Image enhancement options.
public class BeautyOptions { public BeautyOptions() { lighteningContrastLevel = LIGHTENING_CONTRAST_LEVEL.LIGHTENING_CONTRAST_NORMAL; this.lighteningLevel = 0; this.smoothnessLevel = 0; this.rednessLevel = 0; this.sharpnessLevel = 0; } public BeautyOptions( LIGHTENING_CONTRAST_LEVEL lighteningContrastLevel, float lighteningLevel, float smoothnessLevel, float rednessLevel, float sharpnessLevel) { this.lighteningContrastLevel = lighteningContrastLevel; this.lighteningLevel = lighteningLevel; this.smoothnessLevel = smoothnessLevel; this.rednessLevel = rednessLevel; this.sharpnessLevel = sharpnessLevel; } public LIGHTENING_CONTRAST_LEVEL lighteningContrastLevel { set; get; } public float lighteningLevel { set; get; } public float smoothnessLevel { set; get; } public float rednessLevel { set; get; } public float sharpnessLevel { set; get; } } public LIGHTENING_CONTRAST_LEVEL lighteningContrastLevel { set; get; } public float lighteningLevel { set; get; } public float smoothnessLevel { set; get; } public float rednessLevel { set; get; } public float sharpnessLevel { set; get; } }
- lighteningContrastLevel
The contrast level, used with the lighteningLevel parameter. The larger the value, the greater the contrast between light and dark. See LIGHTENING_CONTRAST_LEVEL.
- lighteningLevel
The brightening level, in the range [0.0,1.0], where 0.0 means the original brightening. The default value is 0.0. The higher the value, the greater the degree of brightening.
- smoothnessLevel
The smoothness level, in the range [0.0,1.0], where 0.0 means the original smoothness. The default value is 0.0. The greater the value, the greater the smoothness level.
- rednessLevel
The redness level, in the range [0.0,1.0], where 0.0 means the original redness. The default value is 0.0. The larger the value, the greater the redness level.
- sharpnessLevel
The sharpness level, in the range [0.0,1.0], where 0.0 means the original sharpness. The default value is 0.0. The larger the value, the greater the sharpness level.