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Agora Interactive Whiteboard Web SDK API Reference





Type aliases



Type aliases


BroadcastState: { broadcasterId?: number; mode: ViewMode }

The view state of the local user, including the user information of the host (if any) in the room.

Type declaration

  • Optional broadcasterId?: number

    The user ID of the host. This property is undefined if there is no host in the room.

  • mode: ViewMode

    The view mode of the user.


Camera: { centerX: number; centerY: number; scale: number }

View description.

Type declaration

  • centerX: number

    The X coordinate of the center of the view in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

  • centerY: number

    The Y coordinate of the center of the view in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

  • scale: number

    The scale factor of the view.


CameraBound: { centerX?: number; centerY?: number; damping?: number; height?: number; maxContentMode?: ContentMode; minContentMode?: ContentMode; width?: number }

The CameraBound type is used to set the viewable area.

Within the viewable area, the user can flexibly move or zoom the view. When the user tries to move the view beyond the viewable area, the SDK automatically drags the view back into the viewable area.

Type declaration

  • Optional centerX?: number

    The X coordinate of the center of the viewable area in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin). The default value is 0.0.

  • Optional centerY?: number

    The Y coordinate of the center of the viewable area in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin). The default value is 0.0.

  • Optional damping?: number

    The resistance coefficient. The value range is [0.0,1.0], and the default is 0.75. The higher the value, the larger the resistance felt by the user when they move or scale up the view beyond the viewable area.

    • 0.0: The user feels no resistance when moving or scaling up the view beyond the viewable area. Once the user stops moving or scaling up, the view returns to its original position.
    • 1.0: The user cannot move or scale up the view beyond the viewable area.
  • Optional height?: number

    The height (pixels) of the viewable area. The default value is Infinity, implying that the viewable area has no boundaries.

  • Optional maxContentMode?: ContentMode

    The maximum scale factor of the viewable area. If you do not set this property, there is no upper limit on the scale factor.

  • Optional minContentMode?: ContentMode

    The minimum scale factor of the viewable area. If you do not set this property, there is no lower limit on the scale factor.

  • Optional width?: number

    The width (pixels) of the viewable area. The default value is Infinity, implying that the viewable area has no boundaries.


CameraState: Camera & { height: number; width: number }


The state of the view. This type inherits Camera and adds the following properties:

  • width: number

    The width of the view.

  • height: number

    The height of the view.


Color: number[]

Color in RGB format. For example, [0, 0, 255] represents blue.


ConstructRoomParams: { cameraBound?: CameraBound; commandWheelToZoom?: boolean; cursorAdapter?: CursorAdapter | false; disableAutoResize?: boolean; disableCameraTransform?: boolean; disableOthersSelectingBox?: boolean; invisiblePlugins?: ReadonlyArray<InvisiblePluginClass<string, any, any>>; wrappedComponents?: WrappedComponents }

Basic configuration for Room objects.

Type declaration

  • Optional cameraBound?: CameraBound

    Sets the viewable area, within which the user can flexibly move or zoom the view.

    The default value is undefined, implying that the viewable area has no boundaries.

  • Optional commandWheelToZoom?: boolean

    Whether to allow zooming the whiteboard by holding down the command key and scrolling the mouse wheel.



    • true: Allows zooming the whiteboard by holding down the command key and scrolling.
    • false (default): Disallows zooming the whiteboard by holding down the command key and scrolling.
    • This property is only available on macOS systems.
    • This property does not affect the zoom behavior of the control wheel.
  • Optional cursorAdapter?: CursorAdapter | false

    Sets the cursor adapter. Set to false to no longer display internal preset cursors (laser pen, eraser, etc.).

  • Optional disableAutoResize?: boolean

    Whether to disable the auto-resize function:

    • true: Disable the auto-resize function. In this case, you need to call refreshViewSize every time the size of the view changes.
    • false: (Default) Enable the auto-resize function.
  • Optional disableCameraTransform?: boolean

    Whether to disable the user from adjusting (moving or zooming) the view through touch screen gestures or mouses:

    • true: Disable the user from adjusting the view.
    • false: (Default) Enable the user to adjust the view.

    This property does not affect the use of the setCameraBound, moveCamera, andmoveCameraToContain methods.

  • Optional disableOthersSelectingBox?: boolean

    Whether to disable the highlighted box when another user puts their cursor on an object on the whiteboard:



    • true: Disable the highlighted box.
    • false: Enable the highlighted box.

    This property does not affect the highlighted box of the local user.

  • Optional invisiblePlugins?: ReadonlyArray<InvisiblePluginClass<string, any, any>>

    Invisible plugins.

  • Optional wrappedComponents?: WrappedComponents

    An array of React.ComponentType objects, which is used to package the whiteboard view. The default value is [].


ContentMode: (screenSize: Size, boundSize: Size) => number

The actual scale factor.


The size of the user's screen.


The current size of the viewable area.


The scale factor calculated based on screenSize and boundSize.

Type declaration

    • (screenSize: Size, boundSize: Size): number
    • Parameters

      Returns number


ConversionResponse: { failedReason?: string; progress: Progress; status: Status; type: ConversionType; uuid: string }

The HTTP response returned by the server when you Query file conversion progress.

Type declaration

  • Optional failedReason?: string

    The reason why the file-conversion task fails.

  • progress: Progress

    Details about the file-conversion progress.

  • status: Status

    The status of the file-conversion task.

  • type: ConversionType

    The type of the file-conversion task.

  • uuid: string

    The unique identifier (UUID) of the file-conversion task.


ConvertedFile: { conversionFileUrl: string; height: number; preview?: string; width: number }

The image or dynamic PPT slide generated by file conversion.

Type declaration

  • conversionFileUrl: string

    The URL address of the image, or the URI address of the dynamic PPT slide.

  • height: number

    The height (px) of the image or dynamic PPT slide.

  • Optional preview?: string

    The URL address of the preview for the image or dynamic PPT slide.

  • width: number

    The width (px) of the image or dynamic PPT slide.


CursorDescription: { height: number; width: number; x: number; y: number }

Cursor description.

Type declaration

  • height: number

    The height of the cursor icon.

  • width: number

    The width of the cursor icon.

  • x: number

    The X coordinate of the center of the area the cursor is pointing to (taking the upper left corner of the cursor icon as the origin).

  • y: number

    The Y coordinate of the center of the area the cursor is pointing to (taking the upper left corner of the cursor icon as the origin).


DisplayerCallbacks: { onBackgroundError: (url: string) => void; onCatchErrorWhenAppendFrame: (userId: number, error: Error) => void; onCatchErrorWhenRender: (error: Error) => void; onEnableWriteNowChanged: (enableWriteNow: boolean) => void; onHandToolActive: (active: boolean) => void; onPPTMediaPause: (shapeId: string, type: MediaType) => void; onPPTMediaPlay: (shapeId: string, type: MediaType) => void; onPPTMediaPlayError: (shapeId: string, type: MediaType, error: Error) => void; onRenderDuration: (renderDuration: number) => void; onSliceChanged: (slice: string) => void }

Callbacks for Displayer objects.

Type declaration

  • onBackgroundError: (url: string) => void

    Reports the failure of loading background image.

      • (url: string): void
      • Parameters

        • url: string

        Returns void

  • onCatchErrorWhenAppendFrame: (userId: number, error: Error) => void
      • (userId: number, error: Error): void
      • Reports the error occurred during the synchronization of a user's operations.


        • userId: number

          The user ID of the user.

        • error: Error

          An error message.

        Returns void

  • onCatchErrorWhenRender: (error: Error) => void
      • (error: Error): void
      • Reports the error occurred in rendering.


        • error: Error

          An error message.

        Returns void

  • onEnableWriteNowChanged: (enableWriteNow: boolean) => void
      • (enableWriteNow: boolean): void
      • since


        Occurs when the user's write permission changes:


        • enableWriteNow: boolean

          Whether the user currently has write permission:

          • true: The user has write permission.
          • false: The user does not have write permission.

        Returns void

  • onHandToolActive: (active: boolean) => void
      • (active: boolean): void
      • Reports whether the hand tool is enabled.


        • active: boolean

          Whether the hand tool is enabled:

          • true: The hand tool is enabled.
          • false: The hand tool is disabled.

        Returns void

  • onPPTMediaPause: (shapeId: string, type: MediaType) => void
      • Occurs when a media file in the dynamic PPT slide stops playing.


        • shapeId: string

          The ID of the shape where the media file is inserted.

        • type: MediaType

          The type of the media file.

        Returns void

  • onPPTMediaPlay: (shapeId: string, type: MediaType) => void
      • Occurs when a media file in the dynamic PPT slide starts playing.


        • shapeId: string

          The ID of the shape where the media file is inserted.

        • type: MediaType

          The type of the media file.

        Returns void

  • onPPTMediaPlayError: (shapeId: string, type: MediaType, error: Error) => void
      • (shapeId: string, type: MediaType, error: Error): void
      • Reports exceptions that occur during the playing of the media file in a dynamic PPT slide.


        • shapeId: string

          The ID of the shape where the media file is inserted.

        • type: MediaType

          The type of the media file. See MediaType.

        • error: Error

          An error message.

        Returns void

  • onRenderDuration: (renderDuration: number) => void
      • (renderDuration: number): void
      • Reports the rendering duration.


        • renderDuration: number

          The rendering duration.

        Returns void

  • onSliceChanged: (slice: string) => void
      • (slice: string): void
      • Occurs when the current slice changes.


        • slice: string

          The unique identifier (UUID) of the slice.

        Returns void


DisplayerState: { cameraState: CameraState; globalState: GlobalState; roomMembers: ReadonlyArray<RoomMember>; sceneState: SceneState }

DisplayerState is used by Room objects.

Type declaration

  • cameraState: CameraState

    The state of the current view.



  • globalState: GlobalState

    The global state of the room. See GlobalState.

  • roomMembers: ReadonlyArray<RoomMember>

    The states of all the users in interactive mode (the users who have read and write permissions on the whiteboard).

  • sceneState: SceneState

    The state of the current scene.


Event: { authorId: number; event: string; payload: any; phase: EventPhase; scope: Scope }

Customized events.

Type declaration

  • authorId: number

    The user ID of the event trigger. If it is a system event, the user ID is AdminObserverId.

  • event: string

    The name of the customized event.

  • payload: any

    The content of the customized event.

  • phase: EventPhase

    The state of the customized event.

  • scope: Scope

    The scope of the customized event.


EventFilter: (event: Event) => boolean

The filter for an event.

Type declaration

    • (event: Event): boolean
    • Parameters

      Returns boolean


EventListener: (event: Event) => void

The listener for an event.

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      Returns void


EventsListener: (events: Event[]) => void

The listener for a group of events.

Type declaration

    • (events: Event[]): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void


FloatBarOptions: { colors: ReadonlyArray<Readonly<Color>> }

Floating bar configuration.

Type declaration

  • colors: ReadonlyArray<Readonly<Color>>

    The color palette of the floating bar.


GlobalState: {}

The globalState object is a public global variable.

All users in the room can read the globalState object, while users in interactive mode can modify the globalState object. The modified globalState object will be updated to all users in the room immediately.

Type declaration


HotKey: string | HotKeyDescription | ReadonlyArray<string | HotKeyDescription> | HotKeyChecker

Customized hotkeys.


HotKeyChecker: (event: HotKeyEvent, kind: KeyboardKind) => boolean

Hotkey checker.


The event of the customized hotkey.


The keyboard type.


Whether the hotkey is the customized hotkey:

  • true: The hotkey is the customized hotkey.
  • false: The hotkey is not the customized hotkey.

Type declaration


HotKeyDescription: { altKey: boolean | null; ctrlKey: boolean | null; key: string; shiftKey: boolean | null }

Description of the customized hotkey.

Type declaration

  • altKey: boolean | null

    Whether the Alt key is used.

  • ctrlKey: boolean | null

    Whether the Ctrl key is used.

  • key: string

    The specified key.

  • shiftKey: boolean | null

    Whether the Shift key is used.


HotKeyEvent: { altKey: boolean; ctrlKey: boolean; key: string; kind: "KeyDown" | "KeyUp"; nativeEvent?: KeyboardEvent; shiftKey: boolean }

The event of the customized hotkey.

Type declaration

  • altKey: boolean

    Whether the Alt key is used.

  • ctrlKey: boolean

    Whether the Ctrl key is used.

  • key: string

    The specified key.

  • kind: "KeyDown" | "KeyUp"

    The event of the hotkey:

    • KeyDown: The hotkey is pressed.
    • KeyUp: The hotkey is released.
  • Optional nativeEvent?: KeyboardEvent

    The browser event.

  • shiftKey: boolean

    Whether the Shift key is used.


HotKeys: { changeToArrow: HotKey; changeToClick: HotKey; changeToEllipse: HotKey; changeToEraser: HotKey; changeToHand: HotKey; changeToLaserPointer: HotKey; changeToPencil: HotKey; changeToRectangle: HotKey; changeToSelector: HotKey; changeToStraight: HotKey; changeToText: HotKey; copy: HotKey; delete: HotKey; duplicate: HotKey; lock: HotKey; paste: HotKey; redo: HotKey; undo: HotKey }

The action triggered by the hotkey.

Type declaration

  • changeToArrow: HotKey

    Switch to arrow tool (arrow).

  • changeToClick: HotKey

    Switch to clicker (clicker).

  • changeToEllipse: HotKey

    Switch to ellipse tool (ellipse).

  • changeToEraser: HotKey

    Switch to eraser (eraser).

  • changeToHand: HotKey

    Switch to hand tool (hand).

  • changeToLaserPointer: HotKey

    Switch to laser pointer (laserPointer).

  • changeToPencil: HotKey

    Switch to pen tool (pencil).

  • changeToRectangle: HotKey

    Switch to rectangle tool (rectangle).

  • changeToSelector: HotKey

    Switch to selection tool (selector).

  • changeToStraight: HotKey

    Switch to line tool (straight).

  • changeToText: HotKey

    Switch to text tool(text).

  • copy: HotKey


  • delete: HotKey


  • duplicate: HotKey

    Copy and paste.

  • lock: HotKey

    Lock the zoom level.

  • paste: HotKey


  • redo: HotKey


  • undo: HotKey



Identifier: string

The unique identifier of a component plugin.


ImageInformation: { centerX: number; centerY: number; crossOrigin?: boolean | string; height: number; locked: boolean; uniformScale?: boolean; uuid: string; width: number }

Image description.

Type declaration

  • centerX: number

    The X coordinate of the center of the image in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

  • centerY: number

    The Y coordinate of the center of the image in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

  • Optional crossOrigin?: boolean | string

    Whether to load images in cross-origin mode.



    • true: (default) Load images in cross-origin mode.
    • false: Do not load images in cross-origin mode.
  • height: number

    The height (px) of the image. If the height of the image is greater than the boundary of the view, then users cannot see the excess part.

  • locked: boolean

    Whether the image is locked:

    • true: Locked. When an image is locked, users cannot move or zoom the image.
    • false: Unlocked.
  • Optional uniformScale?: boolean

    Whether the image can only be resized proportionately.



    • true: The image can only be resized proportionately.
    • false: The image can be resized disproportionately.
  • uuid: string

    The unique identifier (UUID) of the image.

  • width: number

    The width (px) of the image. If the width of the image is greater than the boundary of the view, then users cannot see the excess part.


International: { displayNote?: string; displaySidebar?: string; hideNote?: string; hideSidebar?: string; jumpTo?: string; nextPage?: string; nextStep?: string; pageNumber?: string; prePage?: string; preStep?: string; resetCurrentPPTAnimation?: string; resetCurrentSlideAnimation?: string }

This type is used to add text to the menu on the PPT preview page. You can pass in the letters to be displayed, for example, "Next".

Type declaration

  • Optional displayNote?: string

    The text for "display slide notes".

  • Optional displaySidebar?: string

    The text for "display the sidebar".

  • Optional hideNote?: string

    The text for "hide slide notes".

  • Optional hideSidebar?: string

    The text for "hide the sidebar".

  • Optional jumpTo?: string

    The text for "jump to".

  • Optional nextPage?: string

    The text for "the next page".

  • Optional nextStep?: string

    The text for "the next step".

  • Optional pageNumber?: string

    The text for "page number".

  • Optional prePage?: string

    The text for “the previous page”.

  • Optional preStep?: string

    The text for "the previous step".

  • Optional resetCurrentPPTAnimation?: string

    The text for "reset animation of the current PPT file".

  • Optional resetCurrentSlideAnimation?: string

    The text for "reset animation of the current slide".


InvisibleCallbacks<A>: { onAttributesUpdate: (attributes: A) => void; onDestroy: () => void }

Callbacks for the invisible plugin.

Type parameters

  • A: Object

Type declaration

  • onAttributesUpdate: (attributes: A) => void
      • (attributes: A): void
      • Occurs when the attributes of the invisible plugin are updated.


        • attributes: A

          The updated attributes.

        Returns void

  • onDestroy: () => void
      • (): void
      • Occurs when the invisible plugin is deleted.

        Returns void


InvisiblePluginClass<K, A, P>: { kind: K; onCreate?: (plugin: P) => void; onDestroy?: (plugin: P) => void }

Invisible plugin.

Type parameters

Type declaration

  • kind: K

    The type of the invisible plugin.

  • Optional onCreate?: (plugin: P) => void
      • (plugin: P): void
      • Occurs when the invisible plugin is created.


        • plugin: P

          The created invisible plugin.

        Returns void

  • Optional onDestroy?: (plugin: P) => void
      • (plugin: P): void
      • Occurs when the invisible plugin is deleted.


        • plugin: P

          The deleted invisible plugin.

        Returns void


InvisiblePluginContext: { displayer: Displayer; kind: string }

The context of the invisible plugin.

Type declaration

  • displayer: Displayer

    The Displayer object of the invisible plugin.

  • kind: string

    The type of the invisible plugin.


JoinRoomParams: ConstructRoomParams & { disableDeviceInputs?: boolean; disableEraseImage?: boolean; disableMagixEventDispatchLimit?: boolean; disableNewPencil?: boolean; disablePencilWrittingLimitFrequency?: boolean; enableDrawPoint?: boolean; floatBar?: boolean | Partial<FloatBarOptions>; hotKeys?: Partial<HotKeys>; isWritable?: boolean; newPencilWritingQuality?: NewPencilWritingQuality; optimizeOptions?: OptimizeOptions; region?: string; rejectWhenReadonlyErrorLevel?: RoomErrorLevel; roomToken: string; uid: string; userPayload?: {}; uuid: string }

Configurations for a Room object, which are used to join a live Interactive Whiteboard room. This type inherits ConstructRoomParams and adds the following properties:

  • uuid: string

    Room UUID, the unique identifier of a room. This property is returned after a room is created successfully.

  • uid: string

    Since v2.15.0 The unique identifier (UID) of a user in a string format. The maximum length is 1024 bytes. Ensure that the uid of each user in the same room is unique.

  • region?: string

    The data center, which supports the following values:

    region Data center Service area
    us-sv Silicon Valley, United States North America and South America
    sg Singapore Singapore, East Asia, and Southeast Asia
    in-mum Mumbai, India India
    eu Frankfurt, Europe Europe
    cn-hz Hangzhou, China Areas not covered by other data centers


    • This property must has the same value as the data center of the live Interactive Whiteboard room to be joined; otherwise, the SDK fails to connect to the room.
    • You can set either this property or the region property in WhiteWebSdkConfiguration to set the data center. If you set both, this property overrides the region in WhiteWebSdkConfiguration.
  • roomToken: string

    The Room Token for user authentication. See Token overview.

  • userPayload?: {[key: string]: any;}

    Customized user information. This property can use any data type.

    Refer to the following code to enable other users to read the userPayload of a specific user, which is set when the user joins the room:

  for (var member of room.state.roomMembers) {
  • isWritable?: boolean

    Sets whether the user is in interactive mode in the room.

    • true: (Default) The user is in interactive mode (has read and write permissions on the whiteboard).

    • false:The user is in subscription mode (has read-only access to the whiteboard).

      This method is different from disableDeviceInputs. See Prohibited operation.

  • disableDeviceInputs?: boolean

    Whether to disable the user from operating the whiteboard tools through the mouse, keyboard, or touchscreen:

    • true: Disable the user from operating the whiteboard tools.

    • false:(Default) Enable the user to operate the whiteboard tools.

      This method is different from isWritable. See Prohibited operation.

  • enableDrawPoint?: boolean

    Whether to enable the pen tool (pencil) to draw a point:

    • true: Enable the pen tool to draw a point.
    • false:(Default) Disable the pen tool from drawing a point. In this case, clicking on the whiteboard with the pen tool does not draw a point on the screen.


    This property takes effect only when disableNewPencil is set to false.

  • disableNewPencil?: boolean

    Since 2.12.5

    Disables/Enables the new pencil:

    • true: (Default) Disable the new pencil. The SDK applies the old stroke smoothing algorithm to pencil.
    • false: Enable the new pencil. This allows the SDK to apply the new stroke smoothing algorithm to pencil, which results in smoother, more natural handwriting with a stroke effect.


    To enable the stroke effect, ensure that every user in the room uses one of the following SDKs:

    • Android SDK 2.12.3 or later
    • iOS SDK 2.12.3 or later
    • Web SDK 2.12.5 or later
  • disableMagixEventDispatchLimit?: boolean

    Since v2.15.0

    Whether to disable the frequency limit for sending custom events:

    • true: Disable the frequency limit. When the frequency limit is disabled, freezes may occur.
    • false: (Default) Enable the frequency limit. When the frequency limit is enabled, the SDK sends an event every 75 ms.
  • disableEraseImage?: boolean

    Whether to disable the eraser from erasing images on the whiteboard:

    • true:Disable the eraser from erasing images.
    • false:(Default) Enable the eraser to erase images.
  • disablePencilWrittingLimitFrequency?: boolean

    Since v2.15.2

    Whether to disable the frequency limit for synchronizing the writing input while using the pencil tool:

    • true: Disable the frequency limit. When the frequency limit is disabled, the writing is synchronized immediately, but CPU consumption can increase.
    • false: (Default) Enable the frequency limit. When the frequency limit is enabled, the writing synchronization can be slightly delayed, but CPU consumption is lessened.
  • floatBar?: boolean | Partial

    Whether to enable the floating bar when currentApplianceName is set to selector or text:

    • true: Enable the floating bar.
    • false:(Default) Disable the floating bar.
  • hotKeys?: Partial

    Add custom hotkeys. If you do not set this property, the SDK uses the following default hotkeys:

    Keys Action
    Backspace or Delete Delete the selected object
    Shift Resize proportionately
    Ctrl + Z or Command + Z Undo
    Ctrl + Y or Command + Y Redo
    Ctrl + C or Command + C Copy
    Ctrl + V or Command + V Paste

    To disable the default hotkeys, set this property as {}.

  • rejectWhenReadonlyErrorLevel?: RoomErrorLevel

    The response of the SDK when a user without write permission attempts to write.

  • optimizeOptions?: OptimizeOptions

    @since 2.16.48

    Whiteboard drawing performance optimization options. See OptimizeOptions


Level: "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error"

The output log level.



The log level follows the sequence of error, warn, info, and debug. When choosing a level, you can also see the logs preceding that level. For example, if you set the log level to info, the SDK outputs the logs within levels errorwarn,and info.

  • error: Logs at this level mainly report the errors that cause the SDK to fail to complete a task.
  • warn: Logs at this level mainly report the issues that the SDK has encountered but automatically solved. If you call a deprecated method, the SDK does not send warning messages.
  • info: Logs at this level mainly provide information on SDK connection states.
  • debug: Set your log level as debug if you want to get the most complete log file. At present, logs at the debug level have the same information as those at the info level.


LoggerOptions: { printLevelMask?: Level; reportDebugLogMode?: LoggerReportMode; reportLevelMask?: Level; reportQualityMode?: LoggerReportMode }

Log configuration.

Type declaration

  • Optional printLevelMask?: Level

    The log printing level of the SDK. See Level. The default level is info.

  • Optional reportDebugLogMode?: LoggerReportMode

    The mode for the SDK to report logs at the debug level.

  • Optional reportLevelMask?: Level

    The log reporting level of the SDK. See Level.

  • Optional reportQualityMode?: LoggerReportMode

    The mode of the SDK to report connection quality data.


MagixEventListenerOptions: { fireInterval?: number; fireSelfEventAfterCommit?: boolean }

Options for setting a custom event listener.



Type declaration

  • Optional fireInterval?: number

    The interval (ms) of the SDK triggering custom event callbacks. The default value is 500. The value must be equal to or greater than 500.

    The SDK triggers the custom event callbacks based on the set value of this parameter.

  • Optional fireSelfEventAfterCommit?: boolean

    Sets whether to send event callbacks after the Agora server acknowledges the dispatchMagixEvent method call is successful:

    • true: Send the event callbacks immediately after the dispatchMagixEvent method call.
    • false: (Default) Send the event callbacks after the Agora server acknowledges the dispatchMagixEvent method call is successful.


Margin: { bottom: number; left: number; right: number; top: number }

Margin configuration.

Type declaration

  • bottom: number

    The bottom margin in pixels.

  • left: number

    The left margin in pixels.

  • right: number

    The right margin in pixels.

  • top: number

    The top margin in pixels.


MediaType: "video" | "audio"

The type of the media file:

  • video: A video file.
  • audio: An audio file.


MemberInformation: { id: number; payload: any; session: string }

Customized user information.


Use userPayload in JoinRoomParams instead.

Type declaration

  • id: number
  • payload: any
  • session: string


MemberState: { arrowCompleteToSelector?: boolean; bold?: boolean; currentApplianceName: ApplianceNames; dottedLine?: boolean; ellipseCompleteToSelector?: boolean; fillColor?: Color; italic?: boolean; lineThrough?: boolean; rectangleCompleteToSelector?: boolean; shapeCompleteToSelector?: boolean; shapeType?: ShapeType; straightCompleteToSelector?: boolean; strokeColor: Color; strokeWidth: number; textCanSelectText?: boolean; textColor?: Color; textCompleteToSelector?: boolean; textSize: number; textSizeOverride?: number; underline?: boolean }

The state of the whiteboard tool in a live Interactive Whiteboard room.

Type declaration

  • Optional arrowCompleteToSelector?: boolean

    Whether to automatically switch to the selection tool after drawing an arrow:

    • true: Automatically switch.
    • false: (Default) Do not automatically switch.
  • Optional bold?: boolean

    Whether to bold the text:

    • true: Bold the text.
    • false: (Default) Do not bold the text.
  • currentApplianceName: ApplianceNames

    The name of the whiteboard tool currently in use. See ApplianceNames.

  • Optional dottedLine?: boolean

    Whether to support drawing dotted lines:

    • true: Support drawing dotted lines.
    • false: (Default) Do not support drawing dotted lines.
  • Optional ellipseCompleteToSelector?: boolean

    Whether to automatically switch to the selection tool after drawing a circle:

    • true: Automatically switch.
    • false: (Default) Do not automatically switch.
  • Optional fillColor?: Color

    Sets the fill color of the graphic element. Only applicable to closed shapes such as circles and rectangles.

  • Optional italic?: boolean

    Whether to italicize the text:

    • true: Italicize the text.
    • false: (Default) Do not italicize the text.
  • Optional lineThrough?: boolean

    Whether to apply strikethrough formatting to the text:

    • true: Apply strikethrough formatting.
    • false: (Default) Do not apply strikethrough formatting.
  • Optional rectangleCompleteToSelector?: boolean

    Whether to automatically switch to the selection tool after drawing a rectangle:

    • true: Automatically switch.
    • false: (Default) Do not automatically switch.
  • Optional shapeCompleteToSelector?: boolean

    Whether to automatically switch to the selection tool after drawing a triangle, speech balloon, or other shapes:

    • true: Automatically switch.
    • false: (Default) Do not automatically switch.
  • Optional shapeType?: ShapeType

    The shape type.

  • Optional straightCompleteToSelector?: boolean

    Whether to automatically switch to the selection tool after drawing a straight line:

    • true: Automatically switch.
    • false: (Default) Do not automatically switch.
  • strokeColor: Color

    The stroke color in RGB format. For example, [0, 0, 255] represents blue.

  • strokeWidth: number

    The stroke width.

  • Optional textCanSelectText?: boolean

    Whether to allow directly selecting and editing whiteboard text:

    • true: Allow directly selecting and editing whiteboard text.
    • false: (Default) Do not allow directly selecting and editing whiteboard text.
  • Optional textColor?: Color

    The stroke color in RGB format. For example, [0, 0, 255] represents blue.

  • Optional textCompleteToSelector?: boolean

    Whether to automatically switch to the selection tool after typing with the text tool:

    • true: Automatically switch.
    • false: (Default) Do not automatically switch.
  • textSize: number

    The font size of the text. The Chrome browser automatically adjusts fonts smaller than 12 to 12.

  • Optional textSizeOverride?: number

    Sets the default font size for the text tool. If not set, the default is to use textSize, which is the last set text size.

  • Optional underline?: boolean

    Whether to underline the text:

    • true: Underline the text.
    • false: (Default) Do not underline the text.


NativeEvent: MouseEvent | WheelEvent | KeyboardEvent | TouchEvent

Browser events.


PPT: { height: number; kind: PPTKind; scenes: ReadonlyArray<SceneDefinition>; uuid: string; width: number }

Description of the image or dynamic PPT slide output by file conversion.

Type declaration

  • height: number

    The height of the image or dynamic PPT slide.

  • kind: PPTKind

    The type of the file-conversion task.

  • scenes: ReadonlyArray<SceneDefinition>

    The list of scenes related to the image or dynamic PPT slide.

  • uuid: string

    The unique identifier (UUID) of the file-conversion task.

  • width: number

    The width of the image or dynamic PPT slide.


PPTTaskCallbacks: { onProgressUpdated: (progress: PPTTaskProgress) => void; onTaskFail: (error: Error) => void; onTaskSuccess: (result: PPT) => void }

The callbacks for the file-conversion task.

Type declaration

  • onProgressUpdated: (progress: PPTTaskProgress) => void
      • Occurs when the conversion progress is updated.


        Returns void

  • onTaskFail: (error: Error) => void
      • (error: Error): void
      • Occurs when the task fails.


        • error: Error

          The error message.

        Returns void

  • onTaskSuccess: (result: PPT) => void
      • (result: PPT): void
      • Occurs when the task succeeds.


        • result: PPT

          The image or dynamic PPT slide output by the task. See PPT.

        Returns void


PPTTaskParams: { callbacks?: PPTTaskCallbacks; checkProgressInterval?: number; checkProgressTimeout?: number; kind: PPTKind; region?: string; taskToken: string; uuid: string }

The parameters of the PPTTask object.

Type declaration

  • Optional callbacks?: PPTTaskCallbacks

    The callbacks for the file-conversion task.

  • Optional checkProgressInterval?: number

    The time interval (ms) to automatically query the state of the file-conversion task.

  • Optional checkProgressTimeout?: number

    The timeout (ms) of the automatic query.

  • kind: PPTKind

    The type of the file-conversion task.

  • Optional region?: string

    The data center that processes the file-conversion task. The following values are supported:

    region Data center Service area
    us-sv Silicon Valley, United States North America and South America
    sg Singapore Singapore, East Asia, and Southeast Asia
    in-mum Mumbai, India India
    eu Frankfurt, Europe Europe
    cn-hz Hangzhou, China Areas not covered by other data centers
  • taskToken: string

    The Task Token for authentication of the file-conversion task.

  • uuid: string

    The unique identifier (UUID) of the file-conversion task.


PPTTaskProgress: { convertedPageSize: number; convertedPercentage: number; currentStep?: PPTTaskStep; status: PPTTaskStatus; totalPageSize: number }

The progress details of the file-conversion task.

Type declaration

  • convertedPageSize: number

    The number of pages converted.

  • convertedPercentage: number

    The conversion progress (in percentage).

  • Optional currentStep?: PPTTaskStep

    The current step of the file-conversion task.



  • status: PPTTaskStatus

    The state of the file-conversion task.

  • totalPageSize: number

    The total number of pages to be converted.


PencilOptions: { disableBezier: boolean; enableDrawPoint: boolean; sparseHump: number; sparseWidth: number }

Type declaration

  • disableBezier: boolean

    Whether to disable the Bézier curve optimization:

    • true: Disable.
    • false: (Default) Enable.
  • enableDrawPoint: boolean

    Whether to enable the pen tool (pencil) to draw a point:

    • true: Enable the pen tool to draw a point.
    • false:(Default) Disable the pen tool from drawing a point. In this case, clicking on the whiteboard with the pen tool does not draw a point on the screen.


    This parameter takes effect only when disableNewPencil is set to false.

  • sparseHump: number
  • sparseWidth: number


Plugin<C, T>: { defaultAttributes?: T; hitTest?: (plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>, x: number, y: number, selectorRadius: number) => boolean; kind?: string; render: ComponentType<PluginProps<C, T>>; willInterruptEvent?: (plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>, event: NativeEvent) => boolean }

Description of component plugins.

Agora supports two kinds of custom plugins: component plugins and invisible plugins.

Type parameters

  • C

  • T

Type declaration

  • Optional defaultAttributes?: T

    Default attributes.

  • Optional hitTest?: (plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>, x: number, y: number, selectorRadius: number) => boolean
      • (plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>, x: number, y: number, selectorRadius: number): boolean
      • Hit test, which you can use to define the selectable area of the component plugin for the selection tool.


        • plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>

          The component plugin object.

        • x: number

          The X coordinate of the center of the selectable area.

        • y: number

          The Y coordinate of the center of the selectable area.

        • selectorRadius: number

          The radius of the selectable area.

        Returns boolean

        The result of the hit test:

        • true: The hit test succeeds.
        • false: The hit test fails.
  • Optional kind?: string

    The type of the component plugin, which is the unique identifier of the plugin.

  • render: ComponentType<PluginProps<C, T>>

    The style of the component plugin.

  • Optional willInterruptEvent?: (plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>, event: NativeEvent) => boolean
      • Determines whether to interrupt the native events of the component plugin.


        Returns boolean

        Whether to interrupt the native events of the component plugin:

        • true: Interrupt the native events.
        • false: Do not interrupt the native events.


PluginDescription<A>: { attributes?: A; height?: number; originX?: number; originY?: number; selectable?: boolean; width?: number }

Description of component plugin objects.

Type parameters

  • A

Type declaration

  • Optional attributes?: A

    The attributes of the component plugin object.

  • Optional height?: number

    The height of the component plugin object.

  • Optional originX?: number

    The X coordinate of the upper left corner of the component plugin object in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

  • Optional originY?: number

    The Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the component plugin object in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

  • Optional selectable?: boolean

    Whether the component plugin object can be selected:

    • true: The component plugin object can be selected.
    • false: The component plugin object cannot be selected.
  • Optional width?: number

    The width of the component plugin object.


PluginProps<C, T>: { margin: Margin; origin: Point; plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>; scale: number; size: Size }

Style configuration of the component plugin.

Type parameters

  • C

  • T

Type declaration

  • margin: Margin

    The space around the component plugin icon.

  • origin: Point

    The coordinates of the center of the component plugin icon in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

  • plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>

    The component plugin object.

  • scale: number

    The scale factor of the component plugin icon.

  • size: Size

    The size of the component plugin icon.


Point: { x: number; y: number }

Coordinates of a point in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

Type declaration

  • x: number

    The X coordinate of the point in the world coordinate system.

  • y: number

    The Y coordinate of the point in the world coordinate system.


PptDescription: { height: number; previewURL?: string; src: string; width: number }

Description of the image or dynamic PPT slide.

To present the image or dynamic PPT slide on the whiteboard scene, you can configure PptDescription when initializing a WhiteScene object .

The following formats are supported:

  • Static images in PNG, JPG/JPEG, and WEBP formats, or PNG, JPG/JPEG, and WEBP images which are converted from PPT, PPTX, DOC, DOCX, and PDF files.
  • Dynamic PPT slides which are converted from PPTX files using the Agora file conversion service.


  • You can insert only one image or dynamic PPT slide on a whiteboard scene.
  • The image or dynamic PPT slide displayed on the whiteboard scene takes the origin of the world coordinate system as the center and cannot be changed, which means you cannot change the position of the image or dynamic PPT slide inside the whiteboard.

Type declaration

  • height: number

    The height (px) of the image or dynamic PPT slide.

  • Optional previewURL?: string

    The URL address of the preview image for the image or dynamic PPT slide. You can get the URL address of the dynamic PPT preview in the preview field in the query result of the file conversion task. For example, "https://docs-test-xxx.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/dynamicConvert/2fdxxxxx67e/preview/1.png".

  • src: string

    The address of the image or dynamic PPT slide. The supported formats are as follows:

    • For image: The URL address, which can be generated by yourself or by using the Agora file conversion service. For example, "https://docs-test-xxx.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/staticConvert/2fdxxxxx67e/1.jpeg".
    • For dynamic PPT slide: The URI address, which is generated by using the Agora file conversion service. For example, "pptx://cover.herewhite.com/dynamicConvert/6a212c90fa5311ea8b9c074232aaccd4/1.slide".
  • width: number

    The width (px) of the image or dynamic PPT slide.


PptParams: { rtcClient?: RTCClient; useServerWrap?: boolean }

Configurations for dynamic PPT files.

Type declaration

  • Optional rtcClient?: RTCClient

    The AgoraRTCClient class in the Agora RTC SDK. See RTCClient.

  • Optional useServerWrap?: boolean

    Whether to enable server-side typesetting for dynamic PPT slides.



    As of February 10, 2021, when converting dynamic PPT slides to HTML web pages, the Agora Interactive Whiteboard server supports typesetting the dynamic PPT slides to ensure the presentation of the text in the dynamic PPT slides is consistent across platforms.


    From 2.12.18, the default value of useServerWrap is changed from false to true.

    • true: (Default) Enable server-side typesetting.
    • false: Disable server-side typesetting.


PreviewConfig: { international?: International }

Configurations of the PPT preview page.

Type declaration


Progress: { convertedFileList: ConvertedFile[]; convertedPageSize: number; convertedPercentage: number; currentStep?: CurrentStep; totalPageSize: number }

Details about the file-conversion progress.

Type declaration

  • convertedFileList: ConvertedFile[]

    The generated file.

  • convertedPageSize: number

    The number of pages converted.

  • convertedPercentage: number

    The conversion progress (in percentage).

  • Optional currentStep?: CurrentStep

    The current step of the file-conversion task.

  • totalPageSize: number

    The total number of pages to be converted.


RTCClient: { adjustAudioMixingPlayoutVolume?: (volume: number) => number; adjustAudioMixingPublishVolume?: (volume: number) => number; adjustAudioMixingVolume?: (volume: number) => number; getAudioMixingCurrentPosition?: () => number; getAudioMixingDuration?: () => number; getAudioMixingPlayoutVolume?: () => number; getAudioMixingPublishVolume?: () => number; pauseAudioMixing: () => number; resumeAudioMixing: () => number; setAudioMixingPosition: (position: number) => number; startAudioMixing: (filePath: string, loopback: boolean, replace: boolean, cycle: number, callback?: (state: number, errorCode: number) => void) => number; stopAudioMixing: (callback?: (state: number, errorCode: number) => void) => number }

AgoraRTCClient is used for bridging the audio mixing method of the Agora RTC SDK and the Interactive Whiteboard SDK.

When you use the Agora RTC SDK and Interactive Whiteboard SDK at the same time, and the dynamic PPT slides displayed in the whiteboard contain audio files, you may encounter the issues of low volume and/or echoes when playing the audio in the PPT slides.

To solve these issues, you can use the AgoraRTCClient type to call the audio mixing method of the Agora RTC SDK to play the audio files in the dynamic PPT slides.


Currently only the Agora RTC SDK for Electron is supported.

Type declaration

  • Optional adjustAudioMixingPlayoutVolume?: (volume: number) => number
      • (volume: number): number
      • Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for local playback.


        • volume: number

          Audio mixing volume for local playback. The value ranges between 0 and 100. The default is 100, indicating the original volume.

        Returns number

        • 0: Success.
        • < 0: Failure.
  • Optional adjustAudioMixingPublishVolume?: (volume: number) => number
      • (volume: number): number
      • Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for publishing (sending to other users).


        • volume: number

          Audio mixing volume for remote playback. The value ranges between 0 and 100. The default is 100, indicating the original volume.

        Returns number

        • 0: Success.
        • < 0: Failure.
  • Optional adjustAudioMixingVolume?: (volume: number) => number
      • (volume: number): number
      • Adjusts the volume of audio mixing.

        This method adjusts the audio mixing volume for both local playback and publishing (sending to other users).


        • volume: number

          Audio mixing volume. The value ranges between 0 and 100. The default is 100, indicating the original volume.

        Returns number

        • 0: Success.
        • < 0: Failure.
  • Optional getAudioMixingCurrentPosition?: () => number
      • (): number
      • Gets the playback position of the music file.

        Returns number

        • Returns the current playback position (ms), if the method call is successful.
        • < 0: Failure.
  • Optional getAudioMixingDuration?: () => number
      • (): number
      • Gets the duration of the music file played by startAudioMixing.

        Returns number

        • Returns the duration (ms), if the method call is successful.
        • < 0: Failure.
  • Optional getAudioMixingPlayoutVolume?: () => number
      • (): number
      • Gets the audio mixing volume for local playback.

        Returns number

        • Returns the audio mixing volume for local playback, if the method call is successful. The value range is [0,100].
        • < 0: Failure.
  • Optional getAudioMixingPublishVolume?: () => number
      • (): number
      • Gets the audio mixing volume for publishing.

        Returns number

        • Returns the audio mixing volume for local playback, if the method call is successful. The value range is [0,100].
        • < 0: Failure.
  • pauseAudioMixing: () => number
      • (): number
      • Pauses playing and mixing the music file.

        Returns number

        • 0: Success.
        • < 0: Failure.
  • resumeAudioMixing: () => number
      • (): number
      • Resumes playing and mixing the music file.

        Returns number

        • 0: Success.
        • < 0: Failure.
  • setAudioMixingPosition: (position: number) => number
      • (position: number): number
      • Sets the playback position of the music file to a different starting position (the default plays from the beginning).


        • position: number

          The playback starting position (ms), which must be an integer.

        Returns number

        • 0: Success.
        • < 0: Failure.
  • startAudioMixing: (filePath: string, loopback: boolean, replace: boolean, cycle: number, callback?: (state: number, errorCode: number) => void) => number
      • (filePath: string, loopback: boolean, replace: boolean, cycle: number, callback?: (state: number, errorCode: number) => void): number
      • Starts playing and mixing the music file.


        • filePath: string

          The absolute path or URL address of the music file.

        • loopback: boolean

          Whether to only play music files on the local client:

          • true: Only play music files on the local client so that only the local user can hear the music.
          • false: Publish music files to remote clients so that both the local user and remote users can hear the music.
        • replace: boolean

          Whether to replace the audio collected by the microphone with a music file:

          • true: Replace the audio. Users can only hear music.
          • false: Do not replace the audio. Users can hear both music and audio collected by the microphone.
        • cycle: number

          The number of times the music file plays.

          • ≥ 0: The number of playback times. For example, 0 means that the SDK does not play the music file, while 1 means that the SDK plays the music file once.
          • -1: Play the music in an indefinite loop.
        • Optional callback: (state: number, errorCode: number) => void

          Occurs when the SDK starts playing and mixing the music file. state: number represents the state of playing or mixing the music file. errorCode: number represents an error code.

            • (state: number, errorCode: number): void
            • Occurs when the SDK starts playing and mixing the music file. state: number represents the state of playing or mixing the music file. errorCode: number represents an error code.


              • state: number
              • errorCode: number

              Returns void

        Returns number

        • 0: Success.
        • < 0: Failure.
  • stopAudioMixing: (callback?: (state: number, errorCode: number) => void) => number
      • (callback?: (state: number, errorCode: number) => void): number
      • Stops playing or mixing the music file.


        • Optional callback: (state: number, errorCode: number) => void

          Occurs when the SDK stops playing or mixing the music file. state: number represents the state of playing or mixing the music file. errorCode: number represents an error code.

            • (state: number, errorCode: number): void
            • Occurs when the SDK stops playing or mixing the music file. state: number represents the state of playing or mixing the music file. errorCode: number represents an error code.


              • state: number
              • errorCode: number

              Returns void

        Returns number

        • 0: Success.
        • < 0: Failure.


ReconnectionOptions: { disableReconnect: boolean }

Reconnection configuration.

Type declaration

  • disableReconnect: boolean

    Whether to disable the reconnection mechanism when the user drops offline:

    • true: Disable the reconnection mechanism.
    • false: Enable the reconnection mechanism.


Rectangle: Size & { originX: number; originY: number }

View rectangle description. This type inherits Size and adds the following members:

  • originX: number

    The X coordinate of the left corner of the view rectangle in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

  • originY: number

    The Y coordinate of the left corner of the view rectangle in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).


RenderPlugin<C, T>: { defaultAttributes?: T; hitTest?: (plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>, x: number, y: number, selectorRadius: number) => boolean; kind: string; render: ComponentType<PluginProps<C, T>>; willInterruptEvent?: (plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>, event: NativeEvent) => boolean }

Rendering of the component plugin.

Type parameters

  • C

  • T

Type declaration

  • Optional defaultAttributes?: T

    The default attributes of the component plugin.

  • Optional hitTest?: (plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>, x: number, y: number, selectorRadius: number) => boolean
      • (plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>, x: number, y: number, selectorRadius: number): boolean
      • Hit test, which you can use to define the selectable area of the component plugin for the selection tool.


        • plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>

          The component plugin object.

        • x: number

          The X coordinate of the center of the selectable area.

        • y: number

          The Y coordinate of the center of the selectable area.

        • selectorRadius: number

          The radius of the selectable area.

        Returns boolean

        The result of the hit test:

        • true: The hit test succeeds.
        • false: The hit test fails.
  • kind: string

    The type of the component plugin, which is the unique identifier of the component plugin.

  • render: ComponentType<PluginProps<C, T>>

    The style of the component plugin.

  • Optional willInterruptEvent?: (plugin: PluginInstance<C, T>, event: NativeEvent) => boolean
      • Determines whether to interrupt the native events of the component plugin.


        Returns boolean

        Whether to interrupt the native events of the component plugin:

        • true: Interrupt the native events.
        • false: Do not interrupt the native events.


RoomCallbacks: DisplayerCallbacks & { onCanRedoStepsUpdate: (canRedoSteps: number) => void; onCanUndoStepsUpdate: (canUndoSteps: number) => void; onConnection: (duration: number) => void; onDisconnectWithError: (error: Error) => void; onKeyDown: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; onKeyUp: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void; onKickedWithReason: (reason: string) => void; onObjectsLimit: (limit: number, soft: boolean) => void; onPhaseChanged: (phase: RoomPhase) => void; onRoomStateChanged: (modifyState: Partial<RoomState>) => void; willInterceptKeyboardEvent: (event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean }

RoomCallbacks contains callbacks for live Interactive Whiteboard rooms. This type inherits DisplayerCallbacks and adds the following members:

  • onConnection: (duration: number)=>void

    Occurs when the room is connected, reporting that the WebSocket connection is established and ready to start initialization.


duration The time (ms) for establishing the connection to the room.

  • onPhaseChanged: (phase: RoomPhase)=>void

    Occurs when the room connection state changes.


phase The current connection state of the room. See RoomPhase.

  • onRoomStateChanged: (modifyState: Partial)=>void

    Occurs when the room state changes.

    This callback reports only the room state fields that have changed and returns null for the room state fields that have not changed.


modifyState The room state that has changed. See RoomState.

  • onDisconnectWithError: (error: Error)=>void

    Occurs when the SDK is disconnected from the server.


error The error message.

  • onObjectsLimit: (limit: number, soft: boolean)=>void

    Occurs when the number of elements in the whiteboard exceeds the limit.


limit The limit of the number of elements in the whiteboard.


soft Whether it is a soft limit: - true: Soft limit. When the number of elements in the whiteboard exceeds the limit, the SDK will issue a warning, but the whiteboard elements can still be inserted. - false: Hard limit. When the number of elements in the whiteboard exceeds the limit, the SDK will issue a warning, the current element addition operation is invalid, the room state will be rolled back to before the operation, and the backend will kick the user who performs the operation out of the channel.

  • onKickedWithReason: (reason: string)=>void

    Occurs when the local user is removed from the live Interactive Whiteboard room.


reason The reason why the user is removed from the room.

reason Description
kickByAdmin The user is removed by the admin.
roomDelete The room is deleted.
roomZombie The room is not active.
roomBan The room is disabled.
GatewayAdjust The gateway is adjusted.
replaceByOther The user is replaced by another user.
crash The server crashes.
  • onCanUndoStepsUpdate: (canUndoSteps: number)=>void

    Occurs when the number of undoable actions changes.

    The SDK triggers this callback every time the local user calls undo and reports the number of remaining undoable actions.


canUndoSteps The number of remaining undoable actions.

  • onCanRedoStepsUpdate: (canRedoSteps: number)=>void

    Occurs when the number of redoable actions changes.

    The SDK triggers this callback every time the local user calls redo and reports the number of remaining redoable actions.


canRedoSteps The number of remaining redoable actions.

  • willInterceptKeyboardEvent: (event: KeyboardEvent)=>boolean

    Whether to intercept the keyboard event for which you have set a listener:

    • true: Intercept the keyboard event, which implies that the event does not trigger the callback.
    • false: Do not intercept the keyboard event.
  • onKeyDown: (event: KeyboardEvent)=>void

    Occurs when a key is pressed.

  • onKeyUp: (event: KeyboardEvent)=>void

    Occurs when a key is released.


RoomMember: { memberId: number; memberState: MemberState; payload: UserPayload; session: string }

Information of the users in interactive mode in the live Interactive Whiteboard room.

Type declaration

  • memberId: number

    The member ID of the user.

    When a user joins the live Interactive Whiteboard room in interactive mode, the SDK assigns a unique member ID for the user.

  • memberState: MemberState

    The state of the whiteboard tool currently in use by the user. See MemberState.

  • payload: UserPayload

    The customized user information, which is passed in when the user joins the room. See UserPayload.



  • session: string

    The session ID.


RoomState: DisplayerState & { broadcastState: Readonly<BroadcastState>; memberState: MemberState }

All states of a live Interactive Whiteboard room. This type inherits DisplayerState and adds the following members:

  • memberState: MemberState

    The state of the whiteboard tool currently in use. See MemberState.

  • broadcastState: Readonly

    The current state of the view.


SceneDefinition: { name?: string; ppt?: PptDescription }

Definition of a scene.

Type declaration

  • Optional name?: string

    The name of the scene.

  • Optional ppt?: PptDescription

    The image or dynamic PPT slide to be displayed in the scene.

    A scene can display one image or dynamic PPT slide. You can set the width, height, URL address, and preview of the image or dynamic PPT slide in PptDescription.


SceneMap: {}

List of scenes.

Type declaration

  • [dirPath: string]: WhiteScene[]

    The list of scenes under a scene directory.


SceneState: { contextPath: string; index: number; sceneName: string; scenePath: string; scenes: ReadonlyArray<WhiteScene> }

The scene state.

Type declaration

  • contextPath: string

    The path of the current scene directory.



  • index: number

    The index of the current scene under its scene directory.

  • sceneName: string

    The name of the current scene.



  • scenePath: string

    The path of the current scene.

  • scenes: ReadonlyArray<WhiteScene>

    The list of scenes under the current scene directory.


ScenesCallbacks: { onAddScene: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, name: string) => void; onAddSceneGroup: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, name: string) => void; onRemoveScene: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, name: string) => void; onRemoveSceneGroup: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, name: string) => void; onScenesCountUpdate: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, scenesCount: number) => void; onScenesGroupCountUpdate: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, sceneGroupsCount: number) => void }

Scene callbacks.

Type declaration

  • onAddScene: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, name: string) => void

    Occurs when a new scene is added to the specified scene directory.


    The information about the scene directory. See ScenesCallbacksNode.


    The name of the new scene.

  • onAddSceneGroup: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, name: string) => void

    Occurs when a new subdirectory is added to the specified scene directory.


    The information about the scene directory. See ScenesCallbacksNode.


    The name of the new subdirectory.

  • onRemoveScene: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, name: string) => void

    Occurs when a scene is deleted from the specified scene directory.


    The information about the scene directory. See ScenesCallbacksNode.


    The name of the deleted scene.

  • onRemoveSceneGroup: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, name: string) => void

    Occurs when a subdirectory is deleted from the specified scene directory.


    The information about the scene directory. See ScenesCallbacksNode.


    The name of the deleted subdirectory.

  • onScenesCountUpdate: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, scenesCount: number) => void

    Occurs when the number of scenes under the specified scene directory changes.


    The information about the scene directory. See ScenesCallbacksNode.


    The current number of scenes under the specified scene directory.

  • onScenesGroupCountUpdate: (scenesCallbacks: ScenesCallbacksNode, sceneGroupsCount: number) => void

    Occurs when the number of subdirectories under the specified scene directory changes.


    The information about the scene directory. See ScenesCallbacksNode.


    The current number of subdirectories under the specified scene directory.


Size: { height: number; width: number }

Size description.

Type declaration

  • height: number

    The height of the object.

  • width: number

    The width of the object.


TextFormat: { bold?: boolean; color?: Color; fontSize?: number; italic?: boolean; lineThrough?: boolean; underline?: boolean }

The text format.

Type declaration

  • Optional bold?: boolean

    Whether to bold the text:

    • true: Bold the text.
    • false: (Default) Do not bold the text.
  • Optional color?: Color

    The stroke color in RGB format. For example, [0, 0, 255] represents blue.

  • Optional fontSize?: number

    The font size. The value must be greater than 0.

  • Optional italic?: boolean

    Whether to italicize the text:

    • true: Italicize the text.
    • false: (Default) Do not italicize the text.
  • Optional lineThrough?: boolean

    Whether to apply strikethrough formatting to the text:

    • true: Apply strikethrough formatting.
    • false: (Default) Do not apply strikethrough formatting.
  • Optional underline?: boolean

    Whether to underline the text:

    • true: Underline the text.
    • false: (Default) Do not underline the text.


UserCursorIcons: {}

Custom icons.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: ReadonlyArray<string>


UserFonts: {}

Custom fonts.

Type declaration

  • [font: string]: string

    Custom fonts in key-value pairs. The key is the font name and the value is the URL address of the font file. For example, "Calibri": "https://your-cdn.com /Calibri.ttf".


UserPayload: {} & { uid: string }

Customized user information.

  • [key: string]: any

    The customized user information in key-value pairs. For example, "avatar", "https://example.com/user.png".

  • uid: string

    The unique identifier of a user in a string format. The maximum length is 1024 bytes.

    Ensure that the uid of each user in the same room is unique.




WhiteScene: { name: string; ppt?: PptDescription }

Whiteboard scene.

Type declaration

  • name: string

    The scene name.

  • Optional ppt?: PptDescription

    The image or dynamic PPT slide to be displayed in the scene. A scene can display one image or dynamic PPT slide. You can set the width, height, URL address, and preview of the image or dynamic PPT slide in PptDescription.


WhiteWebSdkConfiguration: { appIdentifier: string; deviceType?: DeviceType; disableCurveAnimes?: boolean; disableNewPencilStroke?: boolean; disableRotation?: boolean; fontFamily?: string; fonts?: UserFonts; handToolKey?: string; invisiblePlugins?: ReadonlyArray<InvisiblePluginClass<string, any, any>>; loggerOptions?: LoggerOptions; onWhiteSetupFailed?: (error: Error) => void; onlyCallbackRemoteStateModify?: boolean; plugins?: Plugins; pptParams?: PptParams; preloadDynamicPPT?: boolean; reconnectionOptions?: Partial<ReconnectionOptions> | false; region?: string; renderEngine?: RenderEngine; screenType?: ScreenType; urlInterrupter?: (url: string) => string; useMobXState?: boolean; wrappedComponents?: WrappedComponents }

Configuration for the WhiteWebSdk object.


After the WhiteWebSdk object is initialized, you cannot call any method in WhiteWebSdkConfiguration to modify the configuration of the WhiteWebSdk object.

Type declaration

  • appIdentifier: string

    The unique app identifier issued to your Interactive Whiteboard project by Agora. See Get security credentials for your whiteboard project.

  • Optional deviceType?: DeviceType

    The device type, which determines how the SDK handles mouse and touch events.

    If you pass in an incorrect value, the SDK may not respond to the device inputs as expected. If you do not pass in a value, the SDK determines the device type using its internal logic.

  • Optional disableCurveAnimes?: boolean

    Sets whether to disable tween animation for the new pencil:

    • true: Disable tween animation. This can decrease latency, but cause freezes in the writing or drawing process seen by remote users.
    • false: (Default) Enable tween animation. This allows the SDK to automatically insert frames between keyframes when a user draws or writes with the pencil, so that remote users see a smoother drawing process, but this increases latency.

    This property takes effect only when disableNewPencil is set as false.

  • Optional disableNewPencilStroke?: boolean

    Sets whether to disable the stroke effect of the new pencil:

    • true: Disable the stroke effect.
    • false: (Default) Enable the stroke effect.

    This property takes effect only when disableNewPencil is set as false.

  • Optional disableRotation?: boolean

    Sets whether to disable image rotation:

    • true: Enable image rotation.This allows users to rotate a selected image by any angle.
    • false: (Default) Disable image rotation.
  • Optional fontFamily?: string

    The font of the characters entered by the text tool (currentApplianceName="text"). If you do not set this property, the SDK uses the default font of the browser.

  • Optional fonts?: UserFonts

    Custom fonts.

    To display unconventional fonts in dynamic PPT slides, you need to upload the font file to your app server or a third-party cloud storage and generate a URL address, then pass the URL address to this property when initializing the WhiteWebSdk object.

  • Optional handToolKey?: string

    The hotkey for the hand tool.

    When you press the hotkey, the whiteboard tool automatically switches to the hand tool (currentApplianceName="hand"). Once you release the key, the whiteboard tool switches back to your original tool in use. If you do not set this property, the hotkey switch function is disabled.

  • Optional invisiblePlugins?: ReadonlyArray<InvisiblePluginClass<string, any, any>>

    Invisible plugins.

  • Optional loggerOptions?: LoggerOptions

    SDK log configuration. See LoggerOptions.

  • Optional onWhiteSetupFailed?: (error: Error) => void
      • (error: Error): void
      • Occurs when the WhiteWebSdk object fails to initialize.

        const whiteWebSdk = new WhiteWebSdk({
            appIdentifier: "$APP_IDENTIFIER",
            onWhiteSetupFailed: function(error) {

        This callback only reports network and authentication errors. If you pass in incorrect parameters, an error message occurs when calling new WhiteWebSdk({...}).


        • error: Error

          An error message.

        Returns void

  • Optional onlyCallbackRemoteStateModify?: boolean

    Whether to receive only callbacks of remote user state changes.

    • true: (Default) The local user receives only callbacks of remote user state changes and does not receive callbacks of their own state changes.
    • false: The local user receives callbacks of remote user state changes as well as callbacks of their own state changes.
  • Optional plugins?: Plugins

    Component plugins.

  • Optional pptParams?: PptParams

    Configuration for dynamic PPT files. See PptParams.

  • Optional preloadDynamicPPT?: boolean

    Whether to preload all image resources in dynamic PPT slides when loading the homepage of the slides.

    • true: Preload all image resources in dynamic PPT slides when loading the homepage of the slides.
    • false: (Default) Do not preload all image resources in dynamic PPT slides when loading the homepage of the slides.


    Agora does not recommend setting preloadDynamicPPT(true), because the setting slows down the PPT display.

  • Optional reconnectionOptions?: Partial<ReconnectionOptions> | false

    Reconnection configuration. The reconnection mechanism is enabled by default.

    To disable the reconnection mechanism, set reconnectionOptions as false or disableReconnect as true.

  • Optional region?: string

    The data center, which supports the following values:

    region Data center Service area
    us-sv Silicon Valley, United States North America and South America
    sg Singapore Singapore, East Asia, and Southeast Asia
    in-mum Mumbai, India India
    eu Frankfurt, Europe Europe
    cn-hz Hangzhou, China Areas not covered by other data centers


    This property must has the same value as the data center you set when creating the room; otherwise, the SDK fails to connect to the room.

  • Optional renderEngine?: RenderEngine

    Rendering modes for drawings on the whiteboard. The default is Canvas.

  • Optional screenType?: ScreenType

    The user's screen type, which is used to adjust parameters for gesture recognition. The default is Desktop.

  • Optional urlInterrupter?: (url: string) => string
      • (url: string): string
      • Intercepts the URL address of a resource on the whiteboard (for example, an image) and replaces it.

        For example, you can use the following code to add a suffix for the URL addresses of all images in the return value:

        const whiteWebSdk = new WhiteWebSdk({
            appIdentifier: "$APP_IDENTIFIER",
            urlInterrupter: function(url) {
                return url + "?token=bm1n4pisugWrWK";


        • url: string

          The original URL address of the resource.

        Returns string

        The new URL address.

  • Optional useMobXState?: boolean

    Whether to use MobX to listen for displayer.state:

    • true: Use MobX to listen for displayer.state, which turns displayer.state into a MobX observable object. See Creating observable state.
    • false: Do not use MobX to listen for displayer.state.
  • Optional wrappedComponents?: WrappedComponents

    An array of React.ComponentType objects, which is used to package the whiteboard view. The default value is [].

    Refer to the following code to package the whiteboard view:

    import React from "react";
    class WrappedComponent extends React.Component {
        render() {
            return (
                    <span>hello world</span>
    const whiteWebSdk = new WhiteWebSdk({
        appIdentifier: "$APP_IDENTIFIER",
        wrappedComponents: [WrappedComponent],


WorldViewRectangle: { height: number; originX: number; originY: number; width: number }

Configurations for the view rectangle.

The view rectangle defines a rectangle area which the view must cover. After you set a view rectangle, the SDK automatically adjusts the view to fully contain the rectangle area, so as to ensure contents within the rectangle area are completely displayed.

You can set a rectangle according to the size of the PPT slide or image to be displayed, to ensure the same content is displayed completely on screens of different sizes.

Type declaration

  • height: number

    The height of the view rectangle.

    Do not set this property to a value smaller than the height of the area you want to display; otherwise, the user may not see the area completely.

  • originX: number

    The X coordinate of the top left corner of the view rectangle in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

  • originY: number

    The Y coordinate of the top left corner of the view rectangle in the world coordinate system (taking the center of the initial whiteboard as the origin).

  • width: number

    The width of the view rectangle.

    Do not set this property to a value smaller than the width of the area you want to display; otherwise, the user may not see the area completely.


WrappedComponents: ReadonlyArray<ComponentType<{}>>

An array of React.ComponentType objects, which is used to package the whiteboard view. The default value is [].


Const AdminObserverId

AdminObserverId: number

The user ID of the event trigger.

Const AkkoVersion

AkkoVersion: any

The version of Akko.

Const DefaultHotKeys

DefaultHotKeys: Partial<HotKeys>

The default hotkeys.

Keys Action
Backspace or Delete Delete the selected object
Shift Resize proportionately
Ctrl + Z or Command + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y or Command + Y Redo
Ctrl + C or Command + C Copy
Ctrl + V or Command + V Paste

Const DisplayerConsumer

DisplayerConsumer: Consumer<Displayer>

The Consumer for a Displayer object.

Const RoomConsumer

RoomConsumer: Consumer<Room | undefined>

The Consumer for a Room object.

Const WhiteVersion

WhiteVersion: string

The version of the current SDK in the string format. For example, "2.12.11".



  • Resizes the viewable area proportionately until its shorter sides meet with the screen sides perpendicular to them, so that the viewable area completely covers the screen.

    Returns ContentMode

    The actual scale factor.


  • contentModeAspectFillScale(scale: number): ContentMode
  • Resizes the viewable area proportionately until its shorter sides meet with the screen sides perpendicular to them, so that the viewable area completely covers the screen. Then, resizes the viewable area by the specified scale factor.


    • scale: number

      The specified scale factor.

    Returns ContentMode

    The actual scale factor.


  • Resizes the viewable area proportionately until its longer sides meet with the screen sides perpendicular to them, so that the viewable area is completely displayed on the screen.

    Returns ContentMode

    The actual scale factor.


  • contentModeAspectFitScale(scale: number): ContentMode
  • Resizes the viewable area proportionately until its longer sides meet with the screen sides perpendicular to them, so that the viewable area is completely displayed on the screen. Then, resizes the viewable area by the specified scale factor.


    • scale: number

      The specified scale factor.

    Returns ContentMode

    The actual scale factor.


  • contentModeAspectFitSpace(space: number): ContentMode
  • Resizes the viewable area proportionately until its longer sides meet with the screen sides perpendicular to them, so that the viewable area is completely displayed on the screen. Then, adds the specified spaces around the viewable area.


    • space: number

      The specified spaces in pixels.

    Returns ContentMode

    The actual scale factor.


  • Resizes the viewable area by the specified scale factor.


    • scale: number

      The specified scale factor.

    Returns ContentMode

    The actual scale factor.


  • Creates a PPTTask object.

    After the app server starts a file-conversion task, the app client can create a PPTTask object by calling this function and passing in the Task Token and Task UUID obtained from the app server. You can get the progress and result of the file-conversion task through the callbacks for the PPTTask object.


    Returns PPTTask

    The created PPTTask object.


  • createPlugins<C_MAP>(plugins: Readonly<{}>): Plugins<C_MAP>
  • Creates a plugin.

    Type parameters

    • C_MAP: Object


    • plugins: Readonly<{}>

      The plugin to be created.

    Returns Plugins<C_MAP>



  • Determines whether the Displayer object is a Room object.


    Returns boolean

    Whether the Displayer object is a Room object:

    • true: The Displayer object is a Room object.
    • false: The Displayer object is not a Room object.


  • Previews the PowerPoint (PPT) file.

    This function creates a new page for PPT preview, which is separate from the whiteboard page.




    • conversionResponse: ConversionResponse

      The response for querying the progress of PPT file conversion. See ConversionResponse.

    • container: HTMLDivElement

      An empty HTML container.

    • Optional config: PreviewConfig

      Configurations of the preview page. See PreviewConfig.

    • Optional preload: boolean

      Whether to request the resources of the next slide in advance:

      • true: Request the resources of the next slide in advance. In this case, the response is saved using the browser cache.
      • false: Do not request the resources of the next slide in advance.
    • Optional userFonts: UserFonts

      Custom fonts. See UserFonts.

    • Optional logger: Logger

      PPT preview logs. Reserved for future use.

    • Optional pptPrams: PptParams

      Other parameters related to PPT preview. See PptParams.

    • Optional events: EventEmitter


    Returns EventEmitter

    The EventEmitter object.
