API Sunset Notice

This page introduces the deprecated and deleted APIs in the SDK.

Deprecated APIs

The deprecated APIs are expected to be officially deleted in approximately one year. Agora recommends that you promptly replace them with the recommended APIs to avoid any impact on your online services.

API Description Alternative API Deprecated version
setRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption [1/2] Sets the fallback option for the subscribed video stream based on the network conditions. setRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption [2/2] v4.4.0
setRemoteVideoStreamType [1/2] Sets the video stream type to subscribe to. setRemoteVideoStreamType [2/2] v4.4.0
setRemoteDefaultVideoStreamType [1/2] Sets the default video stream type to subscribe to. setRemoteDefaultVideoStreamType [2/2] v4.4.0
setRemoteVideoStreamTypeEx [1/2] Sets the video stream type to subscribe to. setRemoteVideoStreamTypeEx [2/2] v4.4.0
enableDualStreamMode [1/2] Enables or disables dual-stream mode on the sender side. setDualStreamMode [1/2] v4.2.0
enableDualStreamMode [2/2] Sets the dual-stream mode on the sender side and the low-quality video stream. setDualStreamMode [2/2] v4.2.0
enableDualStreamModeEx Enables or disables dual-stream mode on the sender side. setDualStreamModeEx v4.2.0
enableWebSdkInteroperability Enables interoperability with the Agora Web SDK (applicable only in the live streaming scenarios). - v4.0.0
setLogFileSize Sets the log file size. Use the logConfig parameter in create [2/2] v4.0.0
setExternalAudioSource [1/2] Sets the external audio source. createCustomAudioTrack v4.0.0
setExternalAudioSource [2/2] Sets the external audio source parameters. createCustomAudioTrack v4.0.0
createDataStreamEx [1/2] Creates a data stream. createDataStreamEx [2/2] v4.0.0
setLocalVideoMirrorMode Sets the local video mirror mode. setupLocalVideo or setLocalRenderMode [2/2] v4.0.0
setLocalRenderMode [1/2] Sets the local video display mode. setLocalRenderMode [2/2] v4.0.0
setLogFile Sets the log file. Use the logConfig parameter in create [2/2] v4.0.0
setAudioProfile [1/2] Sets the audio profile and audio scenario. setAudioProfile [2/2] or setAudioScenario v4.0.0
addVideoWatermark [1/2] Adds a watermark image to the local video. addVideoWatermark [2/2] v4.0.0
getBlue Gets the background color's blue component. - v4.0.0
getGreen Gets the background color's green component. - v4.0.0
getRed Gets the background color's red component. - v4.0.0
setBlue Sets the background color's blue component. - v4.0.0
setGreen Sets the background color's green component. - v4.0.0
setRed Sets the background color's red component. - v4.0.0

Deleted APIs

The APIs have been deleted from the SDK. Use the recommended alternative APIs to implement the related functionality.

API Description Alternative API Deleted version
setVideoProfile Sets the video encoder configuration. setVideoEncoderConfiguration v4.4.0
setRemoteRenderMode(userId, renderMode) Sets the video display mode of a specified remote user. setRemoteRenderMode v4.4.0
CreateRendererView Creates a RendererView. The Android native method SurfaceView. v4.4.0
CreateTextureView Creates a TextureView. The Android native method TextureView. v4.4.0
openWithCustomSource Opens the custom media resource file. openWithMediaSource v4.4.0
startEchoTest() Starts an audio call test. startEchoTest v4.4.0
startEchoTest(intervalInSeconds) Starts an audio call test. startEchoTest v4.4.0
setEncryptionMode Sets the built-in encryption mode. enableEncryption v4.4.0
setEncryptionSecret Enables built-in encryption with an encryption password before users join a channel. enableEncryption v4.4.0
onEvent The event callback of the extension. onEventWithContext v4.4.0
onStarted Occurs when the extension is enabled. onStartedWithContext v4.4.0
onStopped Occurs when the extension is disabled. onStoppedWithContext v4.4.0
onError Occurs when the extension runs incorrectly. onErrorWithContext v4.4.0