joinPublicGroup method
- String groupId
~english Joins a public group.
For a group that requires no authentication,users can join it freely without obtaining permissions from the group owner. For a group that requires authentication, users need to wait for the group owner to agree before joining the group. For details, See ChatGroupStyle.
Param groupId
The group ID.
Throws A description of the exception. See ChatError. ~end
~chinese 当前登录用户加入公开群。
若是自由加入的公开群,直接进入群组;若公开群需验证,群主同意后才能入群。详见 ChatError。
Param groupId
群组 ID。
Throws 如果有异常会在此抛出,包括错误码和错误信息,详见 ChatError。 ~end
Future<void> joinPublicGroup(
String groupId,
) async {
Map req = {'groupId': groupId};
Map result =
await _channel.invokeMethod(ChatMethodKeys.joinPublicGroup, req);
try {
} on ChatError catch (e) {
throw e;