#import <AgoraChatLocationMessageBody.h>
@header AgoraChatLocationMessageBody.h @abstract Location message body
- Author
- Hyphenate
- Version
- 3.00 The location message body.
◆ initWithLatitude:longitude:address:
- (instancetype _Nonnull) initWithLatitude: |
(double) |
aLatitude |
longitude: |
(double) |
aLongitude |
address: |
(NSString *_Nullable) |
aAddress |
| |
Initializes a location message body instance.
- Parameters
aLatitude | The latitude. |
aLongitude | The longitude. |
aAddress | The address. |
- Returns
- The location message body instance.
◆ initWithLatitude:longitude:address:buildingName:
- (instancetype _Nonnull) initWithLatitude: |
(double) |
aLatitude |
longitude: |
(double) |
aLongitude |
address: |
(NSString *_Nullable) |
aAddress |
buildingName: |
(NSString *_Nullable) |
aBuildingName |
| |
Initialize a location message body instance
- Parameters
aLatitude | Latitude |
aLongitude | Longitude |
aAddress | Address |
aBuildingName | BuildingName |
- Returns
- Location message body instance
◆ address
- (NSString* _Nullable) address |
readwritenonatomiccopy |
◆ buildingName
- (NSString* _Nullable) buildingName |
readwritenonatomiccopy |
◆ latitude
◆ longitude
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