
The camera capturer preference.

public class CameraCapturerConfiguration {
  public enum CAMERA_DIRECTION {

    private int value;

    private CAMERA_DIRECTION(int v) {
      value = v;

    public int getValue() {
      return this.value;


    private int value;

    private CAMERA_FOCAL_LENGTH_TYPE(int v) {
      value = v;

    public int getValue() {
      return this.value;

  public CAMERA_DIRECTION cameraDirection = null;

  public String cameraId = null;

  public CAMERA_FOCAL_LENGTH_TYPE cameraFocalLengthType = null;

  static public class CaptureFormat {
    public int width;
    public int height;
    public int fps;

    public CaptureFormat(int width, int height, int fps) {
      this.width = width;
      this.height = height;
      this.fps = fps;

    public CaptureFormat() {
      this.width = 960;
      this.height = 540;
      this.fps = 15;

    public int getHeight() {
      return height;

    public int getWidth() {
      return width;

    public int getFps() {
      return fps;

    public String toString() {
      return "CaptureFormat{"
          + "width=" + width + ", height=" + height + ", fps=" + fps + '}';

  public CaptureFormat captureFormat;

  public Boolean followEncodeDimensionRatio = null;

  public CameraCapturerConfiguration(CAMERA_DIRECTION cameraDirection) {
    this.cameraDirection = cameraDirection;
    this.captureFormat = new CaptureFormat(0, 0, 0);

  public CameraCapturerConfiguration(
      CAMERA_DIRECTION cameraDirection, CAMERA_FOCAL_LENGTH_TYPE cameraFocalLengthType) {
    this.cameraDirection = cameraDirection;
    this.cameraFocalLengthType = cameraFocalLengthType;
    this.captureFormat = new CaptureFormat(0, 0, 0);

  public CameraCapturerConfiguration(CaptureFormat captureFormat) {
    this.captureFormat = captureFormat;

  public CameraCapturerConfiguration(
      CAMERA_DIRECTION cameraDirection, CaptureFormat captureFormat) {
    this.cameraDirection = cameraDirection;
    this.captureFormat = captureFormat;

  public CameraCapturerConfiguration(CAMERA_DIRECTION cameraDirection,
      CAMERA_FOCAL_LENGTH_TYPE cameraFocalLengthType, CaptureFormat captureFormat) {
    this.cameraDirection = cameraDirection;
    this.cameraFocalLengthType = cameraFocalLengthType;
    this.captureFormat = captureFormat;

  public CAMERA_DIRECTION getCameraDirection() {
    return cameraDirection;

  public String getCameraId() {
    return cameraId;

  public CAMERA_FOCAL_LENGTH_TYPE getCameraFocalLengthType() {
    return cameraFocalLengthType;

  public CaptureFormat getCaptureFormat() {
    return captureFormat;

  public Boolean isFollowEncodeDimensionRatio() {
    return followEncodeDimensionRatio;

  public String toString() {
    return "CameraCapturerConfiguration{"
        + "cameraDirection=" + cameraDirection + ", captureDimensions=" + captureFormat
        + ", cameraId=" + cameraId + ", followEncodeDimensionRatio=" + followEncodeDimensionRatio
        + ", cameraFocalLengthType=" + cameraFocalLengthType + '}';


(Optional) The camera direction. See CAMERA_DIRECTION.
(Optional) The camera ID. The default value is the camera ID of the front camera. You can get the camera ID through the Android native system API, see and for details.
  • This parameter and cameraDirection are mutually exclusive in specifying the camera; you can choose one based on your needs. The differences are as follows:
    • Specifying the camera via cameraDirection is more straightforward. You only need to indicate the camera direction (front or rear), without specifying a specific camera ID; the SDK will retrieve and confirm the actual camera ID through Android native system APIs.
    • Specifying via cameraId allows for more precise identification of a particular camera. For devices with multiple cameras, where cameraDirection cannot recognize or access all available cameras, it is recommended to use cameraId to specify the desired camera ID directly.
(Optional) The camera focal length type. See CAMERA_FOCAL_LENGTH_TYPE.
  • To set the focal length type of the camera, it is only supported to specify the camera through cameraDirection, and not supported to specify it through cameraId.
(Optional) The format of the video frame. See CaptureFormat.
(Optional) Whether to follow the video aspect ratio set in setVideoEncoderConfiguration:
  • true: (Default) Follow the set video aspect ratio. The SDK crops the captured video according to the set video aspect ratio and synchronously changes the local preview screen and the video frame in onCaptureVideoFrame and onPreEncodeVideoFrame.
  • false: Do not follow the system default audio playback device. The SDK does not change the aspect ratio of the captured video frame.