCount: number,
    pitch: number,
    pan: number,
    gain: number,
    publish?: boolean
  ): number;


After calling preloadEffect multiple times to preload multiple audio effects into the memory, you can call this method to play all the specified audio effects for all users in the channel.


The number of times the audio effect loops:
  • -1: Play the audio effect files in an indefinite loop until you call stopEffect or stopAllEffects.
  • 0: Play the audio effect once.
  • 1: Play the audio effect twice.

The pitch of the audio effect. The value ranges between 0.5 and 2.0. The default value is 1.0 (original pitch). The lower the value, the lower the pitch.

The spatial position of the audio effect. The value ranges between -1.0 and 1.0:
  • -1.0: The audio effect shows on the left.
  • 0: The audio effect shows ahead.
  • 1.0: The audio effect shows on the right.

The volume of the audio effect. The value range is [0, 100]. The default value is 100 (original volume). The smaller the value, the lower the volume.

Whether to publish the audio effect to the remote users:
  • true: Publish the audio effect to the remote users. Both the local user and remote users can hear the audio effect.
  • false: (Default) Do not publish the audio effect to the remote users. Only the local user can hear the audio effect.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Plays the specified local or online audio effect file.

abstract playEffect(
    soundId: number,
    filePath: string,
    loopCount: number,
    pitch: number,
    pan: number,
    gain: number,
    publish?: boolean,
    startPos?: number
  ): number;


Attention: If you use this method to play an online audio effect file, Agora recommends that you cache the online audio effect file to your local device, call preloadEffect to preload the cached audio effect file into memory, and then call this method to play the audio effect. Otherwise, you might encounter playback failures or no sound during playback due to loading timeouts or failures.

To play multiple audio effect files at the same time, call this method multiple times with different soundId and filePath. To achieve the optimal user experience, Agora recommends that do not playing more than three audio files at the same time. After the playback of an audio effect file completes, the SDK triggers the onAudioEffectFinished callback.


The audio effect ID. The ID of each audio effect file is unique.
Attention: If you have preloaded an audio effect into memory by calling preloadEffect, ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as that of soundId in preloadEffect.

The absolute path or URL address (including the suffixes of the filename) of the audio effect file. For example, C:\music\audio.mp4. Supported audio formats include MP3, AAC, M4A, MP4, WAV, and 3GP. See supported audio formats.

Attention: If you have preloaded an audio effect into memory by calling preloadEffect, ensure that the value of this parameter is the same as that of filePath in preloadEffect.
The number of times the audio effect loops.
  • ≥ 0: The number of playback times. For example, 1 means looping one time, which means playing the audio effect two times in total.
  • -1: Play the audio file in an infinite loop.
The pitch of the audio effect. The value range is 0.5 to 2.0. The default value is 1.0, which means the original pitch. The lower the value, the lower the pitch.
The spatial position of the audio effect. The value ranges between -1.0 and 1.0:
  • -1.0: The audio effect is heard on the left of the user.
  • 0.0: The audio effect is heard in front of the user.
  • 1.0: The audio effect is heard on the right of the user.
The volume of the audio effect. The value range is 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 100.0, which means the original volume. The smaller the value, the lower the volume.
Whether to publish the audio effect to the remote users:
  • true: Publish the audio effect to the remote users. Both the local user and remote users can hear the audio effect.
  • false: Do not publish the audio effect to the remote users. Only the local user can hear the audio effect.

The playback position (ms) of the audio effect file.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Preloads a channel with token, channelId, and uid.

abstract preloadChannel(
    token: string,
    channelId: string,
    uid: number
  ): number;


When audience members need to switch between different channels frequently, calling the method can help shortening the time of joining a channel, thus reducing the time it takes for audience members to hear and see the host. As it may take a while for the SDK to preload a channel, Agora recommends that you call this method as soon as possible after obtaining the channel name and user ID to join a channel.

  • When calling this method, ensure you set the user role as audience and do not set the audio scenario as AudioScenarioChorus, otherwise, this method does not take effect.
  • You also need to make sure that the channel name, user ID and token passed in for preloading are the same as the values passed in when joinning the channel, otherwise, this method does not take effect.
  • One IRtcEngine instance supports preloading 20 channels at most. When exceeding this limit, the latest 20 preloaded channels take effect.
  • Failing to preload a channel does not mean that you can't join a channel, nor will it increase the time of joining a channel.

If you join a preloaded channel, leave it and want to rejoin the same channel, you do not need to call this method unless the token for preloading the channel expires.


The token generated on your server for authentication. See .
When the token for preloading channels expires, you can update the token based on the number of channels you preload.
  • When preloading one channel, calling this method to pass in the new token.
  • When preloading more than one channels:
    • If you use a wildcard token for all preloaded channels, call updatePreloadChannelToken to update the token.
      Note: When generating a wildcard token, ensure the user ID is not set as 0. See Secure authentication with tokens.
    • If you use different tokens to preload different channels, call this method to pass in your user ID, channel name and the new token.
The channel name that you want to preload. This parameter signifies the channel in which users engage in real-time audio and video interaction. Under the premise of the same App ID, users who fill in the same channel ID enter the same channel for audio and video interaction. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. Supported characters (89 characters in total):
  • All lowercase English letters: a to z.
  • All uppercase English letters: A to Z.
  • All numeric characters: 0 to 9.
  • Space
  • "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", "{", "}", "|", "~", ","
The user ID. This parameter is used to identify the user in the channel for real-time audio and video interaction. You need to set and manage user IDs yourself, and ensure that each user ID in the same channel is unique. This parameter is a 32-bit unsigned integer. The value range is 1 to 232-1. If the user ID is not assigned (or set to 0), the SDK assigns a random user ID and returns it in the onJoinChannelSuccess callback. Your application must record and maintain the returned user ID, because the SDK does not do so.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -7: The IRtcEngine object has not been initialized. You need to initialize the IRtcEngine object before calling this method.
    • -102: The channel name is invalid. You need to pass in a valid channel name and join the channel again.


Preloads a channel with token, channelId, and userAccount.

abstract preloadChannelWithUserAccount(
    token: string,
    channelId: string,
    userAccount: string
  ): number;


When audience members need to switch between different channels frequently, calling the method can help shortening the time of joining a channel, thus reducing the time it takes for audience members to hear and see the host. As it may take a while for the SDK to preload a channel, Agora recommends that you call this method as soon as possible after obtaining the channel name and user ID to join a channel.

  • When calling this method, ensure you set the user role as audience and do not set the audio scenario as AudioScenarioChorus, otherwise, this method does not take effect.
  • You also need to make sure that the User Account, channel ID and token passed in for preloading are the same as the values passed in when joining the channel, otherwise, this method does not take effect.
  • One IRtcEngine instance supports preloading 20 channels at most. When exceeding this limit, the latest 20 preloaded channels take effect.
  • Failing to preload a channel does not mean that you can't join a channel, nor will it increase the time of joining a channel.

If you join a preloaded channel, leave it and want to rejoin the same channel, you do not need to call this method unless the token for preloading the channel expires.


The token generated on your server for authentication. See .
When the token for preloading channels expires, you can update the token based on the number of channels you preload.
  • When preloading one channel, calling this method to pass in the new token.
  • When preloading more than one channels:
    • If you use a wildcard token for all preloaded channels, call updatePreloadChannelToken to update the token.
      Note: When generating a wildcard token, ensure the user ID is not set as 0. See Secure authentication with tokens.
    • If you use different tokens to preload different channels, call this method to pass in your user ID, channel name and the new token.
The channel name that you want to preload. This parameter signifies the channel in which users engage in real-time audio and video interaction. Under the premise of the same App ID, users who fill in the same channel ID enter the same channel for audio and video interaction. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. Supported characters (89 characters in total):
  • All lowercase English letters: a to z.
  • All uppercase English letters: A to Z.
  • All numeric characters: 0 to 9.
  • Space
  • "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", "{", "}", "|", "~", ","
The user account. This parameter is used to identify the user in the channel for real-time audio and video engagement. You need to set and manage user accounts yourself and ensure that each user account in the same channel is unique. The maximum length of this parameter is 255 bytes. Ensure that you set this parameter and do not set it as null. Supported characters are (89 in total):
  • The 26 lowercase English letters: a to z.
  • The 26 uppercase English letters: A to Z.
  • All numeric characters: 0 to 9.
  • Space
  • "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", "{", "}", "|", "~", ","


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid. For example, the User Account is empty. You need to pass in a valid parameter and join the channel again.
    • -7: The IRtcEngine object has not been initialized. You need to initialize the IRtcEngine object before calling this method.
    • -102: The channel name is invalid. You need to pass in a valid channel name and join the channel again.


Preloads a specified audio effect file into the memory.

abstract preloadEffect(
    soundId: number,
    filePath: string,
    startPos?: number
  ): number;


To ensure smooth communication, It is recommended that you limit the size of the audio effect file. You can call this method to preload the audio effect before calling joinChannel.


For the audio file formats supported by this method, see What formats of audio files does the Agora RTC SDK support.


The audio effect ID. The ID of each audio effect file is unique.
File path:
  • Windows: The absolute path or URL address (including the suffixes of the filename) of the audio effect file. For example: C:\music\audio.mp4.
  • macOS: The absolute path or URL address (including the suffixes of the filename) of the audio effect file. For example: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/audio.mp4.
The playback position (ms) of the audio effect file.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Queries device score.

abstract queryDeviceScore(): number;


Applicable scenarios

In high-definition or ultra-high-definition video scenarios, you can first call this method to query the device's score. If the returned score is low (for example, below 60), you need to lower the video resolution to avoid affecting the video experience. The minimum device score required for different business scenarios is varied. For specific score recommendations, please technical support.


  • >0: The method call succeeeds, the value is the current device's score, the range is [0,100], the larger the value, the stronger the device capability. Most devices are rated between 60 and 100.
  • < 0: Failure.


Allows a user to rate a call after the call ends.

abstract rate(callId: string, rating: number, description: string): number;


Attention: Ensure that you call this method after leaving a channel.


The current call ID. You can get the call ID by calling getCallId.
The rating of the call. The value is between 1 (the lowest score) and 5 (the highest score). If you set a value out of this range, the SDK returns the -2 (ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT) error.
A description of the call. The string length should be less than 800 bytes.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -3 (ERR_NOT_READY).


Registers an encoded audio observer.

abstract registerAudioEncodedFrameObserver(
    config: AudioEncodedFrameObserverConfig,
    observer: IAudioEncodedFrameObserver
  ): number;


  • Call this method after joining a channel.
  • You can call this method or startAudioRecording to set the recording type and quality of audio files, but Agora does not recommend using this method and startAudioRecording at the same time. Only the method called later will take effect.


Observer settings for the encoded audio. See AudioEncodedFrameObserverConfig.
The encoded audio observer. See IAudioEncodedFrameObserver.


One IAudioEncodedFrameObserver object.


Register an audio spectrum observer.

abstract registerAudioSpectrumObserver(
    observer: IAudioSpectrumObserver
  ): number;


After successfully registering the audio spectrum observer and calling enableAudioSpectrumMonitor to enable the audio spectrum monitoring, the SDK reports the callback that you implement in the IAudioSpectrumObserver class according to the time interval you set.

Attention: You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.



The audio spectrum observer. See IAudioSpectrumObserver.


One IAudioSpectrumObserver object.


Adds event handlers

abstract registerEventHandler(eventHandler: IRtcEngineEventHandler): boolean;


The SDK uses the IRtcEngineEventHandler class to send callbacks to the app. The app inherits the methods of this class to receive these callbacks. All methods in this class have default (empty) implementations. Therefore, apps only need to inherits callbacks according to the scenarios. In the callbacks, avoid time-consuming tasks or calling APIs that can block the thread, such as the sendStreamMessage method. Otherwise, the SDK may not work properly.


Callback events to be added. See IRtcEngineEventHandler.


  • true: Success.
  • false: Failure.


Removes the specified callback handler.

abstract unregisterEventHandler(eventHandler: IRtcEngineEventHandler): boolean;


This method removes the specified callback handler. For callback events that you want to listen for only once, call this method to remove the relevant callback handler after you have received them.


The callback handler to be deleted. See IRtcEngineEventHandler.


  • true: Success.
  • false: Failure.


Registers an extension.

abstract registerExtension(
    provider: string,
    extension: string,
    type?: MediaSourceType
  ): number;


After the extension is loaded, you can call this method to register the extension.

  • Before calling this method, you need to call loadExtensionProvider to load the extension first.
  • For extensions external to the SDK (such as Extensions Marketplace extensions and SDK extensions), you need to call this method before calling setExtensionProperty.


The name of the extension provider.
The name of the extension.
Source type of the extension. See MediaSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Registers a user account.

abstract registerLocalUserAccount(appId: string, userAccount: string): number;


Once registered, the user account can be used to identify the local user when the user joins the channel. After the registration is successful, the user account can identify the identity of the local user, and the user can use it to join the channel.

After the user successfully registers a user account, the SDK triggers the onLocalUserRegistered callback on the local client, reporting the user ID and account of the local user.

This method is optional. To join a channel with a user account, you can choose either of the following ways:
  • Call registerLocalUserAccount to create a user account, and then call joinChannelWithUserAccount to join the channel.
  • Call the joinChannelWithUserAccount method to join the channel.

The difference between the two ways is that the time elapsed between calling the registerLocalUserAccount method and joining the channel is shorter than directly calling joinChannelWithUserAccount.

  • Ensure that you set the userAccount parameter; otherwise, this method does not take effect.
  • Ensure that the userAccount is unique in the channel.
  • To ensure smooth communication, use the same parameter type to identify the user. For example, if a user joins the channel with a user ID, then ensure all the other users use the user ID too. The same applies to the user account. If a user joins the channel with the Agora Web SDK, ensure that the ID of the user is set to the same parameter type.


The App ID of your project on Agora Console.
The user account. This parameter is used to identify the user in the channel for real-time audio and video engagement. You need to set and manage user accounts yourself and ensure that each user account in the same channel is unique. The maximum length of this parameter is 255 bytes. Ensure that you set this parameter and do not set it as null. Supported characters are as follow(89 in total):
  • The 26 lowercase English letters: a to z.
  • The 26 uppercase English letters: A to Z.
  • All numeric characters: 0 to 9.
  • Space
  • "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", "{", "}", "|", "~", ","


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Registers the metadata observer.

abstract registerMediaMetadataObserver(
    observer: IMetadataObserver,
    type: MetadataType
  ): number;


You need to implement the IMetadataObserver class and specify the metadata type in this method. This method enables you to add synchronized metadata in the video stream for more diversified live interactive streaming, such as sending shopping links, digital coupons, and online quizzes.

Attention: Call this method before joinChannel.


The metadata observer. See IMetadataObserver.

The metadata type. The SDK currently only supports VideoMetadata. See MetadataType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Releases the IRtcEngine instance.

abstract release(sync?: boolean): void;


This method releases all resources used by the Agora SDK. Use this method for apps in which users occasionally make voice or video calls. When users do not make calls, you can free up resources for other operations.

After a successful method call, you can no longer use any method or callback in the SDK anymore. If you want to use the real-time communication functions again, you must call createAgoraRtcEngine and initialize to create a new IRtcEngine instance.

  • This method can be called synchronously. You need to wait for the resource of IRtcEngine to be released before performing other operations (for example, create a new IRtcEngine object). Therefore, Agora recommends calling this method in the child thread to avoid blocking the main thread.
  • Besides, Agora does not recommend you calling release in any callback of the SDK. Otherwise, the SDK cannot release the resources until the callbacks return results, which may result in a deadlock.



Whether the method is called synchronously:

  • true: Synchronous call.
  • false: Asynchronous call. Currently this method only supports synchronous calls. Do not set this parameter to this value.


Renews the token.

abstract renewToken(token: string): number;


You can call this method to pass a new token to the SDK. A token expires after a certain period of time. In the following two cases, the app should call this method to pass in a new token. Failure to do so will result in the SDK disconnecting from the server.


The new token.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid. For example, the token is invalid. You need to fill in a valid parameter.
    • -7: The IRtcEngine object has not been initialized. You need to initialize the IRtcEngine object before calling this method.


Removes all listeners for the specified event.

removeAllListeners?<EventType extends keyof IMediaEngineEvent>(
      eventType?: EventType
    ): void;



The name of the target event to listen for. See IRtcEngineEvent.


Removes the specified IRtcEngineEvent listener.

removeListener?<EventType extends keyof IRtcEngineEvent>(
      eventType: EventType,
      listener: IRtcEngineEvent[EventType]
    ): void;


For listened events, if you no longer need to receive the callback message, you can call this method to remove the corresponding listener.


The name of the target event to listen for. See IRtcEngineEvent.
The callback function for eventType. Must pass in the same function object in addListener. Take removing the listener for onJoinChannelSuccess as an example:
// Create an onJoinChannelSuccess object
const onJoinChannelSuccess = (connection: RtcConnection, elapsed: number) => {};
// Add one onJoinChannelSuccess listener
engine.addListener('onJoinChannelSuccess', onJoinChannelSuccess);
// Remove the onJoinChannelSuccess listener
engine.removeListener('onJoinChannelSuccess', onJoinChannelSuccess);


Resumes playing all audio effect files.

abstract resumeAllEffects(): number;


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Resumes playing and mixing the music file.

abstract resumeAudioMixing(): number;


This method resumes playing and mixing the music file. Call this method when you are in a channel.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Resumes playing a specified audio effect.

abstract resumeEffect(soundId: number): number;


The audio effect ID. The ID of each audio effect file is unique.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Selects the audio track used during playback.

abstract selectAudioTrack(index: number): number;


After getting the track index of the audio file, you can call this method to specify any track to play. For example, if different tracks of a multi-track file store songs in different languages, you can call this method to set the playback language.



The audio track you want to specify. The value range is [0, getAudioTrackCount()].


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Selects the audio tracks that you want to play on your local device and publish to the channel respectively.

abstract selectMultiAudioTrack(
    playoutTrackIndex: number,
    publishTrackIndex: number
  ): number;


You can call this method to determine the audio track to be played on your local device and published to the channel.

Before calling this method, you need to open the media file with the openWithMediaSource method and set enableMultiAudioTrack in MediaSource as true.

Applicable scenarios

For example, in KTV scenarios, the host can choose to play the original sound locally and publish the accompaniment track to the channel.


The index of audio tracks for local playback. You can obtain the index through getStreamInfo.
The index of audio tracks to be published in the channel. You can obtain the index through getStreamInfo.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Reports customized messages.

abstract sendCustomReportMessage(
    id: string,
    category: string,
    event: string,
    label: string,
    value: number
  ): number;


Agora supports reporting and analyzing customized messages. This function is in the beta stage with a free trial. The ability provided in its beta test version is reporting a maximum of 10 message pieces within 6 seconds, with each message piece not exceeding 256 bytes and each string not exceeding 100 bytes. To try out this function, contact and discuss the format of customized messages with us.


Sends media metadata.

abstract sendMetaData(metadata: Metadata, sourceType: VideoSourceType): number;


If the metadata is sent successfully, the SDK triggers the onMetadataReceived callback on the receiver.


Media metadata. See Metadata.
The type of the video source. See VideoSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sends data stream messages.

abstract sendStreamMessage(streamId: number, data: Uint8Array, length: number): number;


Sends data stream messages to all users in a channel. The SDK has the following restrictions on this method:
  • Up to 30 packets can be sent per second in a channel with each packet having a maximum size of 1 KB.
  • Each client can send up to 6 KB of data per second.
  • Each user can have up to five data streams simultaneously.

A successful method call triggers the onStreamMessage callback on the remote client, from which the remote user gets the stream message. A failed method call triggers the onStreamMessageError callback on the remote client.

  • Ensure that you call createDataStream to create a data channel before calling this method.
  • In live streaming scenarios, this method only applies to hosts.


The data stream ID. You can get the data stream ID by calling createDataStream.
The message to be sent.
The length of the data.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets audio advanced options.

abstract setAdvancedAudioOptions(options: AdvancedAudioOptions): number;


If you have advanced audio processing requirements, such as capturing and sending stereo audio, you can call this method to set advanced audio options.

Attention: Call this method after calling joinChannel, enableAudio and enableLocalAudio.


The advanced options for audio. See AdvancedAudioOptions.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets whether to enable the AI ​​noise suppression function and set the noise suppression mode.

abstract setAINSMode(enabled: boolean, mode: AudioAinsMode): number;


You can call this method to enable AI noise suppression function. Once enabled, the SDK automatically detects and reduces stationary and non-stationary noise from your audio on the premise of ensuring the quality of human voice. Stationary noise refers to noise signal with constant average statistical properties and negligibly small fluctuations of level within the period of observation. Common sources of stationary noises are:
  • Television;
  • Air conditioner;
  • Machinery, etc.
Non-stationary noise refers to noise signal with huge fluctuations of level within the period of observation; common sources of non-stationary noises are:
  • Thunder;
  • Explosion;
  • Cracking, etc.

Applicable scenarios

In scenarios such as co-streaming, online education and video meeting, this function can detect and reduce background noises to improve experience.


Whether to enable the AI noise suppression function:
  • true: Enable the AI noise suppression.
  • false: (Default) Disable the AI noise suppression.

The AI noise suppression modes. See AudioAinsMode.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets parameters for SDK preset audio effects.

abstract setAudioEffectParameters(preset: AudioEffectPreset, param1: number, param2: number): number;


Call this method to set the following parameters for the local user who sends an audio stream:
  • 3D voice effect: Sets the cycle period of the 3D voice effect.
  • Pitch correction effect: Sets the basic mode and tonic pitch of the pitch correction effect. Different songs have different modes and tonic pitches. Agora recommends bounding this method with interface elements to enable users to adjust the pitch correction interactively.

After setting the audio parameters, all users in the channel can hear the effect.



The options for SDK preset audio effects:
  • RoomAcoustics3dVoice, 3D voice effect:
    • Call setAudioProfile and set the profile parameter in to AudioProfileMusicStandardStereo(3) or AudioProfileMusicHighQualityStereo(5) before setting this enumerator; otherwise, the enumerator setting does not take effect.
    • If the 3D voice effect is enabled, users need to use stereo audio playback devices to hear the anticipated voice effect.
  • PitchCorrection, Pitch correction effect: To achieve better audio effect quality, Agora recommends setting the profile parameter in setAudioProfile to AudioProfileMusicHighQuality(4) or AudioProfileMusicHighQualityStereo(5) before setting this enumerator.
  • If you set preset to RoomAcoustics3dVoice, param1 sets the cycle period of the 3D voice effect. The value range is [1,60] and the unit is seconds. The default value is 10, indicating that the voice moves around you every 10 seconds.
  • If you set preset to PitchCorrection, param1 indicates the basic mode of the pitch correction effect:
    • 1: (Default) Natural major scale.
    • 2: Natural minor scale.
    • 3: Japanese pentatonic scale.
  • If you set preset to RoomAcoustics3dVoice , you need to set param2 to 0.
  • If you set preset to PitchCorrection, param2 indicates the tonic pitch of the pitch correction effect:
    • 1: A
    • 2: A#
    • 3: B
    • 4: (Default) C
    • 5: C#
    • 6: D
    • 7: D#
    • 8: E
    • 9: F
    • 10: F#
    • 11: G
    • 12: G#


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets an SDK preset audio effect.

abstract setAudioEffectPreset(preset: AudioEffectPreset): number;


Call this method to set an SDK preset audio effect for the local user who sends an audio stream. This audio effect does not change the gender characteristics of the original voice. After setting an audio effect, all users in the channel can hear the effect.

To get better audio effect quality, Agora recommends setting the scenario parameter of setAudioProfile as AudioScenarioGameStreaming(3) before calling this method.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • Do not set the profile parameter in setAudioProfile to AudioProfileSpeechStandard(1)AudioProfileIot or (6), or the method does not take effect.
  • This method has the best effect on human voice processing, and Agora does not recommend calling this method to process audio data containing music.
  • If you call setAudioEffectPreset and set enumerators except for RoomAcoustics3dVoice or PitchCorrection, do not call setAudioEffectParameters; otherwise, setAudioEffectPreset is overridden.
  • After calling setAudioEffectPreset, Agora does not recommend you to call the following methods, otherwise the effect set by setAudioEffectPreset will be overwritten:
  • This method relies on the voice beautifier dynamic library libagora_audio_beauty_extension.dll. If the dynamic library is deleted, the function cannot be enabled normally.


The options for SDK preset audio effects. See AudioEffectPreset.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the channel mode of the current audio file.

abstract setAudioMixingDualMonoMode(mode: AudioMixingDualMonoMode): number;


In a stereo music file, the left and right channels can store different audio data. According to your needs, you can set the channel mode to original mode, left channel mode, right channel mode, or mixed channel mode. For example, in the KTV scenario, the left channel of the music file stores the musical accompaniment, and the right channel stores the singing voice. If you only need to listen to the accompaniment, call this method to set the channel mode of the music file to left channel mode; if you need to listen to the accompaniment and the singing voice at the same time, call this method to set the channel mode to mixed channel mode.



The channel mode. See AudioMixingDualMonoMode.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the pitch of the local music file.

abstract setAudioMixingPitch(pitch: number): number;


When a local music file is mixed with a local human voice, call this method to set the pitch of the local music file only.

Attention: You need to call this method after calling startAudioMixing and receiving the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStatePlaying) callback.


Sets the pitch of the local music file by the chromatic scale. The default value is 0, which means keeping the original pitch. The value ranges from -12 to 12, and the pitch value between consecutive values is a chromatic value. The greater the absolute value of this parameter, the higher or lower the pitch of the local music file.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the audio mixing position.

abstract setAudioMixingPosition(pos: number): number;


Call this method to set the playback position of the music file to a different starting position (the default plays from the beginning).

Attention: You need to call this method after calling startAudioMixing and receiving the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStatePlaying) callback.


Integer. The playback position (ms).


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the audio profile and audio scenario.

abstract setAudioProfile(
    profile: AudioProfileType,
    scenario?: AudioScenarioType
  ): number;


  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • Due to iOS system restrictions, some audio routes cannot be recognized in call volume mode. Therefore, if you need to use an external sound card, it is recommended to set the audio scenario to AudioScenarioGameStreaming (3). In this scenario, the SDK will switch to media volume to avoid this issue.
  • In scenarios requiring high-quality audio, such as online music tutoring, Agora recommends you set profile as AudioProfileMusicHighQuality(4)and scenario as AudioScenarioGameStreaming(3).



The audio profile, including the sampling rate, bitrate, encoding mode, and the number of channels. See AudioProfileType.

The audio scenarios. Under different audio scenarios, the device uses different volume types. See AudioScenarioType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets audio scenarios.

abstract setAudioScenario(scenario: AudioScenarioType): number;


  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • Due to iOS system restrictions, some audio routes cannot be recognized in call volume mode. Therefore, if you need to use an external sound card, it is recommended to set the audio scenario to AudioScenarioGameStreaming (3). In this scenario, the SDK will switch to media volume to avoid this issue.


The audio scenarios. Under different audio scenarios, the device uses different volume types. See AudioScenarioType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the image enhancement options.

abstract setBeautyEffectOptions(
    enabled: boolean,
    options: BeautyOptions,
    type?: MediaSourceType
  ): number;


Enables or disables image enhancement, and sets the options.

  • Call this method before calling enableVideo or startPreview.
  • This method relies on the image enhancement dynamic library libagora_clear_vision_extension.dll. If the dynamic library is deleted, the function cannot be enabled normally.
  • This feature has high requirements on device performance. When calling this method, the SDK automatically checks the capabilities of the current device.


Whether to enable the image enhancement function:
  • true: Enable the image enhancement function.
  • false: (Default) Disable the image enhancement function.
The image enhancement options. See BeautyOptions.
Source type of the extension. See MediaSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -4: The current device does not support this feature. Possible reasons include:
      • The current device capabilities do not meet the requirements for image enhancement. Agora recommends you replace it with a high-performance device.


Sets the rotation angle of the captured video.

abstract setCameraDeviceOrientation(
    type: VideoSourceType,
    orientation: VideoOrientation
  ): number;


  • This method applies to Windows only.
  • You must call this method after enableVideo. The setting result will take effect after the camera is successfully turned on, that is, after the SDK triggers the onLocalVideoStateChanged callback and returns the local video state as LocalVideoStreamStateCapturing (1).
  • When the video capture device does not have the gravity sensing function, you can call this method to manually adjust the rotation angle of the captured video.


The video source type. See VideoSourceType.
The clockwise rotation angle. See VideoOrientation.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the channel profile.

abstract setChannelProfile(profile: ChannelProfileType): number;


After initializing the SDK, the default channel profile is the live streaming profile. You can call this method to set the channel profile. The Agora SDK differentiates channel profiles and applies optimization algorithms accordingly. For example, it prioritizes smoothness and low latency for a video call and prioritizes video quality for interactive live video streaming.

  • To ensure the quality of real-time communication, Agora recommends that all users in a channel use the same channel profile.
  • This method must be called and set before joinChannel, and cannot be set again after joining the channel.
  • The default video encoding bitrate are different in different channel profiles. See setVideoEncoderConfiguration.



The channel profile. See ChannelProfileType.


  • 0(ERR_OK): Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -7: The SDK is not initialized.


Sets up cloud proxy service.

abstract setCloudProxy(proxyType: CloudProxyType): number;


When users' network access is restricted by a firewall, configure the firewall to allow specific IP addresses and ports provided by Agora; then, call this method to enable the cloud proxyType and set the cloud proxy type with the proxyType parameter.

After successfully connecting to the cloud proxy, the SDK triggers the onConnectionStateChanged (ConnectionStateConnecting, ConnectionChangedSettingProxyServer) callback.

To disable the cloud proxy that has been set, call the setCloudProxy(NoneProxy).

To change the cloud proxy type that has been set, call the setCloudProxy(NoneProxy) first, and then call the setCloudProxy to set the proxyType you want.

  • Agora recommends that you call this method after joining a channel.
  • When a user is behind a firewall and uses the Force UDP cloud proxy, the services for Media Push and cohosting across channels are not available.
  • When you use the Force TCP cloud proxy, note that an error would occur when calling the startAudioMixing method to play online music files in the HTTP protocol. The services for Media Push and cohosting across channels use the cloud proxy with the TCP protocol.



The type of the cloud proxy. See CloudProxyType.

This parameter is mandatory. The SDK reports an error if you do not pass in a value.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -7: The SDK is not initialized.


Sets the user role and level in an interactive live streaming channel.

abstract setClientRole(
    role: ClientRoleType,
    options?: ClientRoleOptions
  ): number;


In the interactive live streaming profile, the SDK sets the user role as audience by default. You can call this method to set the user role as host.

You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.

If you call this method to set the user's role as the host before joining the channel and set the local video property through the setupLocalVideo method, the local video preview is automatically enabled when the user joins the channel.

If you call this method to switch the user role after joining a channel, the SDK automatically does the following:
Attention: This method applies to the interactive live streaming profile (the profile parameter of setChannelProfile is set as ChannelProfileLiveBroadcasting) only.


The user role in the interactive live streaming. See ClientRoleType.
The detailed options of a user, including the user level. See ClientRoleOptions.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -1: A general error occurs (no specified reason).
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -5: The request is rejected.
    • -7: The SDK is not initialized.


Sets color enhancement.

abstract setColorEnhanceOptions(
    enabled: boolean,
    options: ColorEnhanceOptions,
    type?: MediaSourceType
  ): number;


The video images captured by the camera can have color distortion. The color enhancement feature intelligently adjusts video characteristics such as saturation and contrast to enhance the video color richness and color reproduction, making the video more vivid.

You can call this method to enable the color enhancement feature and set the options of the color enhancement effect.

  • Call this method after calling enableVideo.
  • The color enhancement feature has certain performance requirements on devices. With color enhancement turned on, Agora recommends that you change the color enhancement level to one that consumes less performance or turn off color enhancement if your device is experiencing severe heat problems.
  • Both this method and setExtensionProperty can enable color enhancement:
    • When you use the SDK to capture video, Agora recommends this method (this method only works for video captured by the SDK).
    • When you use an external video source to implement custom video capture, or send an external video source to the SDK, Agora recommends using setExtensionProperty.
  • This method relies on the image enhancement dynamic library libagora_clear_vision_extension.dll. If the dynamic library is deleted, the function cannot be enabled normally.


Whether to enable color enhancement:
  • true Enable color enhancement.
  • false: (Default) Disable color enhancement.
The color enhancement options. See ColorEnhanceOptions.
The type of the video source. See MediaSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets dual-stream mode configuration on the sender side.

abstract setDualStreamMode(
    mode: SimulcastStreamMode,
    streamConfig?: SimulcastStreamConfig
  ): number;


The SDK defaults to enabling low-quality video stream adaptive mode (AutoSimulcastStream) on the sender side, which means the sender does not actively send low-quality video stream. The receiving end with the role of the host can initiate a low-quality video stream request by calling setRemoteVideoStreamType, and upon receiving the request, the sending end automatically starts sending low-quality stream.
  • If you want to modify this behavior, you can call this method and set mode to DisableSimulcastStream (never send low-quality video streams) or EnableSimulcastStream (always send low-quality video streams).
  • If you want to restore the default behavior after making changes, you can call this method again with mode set to AutoSimulcastStream.
Note: The difference and connection between this method and enableDualStreamMode is as follows:
  • When calling this method and setting mode to DisableSimulcastStream, it has the same effect as calling enableDualStreamMode and setting enabled to false.
  • When calling this method and setting mode to EnableSimulcastStream, it has the same effect as calling enableDualStreamMode and setting enabled to true.
  • Both methods can be called before and after joining a channel. If both methods are used, the settings in the method called later takes precedence.


The mode in which the video stream is sent. See SimulcastStreamMode.
The configuration of the low-quality video stream. See SimulcastStreamConfig.
Note: When setting mode to DisableSimulcastStream, setting streamConfig will not take effect.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the format of the in-ear monitoring raw audio data.

abstract setEarMonitoringAudioFrameParameters(
    sampleRate: number,
    channel: number,
    mode: RawAudioFrameOpModeType,
    samplesPerCall: number
  ): number;


This method is used to set the in-ear monitoring audio data format reported by the onEarMonitoringAudioFrame callback.

  • Before calling this method, you need to call enableInEarMonitoring, and set includeAudioFilters to EarMonitoringFilterBuiltInAudioFilters or EarMonitoringFilterNoiseSuppression.
  • The SDK calculates the sampling interval based on the samplesPerCall, sampleRate and channel parameters set in this method.Sample interval (sec) = samplePerCall/(sampleRate Ă— channel). Ensure that the sample interval ≥ 0.01 (s). The SDK triggers the onEarMonitoringAudioFrame callback according to the sampling interval.


The sample rate of the audio data reported in the onEarMonitoringAudioFrame callback, which can be set as 8,000, 16,000, 32,000, 44,100, or 48,000 Hz.
The number of audio channels reported in the onEarMonitoringAudioFrame callback.
  • 1: Mono.
  • 2: Stereo.

The use mode of the audio frame. See RawAudioFrameOpModeType.

The number of data samples reported in the onEarMonitoringAudioFrame callback, such as 1,024 for the Media Push.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the playback position of an audio effect file.

abstract setEffectPosition(soundId: number, pos: number): number;


After a successful setting, the local audio effect file starts playing at the specified position.

Attention: Call this method after playEffect.


The audio effect ID. The ID of each audio effect file is unique.
The playback position (ms) of the audio effect file.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the volume of the audio effects.

abstract setEffectsVolume(volume: number): number;


Attention: Call this method after playEffect.


The playback volume. The value range is [0, 100]. The default value is 100, which represents the original volume.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the built-in encryption mode.

abstract setEncryptionMode(encryptionMode: string): number;


Use enableEncryption instead.

The SDK supports built-in encryption schemes, AES-128-GCM is supported by default. Call this method to use other encryption modes. All users in the same channel must use the same encryption mode and secret. Refer to the information related to the AES encryption algorithm on the differences between the encryption modes.

Attention: Before calling this method, please call setEncryptionSecret to enable the built-in encryption function.


The following encryption modes:
  • "aes-128-xts": 128-bit AES encryption, XTS mode.
  • "aes-128-ecb": 128-bit AES encryption, ECB mode.
  • "aes-256-xts": 256-bit AES encryption, XTS mode.
  • "sm4-128-ecb": 128-bit SM4 encryption, ECB mode.
  • "aes-128-gcm": 128-bit AES encryption, GCM mode.
  • "aes-256-gcm": 256-bit AES encryption, GCM mode.
  • "": When this parameter is set as null, the encryption mode is set as "aes-128-gcm" by default.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables built-in encryption with an encryption password before users join a channel.

abstract setEncryptionSecret(secret: string): number;


Use enableEncryption instead.

Before joining the channel, you need to call this method to set the secret parameter to enable the built-in encryption. All users in the same channel should use the same secret. The secret is automatically cleared once a user leaves the channel. If you do not specify the secret or secret is set as null, the built-in encryption is disabled.

  • Do not use this method for Media Push.
  • For optimal transmission, ensure that the encrypted data size does not exceed the original data size + 16 bytes. 16 bytes is the maximum padding size for AES encryption.


The encryption password.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the properties of the extension.

abstract setExtensionProperty(
    provider: string,
    extension: string,
    key: string,
    value: string,
    type?: MediaSourceType
  ): number;


After enabling the extension, you can call this method to set the properties of the extension.


The name of the extension provider.
The name of the extension.
The key of the extension.
The value of the extension key.
Source type of the extension. See MediaSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the properties of the extension provider.

abstract setExtensionProviderProperty(
    provider: string,
    key: string,
    value: string
  ): number;


You can call this method to set the attributes of the extension provider and initialize the relevant parameters according to the type of the provider.


Call this method after enableExtension, and before enabling the audio (enableAudio/enableLocalAudio) or the video (enableVideo/enableLocalVideo).


The name of the extension provider.
The key of the extension.
The value of the extension key.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the external audio sink.

abstract setExternalAudioSink(
    enabled: boolean,
    sampleRate: number,
    channels: number
  ): number;


This method applies to scenarios where you want to use external audio data for playback. After you set the external audio sink, you can call pullAudioFrame to pull remote audio frames. The app can process the remote audio and play it with the audio effects that you want.


Whether to enable or disable the external audio sink:
  • true: Enables the external audio sink.
  • false: (Default) Disables the external audio sink.

The sample rate (Hz) of the external audio sink, which can be set as 16000, 32000, 44100, or 48000.

The number of audio channels of the external audio sink:
  • 1: Mono.
  • 2: Stereo.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the preset headphone equalization effect.

abstract setHeadphoneEQPreset(preset: HeadphoneEqualizerPreset): number;


This method is mainly used in spatial audio effect scenarios. You can select the preset headphone equalizer to listen to the audio to achieve the expected audio experience.

Note: If the headphones you use already have a good equalization effect, you may not get a significant improvement when you call this method, and could even diminish the experience.


The preset headphone equalization effect. See HeadphoneEqualizerPreset.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -1: A general error occurs (no specified reason).


Sets the low- and high-frequency parameters of the headphone equalizer.

abstract setHeadphoneEQParameters(lowGain: number, highGain: number): number;


In a spatial audio effect scenario, if the preset headphone equalization effect is not achieved after calling the setHeadphoneEQPreset method, you can further adjust the headphone equalization effect by calling this method.


The low-frequency parameters of the headphone equalizer. The value range is [-10,10]. The larger the value, the deeper the sound.
The high-frequency parameters of the headphone equalizer. The value range is [-10,10]. The larger the value, the sharper the sound.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -1: A general error occurs (no specified reason).


Sets the volume of the in-ear monitor.

abstract setInEarMonitoringVolume(volume: number): number;


  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


The volume of the in-ear monitor. The value range is [0,400].
  • 0: Mute.
  • 100: (Default) The original volume.
  • 400: Four times the original volume.



Updates the display mode of the local video view.

abstract setLocalRenderMode(
    renderMode: RenderModeType,
    mirrorMode?: VideoMirrorModeType
  ): number;


After initializing the local video view, you can call this method to update its rendering and mirror modes. It affects only the video view that the local user sees, not the published local video stream.

  • Ensure that you have called the setupLocalVideo method to initialize the local video view before calling this method.
  • During a call, you can call this method as many times as necessary to update the display mode of the local video view.
  • This method only takes effect on the primary camera (PrimaryCameraSource). In scenarios involving custom video capture or the use of alternative video sources, you need to use setupLocalVideo instead of this method.



The local video display mode. See RenderModeType.


The mirror mode of the local video view. See VideoMirrorModeType.

Attention: If you use a front camera, the SDK enables the mirror mode by default; if you use a rear camera, the SDK disables the mirror mode by default.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the local voice equalization effect.

abstract setLocalVoiceEqualization(
    bandFrequency: AudioEqualizationBandFrequency,
    bandGain: number
  ): number;


Attention: You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


The band frequency. The value ranges between 0 and 9; representing the respective 10-band center frequencies of the voice effects, including 31, 62, 125, 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, and 16k Hz. See AudioEqualizationBandFrequency.
The gain of each band in dB. The value ranges between -15 and 15. The default value is 0.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Changes the voice pitch of the local speaker.

abstract setLocalVoicePitch(pitch: number): number;


Attention: You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


The local voice pitch. The value range is [0.5,2.0]. The lower the value, the lower the pitch. The default value is 1.0 (no change to the pitch).


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the local voice reverberation.

abstract setLocalVoiceReverb(
    reverbKey: AudioReverbType,
    value: number
  ): number;


The SDK provides an easier-to-use method, setAudioEffectPreset, to directly implement preset reverb effects for such as pop, R&B, and KTV.

Note: You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


The reverberation key. Agora provides five reverberation keys, see AudioReverbType.
The value of the reverberation key.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the log file.

abstract setLogFile(filePath: string): number;


Use the mLogConfig parameter in initialize method instead.

Specifies an SDK output log file. The log file records all log data for the SDK’s operation. Ensure that the directory for the log file exists and is writable.


Ensure that you call initialize immediately after calling the IRtcEngine method, or the output log may not be complete.


The complete path of the log files. These log files are encoded in UTF-8.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the log file size.

abstract setLogFileSize(fileSizeInKBytes: number): number;


Use the logConfig parameter in initialize instead.

By default, the SDK generates five SDK log files and five API call log files with the following rules:

  • The SDK log files are: agorasdk.log, agorasdk.1.log, agorasdk.2.log, agorasdk.3.log, and agorasdk.4.log.
  • The API call log files are: agoraapi.log, agoraapi.1.log, agoraapi.2.log, agoraapi.3.log, and agoraapi.4.log.
  • The default size of each SDK log file and API log file is 2,048 KB. These log files are encoded in UTF-8.
  • The SDK writes the latest logs in agorasdk.log or agoraapi.log.
  • When agorasdk.log is full, the SDK processes the log files in the following order:
    1. Delete the agorasdk.4.log file (if any).
    2. Rename agorasdk.3.log to agorasdk.4.log.
    3. Rename agorasdk.2.log to agorasdk.3.log.
    4. Rename agorasdk.1.log to agorasdk.2.log.
    5. Create a new agorasdk.log file.
  • The overwrite rules for the agoraapi.log file are the same as for agorasdk.log.

This method is used to set the size of the agorasdk.log file only and does not effect the agoraapi.log file.


The size (KB) of an agorasdk.log file. The value range is [128,20480]. The default value is 2,048 KB. If you set fileSizeInKByte smaller than 128 KB, the SDK automatically adjusts it to 128 KB; if you set fileSizeInKByte greater than 20,480 KB, the SDK automatically adjusts it to 20,480 KB.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the log output level of the SDK.

abstract setLogFilter(filter: LogFilterType): number;


Use logConfig in initialize instead.

This method sets the output log level of the SDK. You can use one or a combination of the log filter levels. The log level follows the sequence of LogFilterOff, LogFilterCritical, LogFilterError, LogFilterWarn, LogFilterInfo, and LogFilterDebug. Choose a level to see the logs preceding that level.

If, for example, you set the log level to LogFilterWarn, you see the logs within levels LogFilterCritical, LogFilterError and LogFilterWarn.



The output log level of the SDK. See LogFilterType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the output log level of the SDK.

abstract setLogLevel(level: LogLevel): number;


This method is deprecated. Use RtcEngineContext instead to set the log output level.

Choose a level to see the logs preceding that level.


The log level: LogLevel.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the maximum size of the media metadata.

abstract setMaxMetadataSize(size: number): number;


After calling registerMediaMetadataObserver, you can call this method to set the maximum size of the media metadata.


The maximum size of media metadata.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets low-light enhancement.

abstract setLowlightEnhanceOptions(
    enabled: boolean,
    options: LowlightEnhanceOptions,
    type?: MediaSourceType
  ): number;


The low-light enhancement feature can adaptively adjust the brightness value of the video captured in situations with low or uneven lighting, such as backlit, cloudy, or dark scenes. It restores or highlights the image details and improves the overall visual effect of the video.

You can call this method to enable the color enhancement feature and set the options of the color enhancement effect.

  • Call this method after calling enableVideo.
  • Dark light enhancement has certain requirements for equipment performance. The low-light enhancement feature has certain performance requirements on devices. If your device overheats after you enable low-light enhancement, Agora recommends modifying the low-light enhancement options to a less performance-consuming level or disabling low-light enhancement entirely.
  • Both this method and setExtensionProperty can turn on low-light enhancement:
    • When you use the SDK to capture video, Agora recommends this method (this method only works for video captured by the SDK).
    • When you use an external video source to implement custom video capture, or send an external video source to the SDK, Agora recommends using setExtensionProperty.
  • This method relies on the image enhancement dynamic library libagora_clear_vision_extension.dll. If the dynamic library is deleted, the function cannot be enabled normally.


Whether to enable low-light enhancement:
  • true: Enable low-light enhancement.
  • false: (Default) Disable low-light enhancement.
The low-light enhancement options. See LowlightEnhanceOptions.
The type of the video source. See MediaSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the audio data format reported by onMixedAudioFrame.

abstract setMixedAudioFrameParameters(
    sampleRate: number,
    channel: number,
    samplesPerCall: number
  ): number;



The sample rate (Hz) of the audio data, which can be set as 8000, 16000, 32000, 44100, or 48000.


The number of channels of the audio data, which can be set as 1(Mono) or 2(Stereo).


Sets the number of samples. In Media Push scenarios, set it as 1024.


The SDK triggers the onMixedAudioFrame callback according to the sample interval. Sampleinterval (sec) = samplePerCall/(sampleRate Ă— channel) Ensure that the value of sample interval more than or equal to 0.01.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the audio data format reported by onPlaybackAudioFrameBeforeMixing.

abstract setPlaybackAudioFrameBeforeMixingParameters(
    sampleRate: number,
    channel: number
  ): number;



The sample rate (Hz) of the audio data, which can be set as 8000, 16000, 32000, 44100, or 48000.


The number of channels of the audio data, which can be set as 1(Mono) or 2(Stereo).


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the audio data format for playback.

abstract setPlaybackAudioFrameParameters(
    sampleRate: number,
    channel: number,
    mode: RawAudioFrameOpModeType,
    samplesPerCall: number
  ): number;


Sets the data format for the onPlaybackAudioFrame callback.

  • Ensure that you call this method before joining a channel.
  • The SDK calculates the sampling interval based on the samplesPerCall, sampleRate and channel parameters set in this method.Sample interval (sec) = samplePerCall/(sampleRate Ă— channel). Ensure that the sample interval ≥ 0.01 (s). The SDK triggers the onPlaybackAudioFrame callback according to the sampling interval.


The sample rate returned in the onPlaybackAudioFrame callback, which can be set as 8000, 16000, 32000, 44100, or 48000 Hz.
The number of channels returned in the onPlaybackAudioFrame callback:
  • 1: Mono.
  • 2: Stereo.

The use mode of the audio frame. See RawAudioFrameOpModeType.

The number of data samples returned in the onPlaybackAudioFrame callback, such as 1024 for the Media Push.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the format of the captured raw audio data.

abstract setRecordingAudioFrameParameters(
    sampleRate: number,
    channel: number,
    mode: RawAudioFrameOpModeType,
    samplesPerCall: number
  ): number;


Sets the audio format for the onRecordAudioFrame callback.

  • Ensure that you call this method before joining a channel.
  • The SDK calculates the sampling interval based on the samplesPerCall, sampleRate and channel parameters set in this method.Sample interval (sec) = samplePerCall/(sampleRate Ă— channel). Ensure that the sample interval ≥ 0.01 (s).


The sample rate returned in the SDK, which can be set as 8000, 16000, 32000, 44100, or 48000 Hz.
The number of channels returned by the SDK. You can set the value as 1 or 2:
  • 1: Mono.
  • 2: Stereo.

The use mode of the audio frame. See RawAudioFrameOpModeType.

The use mode of the returned data from the SDK. See RawAudioFrameOpModeType.
The number of data samples returned in the SDK, such as 1024 for the Media Push.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Provides technical preview functionalities or special customizations by configuring the SDK with JSON options.

abstract setParameters(parameters: string): number;


Pointer to the set parameters in a JSON string.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the default video stream type to subscribe to.

abstract setRemoteDefaultVideoStreamType(streamType: VideoStreamType): number;


The SDK defaults to enabling low-quality video stream adaptive mode (AutoSimulcastStream) on the sending end, which means the sender does not actively send low-quality video stream. The receiver with the role of the host can initiate a low-quality video stream request by calling this method, and upon receiving the request, the sending end automatically starts sending the low-quality video stream.

The SDK will dynamically adjust the size of the corresponding video stream based on the size of the video window to save bandwidth and computing resources. The default aspect ratio of the low-quality video stream is the same as that of the high-quality video stream. According to the current aspect ratio of the high-quality video stream, the system will automatically allocate the resolution, frame rate, and bitrate of the low-quality video stream.

  • Call this method before joining a channel. The SDK does not support changing the default subscribed video stream type after joining a channel.
  • If you call both this method and setRemoteVideoStreamType, the setting of setRemoteVideoStreamType takes effect.



The default video-stream type. See VideoStreamType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the fallback option for the subscribed video stream based on the network conditions.

abstract setRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption(
    option: StreamFallbackOptions
  ): number;


An unstable network affects the audio and video quality in a video call or interactive live video streaming. If option is set as StreamFallbackOptionVideoStreamLow or StreamFallbackOptionAudioOnly, the SDK automatically switches the video from a high-quality stream to a low-quality stream or disables the video when the downlink network conditions cannot support both audio and video to guarantee the quality of the audio. Meanwhile, the SDK continuously monitors network quality and resumes subscribing to audio and video streams when the network quality improves.

When the subscribed video stream falls back to an audio-only stream, or recovers from an audio-only stream to an audio-video stream, the SDK triggers the onRemoteSubscribeFallbackToAudioOnly callback.

Attention: Ensure that you call this method before joining a channel.


Fallback options for the subscribed stream. See STREAM_FALLBACK_OPTIONS.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the spatial audio effect parameters of the remote user.

abstract setRemoteUserSpatialAudioParams(
    uid: number,
    params: SpatialAudioParams
  ): number;


Call this method after enableSpatialAudio. After successfully setting the spatial audio effect parameters of the remote user, the local user can hear the remote user with a sense of space.


The user ID. This parameter must be the same as the user ID passed in when the user joined the channel.
The spatial audio parameters. See SpatialAudioParams.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Initializes the video view of a remote user.

abstract setupRemoteVideo(canvas: VideoCanvas): number;


This method initializes the video view of a remote stream on the local device. It affects only the video view that the local user sees. Call this method to bind the remote video stream to a video view and to set the rendering and mirror modes of the video view.

You need to specify the ID of the remote user in this method. If the remote user ID is unknown to the application, set it after the app receives the onUserJoined callback.

To unbind the remote user from the view, set the view parameter to NULL.

Once the remote user leaves the channel, the SDK unbinds the remote user.

  • If you use the Agora recording function, the recording client joins the channel as a placeholder client, triggering the onUserJoined callback. Do not bind the placeholder client to the app view because the placeholder client does not send any video streams. If your app does not recognize the placeholder client, bind the remote user to the view when the SDK triggers the onFirstRemoteVideoDecoded callback.
  • If you want to stop rendering the view, set view to null and then call this method again to stop rendering and clear the rendering cache.



The remote video view and settings. See VideoCanvas.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Updates the display mode of the video view of a remote user.

abstract setRemoteRenderMode(
    uid: number,
    renderMode: RenderModeType,
    mirrorMode: VideoMirrorModeType
  ): number;


After initializing the video view of a remote user, you can call this method to update its rendering and mirror modes. This method affects only the video view that the local user sees.

  • Call this method after initializing the remote view by calling the setupRemoteVideo method.
  • During a call, you can call this method as many times as necessary to update the display mode of the video view of a remote user.


The user ID of the remote user.

The rendering mode of the remote user view. For details, see RenderModeType.


The mirror mode of the remote user view. See VideoMirrorModeType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the video stream type to subscribe to.

abstract setRemoteVideoStreamType(
    uid: number,
    streamType: VideoStreamType
  ): number;


The SDK defaults to enabling low-quality video stream adaptive mode (AutoSimulcastStream) on the sending end, which means the sender does not actively send low-quality video stream. The receiver with the role of the host can initiate a low-quality video stream request by calling this method, and upon receiving the request, the sending end automatically starts sending the low-quality video stream.

The SDK will dynamically adjust the size of the corresponding video stream based on the size of the video window to save bandwidth and computing resources. The default aspect ratio of the low-quality video stream is the same as that of the high-quality video stream. According to the current aspect ratio of the high-quality video stream, the system will automatically allocate the resolution, frame rate, and bitrate of the low-quality video stream.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • If the publisher has already called setDualStreamMode and set mode to DisableSimulcastStream (never send low-quality video stream), calling this method will not take effect, you should call setDualStreamMode again on the sending end and adjust the settings.
  • Calling this method on the receiving end of the audience role will not take effect.
  • If you call both setRemoteVideoStreamType and setRemoteDefaultVideoStreamType, the settings in setRemoteVideoStreamType take effect.


The user ID.

The video stream type, see VideoStreamType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Options for subscribing to remote video streams.

abstract setRemoteVideoSubscriptionOptions(
    uid: number,
    options: VideoSubscriptionOptions
  ): number;


When a remote user has enabled dual-stream mode, you can call this method to choose the option for subscribing to the video streams sent by the remote user.

  • If you only register one IVideoFrameObserver object, the SDK subscribes to the raw video data and encoded video data by default (the effect is equivalent to setting encodedFrameOnly to false).
  • If you only register one IVideoEncodedFrameObserver object, the SDK only subscribes to the encoded video data by default (the effect is equivalent to setting encodedFrameOnly to true).
  • If you register one IVideoFrameObserver object and one IVideoEncodedFrameObserver object successively, the SDK subscribes to the encoded video data by default (the effect is equivalent to setting encodedFrameOnly to false).
  • If you call this method first with the options parameter set, and then register one IVideoFrameObserver or IVideoEncodedFrameObserver object, you need to call this method again and set the options parameter as described in the above two items to get the desired results.
Note: Agora recommends the following steps:
  1. Set autoSubscribeVideo to false when calling joinChannel to join a channel.
  2. Call this method after receiving the onUserJoined callback to set the subscription options for the specified remote user's video stream.
  3. Call the muteRemoteVideoStream method to resume subscribing to the video stream of the specified remote user. If you set encodedFrameOnly to true in the previous step, the SDK triggers the onEncodedVideoFrameReceived callback locally to report the received encoded video frame information.


The user ID of the remote user.
The video subscription options. See VideoSubscriptionOptions.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the 2D position (the position on the horizontal plane) of the remote user's voice.

abstract setRemoteVoicePosition(
    uid: number,
    pan: number,
    gain: number
  ): number;


This method sets the 2D position and volume of a remote user, so that the local user can easily hear and identify the remote user's position.

When the local user calls this method to set the voice position of a remote user, the voice difference between the left and right channels allows the local user to track the real-time position of the remote user, creating a sense of space. This method applies to massive multiplayer online games, such as Battle Royale games.

  • For this method to work, enable stereo panning for remote users by calling the enableSoundPositionIndication method before joining a channel.
  • For the best voice positioning, Agora recommends using a wired headset.
  • Call this method after joining a channel.


The user ID of the remote user.
The voice position of the remote user. The value ranges from -1.0 to 1.0:
  • 0.0: (Default) The remote voice comes from the front.
  • -1.0: The remote voice comes from the left.
  • 1.0: The remote voice comes from the right.
The volume of the remote user. The value ranges from 0.0 to 100.0. The default value is 100.0 (the original volume of the remote user). The smaller the value, the lower the volume.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the content hint for screen sharing.

abstract setScreenCaptureContentHint(contentHint: VideoContentHint): number;


A content hint suggests the type of the content being shared, so that the SDK applies different optimization algorithms to different types of content. If you don't call this method, the default content hint is ContentHintNone.

Attention: You can call this method either before or after you start screen sharing.


The content hint for screen sharing. See VideoContentHint.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -8: The screen sharing state is invalid. Probably because you have shared other screens or windows. Try calling stopScreenCapture to stop the current sharing and start sharing the screen again.


Sets the screen sharing scenario.

abstract setScreenCaptureScenario(screenScenario: ScreenScenarioType): number;


When you start screen sharing or window sharing, you can call this method to set the screen sharing scenario. The SDK adjusts the video quality and experience of the sharing according to the scenario.

Note: Agora recommends that you call this method before joining a channel.


The screen sharing scenario. See ScreenScenarioType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Set the blocklist of subscriptions for audio streams.

abstract setSubscribeAudioBlocklist(
    uidList: number[],
    uidNumber: number
  ): number;


You can call this method to specify the audio streams of a user that you do not want to subscribe to.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • The blocklist is not affected by the setting in muteRemoteAudioStream,muteAllRemoteAudioStreams, and autoSubscribeAudio in ChannelMediaOptions.
  • Once the blocklist of subscriptions is set, it is effective even if you leave the current channel and rejoin the channel.
  • If a user is added in the allowlist and blocklist at the same time, only the blocklist takes effect.



The user ID list of users that you do not want to subscribe to.

If you want to specify the audio streams of a user that you do not want to subscribe to, add the user ID in this list. If you want to remove a user from the blocklist, you need to call the setSubscribeAudioBlocklist method to update the user ID list; this means you only add the uid of users that you do not want to subscribe to in the new user ID list.

The number of users in the user ID list.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the allowlist of subscriptions for audio streams.

abstract setSubscribeAudioAllowlist(
    uidList: number[],
    uidNumber: number
  ): number;


You can call this method to specify the audio streams of a user that you want to subscribe to.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • The allowlist is not affected by the setting in muteRemoteAudioStream, muteAllRemoteAudioStreams and autoSubscribeAudio in ChannelMediaOptions.
  • Once the allowlist of subscriptions is set, it is effective even if you leave the current channel and rejoin the channel.
  • If a user is added in the allowlist and blocklist at the same time, only the blocklist takes effect.



The user ID list of users that you want to subscribe to.

If you want to specify the audio streams of a user for subscription, add the user ID in this list. If you want to remove a user from the allowlist, you need to call the setSubscribeAudioAllowlist method to update the user ID list; this means you only add the uid of users that you want to subscribe to in the new user ID list.

The number of users in the user ID list.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Set the blocklist of subscriptions for video streams.

abstract setSubscribeVideoBlocklist(
    uidList: number[],
    uidNumber: number
  ): number;


You can call this method to specify the video streams of a user that you do not want to subscribe to.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • The blocklist is not affected by the setting in muteRemoteVideoStream, muteAllRemoteVideoStreams and autoSubscribeAudio in ChannelMediaOptions.
  • Once the blocklist of subscriptions is set, it is effective even if you leave the current channel and rejoin the channel.
  • If a user is added in the allowlist and blocklist at the same time, only the blocklist takes effect.



The user ID list of users that you do not want to subscribe to.

If you want to specify the video streams of a user that you do not want to subscribe to, add the user ID of that user in this list. If you want to remove a user from the blocklist, you need to call the setSubscribeVideoBlocklist method to update the user ID list; this means you only add the uid of users that you do not want to subscribe to in the new user ID list.

The number of users in the user ID list.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Set the allowlist of subscriptions for video streams.

abstract setSubscribeVideoAllowlist(
    uidList: number[],
    uidNumber: number
  ): number;


You can call this method to specify the video streams of a user that you want to subscribe to.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • The allowlist is not affected by the setting in muteRemoteVideoStream, muteAllRemoteVideoStreams and autoSubscribeAudio in ChannelMediaOptions.
  • Once the allowlist of subscriptions is set, it is effective even if you leave the current channel and rejoin the channel.
  • If a user is added in the allowlist and blocklist at the same time, only the blocklist takes effect.



The user ID list of users that you want to subscribe to.

If you want to specify the video streams of a user for subscription, add the user ID of that user in this list. If you want to remove a user from the allowlist, you need to call the setSubscribeVideoAllowlist method to update the user ID list; this means you only add the uid of users that you want to subscribe to in the new user ID list.

The number of users in the user ID list.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets video noise reduction.

abstract setVideoDenoiserOptions(
    enabled: boolean,
    options: VideoDenoiserOptions,
    type?: MediaSourceType
  ): number;


Underlit environments and low-end video capture devices can cause video images to contain significant noise, which affects video quality. In real-time interactive scenarios, video noise also consumes bitstream resources and reduces encoding efficiency during encoding.

You can call this method to enable the video noise reduction feature and set the options of the video noise reduction effect.

  • Call this method after calling enableVideo.
  • Video noise reduction has certain requirements for equipment performance. If your device overheats after you enable video noise reduction, Agora recommends modifying the video noise reduction options to a less performance-consuming level or disabling video noise reduction entirely.
  • Both this method and setExtensionProperty can turn on video noise reduction function:
    • When you use the SDK to capture video, Agora recommends this method (this method only works for video captured by the SDK).
    • When you use an external video source to implement custom video capture, or send an external video source to the SDK, Agora recommends using setExtensionProperty.
  • This method relies on the image enhancement dynamic library libagora_clear_vision_extension.dll. If the dynamic library is deleted, the function cannot be enabled normally.


Whether to enable video noise reduction:
  • true: Enable video noise reduction.
  • false: (Default) Disable video noise reduction.
The video noise reduction options. See VideoDenoiserOptions.
The type of the video source. See MediaSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the video encoder configuration.

abstract setVideoEncoderConfiguration(
    config: VideoEncoderConfiguration
  ): number;


Sets the encoder configuration for the local video. Each configuration profile corresponds to a set of video parameters, including the resolution, frame rate, and bitrate.

The config specified in this method is the maximum value under ideal network conditions. If the video engine cannot render the video using the specified config due to unreliable network conditions, the parameters further down the list are considered until a successful configuration is found.

Attention: You can call this method either before or after joining a channel. If the user does not need to reset the video encoding properties after joining the channel, Agora recommends calling this method before enableVideo to reduce the time to render the first video frame.


Video profile. See VideoEncoderConfiguration.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets video application scenarios.

abstract setVideoScenario(scenarioType: VideoApplicationScenarioType): number;


After successfully calling this method, the SDK will automatically enable the best practice strategies and adjust key performance metrics based on the specified scenario, to optimize the video experience.

Attention: Ensure that you call this method before joining a channel.


The type of video application scenario. See VideoApplicationScenarioType.
If set to ApplicationScenarioMeeting (1), the SDK automatically enables the following strategies:
  • In meeting scenarios where low-quality video streams are required to have a high bitrate, the SDK automatically enables multiple technologies used to deal with network congestions, to enhance the performance of the low-quality streams and to ensure the smooth reception by subscribers.
  • The SDK monitors the number of subscribers to the high-quality video stream in real time and dynamically adjusts its configuration based on the number of subscribers.
    • If nobody subscribers to the high-quality stream, the SDK automatically reduces its bitrate and frame rate to save upstream bandwidth.
    • If someone subscribes to the high-quality stream, the SDK resets the high-quality stream to the VideoEncoderConfiguration configuration used in the most recent calling of setVideoEncoderConfiguration. If no configuration has been set by the user previously, the following values are used:
      • Resolution: 1280 Ă— 720
      • Frame rate: 15 fps
      • Bitrate: 1600 Kbps
  • The SDK monitors the number of subscribers to the low-quality video stream in real time and dynamically enables or disables it based on the number of subscribers.
    Note: If the user has called setDualStreamMode to set that never send low-quality video stream (DisableSimulcastStream), the dynamic adjustment of the low-quality stream in meeting scenarios will not take effect.
    • If nobody subscribes to the low-quality stream, the SDK automatically disables it to save upstream bandwidth.
    • If someone subscribes to the low-quality stream, the SDK enables the low-quality stream and resets it to the SimulcastStreamConfig configuration used in the most recent calling of setDualStreamMode. If no configuration has been set by the user previously, the following values are used:
      • Resolution: 480 Ă— 272
      • Frame rate: 15 fps
      • Bitrate: 500 Kbps


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -1: A general error occurs (no specified reason).
    • -4: Video application scenarios are not supported. Possible reasons include that you use the Voice SDK instead of the Video SDK.
    • -7: The IRtcEngine object has not been initialized. You need to initialize the IRtcEngine object before calling this method.


Initializes the local video view.

abstract setupLocalVideo(canvas: VideoCanvas): number;


This method initializes the video view of a local stream on the local device. It affects only the video view that the local user sees, not the published local video stream. Call this method to bind the local video stream to a video view (view) and to set the rendering and mirror modes of the video view.

After initialization, call this method to set the local video and then join the channel. The local video still binds to the view after you leave the channel. To unbind the local video from the view, set the view parameter as null.

In real-time interactive scenarios, if you need to simultaneously view multiple preview frames in the local video preview, and each frame is at a different observation position along the video link, you can repeatedly call this method to set different views and set different observation positions for each view. For example, by setting the video source to the camera and then configuring two views with position setting to PositionPostCapturerOrigin and PositionPostCapturer, you can simultaneously preview the raw, unprocessed video frame and the video frame that has undergone preprocessing (image enhancement effects, virtual background, watermark) in the local video preview.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • If you want to stop rendering the view, set view to null and then call this method again to stop rendering and clear the rendering cache.


The local video view and settings. See VideoCanvas.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets parameters for the preset voice beautifier effects.

abstract setVoiceBeautifierParameters(preset: VoiceBeautifierPreset, param1: number, param2: number): number;


Call this method to set a gender characteristic and a reverberation effect for the singing beautifier effect. This method sets parameters for the local user who sends an audio stream. After setting the audio parameters, all users in the channel can hear the effect.

For better voice effects, Agora recommends that you call setAudioProfile and set scenario to AudioScenarioGameStreaming(3) and profile to AudioProfileMusicHighQuality(4) or AudioProfileMusicHighQualityStereo(5) before calling this method.



The option for the preset audio effect:
  • SINGING_BEAUTIFIER: The singing beautifier effect.
The gender characteristics options for the singing voice:
  • 1: A male-sounding voice.
  • 2: A female-sounding voice.
The reverberation effect options for the singing voice:
  • 1: The reverberation effect sounds like singing in a small room.
  • 2: The reverberation effect sounds like singing in a large room.
  • 3: The reverberation effect sounds like singing in a hall.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets a preset voice beautifier effect.

abstract setVoiceBeautifierPreset(preset: VoiceBeautifierPreset): number;


Call this method to set a preset voice beautifier effect for the local user who sends an audio stream. After setting a voice beautifier effect, all users in the channel can hear the effect. You can set different voice beautifier effects for different scenarios.

For better voice effects, Agora recommends that you call setAudioProfile and set scenario to AudioScenarioGameStreaming(3) and profile to AudioProfileMusicHighQuality(4) or AudioProfileMusicHighQualityStereo(5) before calling this method.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • Do not set the profile parameter in setAudioProfile to AudioProfileSpeechStandard(1) or AudioProfileIot(6), or the method does not take effect.
  • This method has the best effect on human voice processing, and Agora does not recommend calling this method to process audio data containing music.
  • After calling setVoiceBeautifierPreset, Agora does not recommend calling the following methods, otherwise the effect set by setVoiceBeautifierPreset will be overwritten:
  • This method relies on the voice beautifier dynamic library libagora_audio_beauty_extension.dll. If the dynamic library is deleted, the function cannot be enabled normally.



The preset voice beautifier effect options: VoiceBeautifierPreset.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets a preset voice beautifier effect.

abstract setVoiceConversionPreset(preset: VoiceConversionPreset): number;


Call this method to set a preset voice beautifier effect for the local user who sends an audio stream. After setting an audio effect, all users in the channel can hear the effect. You can set different voice beautifier effects for different scenarios.

To achieve better audio effect quality, Agora recommends that you call setAudioProfile and set the profile to AudioProfileMusicHighQuality(4) or AudioProfileMusicHighQualityStereo(5) and scenario to AudioScenarioGameStreaming(3) before calling this method.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.
  • Do not set the profile parameter in setAudioProfile to AudioProfileSpeechStandard(1) or AudioProfileIot(6), or the method does not take effect.
  • This method has the best effect on human voice processing, and Agora does not recommend calling this method to process audio data containing music.
  • After calling setVoiceConversionPreset, Agora does not recommend you to call the following methods, otherwise the effect set by setVoiceConversionPreset will be overwritten:
  • This method relies on the voice beautifier dynamic library libagora_audio_beauty_extension.dll. If the dynamic library is deleted, the function cannot be enabled normally.



The options for the preset voice beautifier effects: VoiceConversionPreset.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Sets the volume of a specified audio effect.

abstract setVolumeOfEffect(soundId: number, volume: number): number;


The ID of the audio effect. The ID of each audio effect file is unique.
The playback volume. The value range is [0, 100]. The default value is 100, which represents the original volume.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Starts playing the music file.

abstract startAudioMixing(
    filePath: string,
    loopback: boolean,
    cycle: number,
    startPos?: number
  ): number;


This method mixes the specified local or online audio file with the audio from the microphone, or replaces the microphone's audio with the specified local or remote audio file. A successful method call triggers the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStatePlaying) callback. When the audio mixing file playback finishes, the SDK triggers the onAudioMixingStateChanged(AudioMixingStateStopped) callback on the local client.

  • You can call this method either before or after joining a channel. If you need to call startAudioMixing multiple times, ensure that the time interval between calling this method is more than 500 ms.
  • If the local music file does not exist, the SDK does not support the file format, or the the SDK cannot access the music file URL, the SDK reports 701.
  • For the audio file formats supported by this method, see What formats of audio files does the Agora RTC SDK support.


File path:
  • Windows: The absolute path or URL address (including the suffixes of the filename) of the audio effect file. For example: C:\music\audio.mp4.
  • macOS: The absolute path or URL address (including the suffixes of the filename) of the audio effect file. For example: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/audio.mp4.
Whether to only play music files on the local client:
  • true: Only play music files on the local client so that only the local user can hear the music.
  • false: Publish music files to remote clients so that both the local user and remote users can hear the music.
The number of times the music file plays.
  • ≥ 0: The number of playback times. For example, 0 means that the SDK does not play the music file while 1 means that the SDK plays once.
  • -1: Play the audio file in an infinite loop.
The playback position (ms) of the music file.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -1: A general error occurs (no specified reason).
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -3: The SDK is not ready.
      • The audio module is disabled.
      • The program is not complete.
      • The initialization of IRtcEngine fails. Reinitialize the IRtcEngine.


Starts audio recording on the client and sets recording configurations.

abstract startAudioRecording(config: AudioRecordingConfiguration): number;


The Agora SDK allows recording during a call. After successfully calling this method, you can record the audio of users in the channel and get an audio recording file. Supported formats of the recording file are as follows:
  • WAV: High-fidelity files with typically larger file sizes. For example, if the sample rate is 32,000 Hz, the file size for 10-minute recording is approximately 73 MB.
  • AAC: Low-fidelity files with typically smaller file sizes. For example, if the sample rate is 32,000 Hz and the recording quality is AudioRecordingQualityMedium, the file size for 10-minute recording is approximately 2 MB.

Once the user leaves the channel, the recording automatically stops.

Attention: Call this method after joining a channel.


Recording configurations. See AudioRecordingConfiguration.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Starts camera capture.

abstract startCameraCapture(
    sourceType: VideoSourceType,
    config: CameraCapturerConfiguration
  ): number;


You can call this method to start capturing video from one or more cameras by specifying sourceType.



The type of the video source. See VideoSourceType.

  • On the desktop platforms, you can capture video from up to 4 cameras.

The configuration of the video capture. See CameraCapturerConfiguration.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops camera capture.

abstract stopCameraCapture(sourceType: VideoSourceType): number;


After calling startCameraCapture to start capturing video through one or more cameras, you can call this method and set the sourceType parameter to stop the capture from the specified cameras.

Attention: If you are using the local video mixing function, calling this method can cause the local video mixing to be interrupted.


The type of the video source. See VideoSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Starts relaying media streams across channels. This method can be used to implement scenarios such as co-host across channels.

abstract startChannelMediaRelay(
    configuration: ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration
  ): number;


This method is deprecated. Use startOrUpdateChannelMediaRelay instead.
After a successful method call, the SDK triggers the onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged and onChannelMediaRelayEvent callbacks, and these callbacks return the state and events of the media stream relay.
  • If the onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged callback returns RelayStateRunning (2) and RelayOk (0), and the onChannelMediaRelayEvent callback returns RelayEventPacketSentToDestChannel (4), it means that the SDK starts relaying media streams between the source channel and the target channel.
  • If the onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged callback returns RelayStateFailure (3), an exception occurs during the media stream relay.
  • Call this method after joining the channel.
  • This method takes effect only when you are a host in a live streaming channel.
  • After a successful method call, if you want to call this method again, ensure that you call the stopChannelMediaRelay method to quit the current relay.
  • The relaying media streams across channels function needs to be enabled by contacting technical support.
  • Agora does not support string user accounts in this API.


The configuration of the media stream relay. See ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -1: A general error occurs (no specified reason).
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -7: The method call was rejected. It may be because the SDK has not been initialized successfully, or the user role is not a host.
    • -8: Internal state error. Probably because the user is not a broadcaster.


Starts the last mile network probe test.

abstract startLastmileProbeTest(config: LastmileProbeConfig): number;


This method starts the last-mile network probe test before joining a channel to get the uplink and downlink last mile network statistics, including the bandwidth, packet loss, jitter, and round-trip time (RTT).

Once this method is enabled, the SDK returns the following callbacks:
  • onLastmileQuality: The SDK triggers this callback within two seconds depending on the network conditions. This callback rates the network conditions and is more closely linked to the user experience.
  • onLastmileProbeResult: The SDK triggers this callback within 30 seconds depending on the network conditions. This callback returns the real-time statistics of the network conditions and is more objective.

This method must be called before joining the channel, and is used to judge and predict whether the current uplink network quality is good enough.

  • Do not call other methods before receiving the onLastmileQuality and onLastmileProbeResult callbacks. Otherwise, the callbacks may be interrupted.
  • A host should not call this method after joining a channel (when in a call).


The configurations of the last-mile network probe test. See LastmileProbeConfig.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Starts the local video mixing.

abstract startLocalVideoTranscoder(
    config: LocalTranscoderConfiguration
  ): number;


After calling this method, you can merge multiple video streams into one video stream locally. For example, you can merge the video streams captured by the camera, screen sharing, media player, remote video, video files, images, etc. into one video stream, and then publish the mixed video stream to the channel.

  • Local video mixing requires more CPU resources. Therefore, Agora recommends enabling this function on devices with higher performance.
  • If you need to mix locally captured video streams, the SDK supports the following capture combinations:
    • On the Windows platform, it supports up to 4 video streams captured by cameras + 4 screen sharing streams.
    • On the macOS platform, it supports up to 4 video streams captured by cameras + 1 screen sharing stream.
  • If you need to mix the locally collected video streams, you need to call this method after startCameraCapture or startScreenCaptureBySourceType.
  • If you want to publish the mixed video stream to the channel, you need to set publishTranscodedVideoTrack in ChannelMediaOptions to true when calling joinChannel or updateChannelMediaOptions.

Applicable scenarios

You can enable the local video mixing function in scenarios such as remote conferences, live streaming, and online education, which allows users to view and manage multiple videos more conveniently, and supports portrait-in-picture effect and other functions.

The following is a typical use case for implementing the portrait-in-picture effect:
  1. Call enableVirtualBackground, and set the custom background image to BackgroundNone, that is, separate the portrait and the background in the video captured by the camera.
  2. Call startScreenCaptureBySourceType to start capturing the screen sharing video stream.
  3. Call this method and set the video source for capturing portraits as one of the video sources participating in the local video mixing, and the portrait picture-invideo mixing can be added in the mixed image video.
    Note: When configuring the local video mixing, it is necessary to ensure that the layer number of the video stream capturing the portrait is greater than the layer number of the screen sharing stream. Otherwise, the portrait will be covered by the screen sharing and will not be displayed in the final mixed video stream.


Configuration of the local video mixing, see LocalTranscoderConfiguration.
  • The maximum resolution of each video stream participating in the local video mixing is 4096 Ă— 2160. If this limit is exceeded, video mixing does not take effect.
  • The maximum resolution of the mixed video stream is 4096 Ă— 2160.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Starts relaying media streams across channels or updates channels for media relay.

abstract startOrUpdateChannelMediaRelay(
    configuration: ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration
  ): number;


The first successful call to this method starts relaying media streams from the source channel to the destination channels. To relay the media stream to other channels, or exit one of the current media relays, you can call this method again to update the destination channels. This feature supports relaying media streams to a maximum of six destination channels.

After a successful method call, the SDK triggers the onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged callback, and this callback returns the state of the media stream relay. Common states are as follows:
  • If the onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged callback returns RelayStateRunning (2) and RelayOk (0), it means that the SDK starts relaying media streams from the source channel to the destination channel.
  • If the onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged callback returns RelayStateFailure (3), an exception occurs during the media stream relay.
  • Call this method after joining the channel.
  • This method takes effect only when you are a host in a live streaming channel.
  • The relaying media streams across channels function needs to be enabled by contacting technical support.
  • Agora does not support string user accounts in this API.


The configuration of the media stream relay. See ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -1: A general error occurs (no specified reason).
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -7: The method call was rejected. It may be because the SDK has not been initialized successfully, or the user role is not a host.
    • -8: Internal state error. Probably because the user is not a broadcaster.


Enables the local video preview.

abstract startPreviewWithoutSourceType(): number;


You can call this method to enable local video preview. Call this method after the following:
  • The local preview enables the mirror mode by default.
  • After the local video preview is enabled, if you call leaveChannel to exit the channel, the local preview remains until you call stopPreview to disable it.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Enables the local video preview and specifies the video source for the preview.

abstract startPreview(sourceType?: VideoSourceType): number;


You can call this method to enable local video preview. Call this method after the following:
  • The local preview enables the mirror mode by default.
  • After the local video preview is enabled, if you call leaveChannel to exit the channel, the local preview remains until you call stopPreview to disable it.
  • The video source type set in this method needs to be consistent with the video source type of VideoCanvas you set in setupLocalVideo.


The type of the video source. See VideoSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Starts pushing media streams to a CDN without transcoding.

abstract startRtmpStreamWithoutTranscoding(url: string): number;


Agora recommends that you use the server-side Media Push function. For details, see Use RESTful API.

You can call this method to push an audio or video stream to the specified CDN address. This method can push media streams to only one CDN address at a time, so if you need to push streams to multiple addresses, call this method multiple times.

After you call this method, the SDK triggers the onRtmpStreamingStateChanged callback on the local client to report the state of the streaming.

  • Call this method after joining a channel.
  • Only hosts in the LIVE_BROADCASTING profile can call this method.
  • If you want to retry pushing streams after a failed push, make sure to call stopRtmpStream first, then call this method to retry pushing streams; otherwise, the SDK returns the same error code as the last failed push.


The address of Media Push. The format is RTMP or RTMPS. The character length cannot exceed 1024 bytes. Special characters such as Chinese characters are not supported.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The URL or configuration of transcoding is invalid; check your URL and transcoding configurations.
    • -7: The SDK is not initialized before calling this method.
    • -19: The Media Push URL is already in use; use another URL instead.


Starts Media Push and sets the transcoding configuration.

abstract startRtmpStreamWithTranscoding(
    url: string,
    transcoding: LiveTranscoding
  ): number;


Agora recommends that you use the server-side Media Push function. For details, see Use RESTful API.

You can call this method to push a live audio-and-video stream to the specified CDN address and set the transcoding configuration. This method can push media streams to only one CDN address at a time, so if you need to push streams to multiple addresses, call this method multiple times.

Under one Agora project, the maximum number of concurrent tasks to push media streams is 200 by default. If you need a higher quota, contact technical support.

After you call this method, the SDK triggers the onRtmpStreamingStateChanged callback on the local client to report the state of the streaming.

  • Call this method after joining a channel.
  • Only hosts in the LIVE_BROADCASTING profile can call this method.
  • If you want to retry pushing streams after a failed push, make sure to call stopRtmpStream first, then call this method to retry pushing streams; otherwise, the SDK returns the same error code as the last failed push.


The address of Media Push. The format is RTMP or RTMPS. The character length cannot exceed 1024 bytes. Special characters such as Chinese characters are not supported.

The transcoding configuration for Media Push. See LiveTranscoding.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The URL or configuration of transcoding is invalid; check your URL and transcoding configurations.
    • -7: The SDK is not initialized before calling this method.
    • -19: The Media Push URL is already in use; use another URL instead.


Captures the screen by specifying the display ID.

abstract startScreenCaptureByDisplayId(
    displayId: number,
    regionRect: Rectangle,
    captureParams: ScreenCaptureParameters
  ): number;


This method shares a screen or part of the screen.

There are two ways to start screen sharing, you can choose one according to your needs:
  • Call this method before joining a channel, and then call joinChannel to join a channel and set publishScreenTrack or publishSecondaryScreenTrack to true to start screen sharing.
  • Call this method after joining a channel, and then call updateChannelMediaOptions and set publishScreenTrack or publishSecondaryScreenTrack to true to start screen sharing.


The display ID of the screen to be shared.
Note: For the Windows platform, if you need to simultaneously share two screens (main screen and secondary screen), you can set displayId to -1 when calling this method.
(Optional) Sets the relative location of the region to the screen. Pass in nil to share the entire screen.
If the specified region overruns the screen, the SDK shares only the region within it; if you set width or height as 0, the SDK shares the whole screen.
Screen sharing configurations. The default video dimension is 1920 x 1080, that is, 2,073,600 pixels. Agora uses the value of this parameter to calculate the charges. See ScreenCaptureParameters.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -8: The screen sharing state is invalid. Probably because you have shared other screens or windows. Try calling stopScreenCapture to stop the current sharing and start sharing the screen again.


Captures the whole or part of a window by specifying the window ID.

abstract startScreenCaptureByWindowId(
    windowId: any,
    regionRect: Rectangle,
    captureParams: ScreenCaptureParameters
  ): number;


This method captures a window or part of the window. You need to specify the ID of the window to be captured.

There are two ways to start screen sharing, you can choose one according to your needs:
  • Call this method before joining a channel, and then call joinChannel to join a channel and set publishScreenTrack or publishSecondaryScreenTrack to true to start screen sharing.
  • Call this method after joining a channel, and then call updateChannelMediaOptions and set publishScreenTrack or publishSecondaryScreenTrack to true to start screen sharing.
  • The window sharing feature of the Agora SDK relies on WGC (Windows Graphics Capture) or GDI (Graphics Device Interface) capture, and WGC cannot be set to disable mouse capture on systems earlier than Windows 10 2004. Therefore, captureMouseCursor(false) might not work when you start window sharing on a device with a system earlier than Windows 10 2004. See ScreenCaptureParameters.

This method supports window sharing of UWP (Universal Windows Platform) applications. Agora tests the mainstream UWP applications by using the lastest SDK, see details as follows:

System version Software Compatible versions Support
win10 Chrome 76.0.3809.100 No
Office Word 18.1903.1152.0 Yes
Office Excel No
Office PPT Yes
WPS Word Yes
WPS Excel
Media Player (comes with the system) All Yes
win8 Chrome All Yes
Office Word All Yes
Office Excel
Office PPT
WPS Word Yes
WPS Excel
Media Player (comes with the system) All Yes
win7 Chrome 73.0.3683.103 No
Office Word All Yes
Office Excel
Office PPT
WPS Word No
WPS Excel
Media Player (comes with the system) All No


The ID of the window to be shared.
(Optional) Sets the relative location of the region to the screen. If you do not set this parameter, the SDK shares the whole screen. See Rectangle. If the specified region overruns the window, the SDK shares only the region within it; if you set width or height as 0, the SDK shares the whole window.
Screen sharing configurations. The default video resolution is 1920 Ă— 1080, that is, 2,073,600 pixels. Agora uses the value of this parameter to calculate the charges. See ScreenCaptureParameters.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -8: The screen sharing state is invalid. Probably because you have shared other screens or windows. Try calling stopScreenCapture to stop the current sharing and start sharing the screen again.


Captures the whole or part of a screen by specifying the screen rect.

abstract startScreenCaptureByScreenRect(
    screenRect: Rectangle,
    regionRect: Rectangle,
    captureParams: ScreenCaptureParameters
  ): number;


This method is deprecated. Use startScreenCaptureByDisplayId instead. Agora strongly recommends using startScreenCaptureByDisplayId if you need to start screen sharing on a device connected to another display.

This method shares a screen or part of the screen. You need to specify the area of the screen to be shared.

There are two ways to start screen sharing, you can choose one according to your needs:
  • Call this method before joining a channel, and then call joinChannel to join a channel and set publishScreenTrack or publishSecondaryScreenTrack to true to start screen sharing.
  • Call this method after joining a channel, and then call updateChannelMediaOptions and set publishScreenTrack or publishSecondaryScreenTrack to true to start screen sharing.
Attention: This method applies to Windows only.


Sets the relative location of the screen to the virtual screen.
Sets the relative location of the region to the screen. If you do not set this parameter, the SDK shares the whole screen. See Rectangle. If the specified region overruns the screen, the SDK shares only the region within it; if you set width or height as 0, the SDK shares the whole screen.
The screen sharing encoding parameters. The default video resolution is 1920 Ă— 1080, that is, 2,073,600 pixels. Agora uses the value of this parameter to calculate the charges. See ScreenCaptureParameters.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -8: The screen sharing state is invalid. Probably because you have shared other screens or windows. Try calling stopScreenCapture to stop the current sharing and start sharing the screen again.


Stops playing all audio effects.

abstract stopAllEffects(): number;


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops playing and mixing the music file.

abstract stopAudioMixing(): number;


This method stops the audio mixing. Call this method when you are in a channel.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops the audio recording on the client.

abstract stopAudioRecording(): number;


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops the media stream relay. Once the relay stops, the host quits all the target channels.

abstract stopChannelMediaRelay(): number;


After a successful method call, the SDK triggers the onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged callback. If the callback reports RelayStateIdle (0) and RelayOk (0), the host successfully stops the relay.

Attention: If the method call fails, the SDK triggers the onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged callback with the RelayErrorServerNoResponse (2) or RelayErrorServerConnectionLost (8) status code. You can call the leaveChannel method to leave the channel, and the media stream relay automatically stops.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops the audio call test.

abstract stopEchoTest(): number;


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -5(ERR_REFUSED): Failed to stop the echo test. The echo test may not be running.


Stops playing a specified audio effect.

abstract stopEffect(soundId: number): number;


The ID of the audio effect. Each audio effect has a unique ID.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops the last mile network probe test.

abstract stopLastmileProbeTest(): number;


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops the local video mixing.

abstract stopLocalVideoTranscoder(): number;


After calling startLocalVideoTranscoder, call this method if you want to stop the local video mixing.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops the local video preview.

abstract stopPreview(sourceType?: VideoSourceType): number;


After calling startPreview to start the preview, if you want to close the local video preview, call this method.

Note: Call this method before joining a channel or after leaving a channel.


The type of the video source. See VideoSourceType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Stops pushing media streams to a CDN.

abstract stopRtmpStream(url: string): number;


Agora recommends that you use the server-side Media Push function. For details, see Use RESTful API.

You can call this method to stop the live stream on the specified CDN address. This method can stop pushing media streams to only one CDN address at a time, so if you need to stop pushing streams to multiple addresses, call this method multiple times.

After you call this method, the SDK triggers the onRtmpStreamingStateChanged callback on the local client to report the state of the streaming.


The address of Media Push. The format is RTMP or RTMPS. The character length cannot exceed 1024 bytes. Special characters such as Chinese characters are not supported.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Takes a snapshot of a video stream.

abstract takeSnapshot(uid: number, filePath: string): number;


This method takes a snapshot of a video stream from the specified user, generates a JPG image, and saves it to the specified path.

The method is asynchronous, and the SDK has not taken the snapshot when the method call returns. After a successful method call, the SDK triggers the onSnapshotTaken callback to report whether the snapshot is successfully taken, as well as the details for that snapshot.

  • Call this method after joining a channel.
  • When used for local video snapshots, this method takes a snapshot for the video streams specified in ChannelMediaOptions.
  • If the user's video has been preprocessed, for example, watermarked or beautified, the resulting snapshot includes the pre-processing effect.


The user ID. Set uid as 0 if you want to take a snapshot of the local user's video.
The local path (including filename extensions) of the snapshot. For example:
  • Windows: C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Local\Agora\<process_name>\example.jpg
  • macOS: ~/Library/Logs/example.jpg
Ensure that the path you specify exists and is writable.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Releases a specified preloaded audio effect from the memory.

abstract unloadAllEffects(): number;


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Releases a specified preloaded audio effect from the memory.

abstract unloadEffect(soundId: number): number;


The ID of the audio effect. Each audio effect has a unique ID.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Unregisters the audio spectrum observer.

abstract unregisterAudioSpectrumObserver(
    observer: IAudioSpectrumObserver
  ): number;


After calling registerAudioSpectrumObserver, if you want to disable audio spectrum monitoring, you can call this method.

Attention: You can call this method either before or after joining a channel.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Unregisters the specified metadata observer.

abstract unregisterMediaMetadataObserver(
    observer: IMetadataObserver,
    type: MetadataType
  ): number;


The metadata observer. See IMetadataObserver.

The metadata type. The SDK currently only supports VideoMetadata. See MetadataType.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Updates the channel media options after joining the channel.

abstract updateChannelMediaOptions(options: ChannelMediaOptions): number;


The channel media options. See ChannelMediaOptions.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The value of a member in the ChannelMediaOptions structure is invalid. For example, the token or the user ID is invalid. You need to fill in a valid parameter.
    • -7: The IRtcEngine object has not been initialized. You need to initialize the IRtcEngine object before calling this method.
    • -8: The internal state of the IRtcEngine object is wrong. The possible reason is that the user is not in the channel. Agora recommends that you use the onConnectionStateChanged callback to determine whether the user exists in the channel. If you receive the ConnectionStateDisconnected (1) or ConnectionStateFailed (5) state, the user is not in the channel. You need to call joinChannel to join a channel before calling this method.


Updates the channels for media stream relay.

abstract updateChannelMediaRelay(
    configuration: ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration
  ): number;


This method is deprecated. Use startOrUpdateChannelMediaRelay instead.

After the media relay starts, if you want to relay the media stream to more channels, or leave the current relay channel, you can call this method.

After a successful method call, the SDK triggers the onChannelMediaRelayEvent callback with the RelayEventPacketUpdateDestChannel (7) state code.

Attention: Call the method after successfully calling the startChannelMediaRelay method and receiving onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged(RelayStateRunning, RelayOk); otherwise, the method call fails.


The configuration of the media stream relay. See ChannelMediaRelayConfiguration.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Updates the local video mixing configuration.

abstract updateLocalTranscoderConfiguration(
    config: LocalTranscoderConfiguration
  ): number;


After calling startLocalVideoTranscoder, call this method if you want to update the local video mixing configuration.

Note: If you want to update the video source type used for local video mixing, such as adding a second camera or screen to capture video, you need to call this method after startCameraCapture or startScreenCaptureBySourceType.


Configuration of the local video mixing, see LocalTranscoderConfiguration.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Updates the wildcard token for preloading channels.

abstract updatePreloadChannelToken(token: string): number;


You need to maintain the life cycle of the wildcard token by yourself. When the token expires, you need to generate a new wildcard token and then call this method to pass in the new token.

Applicable scenarios

In scenarios involving multiple channels, such as switching between different channels, using a wildcard token means users do not need to apply for a new token every time joinning a new channel, which can save users time for switching channels and reduce the pressure on your token server.


The new token.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid. For example, the token is invalid. You need to pass in a valid parameter and join the channel again.
    • -7: The IRtcEngine object has not been initialized. You need to initialize the IRtcEngine object before calling this method.


Updates the transcoding configuration.

abstract updateRtmpTranscoding(transcoding: LiveTranscoding): number;


Agora recommends that you use the server-side Media Push function. For details, see Use RESTful API.

After you start pushing media streams to CDN with transcoding, you can dynamically update the transcoding configuration according to the scenario. The SDK triggers the onTranscodingUpdated callback after the transcoding configuration is updated.



The transcoding configuration for Media Push. See LiveTranscoding.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.


Updates the screen capturing parameters.

abstract updateScreenCaptureParameters(
    captureParams: ScreenCaptureParameters
  ): number;


  • Call this method after starting screen sharing or window sharing.


The screen sharing encoding parameters. The default video resolution is 1920 Ă— 1080, that is, 2,073,600 pixels. Agora uses the value of this parameter to calculate the charges. See ScreenCaptureParameters.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -8: The screen sharing state is invalid. Probably because you have shared other screens or windows. Try calling stopScreenCapture to stop the current sharing and start sharing the screen again.


Updates the screen capturing region.

abstract updateScreenCaptureRegion(regionRect: Rectangle): number;


Attention: Call this method after starting screen sharing or window sharing.


The relative location of the screen-share area to the screen or window. If you do not set this parameter, the SDK shares the whole screen or window. See Rectangle. If the specified region overruns the screen or window, the SDK shares only the region within it; if you set width or height as 0, the SDK shares the whole screen or window.


  • 0: Success.
  • < 0: Failure.
    • -2: The parameter is invalid.
    • -8: The screen sharing state is invalid. Probably because you have shared other screens or windows. Try calling stopScreenCapture to stop the current sharing and start sharing the screen again.