The push configuration class.

For Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), see {@url}. For the Apple Push Notification service (APNs), see {@url}. For platform information of React Native, see {@url}. For example: console.log('android: ext: ', Platform.OS, (Platform as any).constants); Print result:

{"Brand": "google", "Fingerprint": "google/walleye/walleye:11/RP1A.200720.009/6720564:user/release-keys", "Manufacturer": "Google", "Model": "Pixel 2", "Release": "11", "Serial": "unknown", "Version": 30, "isTesting": false, "reactNativeVersion": {"major": 0, "minor": 66, "patch": 4, "prerelease": null}, "uiMode": "normal"}


  • Constructs a push configuration object.


    • Optionalparams: {
          deviceId?: string;
          deviceToken?: string;
      • OptionaldeviceId?: string
      • OptionaldeviceToken?: string

    Returns ChatPushConfig


deviceId?: string

The device ID. For FCM, the field is the user ID of the push notification sender. For APNs, this field is the certificate name of the push service.

deviceToken?: string

The device token. The device token is indicated in the callback or method provided by the push vendor. For details, see the push SDK instructions of the respective push vendors.

manufacturer?: string

The device vendor. See Platform.constants.Manufacturer