#import <AgoraChatroom.h>
◆ __deprecated_msg [1/3]
- (NSArray *occupants) __deprecated_msg |
("Use -members instead") |
Deprecated, please use - members instead. The list of members in the chat room.
◆ __deprecated_msg [2/3]
- (NSArray *whiteList) __deprecated_msg |
("Use whitelist instead") |
List of whitelist members<NSString>
Need owner's authority to access, return nil if user is not the chatroom owner.
◆ __deprecated_msg [3/3]
Deprecated, please use +chatroomWithId:
instead.Initializes chatroom instance.
- Returns
- nil
◆ chatroomWithId:
+ (instancetype _Nullable) chatroomWithId: |
(NSString *_Nonnull) |
aChatroomId |
Constructs a chatroom instance with chatroom ID.
- Parameters
aChatroomId | The chatroom ID. |
- Returns
- The chatroom instance.
- (NSInteger maxMembersCount) EM_DEPRECATED_IOS |
(3_1_0) |
(3_3_0) |
("Use -maxOccupantsCount instead") |
| |
Deprecated, please use -maxOccupantsCount instead.The maximum member number of the chat room.
- (NSArray *members) EM_DEPRECATED_IOS |
(3_1_0) |
(3_3_0) |
("Use -memberList instead") |
| |
Deprecated, please use -memberList instead. The list of members in the chat room.
- (NSInteger membersCount) EM_DEPRECATED_IOS |
(3_1_0) |
(3_3_0) |
("Use -occupantsCount instead") |
| |
Deprecated, please use -occupantsCount instead. The total number of members in the chat room.
◆ adminList
- (NSArray<NSString *>* _Nullable) adminList |
readnonatomiccopy |
The admins of the chatroom.
◆ announcement
- (NSString* _Nullable) announcement |
readnonatomiccopy |
The announcement of the chat room.
◆ blacklist
- (NSArray<NSString *>* _Nullable) blacklist |
readnonatomicstrong |
The blocklist of the chatroom.
Only the chatroom owner can call the method. Returns nil if the user is not the chatroom owner.
◆ chatroomId
- (NSString* _Nullable) chatroomId |
readnonatomiccopy |
◆ description
- (NSString* _Nullable) description |
readnonatomiccopy |
The description of chat room.
◆ isMuteAllMembers
- (BOOL) isMuteAllMembers |
readnonatomicassign |
Whether all members of the chat room are muted.
◆ maxOccupantsCount
- (NSInteger) maxOccupantsCount |
readnonatomicassign |
The maximum member number of the chat room.
◆ memberList
- (NSArray<NSString *>* _Nullable) memberList |
readnonatomiccopy |
The list of members in the chat room.
◆ muteList
- (NSArray<NSString *>* _Nullable) muteList |
readnonatomicstrong |
The list of muted members.
Only the chatroom owner can call the method. Returns nil if the user is not the chatroom owner.
◆ occupantsCount
- (NSInteger) occupantsCount |
readnonatomicassign |
The current number of members in the chat room.
◆ owner
- (NSString* _Nullable) owner |
readnonatomiccopy |
The owner of the chat room. There is only one owner per chat room.
◆ permissionType
- (AgoraChatroomPermissionType) permissionType |
readnonatomicassign |
The chatroom membership type of the current login account.
◆ subject
- (NSString* _Nullable) subject |
readnonatomiccopy |
The subject of the chat room.
◆ whitelist
- (NSArray<NSString *>* _Nullable) whitelist |
readnonatomicstrong |
The allowlist members <NSString>
Only the chatroom owner can call the method. Returns nil if the user is not the chatroom owner.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: