The parameter configuration class for pulling historical messages from the server.



The message search direction, Default is ChatSearchDirection.UP.

endTs: number

The end time for message query. The time is a UNIX time stamp in milliseconds.

from?: string

The user ID of the message sender in the group conversation.

msgTypes?: ChatMessageType[]

The array of message types for query. The default value is undefined, indicating that all types of messages are retrieved.

needSave: boolean

Whether to save the retrieved messages to the database:

  • true: save to database;
  • false(Default):no save to database.
startTs: number

The start time for message query. The time is a UNIX time stamp in milliseconds. The default value is -1,indicating that this parameter is ignored during message query.If the [startTs] is set to a specific time spot and the [endTs] uses the default value -1,the SDK returns messages that are sent and received in the period that is from the start time to the current time.If the [startTs] uses the default value -1 and the [endTs] is set to a specific time spot,the SDK returns messages that are sent and received in the period that is from the timestamp of the first message to the current time.