FetchMessageOptions constructor
- String? from,
- List<
MessageType> ? msgTypes, - int startTs = -1,
- int endTs = -1,
- bool needSave = false,
- ChatSearchDirection direction = ChatSearchDirection.Up,
~english The parameter configuration class for pulling historical messages from the server.
Param direction The message search direction, Default is ChatSearchDirection.Up. See ChatSearchDirection.
Param from The user ID of the message sender in the group conversation.
Param msgTypes The array of message types for query. The default value is null
, indicating that all types of messages are retrieved.
Param startTs The start time for message query. The time is a UNIX time stamp in milliseconds.
The default value is -1
, indicating that this parameter is ignored during message query.
If the startTs is set to a specific time spot and the endTs uses the default value -1
the SDK returns messages that are sent and received in the period that is from the start time to the current time.
If the startTs uses the default value -1
and the endTs is set to a specific time spot,
the SDK returns messages that are sent and received in the period that is from the timestamp of the first message to the current time.
Param endTs The end time for message query. The time is a UNIX time stamp in milliseconds. The default value is -1, indicating that this parameter is ignored during message query. If the startTs is set to a specific time spot and the endTs uses the default value -1, the SDK returns messages that are sent and received in the period that is from the start time to the current time. If the startTs uses the default value -1 and the endTs is set to a specific time spot, the SDK returns messages that are sent and received in the period that is from the timestamp of the first message to the current time.
Param needSave Whether to save the retrieved messages to the database:
: save to database;false
(Default):no save to database. ~end
~chinese 从服务端查询历史消息的参数配置类。
Param direction 消息搜索方向。默认为 ChatSearchDirection.Up , 详见 ChatSearchDirection。
Param from 群组会话中的消息发送方的用户 ID。
Param msgTypes 要查询的消息类型数组。默认值为 null
Param startTs 消息查询的起始时间,Unix 时间戳,单位为毫秒。默认为 -1
若 startTs 设置为特定时间点,而 endTs 采用默认值 -1
若 startTs 采用默认值 -1
,而 endTs 设置了特定时间,SDK 返回从会话中最早的消息到结束时间点的消息。
Param endTs 消息查询的结束时间,Unix 时间戳,单位为毫秒。默认为 -1,表示消息查询时会忽略该参数。 若 startTs 设置为特定时间点,而 endTs 采用默认值 -1,则查询起始时间至当前时间的消息。 若 startTs 采用默认值 -1,而 endTs 设置了特定时间,SDK 返回从会话中最早的消息到结束时间点的消息。
Param needSave 获取的消息是否保存到数据库:
(默认):不保存到数据库。 ~end
const FetchMessageOptions({
this.startTs = -1,
this.endTs = -1,
this.needSave = false,
this.direction = ChatSearchDirection.Up,