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Enumeration BitRate

Bitrate of the video (Kbps). Refer to the table below and set your bitrate. If you set a bitrate beyond the proper range, the SDK automatically adjusts it to a value within the range.

Video Bitrate Table

Resolution Frame rate


Base Bitrate

(Kbps, for Communication)

Live Bitrate

(Kbps, for Live Broadcasting)

160*120 15 65 130
120*120 15 50 100
320*180 15 140 280
180*180 15 100 200
240*180 15 120 240
320*240 15 200 400
240*240 15 140 280
424*240 15 220 440
640*360 15 400 800
360*360 15 260 520
640*360 30 600 1200
360*360 30 400 800
480*360 15 320 640
480*360 30 490 980
640*480 15 500 1000
480*480 15 400 800
640*480 30 750 1500
480*480 30 600 1200
848*480 15 610 1220
848*480 30 930 1860
640*480 10 400 800
1280*720 15 1130 2260
1280*720 30 1710 3420
960*720 15 910 1820
960*720 30 1380 2760

Agora uses different video codecs for different profiles to optimize the user experience. For example, the Communication profile prioritizes the smoothness while the LIVE_BROADCASTING profile prioritizes the video quality (a higher bitrate). Therefore, We recommend setting this parameter as STANDARD_BITRATE = 0.


Enumeration members

Enumeration members


Compatible: = -1

-1: The compatible bitrate mode. In this mode, the bitrate stays the same regardless of the profile. In the Live-broadcast profile, if you choose this mode, the video frame rate may be lower than the set value.


Standard: = 0

0: (Recommended) the standard bitrate mode. In this mode, the bitrates differ between the Live-broadcast and Communication profiles:

  • Communication profile: the video bitrate is the same as the base bitrate.
  • Live-broadcast profile: the video bitrate is twice the base bitrate.

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