The custom background.
USTRUCT(BlueprintType) struct FVirtualBackgroundSource { GENERATED_BODY() public: UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Agora|VirtualBackgroundSource") EBACKGROUND_SOURCE_TYPE background_source_type = EBACKGROUND_SOURCE_TYPE::BACKGROUND_COLOR; UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Agora|VirtualBackgroundSource") int64 color = 0xffffff; UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Agora|VirtualBackgroundSource") FString source = ""; UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Agora|VirtualBackgroundSource") EBACKGROUND_BLUR_DEGREE blur_degree = EBACKGROUND_BLUR_DEGREE::BLUR_DEGREE_HIGH; FVirtualBackgroundSource(){} FVirtualBackgroundSource(const agora::rtc::VirtualBackgroundSource & AgoraData){ background_source_type = static_cast<EBACKGROUND_SOURCE_TYPE>(AgoraData.background_source_type); color = AgoraData.color; source = AgoraData.source; blur_degree = static_cast<EBACKGROUND_BLUR_DEGREE>(AgoraData.blur_degree); } agora::rtc::VirtualBackgroundSource CreateAgoraData() const { agora::rtc::VirtualBackgroundSource AgoraData; AgoraData.background_source_type = static_cast<agora::rtc::VirtualBackgroundSource::BACKGROUND_SOURCE_TYPE>(background_source_type); AgoraData.color = color; SET_UABT_FSTRING_TO_CONST_CHAR___MEMALLOC(AgoraData.source, this->source) AgoraData.blur_degree = static_cast<agora::rtc::VirtualBackgroundSource::BACKGROUND_BLUR_DEGREE>(blur_degree); return AgoraData; } void FreeAgoraData(agora::rtc::VirtualBackgroundSource& AgoraData) const { SET_UABT_FSTRING_TO_CONST_CHAR___MEMFREE(AgoraData.source) } };
- background_source_type
- The custom background. See EBACKGROUND_SOURCE_TYPE.
- color
- The type of the custom background image. The color of the custom background image. The format is a hexadecimal integer defined by RGB, without the # sign, such as 0xFFB6C1 for light pink. The default value is 0xFFFFFF, which signifies white. The value range is [0x000000, 0xffffff]. If the value is invalid, the SDK replaces the original background image with a white background image.Attention: This parameter is only applicable to custom backgrounds of the following types:
- BACKGROUND_COLOR: The background image is a solid-colored image of the color passed in by the parameter.
- BACKGROUND_IMG: If the image in source has a transparent background, the transparent background will be filled with the color passed in by the parameter.
- source
- The local absolute path of the custom background image. Supports PNG, JPG, MP4, AVI, MKV, and FLV formats. If the path is invalid, the SDK will use either the original background image or the solid color image specified by color.Attention: This parameter takes effect only when the type of the custom background image is BACKGROUND_IMG or BACKGROUND_VIDEO.
- blur_degree
- The degree of blurring applied to the custom background image. See EBACKGROUND_BLUR_DEGREE.
Attention: This parameter takes effect only when the type of the custom background image is BACKGROUND_BLUR.