createChatThread method
~english Create Chat Thread.
Group members have permission. After chat thread is created, the following notices will appear:
- Members of the organization (group) to which chat thread belongs will receive the created notification event, and can listen to related events by setting ChatThreadEventHandler. The event callback function is ChatThreadEventHandler.onChatThreadCreate.
- Multiple devices will receive the notification event and you can set ChatMultiDeviceEventHandler to listen on the event. The event callback function is ChatMultiDeviceEventHandler.onChatThreadEvent, where the first parameter is the event, for example, ChatMultiDevicesEvent.CHAT_THREAD_CREATE for the chat thread creation event.
Param name
Chat Thread name. No more than 64 characters in length.
Param messageId
Parent message ID, generally refers to group message ID.
Param parentId
Parent ID, generally refers to group ID.
Return ChatThread object
Throws A description of the exception. See ChatError. ~end
~chinese 创建子区。
@note 所有群成员都可以调用。 子区创建成功后,会出现如下情况:
单设备登录时,子区所属群组的所有成员均会收到 ChatThreadEventHandler.onChatThreadCreate 。
多端多设备登录时,各设备会收到 ChatMultiDeviceEventHandler.onChatThreadEvent 回调。
Param name
要创建的子区的名称。长度不超过 64 个字符。
Param messageId
父消息 ID。
Param parentId
群组 ID。
Return 调用成功时,返回创建的子区对象;失败则抛出异常。
Throws 如果有异常会在此抛出,包括错误码和错误信息,详见 ChatError。 ~end
Future<ChatThread> createChatThread({
required String name,
required String messageId,
required String parentId,
}) async {
Map req = {
"name": name,
"messageId": messageId,
"parentId": parentId,
Map result = await _channel.invokeMethod(
try {
return ChatThread.fromJson(result[ChatMethodKeys.createChatThread]);
} on ChatError catch (e) {
throw e;