
Sets the information of the source channel.

public void setSrcChannelInfo(ChannelMediaInfo srcInfo) {
  this.srcInfo = srcInfo;


The information of the source channel ChannelMediaInfo. It contains the following members:
  • channelName: The name of the source channel. The default value is NULL, which means the SDK applies the name of the current channel.
  • token: The token for joining the source channel. This token is generated with the channelName and uid you set in srcInfo.
    • If you have not enabled the App Certificate, set this parameter as the default value NULL, which means the SDK applies the App ID.
    • If you have enabled the App Certificate, you must use the token generated with the channelName and uid, and the uid must be set as 0.
  • uid: The unique user ID to identify the relay stream in the source channel. Agora recommends leaving the default value of 0 unchanged.