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Enumeration AudioMixingStateCode

The state of the audio mixing file.


Enumeration members

Enumeration members


Failed: = 714

714: An exception occurs when playing the audio mixing file. This state comes with one of the following associated reasons:

  • CanNotOpen(701): The SDK cannot open the music file. Possible causes include the local music file does not exist, the SDK does not support the file format, or the SDK cannot access the music file URL.
  • TooFrequentCall(702): The SDK opens the music file too frequently. If you need to call startAudioMixing multiple times, ensure that the call interval is longer than 500 ms.
  • InterruptedEOF(703): The music file playback is interrupted.


Paused: = 711

711: The audio mixing file pauses playing. This state comes with PausedByUser(725).


Playing: = 710

710: The audio mixing file is playing. This state comes with one of the following associated reasons:


Stopped: = 713

713: The audio mixing file stops playing. This state comes with one of the following associated reasons:

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