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Signaling (previously RTM) SDK v1.5.1 API Reference for Web

The Agora RTM Web SDK is a JavaScript library loaded by an HTML web page. The Agora RTM Web SDK library uses APIs in the web browser to establish real-time messaging services.

AgoraRTM is the exported module of the Agora RTM SDK. If you import the Agora RTM Web SDK using the <script> tag, the SDK creates a global variable called AgoraRTM, which includes all the module members.

Please use the RtmClient.on and RtmChannel.on methods to add event listeners to the RtmClient and RtmChannel objects.

Following are the core functionalities that the Agora RTM SDK provides.

Login and logout

Method Description
createInstance Creates an RtmClient instance.
login Logs in to the Agora RTM system.
logout Logs out of the Agora RTM system.
Event Description
ConnectionStateChanged Occurs when the connection state between the SDK and the Agora RTM system changes.

Sending a peer-to-peer message

Method Description
sendMessageToPeer Sends a peer-to-peer message to a specified user.
Event Description
MessageFromPeer Occurs when receiving a peer-to-peer message.

Querying the online status of the specified users

Method Description
queryPeersOnlineStatus Queries the online status of the specified users.

Subscribing to or unsubscribing from the online status of specified users

Method Description
subscribePeersOnlineStatus Subscribes to the online status of the specified users.
unsubscribePeersOnlineStatus Unsubscribes from the online status of the specified users.
queryPeersBySubscriptionOption Gets a list of the peers, to whose specific status you have subscribed.
Event Description
PeersOnlineStatusChanged Occurs when the online status of the peers, to whom you subscribe, changes.

Subscribing to or unsubscribing from the online status of specified users

Method Description
subscribePeersOnlineStatus Subscribes to the online status of the specified users.
unsubscribePeersOnlineStatus Unsubscribes from the online status of the specified users.
queryPeersBySubscriptionOption Gets a list of the peers, to whose specific status you have subscribed.
Event Description
PeersOnlineStatusChanged Occurs when the online status of the peers, to whom you subscribe, changes.

User attribute operations

Method Description
setLocalUserAttributes Resets the local user's attributes.
addOrUpdateLocalUserAttributes Adds or updates the local user's attributes.
deleteLocalUserAttributesByKeys Deletes the local user's attributes using attribute keys.
clearLocalUserAttributes Clears all attributes of the local user.
getUserAttributes Gets all attributes of a specified user.
getUserAttributesByKeys Gets the attributes of a specified user by attribute keys.

Channel attribute operations

Method Description
setChannelAttributes Resets the attributes of a specified channel.
addOrUpdateChannelAttributes Adds or updates the attributes of a specified channel.
deleteChannelAttributesByKeys Deletes the attributes of a specified channel by attribute keys.
clearChannelAttributes Clears all attributes of a specified channel.
getChannelAttributes Gets all attributes of a specified channel.
getChannelAttributesByKeys Gets the attributes of a specified channel by attribute keys.
Event for all channel members Description
AttributesUpdated Occurs when the channel attributes are updated, and returns all attributes of the channel.

Retrieving channel member count of specified channels

Method Description
getChannelMemberCount Gets the member count of specified channels.
  • You do not have to join the specified channels to call this method.
  • Uploading and downloading files or images

    Method Description
    createMediaMessageByUploading Uploads a file or image to the Agora server to get an RtmFileMessage or RtmImageMessage instance for sending channel messages and peer-to-peer messages.
    createMessage Creates a message instance. For file messages and image messages, if the corresponding files or image files have been uploaded and the media IDs are still valid, you can call this method to get a message instance for sending peer-to-peer or channel messages.
    downloadMedia Downloads a file or image file from the Agora server by media ID.

    Joining or leaving a channel

    Method Description
    createChannel Creates an RtmChannel instance.
    join Joins the channel.
    leave Leaves the channel.
    Event Description
    MemberJoined Occurs when a remote user joins the channel.
    MemberLeft Occurs when a remote member leaves the channel.
    MemberCountUpdated Occurs when the number of the channel members changes, and returns the new number.

    Channel message

    Method Description
    sendMessage Allows a channel member to send a message to all members in the channel.
    Event Description
    ChannelMessage Occurs when the local user receives a channel message.

    Retrieving a member list of the channel

    Method Description
    getMembers Retrieves a member list of the current channel.

    Call invitation management

    • API calling sequence for canceling a sent call invitation:

    • API calling sequence for accepting a received call invitation:

    • API calling sequence for declining a received call invitation:、

    Caller Method Description
    createLocalInvitation Allows the caller to create a LocalInvitation instance.
    send Allows the caller to send a call invitation to a remote user.
    cancel Allows the caller to cancel a call invitation.
    Callee Method Description
    accept Allows the callee to accept a call invitation.
    refuse Allows the callee to refuse a call invitation.
    Caller Event Description
    LocalInvitationReceivedByPeer Callback to the caller: occurs when the callee receives the call invitation.
    LocalInvitationCanceled Callback to the caller: occurs when the caller cancels an outgoing call invitation.
    LocalInvitationAccepted Callback to the caller: occurs when the callee accepts the call invitation.
    LocalInvitationRefused Callback to the caller: occurs when the callee declines the call invitation.
    LocalInvitationFailure Callback to the caller: occurs when the life cycle of an outgoing call invitation ends in failure.
    Callee Event Description
    RemoteInvitationReceived Callback to the callee: occurs when the callee receives a call invitation.
    RemoteInvitationCanceled Callback to the callee: occurs when the callee receives a call invitation.
    RemoteInvitationAccepted Callback to the callee: occurs when the callee accepts a call invitation.
    RemoteInvitationRefused Callback to the callee: occurs when the callee declines a call invitation.
    RemoteInvitationFailure Callback to the callee: occurs when the life cycle of the incoming call invitation ends in failure.

    Renew the Token

    Method Description
    renewToken Renews the current token.
    Event Description
    TokenExpired Occurs when the token expires.

    Log settings and version check

    Variable Description
    enableLogUpload Determines whether to enable log upload.
    logFilter Sets the output log level of the SDK.
    VERSION Version of the Agora RTM SDK.

    Client instance settings

    Method Description
    updateConfig Modifies the RtmClient instance configuration. The changes take effect immediately.