AgoraChatSDK 1.3.1
#import <AgoraChatLocalNotificationManager.h>
Instance Methods | |
(void) | - emuserNotificationCenter:willPresentNotification:withCompletionHandler: |
(void) | - emuserNotificationCenter:didReceiveNotificationResponse:withCompletionHandler: |
(void) | - emuserNotificationCenter:openSettingsForNotification: |
(void) | - emGetNotificationMessage:state: |
(void) | - emHandleNotificationContent: |
(void) | - emDidRecivePushSilentMessage: |
The callbacks of chat message notification.
optional |
This method is called when the application received easemob push silent message
optional |
Getting push messages can be implemented only with this delegate method to uniformly get notification messages
optional |
Triggered before the notification pops up. You can modify the UNMutableNotificationContent property in the callback.
optional |
This method will be called when user open application notification. CompletionHandler must be called back
optional |
The method will be called on the delegate when the application is launched in response to the user's request to view in-app notification settings
optional |
This method will be called when application receives notification in the foreground. By completionHandle (UNNotificationPresentationOptions options) callback display style, must be the callback.