API Overview

Agora provides ensured quality of experience (QoE) for worldwide Internet-based voice and video communications through SD-RTN™.

Initialization related

Method / Callback Description
createAgoraRtcEngine Creates one IRtcEngine object.
initialize Initializes IRtcEngine.
release Releases the IRtcEngine instance.
addListener Adds one IRtcEngineEvent listener.
removeListener Removes the specified IRtcEngineEvent listener.
removeAllListeners Removes all listeners for the specified event.
getMediaEngine Gets one IMediaEngine object.

Channel related

Method / Callback Description
setChannelProfile Sets the channel profile.
joinChannel Joins a channel with media options.
joinChannelEx Joins a channel.
updateChannelMediaOptions Updates the channel media options after joining the channel.
updateChannelMediaOptionsEx Updates the channel media options after joining the channel.
leaveChannel Sets channel options and leaves the channel.
leaveChannelEx Sets channel options and leaves the channel.
preloadChannel Preloads a channel with token, channelId, and uid.
preloadChannelWithUserAccount Preloads a channel with token, channelId, and userAccount.
updatePreloadChannelToken Updates the wildcard token for preloading channels.
renewToken Renews the token.
setClientRole Set the user role and the audience latency level in a live streaming scenario.
onJoinChannelSuccess Occurs when a user joins a channel.
onRejoinChannelSuccess Occurs when a user rejoins the channel.
onClientRoleChanged Occurs when the user role or the audience latency level changes.
onClientRoleChangeFailed Occurs when switching a user role fails.
onLeaveChannel Occurs when a user leaves a channel.
onUserJoined Occurs when a remote user (in the communication profile)/ host (in the live streaming profile) joins the channel.
onUserOffline Occurs when a remote user (in the communication profile)/ host (in the live streaming profile) leaves the channel.
onNetworkTypeChanged Occurs when the local network type changes.
onUplinkNetworkInfoUpdated Occurs when the uplink network information changes.
onConnectionLost Occurs when the SDK cannot reconnect to Agora's edge server 10 seconds after its connection to the server is interrupted.
onConnectionStateChanged Occurs when the network connection state changes.
onRequestToken Occurs when the token expires.
onTokenPrivilegeWillExpire Occurs when the token expires in 30 seconds.
onError Reports an error during SDK runtime.

Publish and subscription

Method / Callback Description
muteLocalAudioStream Stops or resumes publishing the local audio stream.
muteLocalAudioStreamEx Stops or resumes publishing the local audio stream.
muteRemoteAudioStream Stops or resumes subscribing to the audio stream of a specified user.
muteRemoteAudioStreamEx Stops or resumes receiving the audio stream of a specified user.
muteAllRemoteAudioStreams Stops or resumes subscribing to the audio streams of all remote users.
muteAllRemoteAudioStreamsEx Stops or resumes subscribing to the audio streams of all remote users.
muteLocalVideoStream Stops or resumes publishing the local video stream.
muteLocalVideoStreamEx Stops or resumes publishing the local video stream.
muteRemoteVideoStream Stops or resumes subscribing to the video stream of a specified user.
muteRemoteVideoStreamEx Stops or resumes receiving the video stream of a specified user.
muteAllRemoteVideoStreams Stops or resumes subscribing to the video streams of all remote users.
muteAllRemoteVideoStreamsEx Stops or resumes subscribing to the video streams of all remote users.
setRemoteVideoSubscriptionOptions Options for subscribing to remote video streams.
setRemoteVideoSubscriptionOptionsEx Options for subscribing to remote video streams.
setSubscribeAudioBlocklist Set the blocklist of subscriptions for audio streams.
setSubscribeAudioBlocklistEx Set the blocklist of subscriptions for audio streams.
setSubscribeAudioAllowlist Sets the allowlist of subscriptions for audio streams.
setSubscribeAudioAllowlistEx Sets the allowlist of subscriptions for audio streams.
setSubscribeVideoBlocklist Set the blocklist of subscriptions for video streams.
setSubscribeVideoBlocklistEx Set the blocklist of subscriptions for video streams.
setSubscribeVideoAllowlist Set the allowlist of subscriptions for video streams.
setSubscribeVideoAllowlistEx Set the allowlist of subscriptions for video streams.
onAudioPublishStateChanged Occurs when the audio publishing state changes.
onAudioSubscribeStateChanged Occurs when the audio subscribing state changes.
onVideoSubscribeStateChanged Occurs when the video subscribing state changes.

Audio basic functions

Method / Callback Description
adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume Adjusts the playback signal volume of a specified remote user.
adjustUserPlaybackSignalVolumeEx Adjusts the playback signal volume of a specified remote user.
adjustPlaybackSignalVolume Adjusts the playback signal volume of all remote users.
enableAudio Enables the audio module.
disableAudio Disables the audio module.
enableAudioVolumeIndication Enables the reporting of users' volume indication.
enableAudioVolumeIndicationEx Enables the reporting of users' volume indication.
setAudioProfile Sets the audio profile and audio scenario.
setAudioScenario Sets audio scenarios.
setAudioSessionOperationRestriction Sets the operational permission of the SDK on the audio session.
onAudioVolumeIndication Reports the volume information of users.
onActiveSpeaker Occurs when the most active remote speaker is detected.
onLocalAudioStateChanged Occurs when the local audio stream state changes.
onFirstLocalAudioFramePublished Occurs when the first audio frame is published.
onFirstRemoteAudioFrame Occurs when the SDK receives the first audio frame from a specific remote user.
onUserMuteAudio Occurs when a remote user (in the communication profile) or a host (in the live streaming profile) stops/resumes sending the audio stream.
onRemoteAudioStateChanged Occurs when the remote audio state changes.
onLocalAudioStats Reports the statistics of the local audio stream.
onRemoteAudioStats Reports the transport-layer statistics of each remote audio stream.

Audio capture

Method / Callback Description
enableLocalAudio Enables or disables the local audio capture.
adjustRecordingSignalVolume Adjusts the capturing signal volume.
muteRecordingSignal Whether to mute the recording signal.
enableInEarMonitoring Enables in-ear monitoring.
setInEarMonitoringVolume Sets the volume of the in-ear monitor.

Audio pre-processing and post-processing

Method / Callback Description
enableVoiceAITuner Enables or disables the voice AI tuner.
setAdvancedAudioOptions Sets audio advanced options.
setAINSMode Sets whether to enable the AI ​​noise suppression function and set the noise suppression mode.
setLocalVoiceEqualization Sets the local voice equalization effect.
setLocalVoicePitch Changes the voice pitch of the local speaker.
setLocalVoiceReverb Sets the local voice reverberation.
setVoiceBeautifierPreset Sets a preset voice beautifier effect.
setVoiceBeautifierParameters Sets parameters for the preset voice beautifier effects.
setAudioEffectPreset Sets an SDK preset audio effect.
setAudioEffectParameters Sets parameters for SDK preset audio effects.
setVoiceConversionPreset Sets a preset voice beautifier effect.
setLocalVoiceFormant Set the formant ratio to change the timbre of human voice.
enableSoundPositionIndication Enables or disables stereo panning for remote users.
setRemoteVoicePosition Sets the 2D position (the position on the horizontal plane) of the remote user's voice.
setRemoteVoicePositionEx Sets the 2D position (the position on the horizontal plane) of the remote user's voice.
getLocalSpatialAudioEngine Gets one ILocalSpatialAudioEngine object.
initialize Initializes ILocalSpatialAudioEngine.
updateSelfPosition Updates the spatial position of the local user.
updateRemotePosition Updates the spatial position of the specified remote user.
removeRemotePosition Removes the spatial position of the specified remote user.
clearRemotePositions Removes the spatial positions of all remote users.
setHeadphoneEQParameters Sets the low- and high-frequency parameters of the headphone equalizer.
setHeadphoneEQPreset Sets the preset headphone equalization effect.

Raw audio data

Method / Callback Description
registerAudioFrameObserver Registers an audio frame observer object.
setEarMonitoringAudioFrameParameters Sets the format of the in-ear monitoring raw audio data.
setRecordingAudioFrameParameters Sets the format of the captured raw audio data.
setPlaybackAudioFrameParameters Sets the format of the raw audio playback data.
setMixedAudioFrameParameters Set the format of the raw audio data after mixing for audio capture and playback.
setPlaybackAudioFrameBeforeMixingParameters Sets the format of the raw audio playback data before mixing.
onEarMonitoringAudioFrame Gets the in-ear monitoring audio frame.
onRecordAudioFrame Gets the captured audio frame.
onPlaybackAudioFrame Gets the raw audio frame for playback.
onPlaybackAudioFrameBeforeMixing Retrieves the audio frame before mixing of subscribed remote users.
onMixedAudioFrame Retrieves the mixed captured and playback audio frame.

Encoded audio data

Method / Callback Description
registerAudioEncodedFrameObserver Registers an encoded audio observer.
unregisterAudioEncodedFrameObserver Unregisters the encoded audio frame observer.
onRecordAudioEncodedFrame Gets the encoded audio data of the local user.
onPlaybackAudioEncodedFrame Gets the encoded audio data of all remote users.
onMixedAudioEncodedFrame Gets the mixed and encoded audio data of the local and all remote users.

Custom audio capture and renderer

Method / Callback Description
createCustomAudioTrack Creates a custom audio track.
destroyCustomAudioTrack Destroys the specified audio track.
setExternalAudioSink Sets the external audio sink.
pullAudioFrame Pulls the remote audio data.
pushAudioFrame Pushes the external audio frame.
adjustCustomAudioPlayoutVolume Adjusts the volume of the custom audio track played locally.
adjustCustomAudioPublishVolume Adjusts the volume of the custom audio track played remotely.
enableCustomAudioLocalPlayback Sets whether to enable the local playback of external audio source.

Audio spectrum

Method / Callback Description
registerAudioSpectrumObserver Register an audio spectrum observer.
enableAudioSpectrumMonitor Turns on audio spectrum monitoring.
disableAudioSpectrumMonitor Disables audio spectrum monitoring.
unregisterAudioSpectrumObserver Unregisters the audio spectrum observer.
onLocalAudioSpectrum Gets the statistics of a local audio spectrum.
onRemoteAudioSpectrum Gets the remote audio spectrum.

Video basic functions

Method / Callback Description
enableVideo Enables the video module.
disableVideo Disables the video module.
setVideoScenario Sets video application scenarios.
setVideoEncoderConfiguration Sets the video encoder configuration.
setVideoEncoderConfigurationEx Sets the video encoder configuration.
startPreview Enables the local video preview and specifies the video source for the preview.
stopPreview Stops the local video preview.
onLocalVideoStateChanged Occurs when the local video stream state changes.
onLocalVideoStats Reports the statistics of the local video stream.
onFirstLocalVideoFramePublished Occurs when the first video frame is published.
onVideoPublishStateChanged Occurs when the video publishing state changes.
onVideoSizeChanged Occurs when the video size or rotation of a specified user changes.
onRemoteVideoStateChanged Occurs when the remote video stream state changes.
onRemoteVideoStats Reports the statistics of the video stream sent by each remote users.
onFirstLocalVideoFrame Occurs when the first local video frame is displayed on the local video view.
onFirstRemoteVideoFrame Occurs when the renderer receives the first frame of the remote video.
onFirstRemoteVideoDecoded Occurs when the first remote video frame is received and decoded.
onUserMuteVideo Occurs when a remote user stops or resumes publishing the video stream.
onUserEnableVideo Occurs when a remote user enables or disables the video module.

Video capture

Method / Callback Description
enableLocalVideo Enables/Disables the local video capture.
startCameraCapture Starts camera capture.
stopCameraCapture Stops camera capture.
setCameraStabilizationMode Set the camera stabilization mode.(For iOS only)

Screen Sharing

Method / Callback Description
queryScreenCaptureCapability Queries the highest frame rate supported by the device during screen sharing.(For Android and iOS only)
startScreenCapture Starts screen capture.(For Android and iOS only)
updateScreenCapture Updates the screen capturing parameters.(For Android and iOS only)
stopScreenCapture Stops screen capture.

Video pre-processing and post-processing

Method / Callback Description
takeSnapshot Takes a snapshot of a video stream.
takeSnapshotEx Takes a snapshot of a video stream using connection ID.
enableVirtualBackground Enables/Disables the virtual background.
enableVideoImageSource Sets whether to replace the current video feeds with images when publishing video streams.
setBeautyEffectOptions Sets the image enhancement options.
setColorEnhanceOptions Sets color enhancement.
setLowlightEnhanceOptions Sets low-light enhancement.
setVideoDenoiserOptions Sets video noise reduction.
enableFaceDetection Enables or disables face detection for the local user.
onFacePositionChanged Reports the face detection result of the local user.
isCameraCenterStageSupported Check if the camera supports portrait center stage. (For iOS only)
enableCameraCenterStage Enables or disables portrait center stage. (For iOS only)
onSnapshotTaken Reports the result of taking a video snapshot.
addVideoWatermark Adds a watermark image to the local video.
addVideoWatermarkEx Adds a watermark image to the local video.
clearVideoWatermarks Removes the watermark image from the video stream.
clearVideoWatermarkEx Removes the watermark image from the video stream.
registerFaceInfoObserver Registers a facial information observer.
unregisterFaceInfoObserver Unregisters a facial information observer.
onFaceInfo Occurs when the facial information processed by speech driven extension is received.

Video encoding

Method / Callback Description
setRemoteVideoStreamType Sets the video stream type to subscribe to.
setRemoteVideoStreamTypeEx Sets the video stream type to subscribe to.
setRemoteDefaultVideoStreamType Sets the default video stream type to subscribe to.
setDualStreamMode Sets dual-stream mode configuration on the sender side.
setDualStreamModeEx Sets the dual-stream mode on the sender side.
startLocalVideoTranscoder Starts the local video mixing.
stopLocalVideoTranscoder Stops the local video mixing.
updateLocalTranscoderConfiguration Updates the local video mixing configuration.
onLocalVideoTranscoderError Occurs when there's an error during the local video mixing.

Video rendering

Method / Callback Description
setRenderMode Sets the render mode of the media player.
setLocalRenderMode Updates the display mode of the local video view.
setRemoteRenderMode Updates the display mode of the video view of a remote user.
setRemoteRenderModeEx Sets the video display mode of a specified remote user.
setView Sets the view.
enableInstantMediaRendering Enables audio and video frame instant rendering.
startMediaRenderingTracing Enables tracing the video frame rendering process.
startMediaRenderingTracingEx Enables tracing the video frame rendering process.
onTranscodedStreamLayoutInfo Occurs when the local user receives a mixed video stream carrying layout information.
onVideoRenderingTracingResult Video frame rendering event callback.

Raw video data

Method / Callback Description
registerVideoFrameObserver Registers a raw video frame observer object.
onCaptureVideoFrame Occurs each time the SDK receives a video frame captured by local devices.
onPreEncodeVideoFrame Occurs each time the SDK receives a video frame before encoding.
onRenderVideoFrame Occurs each time the SDK receives a video frame sent by the remote user.

Encoded video data

Method / Callback Description
registerVideoEncodedFrameObserver Registers a receiver object for the encoded video image.
unregisterVideoEncodedFrameObserver Unregisters a receiver object for the encoded video frame.
onEncodedVideoFrameReceived Reports that the receiver has received the to-be-decoded video frame sent by the remote end.

Custom Video Source and Renderer

Method / Callback Description
createCustomVideoTrack Creates a custom video track.
destroyCustomVideoTrack Destroys the specified video track.
setExternalVideoSource Configures the external video source.
pushVideoFrame Pushes the external raw video frame to the SDK through video tracks.

Music file playback

Method / Callback Description
startAudioMixing Starts playing the music file.
stopAudioMixing Stops playing the music file.
pauseAudioMixing Pauses playing and mixing the music file.
resumeAudioMixing Resumes playing and mixing the music file.
adjustAudioMixingVolume Adjusts the volume during audio mixing.
adjustAudioMixingPlayoutVolume Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for local playback.
adjustAudioMixingPublishVolume Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for publishing.
getAudioMixingPlayoutVolume Retrieves the audio mixing volume for local playback.
getAudioMixingPublishVolume Retrieves the audio mixing volume for publishing.
setAudioMixingPlaybackSpeed Sets the playback speed of the current audio file.
getAudioMixingDuration Retrieves the duration (ms) of the music file.
getAudioMixingCurrentPosition Retrieves the playback position (ms) of the music file.
setAudioMixingPitch Sets the pitch of the local music file.
setAudioMixingPosition Sets the audio mixing position.
setAudioMixingDualMonoMode Sets the channel mode of the current audio file.
getAudioTrackCount Gets the index of audio tracks of the current music file.
selectAudioTrack Selects the audio track used during playback.
selectMultiAudioTrack Selects the audio tracks that you want to play on your local device and publish to the channel respectively.
onAudioMixingStateChanged Occurs when the playback state of the music file changes.
onAudioMixingPositionChanged Reports the playback progress of a music file.

Audio effect file playback

Method / Callback Description
getEffectsVolume Retrieves the volume of the audio effects.
setEffectsVolume Sets the volume of the audio effects.
getVolumeOfEffect Gets the volume of a specified audio effect file.
setVolumeOfEffect Gets the volume of a specified audio effect file.
preloadEffect Preloads a specified audio effect file into the memory.
playEffect Plays the specified local or online audio effect file.
playAllEffects Plays all audio effect files.
pauseEffect Pauses a specified audio effect file.
pauseAllEffects Pauses all audio effects.
resumeEffect Resumes playing a specified audio effect.
resumeAllEffects Resumes playing all audio effect files.
stopEffect Stops playing a specified audio effect.
stopAllEffects Stops playing all audio effects.
unloadEffect Releases a specified preloaded audio effect from the memory.
unloadAllEffects Releases a specified preloaded audio effect from the memory.
getEffectDuration Retrieves the duration of the audio effect file.
getEffectCurrentPosition Retrieves the playback position of the audio effect file.
setEffectPosition Sets the playback position of an audio effect file.
onAudioEffectFinished Occurs when the playback of the local music file finishes.

Virtual metronome

Method / Callback Description
startRhythmPlayer Enables the virtual metronome.
stopRhythmPlayer Disables the virtual metronome.
configRhythmPlayer Configures the virtual metronome.
onRhythmPlayerStateChanged Occurs when the state of virtual metronome changes.

Media player

For more methods about the media player, see IMediaPlayer.

Method / Callback Description
createMediaPlayer Creates a media player object.
getMediaPlayerCacheManager Gets one IMediaPlayerCacheManager instance.
IMediaPlayer This class provides media player functions and supports multiple instances.
IMediaPlayerCacheManager This class provides methods to manage cached media files.
IMediaPlayerSourceObserver Provides callbacks for media players.
addListener Adds one IMediaPlayerEvent listener.
removeAllListeners Removes all listeners for the specified event.
removeListener Removes the specified IMediaPlayerEvent listener.

Media player cache

Method / Callback Description
enableAutoRemoveCache Sets whether to delete cached media files automatically.
removeAllCaches Deletes all cached media files in the media player.
removeCacheByUri Deletes a cached media file.
removeOldCache Deletes a cached media file that is the least recently used.
setCacheDir Sets the storage path for the media files that you want to cache.
setMaxCacheFileCount Sets the maximum number of media files that can be cached.
setMaxCacheFileSize Sets the maximum size of the aggregate storage space for cached media files.
getCacheDir Gets the storage path of the cached media files.
getCacheFileCount Gets the number of media files that are cached.
getMaxCacheFileCount Gets the maximum number of media files that can be cached.
getMaxCacheFileSize Gets the maximum size of the aggregate storage space for cached media files.
onPlayerCacheStats Reports the statistics of the media file being cached.

Channel media stream relay

Method / Callback Description
startOrUpdateChannelMediaRelay Starts relaying media streams across channels or updates channels for media relay.
startOrUpdateChannelMediaRelayEx Starts relaying media streams across channels or updates channels for media relay.
stopChannelMediaRelay Stops the media stream relay. Once the relay stops, the host quits all the target channels.
stopChannelMediaRelayEx Stops the media stream relay. Once the relay stops, the host quits all the target channels.
pauseAllChannelMediaRelay Pauses the media stream relay to all target channels.
pauseAllChannelMediaRelayEx Pauses the media stream relay to all target channels.
resumeAllChannelMediaRelay Resumes the media stream relay to all target channels.
resumeAllChannelMediaRelayEx Resumes the media stream relay to all target channels.
onChannelMediaRelayStateChanged Occurs when the state of the media stream relay changes.

Media push

Method / Callback Description
startRtmpStreamWithoutTranscoding Starts pushing media streams to a CDN without transcoding.
startRtmpStreamWithoutTranscodingEx Starts pushing media streams to a CDN without transcoding.
startRtmpStreamWithTranscoding Starts Media Push and sets the transcoding configuration.
startRtmpStreamWithTranscodingEx Starts Media Push and sets the transcoding configuration.
updateRtmpTranscoding Updates the transcoding configuration.
updateRtmpTranscodingEx Updates the transcoding configuration.
stopRtmpStream Stops pushing media streams to a CDN.
stopRtmpStreamEx Stops pushing media streams to a CDN.
onRtmpStreamingEvent Reports events during the Media Push.
onRtmpStreamingStateChanged Occurs when the state of Media Push changes.
onTranscodingUpdated Occurs when the publisher's transcoding is updated.

Pushing streams to a CDN directly

Method / Callback Description
startDirectCdnStreaming Starts pushing media streams to the CDN directly.
stopDirectCdnStreaming Stops pushing media streams to the CDN directly.
setDirectCdnStreamingAudioConfiguration Sets the audio profile of the audio streams directly pushed to the CDN by the host.
setDirectCdnStreamingVideoConfiguration Sets the video profile of the media streams directly pushed to the CDN by the host.
onDirectCdnStreamingStateChanged Occurs when the CDN streaming state changes.
onDirectCdnStreamingStats Reports the CDN streaming statistics.

Data stream

Method / Callback Description
createDataStream Creates a data stream.
createDataStreamEx Creates a data stream.
sendStreamMessage Sends data stream messages.
onStreamMessage Occurs when the local user receives the data stream from the remote user.
onStreamMessageError Occurs when the local user does not receive the data stream from the remote user.

Metadata (SEI)

Method / Callback Description
registerMediaMetadataObserver Registers the metadata observer.
unregisterMediaMetadataObserver Unregisters the specified metadata observer.
setMaxMetadataSize Sets the maximum size of the media metadata.
sendMetaData Sends media metadata.
onMetaData Occurs when the media metadata is received.
onMetadataReceived Occurs when the local user receives the metadata.

Audio route

Method / Callback Description
setDefaultAudioRouteToSpeakerphone Sets the default audio playback route.
setEnableSpeakerphone Enables/Disables the audio route to the speakerphone.
setRouteInCommunicationMode Selects the audio playback route in communication audio mode.
isSpeakerphoneEnabled Checks whether the speakerphone is enabled.
onAudioRoutingChanged Occurs when the local audio route changes.

Video Device Management

Method / Callback Description
enableMultiCamera Enables or disables multi-camera capture.(For iOS only)
switchCamera Switches between front and rear cameras.(For Android and iOS only)
setCameraCapturerConfiguration Sets the camera capture configuration.
isCameraZoomSupported Checks whether the device supports camera zoom.(For Android and iOS only)
getCameraMaxZoomFactor Gets the maximum zoom ratio supported by the camera.(For Android and iOS only)
setCameraZoomFactor Sets the camera zoom factor.(For Android and iOS only)
isCameraTorchSupported Checks whether the device supports camera flash.(For Android and iOS only)
setCameraTorchOn Enables the camera flash.(For Android and iOS only)
isCameraFaceDetectSupported Checks whether the device camera supports face detection.(For Android and iOS only)
isCameraFocusSupported Check whether the device supports the manual focus function.(For Android and iOS only)
isCameraExposureSupported Queries whether the current camera supports adjusting exposure value.(For Android and iOS only)
setCameraExposureFactor Sets the camera exposure value.(For Android and iOS only)
setCameraFocusPositionInPreview Sets the camera manual focus position.(For Android and iOS only)
isCameraAutoFocusFaceModeSupported Checks whether the device supports the face auto-focus function.(For Android and iOS only)
setCameraAutoFocusFaceModeEnabled Enables the camera auto-face focus function.(For Android and iOS only)
isCameraExposurePositionSupported Checks whether the device supports manual exposure.(For Android and iOS only)
isCameraAutoExposureFaceModeSupported Checks whether the device supports auto exposure.(For iOS only)
setCameraExposurePosition Sets the camera exposure position.(For Android and iOS only)
setCameraAutoExposureFaceModeEnabled Sets whether to enable auto exposure.(For iOS only)
onCameraFocusAreaChanged Occurs when the camera focus area changes.(For Android and iOS only)
onCameraExposureAreaChanged Occurs when the camera exposure area changes.(For Android and iOS only)
queryCameraFocalLengthCapability Queries the focal length capability supported by the camera.
queryCodecCapability Queries the video codec capabilities of the SDK.
getVideoDeviceManager Gets the IVideoDeviceManager object to manage video devices.

Audio Device Management

Method / Callback Description
getAudioDeviceInfo Gets the audio device information.(For Android only)


Method / Callback Description
loadExtensionProvider Loads an extension.
registerExtension Registers an extension.
enableExtension Enables or disables extensions.
getExtensionProperty Gets detailed information on the extensions.
setExtensionProperty Sets the properties of the extension.
setExtensionProviderProperty Sets the properties of the extension provider.
onExtensionStartedWithContext Occurrs when the extension is enabled.
onExtensionStoppedWithContext Occurs when the extension is disabled.
onExtensionEventWithContext The event callback of the extension.

Network and others

Method / Callback Description
startEchoTest Starts an audio device loopback test.
stopEchoTest Stops the audio call test.
startLastmileProbeTest Starts the last mile network probe test.
stopLastmileProbeTest Stops the last mile network probe test.
onLastmileQuality Reports the last-mile network quality of the local user.
onLastmileProbeResult Reports the last mile network probe result.
getCurrentMonotonicTimeInMs Gets the current Monotonic Time of the SDK.
queryDeviceScore Queries device score.
setCloudProxy Sets up cloud proxy service.
setParameters Provides technical preview functionalities or special customizations by configuring the SDK with JSON options.
getCallId Retrieves the call ID.
getCallIdEx Gets the call ID with the connection ID.
isFeatureAvailableOnDevice Checks whether the device supports the specified advanced feature.
rate Allows a user to rate a call after the call ends.
complain Allows a user to complain about the call quality after a call ends.
getConnectionState Gets the current connection state of the SDK.
getConnectionStateEx Gets the current connection state of the SDK.
getVersion Gets the SDK version.
getErrorDescription Gets the warning or error description.
getNativeHandle Gets the C++ handle of the Native SDK.
registerEventHandler Adds event handlers
unregisterEventHandler Removes the specified callback events.
getNetworkType Gets the type of the local network connection.
getNtpWallTimeInMs Gets the current NTP (Network Time Protocol) time.
enableEncryption Enables or disables the built-in encryption.
enableEncryptionEx Enables or disables the built-in encryption.
sendCustomReportMessage Reports customized messages.
sendCustomReportMessageEx Agora supports reporting and analyzing customized messages.
setRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption Sets the fallback option for the subscribed video stream based on the network conditions.
onRemoteSubscribeFallbackToAudioOnly Occurs when the remote media stream falls back to the audio-only stream due to poor network conditions or switches back to the video stream after the network conditions improve.
onEncryptionError Reports the built-in encryption errors.
onProxyConnected Reports the proxy connection state.
onNetworkQuality Reports the last mile network quality of each user in the channel.
onRtcStats Reports the statistics about the current call.
onPermissionError Occurs when the SDK cannot get the device permission.