
Reasons for local video state changes.


0: The local video is normal.
1: No specified reason for the local video failure.
2: No permission to use the local video capturing device. Prompt the user to grant permissions and rejoin the channel.
This enumerator is deprecated. Please use CAMERA in the onPermissionError callback instead.
3: The local video capturing device is in use. Prompt the user to check if the camera is being used by another app, or try to rejoin the channel.
4: The local video capture fails. Prompt the user to check whether the video capture device is working properly, whether the camera is used by another app, or try to rejoin the channel.
5: The local video encoding fails.
6: (iOS only) The app is in the background. Prompt the user that video capture cannot be performed normally when the app is in the background.
7: (iOS only) The current app window is running in Slide Over, Split View, or Picture in Picture mode, and another app is occupying the camera. Prompt the user that the app cannot capture video properly when it is running in Slide Over, Split View, or Picture in Picture mode and another app is occupying the camera.
8: Fails to find a local video capture device. Remind the user to check whether the camera is connected to the device properly or the camera is working properly, and then to rejoin the channel.
14: (Android only) Video capture is interrupted. Possible reasons include the following:
  • The camera is being used by another app. Prompt the user to check if the camera is being used by another app.
  • The current app has been switched to the background. You can use foreground services to notify the operating system and ensure that the app can still collect video when it switches to the background.
15: (Android only) The video capture device encounters an error. Prompt the user to close and restart the camera to restore functionality. If this operation does not solve the problem, check if the camera has a hardware failure.