ChatVideoMessageBody constructor

  1. required String localPath,
  2. String? displayName,
  3. int? duration = 0,
  4. int? fileSize,
  5. String? thumbnailLocalPath,
  6. double? height,
  7. double? width,

~english Creates a video message.

Param localPath The local path of the video file.

Param displayName The video name.

Param duration The video duration in seconds.

Param fileSize The size of the video file in bytes.

Param thumbnailLocalPath The local path of the video thumbnail.

Param height The video height in pixels.

Param width The video width in pixels. ~end

~chinese 创建一条视频消息。

Param localPath 视频文件本地路径。

Param displayName 视频名称。

Param duration 视频时长,单位为秒。

Param fileSize 视频文件大小,单位是字节。

Param thumbnailLocalPath 视频缩略图本地路径。

Param height 视频高度,单位是像素。

Param width 视频宽度,单位是像素。 ~end


  required String localPath,
  String? displayName,
  this.duration = 0,
  int? fileSize,
}) : super(
        localPath: localPath,
        displayName: displayName,
        fileSize: fileSize,
        type: MessageType.VIDEO,