ChatThreadEventHandler constructor
- void onChatThreadCreate(
- ChatThreadEvent event
- void onChatThreadDestroy(
- ChatThreadEvent event
- void onChatThreadUpdate(
- ChatThreadEvent event
- void onUserKickOutOfChatThread(
- ChatThreadEvent event
~english The message thread listener callback.
Param onChatThreadCreate A message thread is created. All members in the group to which the thread belongs receive this callback.
Param onChatThreadDestroy A message thread is destroyed. All members in the group to which the destroyed thread belongs receive this callback.
Param onChatThreadUpdate A message thread is updated. All members in the group to which the updated thread belongs receive this callback.
Param onUserKickOutOfChatThread The current user is removed from the message thread by the group owner or a group admin to which the message thread belongs. The current user removed from the thread receives the callback. ~end
~chinese Thread 事件监听。
Param onChatThreadCreate 子区创建回调。
Param onChatThreadDestroy 子区解散事件, 子区所属群组的所有成员均可调用该方法。
Param onChatThreadUpdate 子区更新回调, 子区所属群组的所有成员均可调用该方法。
Param onUserKickOutOfChatThread 管理员移除子区用户的回调。 ~end