
Observer settings for the encoded audio.

public class AudioEncodedFrameObserverConfig {
  public int postionType;
  public int encodingType;

  public AudioEncodedFrameObserverConfig() {
    postionType = Constants.AUDIO_FILE_RECORDING_PLAYBACK;
    encodingType = Constants.AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_OPUS_48000_MEDIUM;


Audio profile:
  • AUDIO_ENCODED_FRAME_OBSERVER_POSITION_MIC(1): Only encode the audio of the local user.
  • AUDIO_ENCODED_FRAME_OBSERVER_POSITION_PLAYBACK(2): Only encode the audio of all remote users.
  • AUDIO_ENCODED_FRAME_OBSERVER_POSITION_MIXED(3): Records the mixed audio of the local and all remote users.
Audio encoding type:
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_AAC_16000_LOW: AAC encoding format, 16000 Hz sampling rate, low quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 1.2 MB after encoding.
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_AAC_16000_MEDIUM: AAC encoding format, 16000 Hz sampling rate, medium quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 2 MB after encoding.
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_AAC_32000_LOW: AAC encoding format, 32000 Hz sampling rate, low quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 1.2 MB after encoding.
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_AAC_32000_MEDIUM: AAC encoding format, 32000 Hz sampling rate, medium quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 2 MB after encoding.
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_AAC_32000_HIGH: AAC encoding format, 32000 Hz sampling rate, high quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 3.5 MB after encoding.
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_AAC_48000_MEDIUM: AAC encoding format, 48000 Hz sampling rate, medium quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 2 MB after encoding.
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_AAC_48000_HIGH: AAC encoding format, 48000 Hz sampling rate, high quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 3.5 MB after encoding.
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_OPUS_16000_LOW: OPUS encoding format, 16000 Hz sampling rate, low quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 2 MB after encoding.
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_OPUS_16000_MEDIUM: OPUS encoding format, 16000 Hz sampling rate, medium quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 2 MB after encoding.
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_OPUS_48000_MEDIUM: OPUS encoding format, 48000 Hz sampling rate, medium quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 2 MB after encoding.
  • AUDIO_ENCODING_TYPE_OPUS_48000_HIGH: OPUS encoding format, 48000 Hz sampling rate, high quality. A file with an audio duration of 10 minutes is approximately 3.5 MB after encoding.