updateUserInfo method

Future<ChatUserInfo> updateUserInfo({
  1. String? nickname,
  2. String? avatarUrl,
  3. String? mail,
  4. String? phone,
  5. int? gender,
  6. String? sign,
  7. String? birth,
  8. String? ext,

~english Modifies the user attributes of the current user.

Param nickname The nickname of the user.

Param avatarUrl The avatar URL of the user.

Param mail The email address of the user.

Param phone The phone number of the user.

Param gender The gender of the user. The value can only be 0, 1, or 2. Other values are invalid.

  • 0: (Default) Unknown;
  • 1: Male;
  • 2: Female. Param sign The signature of the user.

Param birth The birthday of the user.

Param ext The custom extension information of the user. You can set it to an empty string or type custom information and encapsulate them as a JSON string.

Return The user info.

Throws A description of the exception. See ChatError. ~end

~chinese 修改当前用户的属性信息。

Param nickname 用户昵称。该昵称与推送设置中的昵称设置不同,我们建议这两种昵称的设置保持一致。设置推送昵称详见 ChatPushManager.updatePushNickname

Param avatarUrl 用户头像。

Param mail 用户邮箱。

Param phone 用户手机号。

Param gender 用户性别。

  • 0: (默认) 未知;
  • 1: 男;
  • 2: 女.

Param sign 用户签名。

Param birth 用户的生日。

Param ext 用户的自定义属性字段。该字段可为空,或设置为自定义扩展信息,封装为 JSON 字符串。

Return 用户属性信息。

Throws 如果有方法调用的异常会在这里抛出,可以看到具体错误原因。请参见 ChatError。 ~end


Future<ChatUserInfo> updateUserInfo({
  String? nickname,
  String? avatarUrl,
  String? mail,
  String? phone,
  int? gender,
  String? sign,
  String? birth,
  String? ext,
}) async {
  Map req = {};
  req.putIfNotNull("nickName", nickname);
  req.putIfNotNull("avatarUrl", avatarUrl);
  req.putIfNotNull("mail", mail);
  req.putIfNotNull("phone", phone);
  req.putIfNotNull("gender", gender);
  req.putIfNotNull("sign", sign);
  req.putIfNotNull("birth", birth);
  req.putIfNotNull("ext", ext);

  try {
    Map result =
        await _channel.invokeMethod(ChatMethodKeys.updateOwnUserInfo, req);
    ChatUserInfo info =
    _effectiveUserInfoMap[info.userId] = info;
    return info;
  } on ChatError catch (e) {
    throw e;