ChatManager class

~english The chat manager class, responsible for sending and receiving messages, loading and deleting conversations, and downloading attachments.

The sample code for sending a text message:

   ChatMessage msg = ChatMessage.createTxtSendMessage(
       username: toChatUsername, content: content);
   await ChatClient.getInstance.chatManager.sendMessage(msg);


~chinese 聊天管理类,该类负责管理会话(加载,删除等)、发送消息、下载消息附件等。


   ChatMessage msg = ChatMessage.createTxtSendMessage(
       targetId: toChatUsername, content: content);
   await ChatClient.getInstance.chatManager.sendMessage(msg);





hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addEventHandler(String identifier, ChatEventHandler handler) → void
~english Adds the chat event handler. After calling this method, you can handle for chat event when they arrive.
addMessageEvent(String identifier, ChatMessageEvent event) → void
~english Adds a message status listener.
addReaction({required String messageId, required String reaction}) Future<void>
~english Adds a Reaction.
addRemoteAndLocalConversationsMark({required List<String> conversationIds, required ConversationMarkType mark}) Future<void>
~english This method marks conversations both locally and on the server.
clearEventHandlers() → void
~english Clear all chat event handlers. ~end
clearMessageEvent() → void
~english Clears all message status listeners. ~end
deleteAllMessageAndConversation({bool clearServerData = false}) Future<void>
~english Clears all conversations and all messages in them. Param clearServerData Whether to clear the server data.
deleteConversation(String conversationId, {bool deleteMessages = true}) Future<bool>
~english Deletes a conversation and its related messages from the local database.
deleteMessagesBefore(int timestamp) Future<void>
~english Deletes messages with timestamp that is before the specified one.
deleteRemoteAndLocalConversationsMark({required List<String> conversationIds, required ConversationMarkType mark}) Future<void>
~english This method unmarks conversations both locally and on the server. Param conversationIds The list of conversation IDs to unmark. Param mark The mark type. See ConversationMarkType. ~end
deleteRemoteConversation(String conversationId, {ChatConversationType conversationType = ChatConversationType.Chat, bool isDeleteMessage = true}) Future<void>
~english Deletes the specified conversation and the related historical messages from the server.
deleteRemoteMessagesBefore({required String conversationId, required ChatConversationType type, required int timestamp}) Future<void>
~english Unidirectionally removes historical message by timestamp from the server.
deleteRemoteMessagesWithIds({required String conversationId, required ChatConversationType type, required List<String> msgIds}) Future<void>
~english Unidirectionally removes historical message by message ID from the server.
downloadAttachment(ChatMessage message) Future<void>
~english Downloads the attachment files from the server.
downloadMessageAttachmentInCombine(ChatMessage message) Future<void>
~english Downloads the attachment files from the server.
downloadMessageThumbnailInCombine(ChatMessage message) Future<void>
~english Downloads the thumbnail if the message has not been downloaded before or if the download fails.
downloadThumbnail(ChatMessage message) Future<void>
~english Downloads the thumbnail if the message has not been downloaded before or if the download fails.
fetchCombineMessageDetail({required ChatMessage message}) Future<List<ChatMessage>>
~english Gets the details of a combined message.
fetchConversation({String? cursor, int pageSize = 20}) Future<ChatCursorResult<ChatConversation>>
~english Get the list of conversations from the server with pagination.
fetchConversationListFromServer({int pageNum = 1, int pageSize = 20}) Future<List<ChatConversation>>
~english Gets the list of conversations from the server.
fetchConversationsByOptions({required ConversationFetchOptions options}) Future<ChatCursorResult<ChatConversation>>
~english Fetches conversations by options. Param options The options for fetching conversations, see ConversationFetchOptions. Returns The list of conversations. Throws A description of the exception. See ChatError. ~end ~chinese 根据选项获取会话。 Param options 获取会话的选项, 详见 ConversationFetchOptions。 Returns 会话列表。 Throws 如果有异常会在这里抛出,包含错误码和错误描述,详见 ChatError。 ~end
fetchGroupAcks(String msgId, String groupId, {String? startAckId, int pageSize = 0}) Future<ChatCursorResult<ChatGroupMessageAck>>
~english Gets read receipts for group messages from the server with pagination.
fetchHistoryMessages({required String conversationId, ChatConversationType type = ChatConversationType.Chat, int pageSize = 20, ChatSearchDirection direction = ChatSearchDirection.Up, String startMsgId = ''}) Future<ChatCursorResult<ChatMessage>>
~english Gets historical messages of the conversation from the server with pagination.
fetchHistoryMessagesByOption(String conversationId, ChatConversationType type, {FetchMessageOptions? options, String? cursor, int pageSize = 50}) Future<ChatCursorResult<ChatMessage>>
~english Gets historical messages of a conversation from the server according to FetchMessageOptions.
fetchPinnedConversations({String? cursor, int pageSize = 20}) Future<ChatCursorResult<ChatConversation>>
~english Gets the list of pinned conversations from the server with pagination.
fetchPinnedMessages({required String conversationId}) Future<List<ChatMessage>>
~english Fetches pinned messages. Param conversationId The conversation ID. Returns The list of pinned messages. Throws A description of the exception. See ChatError. ~end ~chinese 获取置顶消息。 Param conversationId 会话 ID。 Returns 置顶消息列表。 Throws 如果有异常会在这里抛出,包含错误码和错误描述,详见 ChatError。 ~end
fetchReactionDetail({required String messageId, required String reaction, String? cursor, int pageSize = 20}) Future<ChatCursorResult<ChatMessageReaction>>
~english Gets the Reaction details.
fetchReactionList({required List<String> messageIds, required ChatType chatType, String? groupId}) Future<Map<String, List<ChatMessageReaction>>>
~english Gets the list of Reactions.
fetchSupportedLanguages() Future<List<ChatTranslateLanguage>>
~english Gets all languages supported by the translation service.
getConversation(String conversationId, {ChatConversationType type = ChatConversationType.Chat, bool createIfNeed = true}) Future<ChatConversation?>
~english Gets the conversation by conversation ID and conversation type.
getConversationsFromServer() Future<List<ChatConversation>>
~english Gets the conversation list from the server.
getEventHandler(String identifier) ChatEventHandler?
~english Get the chat event handler.
getThreadConversation(String threadId) Future<ChatConversation?>
~english Gets the thread conversation by thread ID.
getUnreadMessageCount() Future<int>
~english Gets the count of the unread messages.
importMessages(List<ChatMessage> messages) Future<void>
~english Imports messages to the local database.
loadAllConversations() Future<List<ChatConversation>>
~english Gets all conversations from the local database.
loadMessage(String messageId) Future<ChatMessage?>
~english Loads a message from the local database by message ID.
loadMessagesWithKeyword(String keywords, {String? sender, int timestamp = -1, int count = 20, MessageSearchScope searchScope = MessageSearchScope.All, ChatSearchDirection direction = ChatSearchDirection.Up}) Future<List<ChatMessage>>
~english Loads messages from the local database by the following parameters: keywords, timestamp, max count, sender, search direction.
markAllConversationsAsRead() Future<void>
~english Marks all messages as read.
modifyMessage({required String messageId, required ChatTextMessageBody msgBody}) Future<ChatMessage>
~english Modifies a message.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pinConversation({required String conversationId, required bool isPinned}) Future<void>
~english Sets whether to pin a conversation.
pinMessage({required String messageId}) Future<void>
~english Pins a message. Param messageId The message ID.
recallMessage(String messageId) Future<void>
~english Recalls the sent message.
removeEventHandler(String identifier) → void
~english Remove the chat event handler.
removeMessageEvent(String identifier) → void
~english Removes a message status listener.
removeReaction({required String messageId, required String reaction}) Future<void>
~english Deletes a Reaction.
reportMessage({required String messageId, required String tag, required String reason}) Future<void>
~english Reports an inappropriate message.
resendMessage(ChatMessage message) Future<ChatMessage>
~english Resends a message.
searchMsgFromDB(String keywords, {int timestamp = -1, int maxCount = 20, String from = '', ChatSearchDirection direction = ChatSearchDirection.Up}) Future<List<ChatMessage>>
~english Retrieves messages from the database according to the parameters.
sendConversationReadAck(String conversationId) Future<void>
~english Sends the conversation read receipt to the server. This method is only for one-to-one chat conversations.
sendGroupMessageReadAck(String msgId, String groupId, {String? content}) Future<void>
~english Sends the group message receipt to the server.
sendMessage(ChatMessage message) Future<ChatMessage>
~english Sends a message.
sendMessageReadAck(ChatMessage message) Future<bool>
~english Sends the read receipt to the server.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
translateMessage({required ChatMessage msg, required List<String> languages}) Future<ChatMessage>
~english Translates a text message.
unpinMessage({required String messageId}) Future<void>
~english Unpins a message. Param messageId The message ID.
updateMessage(ChatMessage message) Future<void>
~english Updates the local message.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.