Video SDK v3.7.1 API Reference for Unity
Public Attributes | |
uint | uid |
int | quality |
int | networkTransportDelay |
int | jitterBufferDelay |
int | audioLossRate |
int | numChannels |
int | receivedSampleRate |
int | receivedBitrate |
int | totalFrozenTime |
int | frozenRate |
int | totalActiveTime |
int | publishDuration |
int | qoeQuality |
int | qualityChangedReason |
int | mosValue |
Audio statistics of a remote user
uint agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.uid |
User ID of the remote user sending the audio streams.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.quality |
Audio quality received by the user.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.networkTransportDelay |
Network delay (ms) from the sender to the receiver.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.jitterBufferDelay |
Network delay (ms) from the receiver to the jitter buffer.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.audioLossRate |
The audio frame loss rate in the reported interval.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.numChannels |
The number of channels.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.receivedSampleRate |
The sample rate (Hz) of the received audio stream in the reported interval.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.receivedBitrate |
The average bitrate (Kbps) of the received audio stream in the reported interval.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.totalFrozenTime |
The total freeze time (ms) of the remote audio stream after the remote user joins the channel. In a session, audio freeze occurs when the audio frame loss rate reaches 4%.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.frozenRate |
The total audio freeze time as a percentage (%) of the total time when the audio is available.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.totalActiveTime |
The total time (ms) when the remote user in the Communication profile or the remote host in the Live-broadcast profile neither stops sending the audio stream nor disables the audio module after joining the channel.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.publishDuration |
The total publish duration (ms) of the remote audio stream.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.qoeQuality |
Quality of experience (QoE) of the local user when receiving a remote audio stream. See EXPERIENCE_QUALITY_TYPE.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.qualityChangedReason |
The reason for poor QoE of the local user when receiving a remote audio stream. See EXPERIENCE_POOR_REASON.
int agora_gaming_rtc.RemoteAudioStats.mosValue |
The quality of the remote audio stream as determined by the Agora real-time audio MOS (Mean Opinion Score) measurement method in the reported interval. The return value ranges from 0
to 500
. Dividing the return value by 100 gets the MOS score, which ranges from 0 to 5. The higher the score, the better the audio quality.
The subjective perception of audio quality corresponding to the Agora real-time audio MOS scores is as follows:
MOS score | Perception of audio quality |
Greater than 4 | Excellent. The audio sounds clear and smooth. |
From 3.5 to 4 | Good. The audio has some perceptible impairment, but still sounds clear. |
From 3 to 3.5 | Fair. The audio freezes occasionally and requires attentive listening. |
From 2.5 to 3 | Poor. The audio sounds choppy and requires considerable effort to understand. |
From 2 to 2.5 | Bad. The audio has occasional noise. Consecutive audio dropouts occur, resulting in some information loss. The users can communicate only with difficulty. |
Less than 2 | Very bad. The audio has persistent noise. Consecutive audio dropouts are frequent, resulting in severe information loss. Communication is nearly impossible. |