The group options to be configured when the chat group is created.


  • Construct a group option.


    • params: {
          ext?: string;
          inviteNeedConfirm?: boolean;
          isDisabled?: boolean;
          maxCount?: number;
          style?: number;
      • Optionalext?: string
      • OptionalinviteNeedConfirm?: boolean
      • OptionalisDisabled?: boolean
      • OptionalmaxCount?: number
      • Optionalstyle?: number

    Returns ChatGroupOptions


ext?: string

The group extension information.

inviteNeedConfirm: boolean

Whether to ask for consent when inviting a user to join a group.

Whether to automatically accept the invitation to join a group depends on two settings:

There are two cases:

ChatOptions.autoAcceptGroupInvitation is an SDK-level operation. If it is set to true, the invitee automatically joins the chat group; if it is set to false, the invitee can manually accept or decline the group invitation instead of joining the group automatically.

isDisabled: boolean

Whether the group is disabled:

  • true: Yes.
  • false: No.
maxCount: number

The maximum number of members allowed in a group.

The group style.