final int io.agora.rtc.AgoraRtcService.RtmErrCode.ERR_RTM_FAILED = 1 |
static |
1: General error. You can diagnose issues with the SDK log.
final int io.agora.rtc.AgoraRtcService.RtmErrCode.ERR_RTM_INVALID_APP_ID = 101 |
static |
101: Your App ID is invalid. Check whether your App ID is valid.
final int io.agora.rtc.AgoraRtcService.RtmErrCode.ERR_RTM_INVALID_RTM_UID = 3 |
static |
3: The RTM user ID is invalid. Check whether the RTM user ID uses supported characters.
final int io.agora.rtc.AgoraRtcService.RtmErrCode.ERR_RTM_INVALID_TOKEN = 110 |
static |
110: The RTM token is invalid. Check whether your RTM token is valid.
final int io.agora.rtc.AgoraRtcService.RtmErrCode.ERR_RTM_LOGIN_INVALID_TOKEN = 5 |
static |
5: The RTM token is invalid. Check whether your RTM token is valid.
final int io.agora.rtc.AgoraRtcService.RtmErrCode.ERR_RTM_LOGIN_NOT_AUTHORIZED = 7 |
static |
7: Unauthorized login. You must log into RTM before performing other operations.
final int io.agora.rtc.AgoraRtcService.RtmErrCode.ERR_RTM_LOGIN_REJECTED = 2 |
static |
2: Login is rejected by the server. Check whether your App ID, RTM user ID, and RTM token are valid.
final int io.agora.rtc.AgoraRtcService.RtmErrCode.ERR_RTM_OK = 0 |
static |
final int io.agora.rtc.AgoraRtcService.RtmErrCode.ERR_RTM_TOKEN_EXPIRED = 109 |
static |
109: The RTM token has expired. You need to generate a new RTM token from your app server.
final int io.agora.rtc.AgoraRtcService.RtmErrCode.WARN_RTM_LOOKUP_CHANNEL_REJECTED = 105 |
static |
105: The server rejected the request to look up RTM channel. Check whether your RTM token is valid.
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