The current CDN streaming state.
- directCdnStreamingStateIdle
- 0: The initial state before the CDN streaming starts.
- directCdnStreamingStateRunning
- 1: Streams are being pushed to the CDN. The SDK returns this value when you call the startDirectCdnStreaming method to push streams to the CDN.
- directCdnStreamingStateStopped
- 2: Stops pushing streams to the CDN. The SDK returns this value when you call the stopDirectCdnStreaming method to stop pushing streams to the CDN.
- directCdnStreamingStateFailed
- 3: Fails to push streams to the CDN. You can troubleshoot the issue with the information reported by the onDirectCdnStreamingStateChanged callback, and then push streams to the CDN again.
- directCdnStreamingStateRecovering
- 4: Tries to reconnect the Agora server to the CDN. The SDK attempts to reconnect a maximum of 10 times; if the connection is not restored, the streaming state becomes directCdnStreamingStateFailed.