Configurations of the video frame.
public class VideoFrame implements RefCounted { public interface Buffer extends RefCounted { @CalledByNative("Buffer") int getWidth(); @CalledByNative("Buffer") int getHeight(); @CalledByNative("Buffer") I420Buffer toI420(); @Override @CalledByNative("Buffer") void release(); @Override @CalledByNative("Buffer") void retain(); @CalledByNative("Buffer") Buffer cropAndScale( int cropX, int cropY, int cropWidth, int cropHeight, int scaleWidth, int scaleHeight); @CalledByNative("Buffer") @Nullable Buffer mirror(int frameRotation); @CalledByNative("Buffer") @Nullable Buffer rotate(int frameRotation); @CalledByNative("Buffer") @Nullable Buffer transform(int cropX, int cropY, int cropWidth, int cropHeight, int scaleWidth, int scaleHeight, int frameRotation); } public interface I420Buffer extends Buffer { @CalledByNative("I420Buffer") ByteBuffer getDataY(); @CalledByNative("I420Buffer") ByteBuffer getDataU(); @CalledByNative("I420Buffer") ByteBuffer getDataV(); @CalledByNative("I420Buffer") int getStrideY(); @CalledByNative("I420Buffer") int getStrideU(); @CalledByNative("I420Buffer") int getStrideV(); } public interface I422Buffer extends Buffer { @CalledByNative("I422Buffer") ByteBuffer getDataY(); @CalledByNative("I422Buffer") ByteBuffer getDataU(); @CalledByNative("I422Buffer") ByteBuffer getDataV(); @CalledByNative("I422Buffer") int getStrideY(); @CalledByNative("I422Buffer") int getStrideU(); @CalledByNative("I422Buffer") int getStrideV(); } public interface RgbaBuffer extends Buffer { @CalledByNative("RgbaBuffer") ByteBuffer getData(); } public interface TextureBuffer extends Buffer { enum Type { OES(GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES), RGB(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D); private final int glTarget; private Type(final int glTarget) { this.glTarget = glTarget; } public int getGlTarget() { return glTarget; } } enum ContextType { EGL_CONTEXT_10, EGL_CONTEXT_14; } Type getType(); @CalledByNative("TextureBuffer") int getTextureId(); Matrix getTransformMatrix(); @CalledByNative("TextureBuffer") EglBase.Context getEglBaseContext(); @CalledByNative("TextureBuffer") Object getSourceTexturePool(); @CalledByNative("TextureBuffer") long getNativeEglContext(); @CalledByNative("TextureBuffer") int getEglContextType(); @CalledByNative("TextureBuffer") float[] getTransformMatrixArray(); @CalledByNative("TextureBuffer") int getSequence(); @CalledByNative("TextureBuffer") boolean is10BitTexture(); } public interface ColorSpace { enum Range { Invalid(0), Limited(1), Full(2), Derived(3); private final int range; private Range(int range) { this.range = range; } public int getRange() { return range; }; } enum Matrix { RGB(0), BT709(1), Unspecified(2), FCC(4), BT470BG(5), SMPTE170M(6), SMPTE240M(7), YCOCG(8), BT2020_NCL(9), BT2020_CL(10), SMPTE2085(11), CDNCLS(12), CDCLS(13), BT2100_ICTCP(14); private final int matrix; private Matrix(int matrix) { this.matrix = matrix; } public int getMatrix() { return matrix; }; } enum Transfer { BT709(1), Unspecified(2), GAMMA22(4), GAMMA28(5), SMPTE170M(6), SMPTE240M(7), LINEAR(8), LOG(9), LOG_SQRT(10), IEC61966_2_4(11), BT1361_ECG(12), IEC61966_2_1(13), BT2020_10(14), BT2020_12(15), SMPTEST2084(16), SMPTEST428(17), ARIB_STD_B67(18); private final int transfer; private Transfer(int transfer) { this.transfer = transfer; } public int getTransfer() { return transfer; } } enum Primary { BT709(1), Unspecified(2), BT470M(4), BT470BG(5), kSMPTE170M(6), kSMPTE240M(7), kFILM(8), kBT2020(9), kSMPTEST428(10), kSMPTEST431(11), kSMPTEST432(12), kJEDECP22(22); private final int primary; private Primary(int primary) { this.primary = primary; } public int getPrimary() { return primary; } } Range getRange(); Matrix getMatrix(); Transfer getTransfer(); Primary getPrimary(); } public enum SourceType { kFrontCamera, kBackCamera, kUnspecified, } private Buffer buffer; private int rotation; private long timestampNs; private ColorSpace colorSpace; private SourceType sourceType; private float sampleAspectRatio; private VideoFrameMetaInfo metaInfo = new VideoFrameMetaInfo(); private @Nullable ByteBuffer alphaBuffer; private int alphaStitchMode; public VideoFrame(Buffer buffer, int rotation, long timestampNs) { this(buffer, rotation, timestampNs, new WrappedNativeColorSpace(), null, 0L, 1.0f, SourceType.kUnspecified.ordinal()); } @CalledByNative public VideoFrame(Buffer buffer, int rotation, long timestampNs, ColorSpace colorSpace, ByteBuffer alphaBuffer, float sampleAspectRatio, int sourceType) { if (buffer == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer not allowed to be null"); } if (rotation % 90 != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rotation must be a multiple of 90"); } this.buffer = buffer; this.rotation = rotation; this.timestampNs = timestampNs; this.colorSpace = colorSpace; this.alphaBuffer = alphaBuffer; this.sampleAspectRatio = sampleAspectRatio; this.sourceType = SourceType.values()[sourceType]; } @CalledByNative public SourceType getSourceType() { return sourceType; } public float getSampleAspectRatio() { return sampleAspectRatio; } @CalledByNative public Buffer getBuffer() { return buffer; } @CalledByNative public int getRotation() { return rotation; } @CalledByNative public int getAlphaStitchMode() { return alphaStitchMode; } @CalledByNative public long getTimestampNs() { return timestampNs; } @CalledByNative public VideoFrameMetaInfo getMetaInfo() { return metaInfo; } public int getRotatedWidth() { if (rotation % 180 == 0) { return buffer.getWidth(); } return buffer.getHeight(); } public int getRotatedHeight() { if (rotation % 180 == 0) { return buffer.getHeight(); } return buffer.getWidth(); } public void replaceBuffer(Buffer buffer, int rotation, long timestampNs) { release(); this.buffer = buffer; this.rotation = rotation; this.timestampNs = timestampNs; } public ColorSpace getColorSpace() { return colorSpace; } @CalledByNative public ByteBuffer getAlphaBuffer() { return alphaBuffer; } public void fillAlphaData(ByteBuffer buffer) { alphaBuffer = buffer; } public void setAlphaStitchMode(int mode) { this.alphaStitchMode = mode; } @Override public void retain() { buffer.retain(); } @Override @CalledByNative public void release() { buffer.release(); } }
Note that the buffer provides a pointer to a pointer. This interface cannot modify the pointer of the buffer, but it can modify the content of the buffer.
- buffer
Attention: This parameter cannot be empty; otherwise, an error can occur.Buffer data. The methods associated with this parameter are as follows:
- rotation
- The clockwise rotation of the video frame before rendering. Supported values include 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees.
- timestampNs
- The timestamp (ns) of a video frame.
- colorSpace
- The color space of a video frame. See VideoColorSpace.
- sourceType
- When using the SDK to capture video, this indicates the type of the video source.
- kFrontCamera: The front camera.
- kBackCamera: The rear camera.
- kUnspecified: (Default) The video source type is unknown.
- sampleAspectRatio
- The aspect ratio of a single pixel, which is the ratio of the width to the height of each pixel.
- alphaBuffer
The alpha channel data output by using portrait segmentation algorithm. This data matches the size of the video frame, with each pixel value ranging from [0,255], where 0 represents the background and 255 represents the foreground (portrait).
By setting this parameter, you can render the video background into various effects, such as transparent, solid color, image, video, etc.
Attention: In custom video rendering scenarios, ensure that both the video frame and alphaBuffer are of the Full Range type; other types may cause abnormal alpha data rendering. - alphaStitchMode
- When the video frame contains alpha channel data, it represents the relative position of alphaBuffer and the video frame.
- VIDEO_NO_ALPHA_STITCH0: (Default) Only video frame, that is, alphaBuffer is not stitched with the video frame.
- VIDEO_ALPHA_STITCH_UP(1): alphaBuffer is above the video frame.
- VIDEO_ALPHA_STITCH_BELOW(2): alphaBuffer is below the video frame.
- VIDEO_ALPHA_STITCH_LEFT(3): alphaBuffer is to the left of the video frame.
- VIDEO_ALPHA_STITCH_RIGHT(4): alphaBuffer is to the right of the video frame.
- metaInfo
The meta information in the video frame. To use this parameter, please contact technical support.