inviteNeedConfirm property

bool inviteNeedConfirm

~english Whether you need the approval from the user when adding this user to the chat group.

Whether you can automatically add a user to the chat group depends on the settings of inviteNeedConfirm and ChatOptions.autoAcceptGroupInvitation.

  • If inviteNeedConfirm is set to false, you can add the invitee directly to the chat group, regardless of the settings of ChatOptions.autoAcceptGroupInvitation.
  • If inviteNeedConfirm is set to true, whether the invitee automatically joins the chat group or not depends on the settings of ChatOptions.autoAcceptGroupInvitation on the invitee's client.
    • If autoAcceptGroupInvitation is set to true, the invitee automatically joins the chat group.
    • If autoAcceptGroupInvitation is set to false, the invitee does not join the chat group until this invitee approves the group invitation.

Return Whether you need the approval from the user when adding this user to the chat group. ~end

~chinese 邀请用户进群是否需要对方同意。收到邀请是否自动入群取决于两个设置:创建群组时设置 inviteNeedConfirm 以及通过 ChatOptions.setAutoAcceptGroupInvitation 确定是否自动接受加群邀请。 具体使用如下: (1)如果 inviteNeedConfirm 设置为 'false',在服务端直接加受邀人进群, 与受邀人对 ChatOptions.setAutoAcceptGroupInvitation 的设置无关。 (2) 如果 inviteNeedConfirm 设置为 'true',是否自动入群取决于被邀请人对 ChatOptions.setAutoAcceptGroupInvitation 的设置。 ChatOptions.setAutoAcceptGroupInvitation 为 SDK 级别操作,设置为 'true' 时,受邀人收到入群邀请后,SDK 在内部调用同意入群的 API,自动接受邀请入群; 若设置为 'false',即非自动同意其邀请,用户可以选择接受邀请进群,也可选择拒绝邀请。

Return 邀请用户进群是否需要对方同意。 ~end


final bool inviteNeedConfirm;