
The video application scenarios.


0: (Default) The general scenario.

1: The meeting scenario.

ApplicationScenarioMeeting (1) is suitable for meeting scenarios. The SDK automatically enables the following strategies:
  • In meeting scenarios where low-quality video streams are required to have a high bitrate, the SDK automatically enables multiple technologies used to deal with network congestions, to enhance the performance of the low-quality streams and to ensure the smooth reception by subscribers.
  • The SDK monitors the number of subscribers to the high-quality video stream in real time and dynamically adjusts its configuration based on the number of subscribers.
    • If nobody subscribers to the high-quality stream, the SDK automatically reduces its bitrate and frame rate to save upstream bandwidth.
    • If someone subscribes to the high-quality stream, the SDK resets the high-quality stream to the VideoEncoderConfiguration configuration used in the most recent calling of setVideoEncoderConfiguration. If no configuration has been set by the user previously, the following values are used:
      • Resolution: 960 × 540
      • Frame rate: 15 fps
      • Bitrate: 1000 Kbps
  • The SDK monitors the number of subscribers to the low-quality video stream in real time and dynamically enables or disables it based on the number of subscribers.
    Note: If the user has called setDualStreamMode to set that never send low-quality video stream (DisableSimulcastStream), the dynamic adjustment of the low-quality stream in meeting scenarios will not take effect.
    • If nobody subscribes to the low-quality stream, the SDK automatically disables it to save upstream bandwidth.
    • If someone subscribes to the low-quality stream, the SDK enables the low-quality stream and resets it to the SimulcastStreamConfig configuration used in the most recent calling of setDualStreamMode. If no configuration has been set by the user previously, the following values are used:
      • Resolution: 480 × 272
      • Frame rate: 15 fps
      • Bitrate: 500 Kbps

2: 1v1 video call scenario.

ApplicationScenario1v1 (2) is suitable for 1v1 video call scenarios. To meet the requirements for low latency and high-quality video in this scenario, the SDK optimizes its strategies, improving performance in terms of video quality, first frame rendering, latency on mid-to-low-end devices, and smoothness under weak network conditions.