
Recording configurations.

public class AudioRecordingConfiguration {
  public String filePath;
  public int sampleRate;
  public boolean codec;
  public int fileRecordOption;
  public int quality;
  int recordingChannel;

  public AudioRecordingConfiguration() {
    sampleRate = 32000;
    codec = true;
    fileRecordOption = Constants.AUDIO_FILE_RECORDING_MIXED;
    recordingChannel = 1;


The absolute path (including the filename extensions) of the recording file. For example: /sdcard/emulated/0/audio.aac.

Ensure that the directory for the log files exists and is writable.

Whether to encode the audio data:
  • true: Encode audio data in AAC.
  • false: (Default) Do not encode audio data, but save the recorded audio data directly.
Recording sample rate (Hz).
  • 16000
  • (Default) 32000
  • 44100
  • 48000

If you set this parameter to 44100 or 48000, Agora recommends recording WAV files, or AAC files with quality set as AUDIO_RECORDING_QUALITY_MEDIUM or AUDIO_RECORDING_QUALITY_HIGH for better recording quality.

Recording content:
  • AUDIO_FILE_RECORDING_MIC(1): Only records the audio of the local user.
  • AUDIO_FILE_RECORDING_PLAYBACK(2): Only records the audio of all remote users.
  • AUDIO_FILE_RECORDING_MIXED(3): (Default) Records the mixed audio of the local and all remote users.
Recording quality:
  • AUDIO_RECORDING_QUALITY_LOW(0): Low quality. For example, the size of an AAC file with a sample rate of 32,000 Hz and a recording duration of 10 minutes is around 1.2 MB.
  • AUDIO_RECORDING_QUALITY_MEDIUM(1): (Default) Medium quality. For example, the size of an AAC file with a sample rate of 32,000 Hz and a recording duration of 10 minutes is around 2 MB.
  • AUDIO_RECORDING_QUALITY_HIGH(2): High quality. For example, the size of an AAC file with a sample rate of 32,000 Hz and a recording duration of 10 minutes is around 3.75 MB.
  • AUDIO_RECORDING_QUALITY_ULTRA_HIGH(3): Ultra high quality. The sample rate is 32 kHz, and the file size is around 7.5 MB after 10 minutes of recording.

This parameter applies to AAC files only.

The audio channel of recording: The parameter supports the following values:
  • 1: (Default) Mono.
  • 2: Stereo.
The actual recorded audio channel is related to the audio channel that you capture.
  • If the captured audio is mono and recordingChannel is 2, the recorded audio is the dual-channel data that is copied from mono data, not stereo.
  • If the captured audio is dual channel and recordingChannel is 1, the recorded audio is the mono data that is mixed by dual-channel data.
The integration scheme also affects the final recorded audio channel. If you need to record in stereo, contact technical support.